mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv synced 2025-03-11 08:37:59 +00:00
Niklas Haas 474ee003ed vo_gpu: greatly increase maximum shader cache size
See #8137 for justification.

This is not ideal, because a large cache results in a lot of `strcmp`
invocations for every single shader invocation. But it's way better than
resulting in a lot of shader recompilations for every single shader

The only reason I don't want to uncap it altogether is because there are
conceivable edge cases in which users load dynamically generated shaders
with updated parameters (indeed, I've seen IRC discussions to this
effect), and in this case, we don't want to grow the cache infinitely as
a result of something like a floating point parameter being continuously
updated. (Never mind that this *would* actually trigger worst case
behavior for the `strcmp`, since the updated float constant is likely to
be near the bottom of the shader body)

Whatever. vo_placebo will liberate us all in the end.
2021-04-18 20:13:43 +02:00

1052 lines
33 KiB

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <libavutil/sha.h>
#include <libavutil/mem.h>
#include "osdep/io.h"
#include "common/common.h"
#include "options/path.h"
#include "stream/stream.h"
#include "shader_cache.h"
#include "utils.h"
// Force cache flush if more than this number of shaders is created.
#define SC_MAX_ENTRIES 256
union uniform_val {
float f[9]; // RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT
int i[4]; // RA_VARTYPE_INT
struct ra_tex *tex; // RA_VARTYPE_TEX, RA_VARTYPE_IMG_*
struct ra_buf *buf; // RA_VARTYPE_BUF_*
enum sc_uniform_type {
SC_UNIFORM_TYPE_UBO = 1, // uniform buffer (RA_CAP_BUF_RO)
SC_UNIFORM_TYPE_PUSHC = 2, // push constant (ra.max_pushc_size)
struct sc_uniform {
enum sc_uniform_type type;
struct ra_renderpass_input input;
const char *glsl_type;
union uniform_val v;
char *buffer_format;
struct ra_layout layout;
size_t offset; // byte offset within the buffer
struct sc_cached_uniform {
union uniform_val v;
int index; // for ra_renderpass_input_val
bool set; // whether the uniform has ever been set
struct sc_entry {
struct ra_renderpass *pass;
struct sc_cached_uniform *cached_uniforms;
int num_cached_uniforms;
bstr total;
struct timer_pool *timer;
struct ra_buf *ubo;
int ubo_index; // for ra_renderpass_input_val.index
void *pushc;
struct gl_shader_cache {
struct ra *ra;
struct mp_log *log;
// permanent
char **exts;
int num_exts;
// this is modified during use (gl_sc_add() etc.) and reset for each shader
bstr prelude_text;
bstr header_text;
bstr text;
// Next binding point (texture unit, image unit, buffer binding, etc.)
// In OpenGL these are separate for each input type
int next_binding[RA_VARTYPE_COUNT];
bool next_uniform_dynamic;
struct ra_renderpass_params params;
struct sc_entry **entries;
int num_entries;
struct sc_entry *current_shader; // set by gl_sc_generate()
struct sc_uniform *uniforms;
int num_uniforms;
int ubo_binding;
size_t ubo_size;
size_t pushc_size;
struct ra_renderpass_input_val *values;
int num_values;
// For checking that the user is calling gl_sc_reset() properly.
bool needs_reset;
bool error_state; // true if an error occurred
// temporary buffers (avoids frequent reallocations)
bstr tmp[6];
// For the disk-cache.
char *cache_dir;
struct mpv_global *global; // can be NULL
struct gl_shader_cache *gl_sc_create(struct ra *ra, struct mpv_global *global,
struct mp_log *log)
struct gl_shader_cache *sc = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, sc);
*sc = (struct gl_shader_cache){
.ra = ra,
.global = global,
.log = log,
return sc;
// Reset the previous pass. This must be called after gl_sc_generate and before
// starting a new shader. It may also be called on errors.
