# Node Mixin

_This is a work in progress. We aim for it to become a good role model for alerts
and dashboards eventually, but it is not quite there yet._

The Node Mixin is a set of configurable, reusable, and extensible alerts and
dashboards based on the metrics exported by the Node Exporter. The mixin creates
recording and alerting rules for Prometheus and suitable dashboard descriptions
for Grafana.

To use them, you need to have `jsonnet` (v0.16+) and `jb` installed. If you
have a working Go development environment, it's easiest to run the following:

go install github.com/google/go-jsonnet/cmd/jsonnet@latest
go install github.com/google/go-jsonnet/cmd/jsonnetfmt@latest
go install github.com/jsonnet-bundler/jsonnet-bundler/cmd/jb@latest

Next, install the dependencies by running the following command in this

jb install

You can then build the Prometheus rules files `node_alerts.yaml` and

make node_alerts.yaml node_rules.yaml

You can also build a directory `dashboard_out` with the JSON dashboard files
for Grafana:

make dashboards_out

Note that some of the generated dashboards require recording rules specified in
the previously generated `node_rules.yaml`.

For more advanced uses of mixins, see