
311 lines
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.. _input:
The input.conf file consists of a list of key bindings, for example:
| s screenshot # take a screenshot with the s key
Each line maps a key to an input command. Keys are specified with their literal
value (upper case if combined with ``Shift``), or a name for special keys. For
example, ``a`` maps to the ``a`` key without shift, and ``A`` maps to ``a``
with shift.
A list of special keys can be obtained with
| **mplayer** --input=keylist
In general, keys can be combined with ``Shift``, ``Ctrl`` and ``Alt``:
| ctrl+q quit
General input command syntax
`[Shift+][Ctrl+][Alt+][Meta+]<key> [<prefix>] <command> (<argument>)*`
Newlines always start a new binding. ``#`` starts a comment (outside of quoted
string arguments). To bind commands to the ``#`` key, ``SHARP`` can be used.
<key> is either the literal character the key produces (ASCII or unicode
character), or a symbol name.
Arguments are separated by whitespace. This applies even to string arguments.
For this reason, string arguments should be quoted with ``"``. Inside quotes,
C style escaping can be used.
Optional arguments can be skipped with ``-``.
List of input commands
Use this to "block" keys that should be unbound, and do nothing. Useful for
disabling default bindings, without disabling all bindings with
seek <seconds> [relative|absolute|absolute-percent] [default-precise|exact|keyframes]
Change the playback position. By default, seeks by a relative amount of
The second argument sets the seek mode:
relative (default)
Seek relative to current position (a negative value seeks backwards).
Seek to a given time.
Seek to agiven percent position.
The third argument defines how exact the seek is:
default-precise (default)
Follow the default behavior as set by ``--hr-seek``, which by default
does imprecise seeks (like ``keyframes``).
Always do exact/hr/precise seeks (slow).
Always restart playback at keyframe boundaries (fast).
Basically seek forward by one frame. Actually this plays one frame, then
pauses again.
set <property> "<value>"
Set the given property to the given value.
add <property> [<value>]
Add the given value to the property. On overflow or underflow, clamp the
property to the maximum. If <value> is omitted, assume ``1``.
cycle <property> [up|down]
Cycle the given property. ``up`` and ``down`` set the cycle direction. On
overflow, set the property back to the minimum, on underflow set it to the
maximum. If ``up`` or ``down`` is omitted, assume ``up``.
speed_mult <value>
Multiply the ``speed`` property by the given value.
screenshot [single|each-frame] [video|window]
Take a screenshot.
First argument:
<single> (default)
Take a single screenshot.
Take a screenshot each frame. Issue this command again to stop taking
Second argument:
<video> (default)
Save the video image, in its original resolution. Typically without
OSD or subtitles, but the exact behavior depends on the selected video
Save the contents of the mplayer window. Typically scaled, with OSD and
subtitles. The exact behavior depends on the selected video output, and
if not support is available, this will act like ``video``.
playlist_next [weak|force]
Go to the next entry on the playlist.
weak (default)
If the last file on the playlist is currently played, do nothing.
Terminate playback if there are no more files on the playlist.
playlist_prev [weak|force]
Go to the previous entry on the playlist.
weak (default)
If the first file on the playlist is currently played, do nothing.
Terminate playback if the first file is being played.
loadfile "<file>" [replace|append]
Load the given file and play it.
Second argument:
<replace> (default)
Stop playback of the current file, and play the new file immediately.
Append the file to the playlist.
loadlist "<playlist>" [replace|append]
Load the given playlist file (like ``--playlist``).
Clear the playlist, except the currently played file.
run "<command>"
Run the given command with ``/bin/sh -c``. The string is expanded like in
``--playing-msg`` before
quit [<code>]
Exit the player using the given exit code.
sub_load "<file>"
Load the given subtitle file. It's not selected as current subtitle after
sub_step <skip>
Change subtitle timing such, that the subtitle event after the next <skip>
subtitle events is displayed. <skip> can be negative to step back.
osd [<level>]
Toggle OSD level. If <level> is specified, set the OSD mode
(see ``--osd-level`` for valid values).
print_text "<string>"
Print text to stdout. The string can contain properties, which are expanded
like in ``--playing-msg``.
show_text "<string>" [<duration>] [<level>]
Show text on the OSD. The string can contain properties, which are expanded
like in ``--playing-msg``. This can be used to show playback time, filename,
and so on.