void gl_sc_reset(struct gl_shader_cache *sc)
sc->prelude_text.len = 0;
sc->header_text.len = 0;
sc->text.len = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++)
talloc_free((void *)sc->uniforms[n].input.name);
sc->num_uniforms = 0;
sc->ubo_binding = 0;
sc->ubo_size = 0;
sc->pushc_size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < RA_VARTYPE_COUNT; i++)
sc->next_binding[i] = 0;
sc->next_uniform_dynamic = false;
sc->current_shader = NULL;
sc->params = (struct ra_renderpass_params){0};
sc->needs_reset = false;
static void sc_flush_cache(struct gl_shader_cache *sc)
MP_DBG(sc, "flushing shader cache\n");
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_entries; n++) {
struct sc_entry *e = sc->entries[n];
ra_buf_free(sc->ra, &e->ubo);
if (e->pass)
sc->ra->fns->renderpass_destroy(sc->ra, e->pass);
sc->num_entries = 0;
void gl_sc_destroy(struct gl_shader_cache *sc)
if (!sc)
bool gl_sc_error_state(struct gl_shader_cache *sc)
return sc->error_state;
void gl_sc_reset_error(struct gl_shader_cache *sc)
sc->error_state = false;
void gl_sc_enable_extension(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name)
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_exts; n++) {
if (strcmp(sc->exts[n], name) == 0)
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->exts, sc->num_exts, talloc_strdup(sc, name));
#define bstr_xappend0(sc, b, s) bstr_xappend(sc, b, bstr0(s))
void gl_sc_add(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, const char *text)
bstr_xappend0(sc, &sc->text, text);
void gl_sc_addf(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, const char *textf, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, textf);
bstr_xappend_vasprintf(sc, &sc->text, textf, ap);
void gl_sc_hadd(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, const char *text)
bstr_xappend0(sc, &sc->header_text, text);
void gl_sc_haddf(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, const char *textf, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, textf);
bstr_xappend_vasprintf(sc, &sc->header_text, textf, ap);
void gl_sc_hadd_bstr(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, struct bstr text)
bstr_xappend(sc, &sc->header_text, text);
void gl_sc_paddf(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, const char *textf, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, textf);
bstr_xappend_vasprintf(sc, &sc->prelude_text, textf, ap);
static struct sc_uniform *find_uniform(struct gl_shader_cache *sc,
const char *name)
struct sc_uniform new = {
.input = {
.dim_v = 1,
.dim_m = 1,
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++) {
struct sc_uniform *u = &sc->uniforms[n];
if (strcmp(u->input.name, name) == 0) {
const char *allocname = u->input.name;
*u = new;
u->input.name = allocname;
return u;
// not found -> add it
new.input.name = talloc_strdup(NULL, name);
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->uniforms, sc->num_uniforms, new);
return &sc->uniforms[sc->num_uniforms - 1];
static int gl_sc_next_binding(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, enum ra_vartype type)
return sc->next_binding[sc->ra->fns->desc_namespace(sc->ra, type)]++;
void gl_sc_uniform_dynamic(struct gl_shader_cache *sc)
sc->next_uniform_dynamic = true;
// Updates the metadata for the given sc_uniform. Assumes sc_uniform->input
// and glsl_type/buffer_format are already set.
static void update_uniform_params(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, struct sc_uniform *u)
bool dynamic = sc->next_uniform_dynamic;
sc->next_uniform_dynamic = false;
// Try not using push constants for "large" values like matrices, since
// this is likely to both exceed the VGPR budget as well as the pushc size
// budget
bool try_pushc = u->input.dim_m == 1 || dynamic;
// Attempt using push constants first
if (try_pushc && sc->ra->glsl_vulkan && sc->ra->max_pushc_size) {
