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<chapter id="tv">
<sect1 id="tv-input" xreflabel="TV input">
<title>TV input</title>
This section is about how to enable <emphasis role="bold">watching/grabbing
from V4L compatible TV tuner</emphasis>. See the man page for a description
of TV options and keyboard controls.
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<sect2 id="tv-compilation">
First, you have to recompile. <filename>./configure</filename> will
autodetect kernel headers of v4l stuff and the existence of
<filename>/dev/video*</filename> entries. If they exist, TV support will
be built (see the output of <filename>./configure</filename>).
Make sure your tuner works with another TV software in Linux, for
example <application>XawTV</application>.
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<sect2 id="tv-tips">
<title>Usage tips</title>
The full listing of the options is available on the manual page.
Here are just a few tips:
Use the <option>channels</option> option. An example:
<screen>-tv channels=26-MTV1,23-TV2</screen>
Explanation: Using this option, only the 26 and 23 channels will be usable,
and there will be a nice OSD text upon channel switching, displaying the
channel's name. Spaces in the channel name must be replaced by the
"_" character.
Choose some sane image dimensions. The dimensions of the resulting image
should be divisible by 16.
If you capture the video with the vertical resolution higher than half
of the full resolution (i.e. 288 for PAL or 240 for NTSC), then the
'frames' you get will really be interleaved pairs of fields.
Depending on what you want to do with the video you may leave it in
this form, destructively deinterlace, or break the pairs apart into
individual fields.
Otherwise you'll get a movie which is distorted during
fast-motion scenes and the bitrate controller will be probably even unable
to retain the specified bitrate as the interlacing artifacts produce high
amount of detail and thus consume lot of bandwidth. You can enable
deinterlacing with <option>-vf pp=DEINT_TYPE</option>.
Usually <option>pp=lb</option> does a good job, but it can be matter of
personal preference.
See other deinterlacing algorithms in the manual and give it a try.
Crop out the dead space. When you capture the video, the areas at the edges
are usually black or contain some noise. These again consume lots of
unnecessary bandwidth. More precisely it's not the black areas themselves
but the sharp transitions between the black and the brighter video image
which do but that's not important for now. Before you start capturing,
adjust the arguments of the <option>crop</option> option so that all the
crap at the margins is cropped out. Again, don't forget to keep the resulting
dimensions sane.
Watch out for CPU load. It shouldn't cross the 90% boundary for most of the
time. If you have a large capture buffer, <application>MEncoder</application>
can survive an overload for few seconds but nothing more. It's better to
turn off the 3D OpenGL screensavers and similar stuff.
Don't mess with the system clock. <application>MEncoder</application> uses the
system clock for doing A/V sync. If you adjust the system clock (especially
backwards in time), <application>MEncoder</application> gets confused and you
will lose frames. This is an important issue if you are hooked to a network
and run some time synchronization software like NTP. You have to turn NTP
off during the capture process if you want to capture reliably.
Don't change the <option>outfmt</option> unless you know what you are doing
or your card/driver really doesn't support the default (YV12 colorspace).
In the older versions of <application>MPlayer</application>/
<application>MEncoder</application> it was necessary to specify the output
format. This issue should be fixed in the current releases and
<option>outfmt</option> isn't required anymore, and the default suits the
most purposes. For example, if you are capturing into DivX using
<systemitem class="library">libavcodec</systemitem> and specify
<option>outfmt=RGB24</option> in order to increase the quality of the captured
images, the captured image will be actually later converted back into YV12 so
the only thing you achieve is a massive waste of CPU power.
To specify the I420 colorspace (<option>outfmt=i420</option>), you have to
add an option <option>-vc rawi420</option> due to a fourcc conflict with an
Intel Indeo video codec.
There are several ways of capturing audio. You can grab the sound either using
your sound card via an external cable connection between video card and
line-in, or using the built-in ADC in the bt878 chip. In the latter case, you
have to load the <emphasis role="bold">btaudio</emphasis> driver. Read the
<filename>linux/Documentation/sound/btaudio</filename> file (in the kernel
tree, not <application>MPlayer</application>'s) for some instructions on using
this driver.
If <application>MEncoder</application> cannot open the audio device, make
sure that it is really available. There can be some trouble with the sound
servers like aRts (KDE) or ESD (GNOME). If you have a full duplex sound card
(almost any decent card supports it today), and you are using KDE, try to
check the "full duplex" option in the sound server preference menu.
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<sect2 id="tv-examples">
Dummy output, to AAlib :)
<screen>mplayer -tv driver=dummy:width=640:height=480 -vo aa tv://</screen>
Input from standard V4L:
mplayer -tv driver=v4l:width=640:height=480:outfmt=i420 -vc rawi420 -vo xv tv://
A more sophisticated example. This makes <application>MEncoder</application>
capture the full PAL image, crop the margins, and deinterlace the picture
using a linear blend algorithm. Audio is compressed with a constant bitrate
of 64kbps, using LAME codec. This setup is suitable for capturing movies.
mencoder -tv driver=v4l:width=768:height=576 -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=64\
-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=900 \
-vf crop=720:544:24:16,pp=lb -o <replaceable>output.avi</replaceable> tv://
This will additionally rescale the image to 384x288 and compresses the
video with the bitrate of 350kbps in high quality mode. The vqmax option
looses the quantizer and allows the video compressor to actually reach so
low bitrate even at the expense of the quality. This can be used for
capturing long TV series, where the video quality isn't so important.
mencoder -tv driver=v4l:width=768:height=576 \
-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=350:vhq:vqmax=31:keyint=300 \
-oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=48 -sws 1 -o <replaceable>output.avi</replaceable>\
-vf crop=720:540:24:18,pp=lb,scale=384:288 tv://
It's also possible to specify smaller image dimensions in the
<option>-tv</option> option and omit the software scaling but this approach
uses the maximum available information and is a little more resistant to noise.
The bt8x8 chips can do the pixel averaging only in the horizontal direction due
to a hardware limitation.
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<sect1 id="tv-teletext">
Teletext is currently available only in MPlayer for v4l and v4l2 drivers.
<sect2 id="tv-teletext-implementation-notes">
<title>Implementation notes</title>
<application>MPlayer</application> supports regular text, graphics and navigation links.
Unfortunately, colored pages are not fully supported yet - all pages are shown as grayscaled.
Subtitle pages (also known as Closed Captions) are supported, too.
<application>MPlayer</application> starts caching all teletext pages upon
starting to receive TV input, so you do not need to wait until the requested page is loaded.
Note: Using teletext with <option>-vo xv</option> causes strange colors.
<sect2 id="tv-teletext-usage">
<title>Using teletext</title>
To enable teletext decoding you must specify the VBI device to get teletext data
from (usually <filename>/dev/vbi0</filename> for Linux). This can be done by specifying
<option>tdevice</option> in your configuration file, like shown below:
You might need to specify the teletext language code for your country.
To list all available country codes use
Here is an example for Russian:
<sect2 id="tv-teletext-hotkeys">
<title>Teletext hot keys</title>
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Switch teletext display on/off</entry>
<entry>Cycle through teletext rendering modes (opaque, transparent, inverted opaque,
inverted transparent</entry>
<entry>Go to previous/next teletext page</entry>
<entry>Go to next/previous teletext subpage</entry>
<entry>Enter teletext page number to jump to</entry>