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synced 2025-02-03 21:52:12 +00:00
remove the libmpv observer for the macOS specific options and use a config cache + change callback for runtime changes. this is also a preparation for new backends and generalises even more, since libmpv functions can't and shouldn't be used in usual vo backends. for feature parity the config cache is used.
548 lines
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548 lines
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* This file is part of mpv.
* mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with mpv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import Cocoa
class Window: NSWindow, NSWindowDelegate {
weak var common: Common! = nil
var mpv: MPVHelper? { get { return common.mpv } }
var targetScreen: NSScreen?
var previousScreen: NSScreen?
var currentScreen: NSScreen?
var unfScreen: NSScreen?
var unfsContentFrame: NSRect?
var isInFullscreen: Bool = false
var isAnimating: Bool = false
var isMoving: Bool = false
var forceTargetScreen: Bool = false
var unfsContentFramePixel: NSRect { get { return convertToBacking(unfsContentFrame ?? NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 160, height: 90)) } }
var framePixel: NSRect { get { return convertToBacking(frame) } }
var keepAspect: Bool = true {
didSet {
if let contentViewFrame = contentView?.frame, !isInFullscreen {
unfsContentFrame = convertToScreen(contentViewFrame)
if keepAspect {
contentAspectRatio = unfsContentFrame?.size ?? contentAspectRatio
} else {
resizeIncrements = NSSize(width: 1.0, height: 1.0)
var border: Bool = true {
didSet { if !border { common.titleBar?.hide() } }
override var canBecomeKey: Bool { return true }
override var canBecomeMain: Bool { return true }
override var styleMask: NSWindow.StyleMask {
get { return super.styleMask }
set {
let responder = firstResponder
let windowTitle = title
super.styleMask = newValue
title = windowTitle
convenience init(contentRect: NSRect, screen: NSScreen?, view: NSView, common com: Common) {
self.init(contentRect: contentRect,
styleMask: [.titled, .closable, .miniaturizable, .resizable],
backing: .buffered, defer: false, screen: screen)
// workaround for an AppKit bug where the NSWindow can't be placed on a
// none Main screen NSScreen outside the Main screen's frame bounds
if let wantedScreen = screen, screen != NSScreen.main {
var absoluteWantedOrigin = contentRect.origin
absoluteWantedOrigin.x += wantedScreen.frame.origin.x
absoluteWantedOrigin.y += wantedScreen.frame.origin.y
if !NSEqualPoints(absoluteWantedOrigin, self.frame.origin) {
common = com
title = com.title
minSize = NSMakeSize(160, 90)
collectionBehavior = .fullScreenPrimary
delegate = self
if let cView = contentView {
view.frame = cView.frame
unfsContentFrame = convertToScreen(cView.frame)
targetScreen = screen
currentScreen = screen
unfScreen = screen
if let app = NSApp as? Application {
app.menuBar.register(#selector(setHalfWindowSize), for: MPM_H_SIZE)
app.menuBar.register(#selector(setNormalWindowSize), for: MPM_N_SIZE)
app.menuBar.register(#selector(setDoubleWindowSize), for: MPM_D_SIZE)
app.menuBar.register(#selector(performMiniaturize(_:)), for: MPM_MINIMIZE)
app.menuBar.register(#selector(performZoom(_:)), for: MPM_ZOOM)
override func toggleFullScreen(_ sender: Any?) {
if isAnimating {
isAnimating = true
targetScreen = common.getTargetScreen(forFullscreen: !isInFullscreen)
if targetScreen == nil && previousScreen == nil {
targetScreen = screen
} else if targetScreen == nil {
targetScreen = previousScreen
previousScreen = nil
} else {
previousScreen = screen
if let contentViewFrame = contentView?.frame, !isInFullscreen {
