mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv synced 2025-03-25 04:38:01 +00:00
Avi Halachmi (:avih) 843bc822a8 opengl: win32 - add option 'dwmflush' to sync in DWM
This could help in cases where the DWM (Windows desktop compositor) adds another
layer of bufferring and therefore the SwapBuffers timing could get messed up.

Signed-off-by: wm4 <wm4@nowhere>
2015-04-09 20:36:35 +02:00

269 lines
12 KiB

* This file is part of MPlayer.
* MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* You can alternatively redistribute this file and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "common/msg.h"
#include "misc/bstr.h"
#include "vo.h"
#include "video/csputils.h"
#include "video/mp_image.h"
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <OpenGL/gl3.h>
#include <OpenGL/glext.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glext.h>
#include "video/out/gl_header_fixes.h"
struct GL;
typedef struct GL GL;
enum {
MPGL_CAP_FB = (1 << 5),
MPGL_CAP_VAO = (1 << 6),
MPGL_CAP_FLOAT_TEX = (1 << 9),
MPGL_CAP_TEX_RG = (1 << 10), // GL_ARB_texture_rg / GL 3.x
MPGL_CAP_VDPAU = (1 << 11), // GL_NV_vdpau_interop
MPGL_CAP_APPLE_RGB_422 = (1 << 12), // GL_APPLE_rgb_422
MPGL_CAP_1D_TEX = (1 << 14),
MPGL_CAP_3D_TEX = (1 << 15),
MPGL_CAP_DEBUG = (1 << 16),
MPGL_CAP_SW = (1 << 30), // indirect or sw renderer
// E.g. 310 means 3.1
// Code doesn't have to use the macros; they are for convenience only.
#define MPGL_VER(major, minor) (((major) * 100) + (minor) * 10)
#define MPGL_VER_GET_MAJOR(ver) ((unsigned)(ver) / 100)
#define MPGL_VER_GET_MINOR(ver) ((unsigned)(ver) % 100 / 10)
typedef struct MPGLContext {
GL *gl;
struct vo *vo;
// Bit size of each component in the created framebuffer. 0 if unknown.
int depth_r, depth_g, depth_b;
// GL version requested from config_window_gl3 backend (MPGL_VER mangled).
// (Might be different from the actual version in gl->version.)
int requested_gl_version;
void (*swapGlBuffers)(struct MPGLContext *);
int (*vo_init)(struct vo *vo);
void (*vo_uninit)(struct vo *vo);
int (*vo_control)(struct vo *vo, int *events, int request, void *arg);
void (*releaseGlContext)(struct MPGLContext *);
void (*set_current)(struct MPGLContext *, bool current);
// Used on windows only, tries to vsync with the DWM, and modifies SwapInterval
// when it does so. Returns the possibly modified swapinterval value.
int (*DwmFlush)(struct MPGLContext *, int opt_dwmflush,
int opt_swapinterval, int current_swapinterval);
// Resize the window, or create a new window if there isn't one yet.
// On the first call, it creates a GL context according to what's specified
// in MPGLContext.requested_gl_version. This is just a hint, and if the
// requested version is not available, it may return a completely different
// GL context. (The caller must check if the created GL version is ok. The
// callee must try to fall back to an older version if the requested
// version is not available, and newer versions are incompatible.)
bool (*config_window)(struct MPGLContext *ctx, int flags);
// An optional function to register a resize callback in the backend that
// can be called on separate thread to handle resize events immediately
// (without waiting for vo_check_events, which will come later for the
// proper resize)
void (*register_resize_callback)(struct vo *vo,
void (*cb)(struct vo *vo, int w, int h));
// Optional activity state of context.
// If false, OpenGL renderers should not draw anything.
bool (*is_active)(struct MPGLContext *);
// For free use by the backend.
void *priv;
} MPGLContext;
void mpgl_lock(MPGLContext *ctx);
void mpgl_unlock(MPGLContext *ctx);
MPGLContext *mpgl_init(struct vo *vo, const char *backend_name, int vo_flags);
void mpgl_uninit(MPGLContext *ctx);
bool mpgl_reconfig_window(struct MPGLContext *ctx, int vo_flags);
int mpgl_find_backend(const char *name);
struct m_option;
int mpgl_validate_backend_opt(struct mp_log *log, const struct m_option *opt,
struct bstr name, struct bstr param);
void mpgl_set_backend_cocoa(MPGLContext *ctx);
void mpgl_set_backend_w32(MPGLContext *ctx);
void mpgl_set_backend_x11(MPGLContext *ctx);
void mpgl_set_backend_x11es(MPGLContext *ctx);
void mpgl_set_backend_x11egl(MPGLContext *ctx);
void mpgl_set_backend_x11egles(MPGLContext *ctx);
void mpgl_set_backend_wayland(MPGLContext *ctx);
void mpgl_set_backend_rpi(MPGLContext *ctx);
void mpgl_load_functions(GL *gl, void *(*getProcAddress)(const GLubyte *),
const char *ext2, struct mp_log *log);
void mpgl_load_functions2(GL *gl, void *(*get_fn)(void *ctx, const char *n),
void *fn_ctx, const char *ext2, struct mp_log *log);
typedef void (GLAPIENTRY *MP_GLDEBUGPROC)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLenum,
GLsizei, const GLchar *,const void *);
//function pointers loaded from the OpenGL library
struct GL {
int version; // MPGL_VER() mangled (e.g. 210 for 2.1)
int es; // es version (e.g. 300), 0 for desktop GL
int glsl_version; // e.g. 130 for GLSL 1.30
char *extensions; // Equivalent to GL_EXTENSIONS
int mpgl_caps; // Bitfield of MPGL_CAP_* constants
bool debug_context; // use of e.g. GLX_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB
void (GLAPIENTRY *Viewport)(GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei);
void (GLAPIENTRY *Clear)(GLbitfield);
void (GLAPIENTRY *GenTextures)(GLsizei, GLuint *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *DeleteTextures)(GLsizei, const GLuint *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *Color4ub)(GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte);
void (GLAPIENTRY *Color4f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat);
void (GLAPIENTRY *ClearColor)(GLclampf, GLclampf, GLclampf, GLclampf);
void (GLAPIENTRY *Enable)(GLenum);
void (GLAPIENTRY *Disable)(GLenum);