struct ra_layout layout = sc->ra->fns->push_constant_layout(&u->input);
size_t offset = MP_ALIGN_UP(sc->pushc_size, layout.align);
// Push constants have limited size, so make sure we don't exceed this
size_t new_size = offset + layout.size;
if (new_size <= sc->ra->max_pushc_size) {
u->layout = layout;
u->offset = offset;
sc->pushc_size = new_size;
// Attempt using uniform buffer next. The GLSL version 440 check is due
// to explicit offsets on UBO entries. In theory we could leave away
// the offsets and support UBOs for older GL as well, but this is a nice
// safety net for driver bugs (and also rules out potentially buggy drivers)
// Also avoid UBOs for highly dynamic stuff since that requires synchronizing
// the UBO writes every frame
bool try_ubo = !(sc->ra->caps & RA_CAP_GLOBAL_UNIFORM) || !dynamic;
if (try_ubo && sc->ra->glsl_version >= 440 && (sc->ra->caps & RA_CAP_BUF_RO)) {
u->layout = sc->ra->fns->uniform_layout(&u->input);
u->offset = MP_ALIGN_UP(sc->ubo_size, u->layout.align);
sc->ubo_size = u->offset + u->layout.size;
// If all else fails, use global uniforms
assert(sc->ra->caps & RA_CAP_GLOBAL_UNIFORM);
void gl_sc_uniform_texture(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name,
struct ra_tex *tex)
const char *glsl_type = "sampler2D";
if (tex->params.dimensions == 1) {
glsl_type = "sampler1D";
} else if (tex->params.dimensions == 3) {
glsl_type = "sampler3D";
} else if (tex->params.non_normalized) {
glsl_type = "sampler2DRect";
} else if (tex->params.external_oes) {
glsl_type = "samplerExternalOES";
} else if (tex->params.format->ctype == RA_CTYPE_UINT) {
glsl_type = sc->ra->glsl_es ? "highp usampler2D" : "usampler2D";
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_TEX;
u->glsl_type = glsl_type;
u->input.binding = gl_sc_next_binding(sc, u->input.type);
u->v.tex = tex;
void gl_sc_uniform_image2D_wo(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, const char *name,
struct ra_tex *tex)
gl_sc_enable_extension(sc, "GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store");
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_IMG_W;
u->glsl_type = "writeonly image2D";
u->input.binding = gl_sc_next_binding(sc, u->input.type);
u->v.tex = tex;
void gl_sc_ssbo(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name, struct ra_buf *buf,
char *format, ...)
assert(sc->ra->caps & RA_CAP_BUF_RW);
gl_sc_enable_extension(sc, "GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object");
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_BUF_RW;
u->glsl_type = "";
u->input.binding = gl_sc_next_binding(sc, u->input.type);
u->v.buf = buf;
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
u->buffer_format = ta_vasprintf(sc, format, ap);
void gl_sc_uniform_f(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name, float f)
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT;
u->glsl_type = "float";
update_uniform_params(sc, u);
u->v.f[0] = f;
void gl_sc_uniform_i(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name, int i)
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_INT;
u->glsl_type = "int";
update_uniform_params(sc, u);
u->v.i[0] = i;
void gl_sc_uniform_vec2(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name, float f[2])
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT;
u->input.dim_v = 2;
u->glsl_type = "vec2";
update_uniform_params(sc, u);
u->v.f[0] = f[0];
u->v.f[1] = f[1];
void gl_sc_uniform_vec3(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name, float f[3])
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT;
u->input.dim_v = 3;
u->glsl_type = "vec3";
update_uniform_params(sc, u);
u->v.f[0] = f[0];
u->v.f[1] = f[1];
u->v.f[2] = f[2];
static void transpose2x2(float r[2 * 2])
MPSWAP(float, r[0+2*1], r[1+2*0]);
void gl_sc_uniform_mat2(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name,
