mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv
205 lines
7.4 KiB
205 lines
7.4 KiB
import os
import inflector
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from waflib.ConfigSet import ConfigSet
from waflib import Utils
__all__ = [
"check_pkg_config", "check_pkg_config_mixed", "check_pkg_config_mixed_all",
"check_pkg_config_cflags", "check_cc", "check_statement", "check_libs",
"check_headers", "compose_checks", "any_check", "check_true", "any_version",
"load_fragment", "check_stub", "check_ctx_vars", "check_program",
"check_pkg_config_datadir", "check_macos_sdk"]
any_version = None
def even(n):
return n % 2 == 0
def __define_options__(dependency_identifier):
return inflector.define_dict(dependency_identifier)
def __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, *args):
options_accu = inflector.storage_dict(dependency_identifier)
options_accu['mandatory'] = False
[options_accu.update(arg) for arg in args if arg]
return options_accu
def _filter_cc_arguments(ctx, opts):
if ctx.env.DEST_OS != Utils.unversioned_sys_platform():
# cross compiling, remove execute=True if present
if opts.get('execute'):
opts['execute'] = False
return opts
def check_program(name, var):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
return ctx.find_program(name, var=var, mandatory=False)
return fn
def check_libs(libs, function):
libs = [None] + libs
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
for lib in libs:
kwargs = lib and {'lib': lib} or {}
if function(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kwargs):
return True
return False
return fn
def check_statement(header, statement, **kw_ext):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kw):
headers = header
if not isinstance(headers, list):
headers = [header]
hs = "\n".join(["#include <{0}>".format(h) for h in headers])
fragment = ("{0}\n"
"int main(int argc, char **argv)\n"
"{{ {1}; return 0; }}").format(hs, statement)
opts = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier,
kw_ext, kw)
return ctx.check_cc(**_filter_cc_arguments(ctx, opts))
return fn
def check_cc(**kw_ext):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kw):
options = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier,
kw_ext, kw)
return ctx.check_cc(**_filter_cc_arguments(ctx, options))
return fn
def check_pkg_config(*args, **kw_ext):
return _check_pkg_config([], ["--libs", "--cflags"], *args, **kw_ext)
def check_pkg_config_mixed(_dyn_libs, *args, **kw_ext):
return _check_pkg_config([_dyn_libs], ["--libs", "--cflags"], *args, **kw_ext)
def check_pkg_config_mixed_all(*all_args, **kw_ext):
args = [all_args[i] for i in [n for n in range(0, len(all_args)) if n % 3]]
return _check_pkg_config(all_args[::3], ["--libs", "--cflags"], *args, **kw_ext)
def check_pkg_config_cflags(*args, **kw_ext):
return _check_pkg_config([], ["--cflags"], *args, **kw_ext)
def check_pkg_config_datadir(*args, **kw_ext):
return _check_pkg_config([], ["--variable=pkgdatadir"], *args, **kw_ext)
def _check_pkg_config(_dyn_libs, _pkgc_args, *args, **kw_ext):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kw):
argsl = list(args)
packages = args[::2]
verchecks = args[1::2]
sargs = []
pkgc_args = _pkgc_args
dyn_libs = {}
for i in range(0, len(packages)):
if i < len(verchecks):
sargs.append(packages[i] + ' ' + verchecks[i])
if _dyn_libs and _dyn_libs[i]:
dyn_libs[packages[i]] = _dyn_libs[i]
if ctx.dependency_satisfied('static-build') and not dyn_libs:
pkgc_args += ["--static"]
defaults = {
'path': ctx.env.PKG_CONFIG,
'package': " ".join(packages),
'args': sargs + pkgc_args }
opts = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, defaults, kw_ext, kw)
# Warning! Megahack incoming: when parsing flags in `parse_flags` waf
# uses append_unique. This appends the flags only if they aren't
# already present in the list. This causes breakage if one checks for
# multiple pkg-config packages in a single call as stuff like -lm is
# added only at its first occurrence.
original_append_unique = ConfigSet.append_unique
ConfigSet.append_unique = ConfigSet.append_value
result = ctx.check_cfg(**opts)
ConfigSet.append_unique = original_append_unique
defkey = inflector.define_key(dependency_identifier)
if result:
ctx.define(defkey, 1)
for x in dyn_libs.keys():
ctx.env['LIB_'+x] += dyn_libs[x]
"'{0}' not found".format(" ".join(sargs)))
return result
return fn
def check_headers(*headers, **kw_ext):
def undef_others(ctx, headers, found):
not_found_hs = set(headers) - {found}
for not_found_h in not_found_hs:
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
for header in headers:
defaults = {'header_name': header, 'features': 'c cprogram'}
options = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, defaults, kw_ext)
if ctx.check(**options):
undef_others(ctx, headers, header)
ctx.define(inflector.define_key(dependency_identifier), 1)
return True
undef_others(ctx, headers, None)
return False
return fn
def check_true(ctx, dependency_identifier):
ctx.define(inflector.define_key(dependency_identifier), 1)
return True
def check_ctx_vars(*variables):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
missing = []
for variable in variables:
if variable not in ctx.env:
if any(missing):
'missing {0}'.format(', '.join(missing)))
return False
return True
return fn
def check_stub(ctx, dependency_identifier):
return False
def compose_checks(*checks):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
return all([check(ctx, dependency_identifier) for check in checks])
return fn
def any_check(*checks):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
return any(check(ctx, dependency_identifier) for check in checks)
return fn
def load_fragment(fragment):
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'fragments',
fp = open(file_path,"r")
fragment_code = fp.read()
return fragment_code
def check_macos_sdk(version):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
if StrictVersion(ctx.env.MACOS_SDK_VERSION) >= StrictVersion(version):
ctx.define(inflector.define_key(dependency_identifier), 1)
return True
return False
return fn