The point of lspconfig is to provide the minimal configuration necessary for a server to act in compliance with the language server protocol. In general, if a server requires custom client-side commands or off-spec handlers, then the server configuration should be added *without* those in lspconfig and receive a dedicated plugin such as nvim-jdtls, nvim-metals, etc.
When choosing a config name, convert dashes (`-`) to underscores (`_`). If the name of the server is a unique name (`pyright`, `clangd`) or a commonly used abbreviation (`zls`), prefer this as the server name. If the server instead follows the pattern x-language-server, prefer the convention `x_ls` (`jsonnet_ls`).
*`cmd`: a list which includes the executable name as the first entry, with arguments constituting subsequent list elements (`--stdio` is common).
cmd = { 'typescript-language-server', '--stdio' }
*`filetypes`: list of filetypes that should activate this config.
*`root_dir`: function which returns the root of the project, used to decide if lspconfig should launch a new language server, or attach a previously launched server when you open a new buffer matching the filetype of the server.
*`init_options`: table sent during initialization, corresponding to `initializationOptions` sent in [initializeParams]( as part of the first request sent from client to server during startup.
*`settings`: table sent during [`workspace/didChangeConfiguration`]( shortly after server initialization. This is an undocumented convention for most language servers. There is often some duplication with `initOptions`.