bool transpose, float *v)
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT;
u->input.dim_v = 2;
u->input.dim_m = 2;
u->glsl_type = "mat2";
update_uniform_params(sc, u);
for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
u->v.f[n] = v[n];
if (transpose)
static void transpose3x3(float r[3 * 3])
MPSWAP(float, r[0+3*1], r[1+3*0]);
MPSWAP(float, r[0+3*2], r[2+3*0]);
MPSWAP(float, r[1+3*2], r[2+3*1]);
void gl_sc_uniform_mat3(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name,
bool transpose, float *v)
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT;
u->input.dim_v = 3;
u->input.dim_m = 3;
u->glsl_type = "mat3";
update_uniform_params(sc, u);
for (int n = 0; n < 9; n++)
u->v.f[n] = v[n];
if (transpose)
void gl_sc_blend(struct gl_shader_cache *sc,
enum ra_blend blend_src_rgb,
enum ra_blend blend_dst_rgb,
enum ra_blend blend_src_alpha,
enum ra_blend blend_dst_alpha)
sc->params.enable_blend = true;
sc->params.blend_src_rgb = blend_src_rgb;
sc->params.blend_dst_rgb = blend_dst_rgb;
sc->params.blend_src_alpha = blend_src_alpha;
sc->params.blend_dst_alpha = blend_dst_alpha;
const char *gl_sc_bvec(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, int dims)
static const char *bvecs[] = {
[1] = "bool",
[2] = "bvec2",
[3] = "bvec3",
[4] = "bvec4",
static const char *vecs[] = {
[1] = "float",
[2] = "vec2",
[3] = "vec3",
[4] = "vec4",
assert(dims > 0 && dims < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(bvecs));
return sc->ra->glsl_version >= 130 ? bvecs[dims] : vecs[dims];
static const char *vao_glsl_type(const struct ra_renderpass_input *e)
// pretty dumb... too dumb, but works for us
switch (e->dim_v) {
case 1: return "float";
case 2: return "vec2";
case 3: return "vec3";
case 4: return "vec4";
default: abort();
static void update_ubo(struct ra *ra, struct ra_buf *ubo, struct sc_uniform *u)
uintptr_t src = (uintptr_t) &u->v;
size_t dst = u->offset;
struct ra_layout src_layout = ra_renderpass_input_layout(&u->input);
struct ra_layout dst_layout = u->layout;
for (int i = 0; i < u->input.dim_m; i++) {
ra->fns->buf_update(ra, ubo, dst, (void *)src, src_layout.stride);
src += src_layout.stride;
dst += dst_layout.stride;
static void update_pushc(struct ra *ra, void *pushc, struct sc_uniform *u)
uintptr_t src = (uintptr_t) &u->v;
uintptr_t dst = (uintptr_t) pushc + (ptrdiff_t) u->offset;
struct ra_layout src_layout = ra_renderpass_input_layout(&u->input);
struct ra_layout dst_layout = u->layout;
for (int i = 0; i < u->input.dim_m; i++) {
memcpy((void *)dst, (void *)src, src_layout.stride);
src += src_layout.stride;
dst += dst_layout.stride;
static void update_uniform(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, struct sc_entry *e,
struct sc_uniform *u, int n)
struct sc_cached_uniform *un = &e->cached_uniforms[n];
struct ra_layout layout = ra_renderpass_input_layout(&u->input);
if (layout.size > 0 && un->set && memcmp(&un->v, &u->v, layout.size) == 0)
un->v = u->v;
un->set = true;
static const char *desc[] = {
MP_TRACE(sc, "Updating %s uniform '%s'\n", desc[u->type], u->input.name);
switch (u->type) {
struct ra_renderpass_input_val value = {
.index = un->index,
.data = &un->v,
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->values, sc->num_values, value);
update_ubo(sc->ra, e->ubo, u);
update_pushc(sc->ra, e->pushc, u);
default: abort();
void gl_sc_set_cache_dir(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, const char *dir)
sc->cache_dir = talloc_strdup(sc, dir);
static bool create_pass(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, struct sc_entry *entry)
bool ret = false;
void *tmp = talloc_new(NULL);
struct ra_renderpass_params params = sc->params;
const char *cache_header = "mpv shader cache v1\n";
char *cache_filename = NULL;
char *cache_dir = NULL;
if (sc->cache_dir && sc->cache_dir[0]) {
// Try to load it from a disk cache.
