#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2004 Tresys Technology, LLC # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # genhomedircon - this script is used to generate file context # configuration entries for user home directories based on their # default roles and is run when building the policy. Specifically, we # replace HOME_ROOT, HOME_DIR, and ROLE macros in .fc files with # generic and user-specific values. # # Based off original script by Dan Walsh, <dwalsh@redhat.com> # # ASSUMPTIONS: # # The file CONTEXTDIR/files/homedir_template exists. This file is used to # set up the home directory context for each real user. # # If a user has more than one role in CONTEXTDIR/local.users, genhomedircon uses # the first role in the list. # # If a user is not listed in CONTEXTDIR/local.users, he will default to user_u, role user # # "Real" users (as opposed to system users) are those whose UID is greater than # or equal STARTING_UID (usually 500) and whose login is not a member of # EXCLUDE_LOGINS. Users who are explicitly defined in CONTEXTDIR/local.users # are always "real" (including root, in the default configuration). # # # Old ASSUMPTIONS: # # If a user has more than one role in FILECONTEXTDIR/users, genhomedircon uses # the first role in the list. # # If a user is not listed in FILECONTEXTDIR/users, genhomedircon assumes that # the user's home dir will be found in one of the HOME_ROOTs. # # "Real" users (as opposed to system users) are those whose UID is greater than # or equal STARTING_UID (usually 500) and whose login is not a member of # EXCLUDE_LOGINS. Users who are explicitly defined in FILECONTEXTDIR/users # are always "real" (including root, in the default configuration). # import sys, os, pwd, getopt, re EXCLUDE_LOGINS=["/sbin/nologin", "/bin/false"] # Python 2/3 wrapper def getstatusoutput_wrapper(cmd): if sys.version_info.major == 2: import commands return commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) elif sys.version_info.major == 3: import subprocess return subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) else: print("Unsupported Python major version: " + sys.version_info.major) exit(1) def getStartingUID(): starting_uid = 99999 rc=getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep -h '^UID_MIN' /etc/login.defs") if rc[0] == 0: uid_min = re.sub("^UID_MIN[^0-9]*", "", rc[1]) #stip any comment from the end of the line uid_min = uid_min.split("#")[0] uid_min = uid_min.strip() if int(uid_min) < starting_uid: starting_uid = int(uid_min) rc=getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep -h '^LU_UIDNUMBER' /etc/libuser.conf") if rc[0] == 0: lu_uidnumber = re.sub("^LU_UIDNUMBER[^0-9]*", "", rc[1]) #stip any comment from the end of the line lu_uidnumber = re.sub("[ \t].*", "", lu_uidnumber) lu_uidnumber = lu_uidnumber.split("#")[0] lu_uidnumber = lu_uidnumber.strip() if int(lu_uidnumber) < starting_uid: starting_uid = int(lu_uidnumber) if starting_uid == 99999: starting_uid = 500 return starting_uid ############################################################################# # # This section is just for backwards compatability # ############################################################################# def getPrefixes(): ulist = pwd.getpwall() STARTING_UID=getStartingUID() prefixes = {} for u in ulist: if u[2] >= STARTING_UID and \ not u[6] in EXCLUDE_LOGINS and \ u[5] != "/" and \ u[5].count("/") > 1: prefix = u[5][:u[5].rfind("/")] if not prefix in prefixes: prefixes[prefix] = "" return prefixes def getUsers(filecontextdir): rc = getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep ^user %s/users" % filecontextdir) udict = {} if rc[0] == 0: ulist = rc[1].strip().split("\n") for u in ulist: user = u.split() try: if user[1] == "user_u" or user[1] == "system_u": continue # !!! chooses first role in the list to use in the file context !!! role = user[3] if role == "{": role = user[4] role = role.split("_r")[0] home = pwd.getpwnam(user[1])[5] if home == "/": continue prefs = {} prefs["role"] = role prefs["home"] = home udict[user[1]] = prefs except KeyError: sys.stderr.write("The user \"%s\" is not present in the passwd file, skipping...