
654 lines
19 KiB

a movie player
:Copyright: GPLv2+
:Manual section: 1
:Manual group: multimedia
| **mpv** [options] [file|URL|-]
| **mpv** [options] --playlist=PLAYLIST
| **mpv** [options] files
| **mpv** bd://[title][/device] [options]
| **mpv** bdnav://[title][/device] [options]
| **mpv** dvd://[title|[start\_title]-end\_title][/device] [options]
| **mpv** dvdnav://[longest|menu|title][/device] [options]
| **mpv** \tv://[channel][/input_id] [options]
| **mpv** \pvr:// [options]
| **mpv** \dvb://[card\_number@]channel [options]
| **mpv** \mf://[filemask|\@listfile] [-mf options] [options]
| **mpv** cdda://track[-endtrack][:speed][/device] [options]
| **mpv** [file|mms[t]|http|httpproxy|rt[s]p|ftp|udp|smb]://[user:pass\@]URL[:port] [options]
| **mpv** edl://[edl specification as in edl-mpv.rst]
**mpv** is a movie player based on MPlayer and mplayer2. It supports a wide variety of video
file formats, audio and video codecs, and subtitle types. Special input URL
types are available to read input from a variety of sources other than disk
files. Depending on platform, a variety of different video and audio output
methods are supported.
Usage examples to get you started quickly can be found at the end of this man
mpv has a fully configurable, command-driven control layer which allows you
to control mpv using keyboard, mouse, joystick or remote control (with
LIRC). See the ``--input-`` options for ways to customize it.
Keyboard Control
Seek backward/forward 10 seconds. Shift+arrow does a 1 second exact seek
(see ``--hr-seek``).
Seek forward/backward 1 minute. Shift+arrow does a 5 second exact seek (see
Seek forward/backward 10 minutes.
[ and ]
Decrease/increase current playback speed by 10%.
{ and }
Halve/double current playback speed.
Reset playback speed to normal.
< and >
Go backward/forward in the playlist.
Go forward in the playlist, even over the end.
Pause (pressing again unpauses).
Step forward. Pressing once will pause movie, every consecutive press will
play one frame and then go into pause mode again.
Step backward. Pressing once will pause movie, every consecutive press will
play one frame in reverse and then go into pause mode again.
q / ESC
Stop playing and quit.
Like ``q``, but store the current playback position. Playing the same file
later will resume at the old playback position if possible.
Stop playing (and quit if ``--idle`` is not used).
\+ and -
Adjust audio delay by +/- 0.1 seconds.
/ and *
Decrease/increase volume.
9 and 0
Decrease/increase volume.
( and )
Adjust audio balance in favor of left/right channel.
Mute sound.
Cycle through the available video tracks.
Cycle through the available audio tracks.
TAB (MPEG-TS and libavformat only)
Cycle through the available programs.
Toggle fullscreen (see also ``--fs``).
Toggle stay-on-top (see also ``--ontop``).
w and e
Decrease/increase pan-and-scan range.
Toggle OSD states: none / seek / seek + timer / seek + timer + total time.
Toggle frame dropping states: none / skip display / skip decoding (see
Toggle subtitle visibility.
j and J
Cycle through the available subtitles.
Toggle displaying "forced subtitles".
x and z
Adjust subtitle delay by +/- 0.1 seconds.
Toggle subtitle VSFilter aspect compatibility mode. See
``--ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat`` for more info.
r and t
Move subtitles up/down.
Take a screenshot.
Take a screenshot, without subtitles. (Whether this works depends on VO
driver support.)
Show filename on the OSD.
Show progression bar, elapsed time and total duration on the OSD.
! and @
Seek to the beginning of the previous/next chapter. In most cases,
"previous" will actually go to the beginning of the current chapter; see
D (``--vo=vdpau``, ``--vf=yadif`` only)
Activate/deactivate deinterlacer.
Cycle through the available DVD angles.
Change YUV colorspace.
(The following keys are valid only when using a video output that supports the
corresponding adjustment, or the software equalizer (``--vf=eq``).)