unfsContentFrame = convertToScreen(contentViewFrame)
unfScreen = screen
// move window to target screen when going to fullscreen
if let tScreen = targetScreen, !isInFullscreen && (tScreen != screen) {
let frame = calculateWindowPosition(for: tScreen, withoutBounds: false)
setFrame(frame, display: true)
if Bool(mpv?.opts.native_fs ?? 1) {
} else {
if !isInFullscreen {
else {
func customWindowsToEnterFullScreen(for window: NSWindow) -> [NSWindow]? {
return [window]
func customWindowsToExitFullScreen(for window: NSWindow) -> [NSWindow]? {
return [window]
func window(_ window: NSWindow, startCustomAnimationToEnterFullScreenWithDuration duration: TimeInterval) {
guard let tScreen = targetScreen else { return }
common.view?.layerContentsPlacement = .scaleProportionallyToFit
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) -> Void in
context.duration = getFsAnimationDuration(duration - 0.05)
window.animator().setFrame(tScreen.frame, display: true)
}, completionHandler: { })
func window(_ window: NSWindow, startCustomAnimationToExitFullScreenWithDuration duration: TimeInterval) {
guard let tScreen = targetScreen, let currentScreen = screen else { return }
let newFrame = calculateWindowPosition(for: tScreen, withoutBounds: tScreen == screen)
let intermediateFrame = aspectFit(rect: newFrame, in: currentScreen.frame)
common.view?.layerContentsPlacement = .scaleProportionallyToFill
setFrame(intermediateFrame, display: true)
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) -> Void in
context.duration = getFsAnimationDuration(duration - 0.05)
window.animator().setFrame(newFrame, display: true)
}, completionHandler: { })
func windowDidEnterFullScreen(_ notification: Notification) {
isInFullscreen = true
mpv?.setOption(fullscreen: isInFullscreen)
func windowDidExitFullScreen(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let tScreen = targetScreen else { return }
isInFullscreen = false
mpv?.setOption(fullscreen: isInFullscreen)
endAnimation(calculateWindowPosition(for: tScreen, withoutBounds: targetScreen == screen))
common.view?.layerContentsPlacement = .scaleProportionallyToFit
func windowDidFailToEnterFullScreen(_ window: NSWindow) {
guard let tScreen = targetScreen else { return }
let newFrame = calculateWindowPosition(for: tScreen, withoutBounds: targetScreen == screen)
setFrame(newFrame, display: true)
func windowDidFailToExitFullScreen(_ window: NSWindow) {
guard let targetFrame = targetScreen?.frame else { return }
setFrame(targetFrame, display: true)
common.view?.layerContentsPlacement = .scaleProportionallyToFit
func endAnimation(_ newFrame: NSRect = NSZeroRect) {
if !NSEqualRects(newFrame, NSZeroRect) && isAnimating {
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) -> Void in
context.duration = 0.01
self.animator().setFrame(newFrame, display: true)
}, completionHandler: nil )
isAnimating = false
func setToFullScreen() {
guard let targetFrame = targetScreen?.frame else { return }
NSApp.presentationOptions = [.autoHideMenuBar, .autoHideDock]
setFrame(targetFrame, display: true)
isInFullscreen = true
mpv?.setOption(fullscreen: isInFullscreen)
func setToWindow() {
guard let tScreen = targetScreen else { return }
let newFrame = calculateWindowPosition(for: tScreen, withoutBounds: targetScreen == screen)
NSApp.presentationOptions = []
setFrame(newFrame, display: true)
isInFullscreen = false
mpv?.setOption(fullscreen: isInFullscreen)
func getFsAnimationDuration(_ def: Double) -> Double {
let duration = mpv?.macOpts.macos_fs_animation_duration ?? -1
if duration < 0 {
return def
} else {
return Double(duration)/1000
func setOnTop(_ state: Bool, _ ontopLevel: Int) {
if state {
switch ontopLevel {