cache_dir = mp_get_user_path(tmp, sc->global, sc->cache_dir);
struct AVSHA *sha = av_sha_alloc();
if (!sha)
av_sha_init(sha, 256);
av_sha_update(sha, entry->total.start, entry->total.len);
uint8_t hash[256 / 8];
av_sha_final(sha, hash);
char hashstr[256 / 8 * 2 + 1];
for (int n = 0; n < 256 / 8; n++)
snprintf(hashstr + n * 2, sizeof(hashstr) - n * 2, "%02X", hash[n]);
cache_filename = mp_path_join(tmp, cache_dir, hashstr);
if (stat(cache_filename, &(struct stat){0}) == 0) {
MP_DBG(sc, "Trying to load shader from disk...\n");
struct bstr cachedata =
stream_read_file(cache_filename, tmp, sc->global, 1000000000);
if (bstr_eatstart0(&cachedata, cache_header))
params.cached_program = cachedata;
// If using a UBO, also make sure to add it as an input value so the RA
// can see it
if (sc->ubo_size) {
entry->ubo_index = sc->params.num_inputs;
struct ra_renderpass_input ubo_input = {
.name = "UBO",
.dim_v = 1,
.dim_m = 1,
.binding = sc->ubo_binding,
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, params.inputs, params.num_inputs, ubo_input);
if (sc->pushc_size) {
params.push_constants_size = MP_ALIGN_UP(sc->pushc_size, 4);
entry->pushc = talloc_zero_size(entry, params.push_constants_size);
if (sc->ubo_size) {
struct ra_buf_params ubo_params = {
.size = sc->ubo_size,
.host_mutable = true,
entry->ubo = ra_buf_create(sc->ra, &ubo_params);
if (!entry->ubo) {
MP_ERR(sc, "Failed creating uniform buffer!\n");
goto error;
entry->pass = sc->ra->fns->renderpass_create(sc->ra, &params);
if (!entry->pass)
goto error;
if (entry->pass && cache_filename) {
bstr nc = entry->pass->params.cached_program;
if (nc.len && !bstr_equals(params.cached_program, nc)) {
MP_DBG(sc, "Writing shader cache file: %s\n", cache_filename);
FILE *out = fopen(cache_filename, "wb");
if (out) {
fwrite(cache_header, strlen(cache_header), 1, out);
fwrite(nc.start, nc.len, 1, out);
ret = true;
return ret;
#define ADD(x, ...) bstr_xappend_asprintf(sc, (x), __VA_ARGS__)
#define ADD_BSTR(x, s) bstr_xappend(sc, (x), (s))
static void add_uniforms(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, bstr *dst)
// Add all of the UBO entries separately as members of their own buffer
if (sc->ubo_size > 0) {
ADD(dst, "layout(std140, binding=%d) uniform UBO {\n", sc->ubo_binding);
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++) {
struct sc_uniform *u = &sc->uniforms[n];
if (u->type != SC_UNIFORM_TYPE_UBO)
ADD(dst, "layout(offset=%zu) %s %s;\n", u->offset, u->glsl_type,
ADD(dst, "};\n");
// Ditto for push constants
if (sc->pushc_size > 0) {
ADD(dst, "layout(std430, push_constant) uniform PushC {\n");
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++) {
struct sc_uniform *u = &sc->uniforms[n];
if (u->type != SC_UNIFORM_TYPE_PUSHC)
ADD(dst, "layout(offset=%zu) %s %s;\n", u->offset, u->glsl_type,
ADD(dst, "};\n");
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++) {
struct sc_uniform *u = &sc->uniforms[n];
if (u->type != SC_UNIFORM_TYPE_GLOBAL)
switch (u->input.type) {
assert(sc->ra->caps & RA_CAP_GLOBAL_UNIFORM);
// fall through
// Vulkan requires explicitly assigning the bindings in the shader
// source. For OpenGL it's optional, but requires higher GL version
// so we don't do it (and instead have ra_gl update the bindings
// after program creation).
if (sc->ra->glsl_vulkan)
ADD(dst, "layout(binding=%d) ", u->input.binding);
ADD(dst, "uniform %s %s;\n", u->glsl_type, u->input.name);
ADD(dst, "layout(std140, binding=%d) uniform %s { %s };\n",
u->input.binding, u->input.name, u->buffer_format);
ADD(dst, "layout(std430, binding=%d) restrict coherent buffer %s { %s };\n",
u->input.binding, u->input.name, u->buffer_format);
// For better compatibility, we have to explicitly label the
// type of data we will be reading/writing to this image.
const char *fmt = u->v.tex->params.format->glsl_format;
if (sc->ra->glsl_vulkan) {
if (fmt) {
ADD(dst, "layout(binding=%d, %s) ", u->input.binding, fmt);
} else {
ADD(dst, "layout(binding=%d) ", u->input.binding);
} else if (fmt) {
ADD(dst, "layout(%s) ", fmt);
ADD(dst, "uniform restrict %s %s;\n", u->glsl_type, u->input.name);
// 1. Generate vertex and fragment shaders from the fragment shader text added
// with gl_sc_add(). The generated shader program is cached (based on the
// text), so actual compilation happens only the first time.