\n" % user[1]) return udict def update(filecontext, user, prefs): rc=getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep -h '^HOME_DIR' %s | grep -v vmware | sed -e 's|HOME_DIR|%s|' -e 's/ROLE/%s/' -e 's/system_u/%s/'" % (filecontext, prefs["home"], prefs["role"], user)) if rc[0] == 0: print(rc[1]) else: errorExit("grep/sed error " + rc[1]) return rc def oldgenhomedircon(filecontextdir, filecontext): sys.stderr.flush() if os.path.isdir(filecontextdir) == 0: sys.stderr.write("New usage is the following\n") usage() #We are going to define home directory used by libuser and show-utils as a home directory root prefixes = {} rc=getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep -h '^HOME' /etc/default/useradd") if rc[0] == 0: homedir = rc[1].split("=")[1] homedir = homedir.split("#")[0] homedir = homedir.strip() if not homedir in prefixes: prefixes[homedir] = "" else: #rc[0] == 256 means the file was there, we read it, but the grep didn't match if rc[0] != 256: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % rc[1]) sys.stderr.write("You do not have access to /etc/default/useradd HOME=\n") sys.stderr.flush() rc=getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep -h '^LU_HOMEDIRECTORY' /etc/libuser.conf") if rc[0] == 0: homedir = rc[1].split("=")[1] homedir = homedir.split("#")[0] homedir = homedir.strip() homedir = re.sub(r"[^/a-zA-Z0-9].*$", "", homedir) if not homedir in prefixes: prefixes[homedir] = "" #the idea is that we need to find all of the home_root_t directories we do this by just accepting #any default home directory defined by either /etc/libuser.conf or /etc/default/useradd #we then get the potential home directory roots from /etc/passwd or nis or wherever and look at #the defined homedir for all users with UID > STARTING_UID. This list of possible root homedirs #is then checked to see if it has an explicite context defined in the file_contexts. Explicit #is any regex that would match it which does not end with .*$ or .+$ since those are general #recursive matches. We then take any regex which ends with [pattern](/.*)?$ and just check against #[pattern] potential_prefixes = getPrefixes() prefix_regex = {} #this works by grepping the file_contexts for # 1. ^/ makes sure this is not a comment # 2. prints only the regex in the first column first cut on \t then on space rc=getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep \"^/\" %s | cut -f 1 | cut -f 1 -d \" \" " % (sys.argv[2]) ) if rc[0] == 0: prefix_regex = rc[1].split("\n") else: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % rc[1]) sys.stderr.write("You do not have access to grep/cut/the file contexts\n") sys.stderr.flush() for potential in potential_prefixes.keys(): addme = 1 for regex in prefix_regex: #match a trailing (/*)? which is actually a bug in rpc_pipefs regex = re.sub(r"\(/\*\)\?$", "", regex) #match a trailing .+ regex = re.sub(r"\.+$", "", regex) #match a trailing .* regex = re.sub(r"\.\*$", "", regex) #strip a (/.*)? which matches anything trailing to a /*$ which matches trailing /'s regex = re.sub(r"\(\/\.\*\)\?", "", regex) regex = regex + "/*$" if re.search(regex, potential, 0): addme = 0 if addme == 1: if not potential in prefixes: prefixes[potential] = "" if prefixes.__eq__({}): sys.stderr.write("LU_HOMEDIRECTORY not set in /etc/libuser.conf\n") sys.stderr.write("HOME= not set in /etc/default/useradd\n") sys.stderr.write("And no users with a reasonable homedir found in passwd/nis/ldap/etc...