case -1:
level = .floating
case -2:
level = .statusBar + 1
level = NSWindow.Level(ontopLevel)
} else {
level = .normal
func setMinimized(_ stateWanted: Bool) {
if isMiniaturized == stateWanted { return }
if stateWanted {
} else {
func setMaximized(_ stateWanted: Bool) {
if isZoomed == stateWanted { return }
func updateMovableBackground(_ pos: NSPoint) {
if !isInFullscreen {
isMovableByWindowBackground = mpv?.canBeDraggedAt(pos) ?? true
} else {
isMovableByWindowBackground = false
func updateFrame(_ rect: NSRect) {
if rect != frame {
let cRect = frameRect(forContentRect: rect)
unfsContentFrame = rect
setFrame(cRect, display: true)
func updateSize(_ size: NSSize) {
if let currentSize = contentView?.frame.size, size != currentSize {
let newContentFrame = centeredContentSize(for: frame, size: size)
if !isInFullscreen {
} else {
unfsContentFrame = newContentFrame
override func setFrame(_ frameRect: NSRect, display flag: Bool) {
if frameRect.width < minSize.width || frameRect.height < minSize.height {
common.log.sendVerbose("tried to set too small window size: \(frameRect.size)")
super.setFrame(frameRect, display: flag)
if let size = unfsContentFrame?.size, keepAspect {
contentAspectRatio = size
func centeredContentSize(for rect: NSRect, size sz: NSSize) -> NSRect {
let cRect = contentRect(forFrameRect: rect)
let dx = (cRect.size.width - sz.width) / 2
let dy = (cRect.size.height - sz.height) / 2
return NSInsetRect(cRect, dx, dy)
func aspectFit(rect r: NSRect, in rTarget: NSRect) -> NSRect {
var s = rTarget.width / r.width
if r.height*s > rTarget.height {
s = rTarget.height / r.height
let w = r.width * s
let h = r.height * s
return NSRect(x: rTarget.midX - w/2, y: rTarget.midY - h/2, width: w, height: h)
func calculateWindowPosition(for tScreen: NSScreen, withoutBounds: Bool) -> NSRect {
guard let contentFrame = unfsContentFrame, let screen = unfScreen else {
return frame
var newFrame = frameRect(forContentRect: contentFrame)
let targetFrame = tScreen.frame
let targetVisibleFrame = tScreen.visibleFrame
let unfsScreenFrame = screen.frame
let visibleWindow = NSIntersectionRect(unfsScreenFrame, newFrame)
// calculate visible area of every side
let left = newFrame.origin.x - unfsScreenFrame.origin.x
let right = unfsScreenFrame.size.width -
(newFrame.origin.x - unfsScreenFrame.origin.x + newFrame.size.width)
let bottom = newFrame.origin.y - unfsScreenFrame.origin.y
let top = unfsScreenFrame.size.height -
(newFrame.origin.y - unfsScreenFrame.origin.y + newFrame.size.height)
// normalize visible areas, decide which one to take horizontal/vertical
var xPer = (unfsScreenFrame.size.width - visibleWindow.size.width)
var yPer = (unfsScreenFrame.size.height - visibleWindow.size.height)
if xPer != 0 { xPer = (left >= 0 || right < 0 ? left : right) / xPer }
if yPer != 0 { yPer = (bottom >= 0 || top < 0 ? bottom : top) / yPer }
// calculate visible area for every side for target screen
let xNewLeft = targetFrame.origin.x +
(targetFrame.size.width - visibleWindow.size.width) * xPer
let xNewRight = targetFrame.origin.x + targetFrame.size.width -
(targetFrame.size.width - visibleWindow.size.width) * xPer - newFrame.size.width
let yNewBottom = targetFrame.origin.y +
(targetFrame.size.height - visibleWindow.size.height) * yPer
let yNewTop = targetFrame.origin.y + targetFrame.size.height -
(targetFrame.size.height - visibleWindow.size.height) * yPer - newFrame.size.height
// calculate new coordinates, decide which one to take horizontal/vertical
newFrame.origin.x = left >= 0 || right < 0 ? xNewLeft : xNewRight
newFrame.origin.y = bottom >= 0 || top < 0 ? yNewBottom : yNewTop
// don't place new window on top of a visible menubar