1 and 2
Adjust contrast.
3 and 4
Adjust brightness.
5 and 6
Adjust gamma.
7 and 8
Adjust saturation.
(The following keys are valid only on OSX.)
command + 0
Resize movie window to half its original size.
(On other platforms, you can bind keys to change the ``window-scale``
command + 1
Resize movie window to its original size.
command + 2
Resize movie window to double its original size.
command + f
Toggle fullscreen (see also ``--fs``).
command + [ and command + ]
Set movie window alpha.
(The following keys are valid if you have a keyboard with multimedia keys.)
Stop playing and quit.
Seek backward/forward 1 minute.
(The following keys are only valid if you compiled with TV or DVB input
h and k
Select previous/next channel.
Change norm.
Change channel list.
Mouse Control
button 3 and button 4
Seek backward/forward 1 minute.
button 5 and button 6
Decrease/increase volume.
Every *flag* option has a *no-flag* counterpart, e.g. the opposite of the
``--fs`` option is ``--no-fs``. ``--fs=yes`` is same as ``--fs``, ``--fs=no``
is the same as ``--no-fs``.
If an option is marked as *(XXX only)*, it will only work in combination with
the *XXX* option or if *XXX* is compiled in.
.. note::
The suboption parser (used for example for ``--ao=pcm`` suboptions)
supports a special kind of string-escaping intended for use with external
It has the following format::
.. admonition:: Examples
``mpv --ao=pcm:file=%10%C:test.wav test.avi``
Or in a script:
``mpv --ao=pcm:file=%`expr length "$NAME"`%"$NAME" test.avi``
Some care must be taken when passing arbitrary paths and filenames to mpv. For
example, paths starting with ``-`` will be interpreted as options. Likewise,
if a path contains the sequence ``://``, the string before that might be
interpreted as protocol prefix, even though ``://`` can be part of a legal
UNIX path. To avoid problems with arbitrary paths, you should be sure that
absolute paths passed to mpv start with ``/``, and relative paths with ``./``.
The name ``-`` itself is interpreted as stdin, and will cause mpv to disable
console controls. (Which makes it suitable for playing data piped to stdin.)
For paths passed to suboptions, the situation is further complicated by the
need to escape special characters. To work this around, the path can be
additionally wrapped in the ``%n%string_of_length_n`` syntax (see above).
Some mpv options interpret paths starting with ``~``. Currently, the prefix
``~~/`` expands to the mpv configuration directory (usually ``~/.mpv/``).
``~/`` expands to the user's home directory. (The trailing ``/`` is always
Per-File Options
When playing multiple files, any option given on the command line usually
affects all files. Example::
mpv --a file1.mkv --b file2.mkv --c
=============== ===========================
File Active options
=============== ===========================
file1.mkv ``--a --b --c``
file2.mkv ``--a --b --c``
=============== ===========================
(This is different from MPlayer and mplayer2.)
Also, if any option is changed at runtime (via input commands), they are not
reset when a new file is played.
Sometimes, it is useful to change options per-file. This can be achieved by
adding the special per-file markers ``--{`` and ``--}``. (Note that you must
escape these on some shells.) Example::
mpv --a file1.mkv --b --\{ --c file2.mkv --d file3.mkv --e --\} file4.mkv --f
=============== ===========================
File Active options
=============== ===========================
file1.mkv ``--a --b --f``
file2.mkv ``--a --b --f --c --d --e``
file3.mkv ``--a --b --f --c --d --e``
file4.mkv ``--a --b --f``
=============== ===========================
Additionally, any file-local option changed at runtime is reset when the current
file stops playing. If option ``--c`` is changed during playback of
``file2.mkv``, it is reset when advancing to ``file3.mkv``. This only affects
file-local options. The option ``--a`` is never reset here.
Location and Syntax
You can put all of the options in configuration files which will be read every
time mpv is run. The system-wide configuration file 'mpv.conf' is in your
configuration directory (e.g. ``/etc/mpv`` or ``/usr/local/etc/mpv``), the
user-specific one is ``~/.mpv/config``.