\n") sys.stderr.write("Assuming /home is the root of home directories\n") sys.stderr.flush() prefixes["/home"] = "" # There may be a more elegant sed script to expand a macro to multiple lines, but this works sed_root = "h; s|^HOME_ROOT|%s|" % (prefixes.keys() + "|; p; g; s|^HOME_ROOT|") sed_dir = "h; s|^HOME_DIR|%s/[^/]+|; s|ROLE_|user_|" % (prefixes.keys() + "/[^/]+|; s|ROLE_|user_|; p; g; s|^HOME_DIR|") # Fill in HOME_ROOT, HOME_DIR, and ROLE for users not explicitly defined in /etc/security/selinux/src/policy/users rc=getstatusoutput_wrapper("sed -e \"/^HOME_ROOT/{%s}\" -e \"/^HOME_DIR/{%s}\" %s" % (sed_root, sed_dir, filecontext)) if rc[0] == 0: print(rc[1]) else: errorExit("sed error " + rc[1]) users = getUsers(filecontextdir) print("\n#\n# User-specific file contexts\n#\n") # Fill in HOME and ROLE for users that are defined for u in users.keys(): update(filecontext, u, users[u]) ############################################################################# # # End of backwards compatability section # ############################################################################# def getDefaultHomeDir(): ret = [] rc=getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep -h '^HOME' /etc/default/useradd") if rc[0] == 0: homedir = rc[1].split("=")[1] homedir = homedir.split("#")[0] homedir = homedir.strip() if not homedir in ret: ret.append(homedir) else: #rc[0] == 256 means the file was there, we read it, but the grep didn't match if rc[0] != 256: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % rc[1]) sys.stderr.write("You do not have access to /etc/default/useradd HOME=\n") sys.stderr.flush() rc=getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep -h '^LU_HOMEDIRECTORY' /etc/libuser.conf") if rc[0] == 0: homedir = rc[1].split("=")[1] homedir = homedir.split("#")[0] homedir = homedir.strip() if not homedir in ret: ret.append(homedir) else: #rc[0] == 256 means the file was there, we read it, but the grep didn't match if rc[0] != 256: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % rc[1]) sys.stderr.write("You do not have access to /etc/libuser.conf LU_HOMEDIRECTORY=\n") sys.stderr.flush() if ret == []: ret.append("/home") return ret def getSELinuxType(directory): rc=getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep ^SELINUXTYPE= %s/config" % directory) if rc[0]==0: return rc[1].split("=")[-1].strip() return "targeted" def usage(error = ""): if error != "": sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % error) sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s [ -d selinuxdir ] [-n | --nopasswd] [-t selinuxtype ]\n" % sys.argv[0]) sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(1) def warning(warning = ""): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % warning) sys.stderr.flush() def errorExit(error): sys.stderr.write("%s exiting for: " % sys.argv[0]) sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % error) sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(1) class selinuxConfig: def __init__(self, selinuxdir="/etc/selinux", setype="targeted", usepwd=1): self.setype=setype self.selinuxdir=selinuxdir +"/" self.contextdir="/contexts" self.filecontextdir=self.contextdir+"/files" self.usepwd=usepwd def getFileContextDir(self): return self.selinuxdir+self.setype+self.filecontextdir def getFileContextFile(self): return self.getFileContextDir()+"/file_contexts" def getContextDir(self): return self.selinuxdir+self.setype+self.contextdir def getHomeDirTemplate(self): return self.getFileContextDir()+"/homedir_template" def getHomeRootContext(self, homedir): rc=getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep HOME_ROOT %s | sed -e \"s|^HOME_ROOT|%s|\"" % ( self.getHomeDirTemplate(), homedir)) if rc[0] == 0: return rc[1]+"\n" else: errorExit("sed error " + rc[1]) def getUsersFile(self): return self.selinuxdir+self.setype+"/users/local.users" def getSystemUsersFile(self): return self.selinuxdir+self.setype+"/users/system.users" def heading(self): ret = "\n#\n#\n# User-specific file contexts, generated via %s\n" % sys.argv[0] ret += "# edit %s to change file_context\n#\n#\n" % self.getUsersFile() return ret def getUsers(self): users="" rc = getstatusoutput_wrapper('grep "^user" %s' % self.getSystemUsersFile()) if rc[0] == 0: users+=rc[1]+"\n" rc = getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep ^user %s" % self.getUsersFile()) if rc[0] == 0: users+=rc[1] udict = {} prefs = {} if users != "": ulist = users.split("\n") for u in ulist: user = u.split() try: if len(user)==0 or user[1] == "user_u" or user[1] == "system_u": continue # !!! chooses first role in the list to use in the file context !!! role = user[3] if role == "{": role = user[4] role = role.split("_r")[0] home = pwd.getpwnam(user[1])[5] if home == "/": continue prefs = {} prefs["role"] = role prefs["home"] = home udict[user[1]] = prefs except KeyError: sys.stderr.write("The user \"%s\" is not present in the passwd file, skipping...