let topMar = targetFrame.size.height -
(newFrame.origin.y - targetFrame.origin.y + newFrame.size.height)
let menuBarHeight = targetFrame.size.height -
(targetVisibleFrame.size.height + targetVisibleFrame.origin.y)
if topMar < menuBarHeight {
newFrame.origin.y -= top - menuBarHeight
if withoutBounds {
return newFrame
// screen bounds right and left
if newFrame.origin.x + newFrame.size.width > targetFrame.origin.x + targetFrame.size.width {
newFrame.origin.x = targetFrame.origin.x + targetFrame.size.width - newFrame.size.width
if newFrame.origin.x < targetFrame.origin.x {
newFrame.origin.x = targetFrame.origin.x
// screen bounds top and bottom
if newFrame.origin.y + newFrame.size.height > targetFrame.origin.y + targetFrame.size.height {
newFrame.origin.y = targetFrame.origin.y + targetFrame.size.height - newFrame.size.height
if newFrame.origin.y < targetFrame.origin.y {
newFrame.origin.y = targetFrame.origin.y
return newFrame
override func constrainFrameRect(_ frameRect: NSRect, to tScreen: NSScreen?) -> NSRect {
if (isAnimating && !isInFullscreen) || (!isAnimating && isInFullscreen) {
return frameRect
guard let ts: NSScreen = tScreen ?? screen ?? NSScreen.main else {
return frameRect
var nf: NSRect = frameRect
let of: NSRect = frame
let vf: NSRect = (isAnimating ? (targetScreen ?? ts) : ts).visibleFrame
let ncf: NSRect = contentRect(forFrameRect: nf)
// screen bounds top and bottom
if NSMaxY(nf) > NSMaxY(vf) {
nf.origin.y = NSMaxY(vf) - NSHeight(nf)
if NSMaxY(ncf) < NSMinY(vf) {
nf.origin.y = NSMinY(vf) + NSMinY(ncf) - NSMaxY(ncf)
// screen bounds right and left
if NSMinX(nf) > NSMaxX(vf) {
nf.origin.x = NSMaxX(vf) - NSWidth(nf)
if NSMaxX(nf) < NSMinX(vf) {
nf.origin.x = NSMinX(vf)
if NSHeight(nf) < NSHeight(vf) && NSHeight(of) > NSHeight(vf) && !isInFullscreen {
// If the window height is smaller than the visible frame, but it was
// bigger previously recenter the smaller window vertically. This is
// needed to counter the 'snap to top' behaviour.
nf.origin.y = (NSHeight(vf) - NSHeight(nf)) / 2
return nf
@objc func setNormalWindowSize() { setWindowScale(1.0) }
@objc func setHalfWindowSize() { setWindowScale(0.5) }
@objc func setDoubleWindowSize() { setWindowScale(2.0) }
func setWindowScale(_ scale: Double) {
mpv?.command("set window-scale \(scale)")
func addWindowScale(_ scale: Double) {
if !isInFullscreen {
mpv?.command("add window-scale \(scale)")
func windowDidChangeScreen(_ notification: Notification) {
if screen == nil {
if !isAnimating && (currentScreen != screen) {
previousScreen = screen
if currentScreen != screen {
currentScreen = screen
func windowDidChangeScreenProfile(_ notification: Notification) {
func windowDidChangeBackingProperties(_ notification: Notification) {
func windowWillStartLiveResize(_ notification: Notification) {
func windowDidEndLiveResize(_ notification: Notification) {
mpv?.setOption(maximized: isZoomed)
if let contentViewFrame = contentView?.frame,
!isAnimating && !isInFullscreen
unfsContentFrame = convertToScreen(contentViewFrame)
func windowDidResize(_ notification: Notification) {
func windowShouldClose(_ sender: NSWindow) -> Bool {
return false
func windowDidMiniaturize(_ notification: Notification) {
mpv?.setOption(minimized: true)
func windowDidDeminiaturize(_ notification: Notification) {
mpv?.setOption(minimized: false)
func windowDidResignKey(_ notification: Notification) {
func windowDidBecomeKey(_ notification: Notification) {
func windowDidChangeOcclusionState(_ notification: Notification) {
if occlusionState.contains(.visible) {
func windowWillMove(_ notification: Notification) {
isMoving = true
func windowDidMove(_ notification: Notification) {
mpv?.setOption(maximized: isZoomed)