User-specific options override system-wide options and options given on the
command line override either. The syntax of the configuration files is
``option=<value>``; everything after a *#* is considered a comment. Options
that work without values can be enabled by setting them to *yes* and disabled by
setting them to *no*. Even suboptions can be specified in this way.
.. admonition:: Example configuration file
# Use opengl video output by default.
# Use quotes for text that can contain spaces:
status-msg="Time: ${time-pos}"
Putting Command Line Options into the Configuration File
Almost all command line options can be put into the configuration file. Here
is a small guide:
======================= ========================
Option Configuration file entry
======================= ========================
``--flag`` ``flag``
``-opt val`` ``opt=val``
``--opt=val`` ``opt=val``
``-opt "has spaces"`` ``opt="has spaces"``
======================= ========================
File-specific Configuration Files
You can also write file-specific configuration files. If you wish to have a
configuration file for a file called 'movie.avi', create a file named
'movie.avi.conf' with the file-specific options in it and put it in
``~/.mpv/``. You can also put the configuration file in the same directory
as the file to be played, as long as you give the ``--use-filedir-conf``
option (either on the command line or in your global config file). If a
file-specific configuration file is found in the same directory, no
file-specific configuration is loaded from ``~/.mpv``. In addition, the
``--use-filedir-conf`` option enables directory-specific configuration files.
For this, mpv first tries to load a mpv.conf from the same directory
as the file played and then tries to load any file-specific configuration.
To ease working with different configurations, profiles can be defined in the
configuration files. A profile starts with its name in square brackets,
e.g. ``[my-profile]``. All following options will be part of the profile. A
description (shown by ``--profile=help``) can be defined with the
``profile-desc`` option. To end the profile, start another one or use the
profile name ``default`` to continue with normal options.
.. admonition:: Example mpv profile
# Use hardware decoding (might break playback of some h264 files)
profile-desc="profile for dvd:// streams"
profile-desc="profile for .flv files"
Screenshots of the currently played file can be taken using the 'screenshot'
input mode command, which is by default bound to the ``s`` key. Files named
``shotNNNN.jpg`` will be saved in the working directory, using the first
available number - no files will be overwritten.
A screenshot will usually contain the unscaled video contents at the end of the
video filter chain and subtitles. By default, ``S`` takes screenshots without
subtitles, while ``s`` includes subtitles.
The ``screenshot`` video filter is not required when using a recommended GUI
video output driver. It should normally not be added to the config file, as
taking screenshots is handled by the VOs, and adding the screenshot filter will
break hardware decoding. (The filter may still be useful for taking screenshots
at a certain point within the video chain when using multiple video filters.)
.. include:: options.rst
.. include:: ao.rst
.. include:: vo.rst
.. include:: af.rst
.. include:: vf.rst
.. include:: encode.rst
.. include:: input.rst
.. include:: osc.rst
.. include:: lua.rst
.. include:: changes.rst
There are a number of environment variables that can be used to control the
behavior of mpv.
Used to determine mpv config directory: ``$HOME/.mpv``
Used to determine terminal type.
Directory where mpv looks for user settings. Overrides ``HOME``, and mpv
will try to load the config file as ``$MPV_HOME/config``.
``MPV_VERBOSE`` (see also ``-v`` and ``--msg-level``)
Set the initial verbosity level across all message modules (default: 0).
This is an integer, and the resulting verbosity corresponds to the number
of ``--v`` options passed to the command line.
If set to ``1``, enable internal talloc leak reporting. Note that this can
cause trouble with multithreading, so only developers should use this.
Specifies the search path for LADSPA plugins. If it is unset, fully
qualified path names must be used.
Standard X11 display name to use.
This library accesses various environment variables. However, they are not
centrally documented, and documenting them is not our job. Therefore, this
list is incomplete.
Notable environment variables:
URL to proxy for ``http://`` and ``https://`` URLs.
List of domain patterns for which no proxy should be used.
List entries are separated by ``,``. Patterns can include ``*``.