const GLubyte *(GLAPIENTRY * GetString)(GLenum);
void (GLAPIENTRY *DrawBuffer)(GLenum);
void (GLAPIENTRY *BlendFuncSeparate)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLenum);
void (GLAPIENTRY *Flush)(void);
void (GLAPIENTRY *Finish)(void);
void (GLAPIENTRY *PixelStorei)(GLenum, GLint);
void (GLAPIENTRY *TexImage1D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLint,
GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *TexImage2D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei,
GLint, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *TexSubImage2D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint,
GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum,
const GLvoid *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *TexParameteri)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint);
void (GLAPIENTRY *GetIntegerv)(GLenum, GLint *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *GetBooleanv)(GLenum, GLboolean *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *ReadPixels)(GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum,
GLenum, GLvoid *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *ReadBuffer)(GLenum);
void (GLAPIENTRY *DrawArrays)(GLenum, GLint, GLsizei);
GLenum (GLAPIENTRY *GetError)(void);
void (GLAPIENTRY *GetTexLevelParameteriv)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLint *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *GenBuffers)(GLsizei, GLuint *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *DeleteBuffers)(GLsizei, const GLuint *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *BindBuffer)(GLenum, GLuint);
GLvoid * (GLAPIENTRY * MapBuffer)(GLenum, GLenum);
GLboolean (GLAPIENTRY *UnmapBuffer)(GLenum);
void (GLAPIENTRY *BufferData)(GLenum, intptr_t, const GLvoid *, GLenum);
void (GLAPIENTRY *ActiveTexture)(GLenum);
void (GLAPIENTRY *BindTexture)(GLenum, GLuint);
int (GLAPIENTRY *SwapInterval)(int);
void (GLAPIENTRY *TexImage3D)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei,
GLsizei, GLint, GLenum, GLenum,
const GLvoid *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *GenVertexArrays)(GLsizei, GLuint *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *BindVertexArray)(GLuint);
GLint (GLAPIENTRY *GetAttribLocation)(GLuint, const GLchar *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *EnableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint);
void (GLAPIENTRY *DisableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint);
void (GLAPIENTRY *VertexAttribPointer)(GLuint, GLint, GLenum, GLboolean,
GLsizei, const GLvoid *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *DeleteVertexArrays)(GLsizei, const GLuint *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *UseProgram)(GLuint);
GLint (GLAPIENTRY *GetUniformLocation)(GLuint, const GLchar *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *CompileShader)(GLuint);
GLuint (GLAPIENTRY *CreateProgram)(void);
GLuint (GLAPIENTRY *CreateShader)(GLenum);
void (GLAPIENTRY *ShaderSource)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLchar **,
const GLint *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *LinkProgram)(GLuint);
void (GLAPIENTRY *AttachShader)(GLuint, GLuint);
void (GLAPIENTRY *DeleteShader)(GLuint);
void (GLAPIENTRY *DeleteProgram)(GLuint);
void (GLAPIENTRY *GetShaderInfoLog)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLchar *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *GetShaderiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *GetProgramInfoLog)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLchar *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *GetProgramiv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *);
const GLubyte* (GLAPIENTRY *GetStringi)(GLenum, GLuint);
void (GLAPIENTRY *BindAttribLocation)(GLuint, GLuint, const GLchar *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *BindFramebuffer)(GLenum, GLuint);
void (GLAPIENTRY *GenFramebuffers)(GLsizei, GLuint *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *DeleteFramebuffers)(GLsizei, const GLuint *);
GLenum (GLAPIENTRY *CheckFramebufferStatus)(GLenum);
void (GLAPIENTRY *FramebufferTexture2D)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLuint,
void (GLAPIENTRY *Uniform1f)(GLint, GLfloat);
void (GLAPIENTRY *Uniform2f)(GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat);
void (GLAPIENTRY *Uniform3f)(GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat);
void (GLAPIENTRY *Uniform4f)(GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat);
void (GLAPIENTRY *Uniform1i)(GLint, GLint);
void (GLAPIENTRY *UniformMatrix2fv)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean,
const GLfloat *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *UniformMatrix3fv)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean,
const GLfloat *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *VDPAUInitNV)(const GLvoid *, const GLvoid *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *VDPAUFiniNV)(void);
GLvdpauSurfaceNV (GLAPIENTRY *VDPAURegisterOutputSurfaceNV)
(GLvoid *, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLuint *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *VDPAUUnregisterSurfaceNV)(GLvdpauSurfaceNV);
void (GLAPIENTRY *VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV)(GLvdpauSurfaceNV, GLenum);
void (GLAPIENTRY *VDPAUMapSurfacesNV)(GLsizei, const GLvdpauSurfaceNV *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV)(GLsizei, const GLvdpauSurfaceNV *);
GLint (GLAPIENTRY *GetVideoSync)(GLuint *);
GLint (GLAPIENTRY *WaitVideoSync)(GLint, GLint, unsigned int *);
void (GLAPIENTRY *DebugMessageCallback)(MP_GLDEBUGPROC callback,
const void *userParam);
#endif /* MPLAYER_GL_COMMON_H */