
28 lines
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#pragma once
#include "video/out/gpu/ra.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "utils.h"
struct ra *ra_create_vk(struct mpvk_ctx *vk, struct mp_log *log);
// Access to the VkDevice is needed for swapchain creation
VkDevice ra_vk_get_dev(struct ra *ra);
// Allocates a ra_tex that wraps a swapchain image. The contents of the image
// will be invalidated, and access to it will only be internally synchronized.
// So the calling could should not do anything else with the VkImage.
struct ra_tex *ra_vk_wrap_swapchain_img(struct ra *ra, VkImage vkimg,
VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR info);
// This function finalizes rendering, transitions `tex` (which must be a
// wrapped swapchain image) into a format suitable for presentation, and returns
// the resulting command buffer (or NULL on error). The caller may add their
// own semaphores to this command buffer, and must submit it afterwards.
struct vk_cmd *ra_vk_submit(struct ra *ra, struct ra_tex *tex);
// May be called on a struct ra of any type. Returns NULL if the ra is not
// a vulkan ra.
struct mpvk_ctx *ra_vk_get(struct ra *ra);