Specify a directory in which to store title key values. This will
speed up descrambling of DVDs which are in the cache. The
``DVDCSS_CACHE`` directory is created if it does not exist, and a
subdirectory is created named after the DVD's title or manufacturing
date. If ``DVDCSS_CACHE`` is not set or is empty, libdvdcss will use
the default value which is ``${HOME}/.dvdcss/`` under Unix and
the roaming application data directory (``%APPDATA%``) under
Windows. The special value "off" disables caching.
Sets the authentication and decryption method that libdvdcss will use
to read scrambled discs. Can be one of ``title``, ``key`` or ``disc``.
is the default method. libdvdcss will use a set of calculated
player keys to try and get the disc key. This can fail if the drive
does not recognize any of the player keys.
is a fallback method when key has failed. Instead of using player
keys, libdvdcss will crack the disc key using a brute force
algorithm. This process is CPU intensive and requires 64 MB of
memory to store temporary data.
is the fallback when all other methods have failed. It does not
rely on a key exchange with the DVD drive, but rather uses a crypto
attack to guess the title key. On rare cases this may fail because
there is not enough encrypted data on the disc to perform a
statistical attack, but on the other hand it is the only way to
decrypt a DVD stored on a hard disc, or a DVD with the wrong region
on an RPC2 drive.
Specify the raw device to use. Exact usage will depend on your
operating system, the Linux utility to set up raw devices is raw(8)
for instance. Please note that on most operating systems, using a raw
device requires highly aligned buffers: Linux requires a 2048 bytes
alignment (which is the size of a DVD sector).
Sets the libdvdcss verbosity level.
:0: Outputs no messages at all.
:1: Outputs error messages to stderr.
:2: Outputs error messages and debug messages to stderr.
Skip retrieving all keys on startup. Currently disabled.
FIXME: Document this.
Normally **mpv** returns 0 as exit code after finishing playback successfully.
If errors happen, the following exit codes can be returned:
:1: Error initializing mpv. This is also returned if unknown options are
passed to mpv.
:2: The file passed to mpv couldn't be played. This is somewhat fuzzy:
currently, playback of a file is considered to be successful if
initialization was mostly successful, even if playback fails
immediately after initialization.
:3: There were some files that could be played, and some files which
couldn't (using the definition of success from above).
Note that quitting the player manually will always lead to exit code 0,
overriding the exit code that would be returned normally. Also, the ``quit``
input command can take an exit code: in this case, that exit code is returned.
mpv system-wide settings (depends on ``--prefix`` passed to configure)
mpv user settings
input bindings (see ``--input-keylist`` for the full list)
All files in this directly are loaded as if they were passed to the
``--lua`` option. They are loaded in alphabetical order, and sub-directories
and files with no ``.lua`` extension are ignored. The ``--load-scripts=no``
option disables loading these files.
Blu-ray playback:
- ``mpv bd:////path/to/disc``
- ``mpv bd:// --bluray-device=/path/to/disc``
Play in Japanese with English subtitles:
``mpv dvd://1 --alang=ja --slang=en``
Play only chapters 5, 6, 7:
``mpv dvd://1 --chapter=5-7``
Play only titles 5, 6, 7:
``mpv dvd://5-7``
Play a multiangle DVD:
``mpv dvd://1 --dvd-angle=2``
Play from a different DVD device:
``mpv dvd://1 --dvd-device=/dev/dvd2``
Play DVD video from a directory with VOB files:
``mpv dvd://1 --dvd-device=/path/to/directory/``
Stream from HTTP:
Stream using RTSP:
``mpv rtsp://``
Play a libavfilter graph:
``mpv avdevice://lavfi:mandelbrot``
mpv is a MPlayer fork based on mplayer2, which in turn is a fork of MPlayer.
MPlayer was initially written by Arpad Gereoffy. See the ``AUTHORS`` file for
a list of some of the many other contributors.
MPlayer is (C) 2000-2013 The MPlayer Team
This man page was written mainly by Gabucino, Jonas Jermann and Diego Biurrun.