
75 lines
2.0 KiB

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$subprojects = "subprojects"
if (-not (Test-Path $subprojects)) {
New-Item -Path $subprojects -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
$projects = @(
Path = "$subprojects/ffmpeg.wrap"
URL = ""
Revision = "meson-6.1"
Provides = @(
"libavcodec = libavcodec_dep",
"libavdevice = libavdevice_dep",
"libavfilter = libavfilter_dep",
"libavformat = libavformat_dep",
"libavutil = libavutil_dep",
"libswresample = libswresample_dep",
"libswscale = libswscale_dep"
Path = "$subprojects/libass.wrap"
URL = ""
Revision = "master"
Path = "$subprojects/libplacebo.wrap"
URL = ""
Revision = "master"
# Remove harfbuzz wrap once the new version with build fixes is released.
Path = "$subprojects/harfbuzz.wrap"
URL = ""
Revision = "main"
Provides = @(
"harfbuzz = libharfbuzz_dep"
foreach ($project in $projects) {
$content = @"
url = $($project.URL)
revision = $($project.Revision)
depth = 1
clone-recursive = true
if ($project.ContainsKey('Provides')) {
$provide = "[provide]`n$($project.Provides -join "`n")"
$content += "`n$provide"
Set-Content -Path $project.Path -Value $content
meson setup build `
-Ddefault_library=static `
-Dlibmpv=true `
-Dtests=true `
-Dgpl=true `
-Dffmpeg:gpl=enabled `
-Dffmpeg:tests=disabled `
-Dffmpeg:programs=disabled `
-Dlcms2:fastfloat=true `
-Dlibplacebo:demos=false `
-Dlibplacebo:lcms=enabled `
-Dlibplacebo:vulkan=enabled `
ninja -C build mpv.exe libmpv.a
./build/ -v --no-config