\n" % user[1]) return udict def getHomeDirContext(self, user, home, role): ret="\n\n#\n# Context for user %s\n#\n\n" % user rc=getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep '^HOME_DIR' %s | sed -e 's|HOME_DIR|%s|' -e 's/ROLE/%s/' -e 's/system_u/%s/'" % (self.getHomeDirTemplate(), home, role, user)) return ret + rc[1] + "\n" def genHomeDirContext(self): users = self.getUsers() ret="" # Fill in HOME and ROLE for users that are defined for u in users.keys(): ret += self.getHomeDirContext (u, users[u]["home"], users[u]["role"]) return ret+"\n" def checkExists(self, home): if getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep -E '^%s[^[:alnum:]_-]' %s" % (home, self.getFileContextFile()))[0] == 0: return 0 #this works by grepping the file_contexts for # 1. ^/ makes sure this is not a comment # 2. prints only the regex in the first column first cut on \t then on space rc=getstatusoutput_wrapper("grep \"^/\" %s | cut -f 1 | cut -f 1 -d \" \" " % self.getFileContextFile() ) if rc[0] == 0: prefix_regex = rc[1].split("\n") else: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % rc[1]) sys.stderr.write("You do not have access to grep/cut/the file contexts\n") sys.stderr.flush() exists=1 for regex in prefix_regex: #match a trailing (/*)? which is actually a bug in rpc_pipefs regex = re.sub(r"\(/\*\)\?$", "", regex) #match a trailing .+ regex = re.sub(r"\.+$", "", regex) #match a trailing .* regex = re.sub(r"\.\*$", "", regex) #strip a (/.*)? which matches anything trailing to a /*$ which matches trailing /'s regex = re.sub(r"\(\/\.\*\)\?", "", regex) regex = regex + "/*$" if re.search(regex, home, 0): exists = 0 break if exists == 1: return 1 else: return 0 def getHomeDirs(self): homedirs = [] homedirs = homedirs + getDefaultHomeDir() starting_uid=getStartingUID() if self.usepwd==0: return homedirs ulist = pwd.getpwall() for u in ulist: if u[2] >= starting_uid and \ not u[6] in EXCLUDE_LOGINS and \ u[5] != "/" and \ u[5].count("/") > 1: homedir = u[5][:u[5].rfind("/")] if not homedir in homedirs: if self.checkExists(homedir)==0: warning("%s is already defined in %s,\n%s will not create a new context." % (homedir, self.getFileContextFile(), sys.argv[0])) else: homedirs.append(homedir) homedirs.sort() return homedirs def genoutput(self): ret= self.heading() for h in self.getHomeDirs(): ret += self.getHomeDirContext ("user_u" , h+'/[^/]*', "user") ret += self.getHomeRootContext(h) ret += self.genHomeDirContext() return ret def printout(self): print(self.genoutput()) def write(self): try: fd = open(self.getFileContextDir()+"/file_contexts.homedirs", "w") fd.write(self.genoutput()) fd.close() except IOError as error: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % ( sys.argv[0], error )) # # This script will generate home dir file context # based off the homedir_template file, entries in the password file, and # try: usepwd=1 directory="/etc/selinux" setype=None gopts, cmds = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'nd:t:', ['help', 'type=', 'nopasswd', 'dir=']) for o,a in gopts: if o == '--type' or o == "-t": setype=a if o == '--nopasswd' or o == "-n": usepwd=0 if o == '--dir' or o == "-d": directory=a if o == '--help': usage() if setype is None: setype=getSELinuxType(directory) if len(cmds) == 2: oldgenhomedircon(cmds[0], cmds[1]) sys.exit(0) if len(cmds) != 0: usage() selconf=selinuxConfig(directory, setype, usepwd) selconf.write() except Exception as error: errorExit(error)