<duration> is the time in ms to show the message. By default, it uses the
same value as ``--osd-duration``.
<level> is the minimum OSD level to show the text (see ``--osd-level``).
Show the progress bar, the elapsed time and the total duration of the file
on the OSD.
Show a list of chapters on the OSD.
Show a list of video/audio/subtitle tracks on the OSD.
Undocumented properties: tv_start_scan, tv_step_channel, tv_step_norm,
tv_step_chanlist, tv_set_channel, tv_last_channel, tv_set_freq, tv_step_freq,
tv_set_norm, dvb_set_channel, radio_step_channel, radio_set_channel,
radio_set_freq, radio_step_freq (all of these should be replaced by properties),
edl_mark, stop (questionable use), get_property (?), af_switch, af_add, af_del,
af_clr, af_cmdline, vo_cmdline (experimental).
Input command prefixes
osd-auto (default)
Use the default behavior for this command.
Do not use any OSD for this command.
If possible, show a bar with this command. Seek commands will show the
progress bar, property changing commands may show the newly set value.
If possible, show an OSD message with this command. The seek command shows
the current playback time (like ``show_progress``), property changing
commands show the newly set value as text.
Combine osd-bar and osd-msg.
All of these are still overridden by the global ``--osd-level`` settings.
Undocumented prefixes: pausing, pausing_keep, pausing_toggle,
pausing_keep_force. (Should these be made official?)
Properties are used to set mplayer options during runtime, or to query arbitrary
information. They can be manipulated with the ``set``/``add``/``cycle``
commands, and retrieved with ``show_text``, or anything else that uses property
expansion. (See ``--playing-msg`` how properties are expanded.)
``W`` indicates whether the property is generally writeable. If an option
is referenced, the property should take/return exactly the same values as the
=========================== = ==================================================
Name W Comment
=========================== = ==================================================
osd-level x see ``--osd-level``
loop x see ``--loop``
speed x see ``--speed``
filename currently played file (path stripped)
path currently played file (full path)
media-title filename or libquvi QUVIPROP_PAGETITLE
stream-path filename (full path) of stream layer filename
stream-pos x byte position in source stream
stream-start start byte offset in source stream
stream-end end position in bytes in source stream
stream-length length in bytes (${stream-end} - ${stream-start})
stream-time-pos x time position in source stream (also see time-pos)
length length of the current file in seconds
percent-pos x position in current file (0-100)
time-pos x position in current file in seconds
chapter x current chapter number
edition x current MKV edition number
titles number of DVD titles
chapters number of chapters
editions number of MKV editions
angle current DVD angle
metadata metadata key/value pairs
metadata/<key> value of metedata entry <key>
pause x pause status (bool)
pts-association-mode x see ``--pts-association-mode``
hr-seek x see ``--hr-seek``
volume x current volume (0-100)
mute x current mute status (bool)
audio-delay x see ``--audio-delay``
audio-format audio format (codec tag)
audio-codec audio codec selected for decoding
audio-bitrate audio bitrate
samplerate audio samplerate
channels number of audio channels
audio x current audio track (similar to ``--aid``)
balance x audio channel balance
fullscreen x see ``--fullscreen``
deinterlace x deinterlacing, if available (bool)
colormatrix x see ``--colormatrix``
colormatrix-input-range x see ``--colormatrix-input-range``
colormatrix-output-range x see ``--colormatrix-output-range``
ontop x see ``--ontop``
rootwin x see ``--rootwin``
border x see ``--border``
framedrop x see ``--framedrop``
gamma x see ``--gamma``
brightness x see ``--brightness``
contrast x see ``--contrast``
saturation x see ``--saturation``
hue x see ``--hue``
panscan x see ``--panscan``
vsync x see ``--vsync``
video-format video format (integer FourCC)
video-codec video codec selected for decoding
video-bitrate video bitrate
width video width
height video height
fps FPS (may contain bogus values)
aspect x video aspect
video x current video track (similar to ``--vid``)
program x switch TS program (write-only)
sub x current subttitle track (similar to ``--sid``)
sub-delay x see ``--sub-delay``
sub-pos x see ``--sub-pos``
sub-visibility x whether current subtitle is rendered
sub-forced-only x see ``--sub-forced-only``
sub-scale x subtitle font size multiplicator
ass-use-margins x see ``--ass-use-margins``
ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat x see ``--ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat``
ass-style-override x see ``--ass-style-override``
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