When using setfiles to validate file contexts of Debian modular policy
(with DISTRO=debian and MONOLITHIC=n), it fails with:
tmp/all_mods.fc: line 527 is missing fields
tmp/all_mods.fc: line 527 is missing fields
tmp/all_mods.fc: Invalid argument
Here is the content of tmp/all_mods.fc around line 527:
# this is a static /dev dir "backup mount"
# if you want to disable udev, youll have to boot permissive and relabel!
/dev/\.static -d system_u:object_r:device_t
/dev/\.static/dev -d system_u:object_r:device_t
/dev/\.static/dev/(.*)? <<none>>
The quote of "you'll" has been eaten by m4 and there is a spurious quote
on the last line, which is reported by setfiles. Fix this by removing
the quote in the comment.
Here is an example of a failed build on Travis-CI:
* reorder file contexts
* rename getty_var_run_t into getty_runtime_t and getty_etc_t into getty_conf_t
* remove unneeded and confusing init permissions
* delete access on generic pids
* remove invalid etc filetrans: getty has no create permissions for its config files
* restrict logfile access
These are needed by several patches I'm about to send.
Description: some new interfaces for init/systemd
Author: Russell Coker <russell@coker.com.au>
Last-Update: 2017-02-24
This patch defines rw_inherited_file_perms. It's needed by a few patches
I'm going to send soon so I need to get it in before they go in.
Also it's generally a good thing to have. We should reconsider some of the
other policy for whether it should use this.
When with systemd a program does not ship a systemd unit file but only a init script, systemd creates a pseudo service on the fly.
To be able to act on this service, add the target attribute init_script_file_type to the init_ACTION_all_units interfaces.
Useful for monit.