// 2. Update the uniforms and textures set with gl_sc_uniform_*.
// 3. Make the new shader program current (glUseProgram()).
// After that, you render, and then you call gc_sc_reset(), which does:
// 1. Unbind the program and all textures.
// 2. Reset the sc state and prepare for a new shader program. (All uniforms
// and fragment operations needed for the next program have to be re-added.)
static void gl_sc_generate(struct gl_shader_cache *sc,
enum ra_renderpass_type type,
const struct ra_format *target_format,
const struct ra_renderpass_input *vao,
int vao_len, size_t vertex_stride)
int glsl_version = sc->ra->glsl_version;
int glsl_es = sc->ra->glsl_es ? glsl_version : 0;
sc->params.type = type;
// gl_sc_reset() must be called after ending the previous render process,
// and before starting a new one.
sc->needs_reset = true;
// If using a UBO, pick a binding (needed for shader generation)
if (sc->ubo_size)
sc->ubo_binding = gl_sc_next_binding(sc, RA_VARTYPE_BUF_RO);
for (int n = 0; n < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(sc->tmp); n++)
sc->tmp[n].len = 0;
// set up shader text (header + uniforms + body)
bstr *header = &sc->tmp[0];
ADD(header, "#version %d%s\n", glsl_version, glsl_es >= 300 ? " es" : "");
// This extension cannot be enabled in fragment shader. Enable it as
// an exception for compute shader.
ADD(header, "#extension GL_ARB_compute_shader : enable\n");
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_exts; n++)
ADD(header, "#extension %s : enable\n", sc->exts[n]);
if (glsl_es) {
ADD(header, "precision highp float;\n");
ADD(header, "#else\n");
ADD(header, "precision mediump float;\n");
ADD(header, "#endif\n");
ADD(header, "precision mediump sampler2D;\n");
if (sc->ra->caps & RA_CAP_TEX_3D)
ADD(header, "precision mediump sampler3D;\n");
if (glsl_version >= 130) {
ADD(header, "#define tex1D texture\n");
ADD(header, "#define tex3D texture\n");
} else {
ADD(header, "#define tex1D texture1D\n");
ADD(header, "#define tex3D texture3D\n");
ADD(header, "#define texture texture2D\n");
// Additional helpers.
ADD(header, "#define LUT_POS(x, lut_size)"
" mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))\n");
char *vert_in = glsl_version >= 130 ? "in" : "attribute";
char *vert_out = glsl_version >= 130 ? "out" : "varying";
char *frag_in = glsl_version >= 130 ? "in" : "varying";
struct bstr *vert = NULL, *frag = NULL, *comp = NULL;
// vertex shader: we don't use the vertex shader, so just setup a
// dummy, which passes through the vertex array attributes.
bstr *vert_head = &sc->tmp[1];
ADD_BSTR(vert_head, *header);
bstr *vert_body = &sc->tmp[2];
ADD(vert_body, "void main() {\n");
bstr *frag_vaos = &sc->tmp[3];
for (int n = 0; n < vao_len; n++) {
const struct ra_renderpass_input *e = &vao[n];
const char *glsl_type = vao_glsl_type(e);
char loc[32] = {0};
if (sc->ra->glsl_vulkan)
snprintf(loc, sizeof(loc), "layout(location=%d) ", n);
if (strcmp(e->name, "position") == 0) {
// setting raster pos. requires setting gl_Position magic variable
assert(e->dim_v == 2 && e->type == RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT);
ADD(vert_head, "%s%s vec2 vertex_position;\n", loc, vert_in);
ADD(vert_body, "gl_Position = vec4(vertex_position, 1.0, 1.0);\n");
} else {
ADD(vert_head, "%s%s %s vertex_%s;\n", loc, vert_in, glsl_type, e->name);
ADD(vert_head, "%s%s %s %s;\n", loc, vert_out, glsl_type, e->name);
ADD(vert_body, "%s = vertex_%s;\n", e->name, e->name);
ADD(frag_vaos, "%s%s %s %s;\n", loc, frag_in, glsl_type, e->name);
ADD(vert_body, "}\n");
vert = vert_head;
ADD_BSTR(vert, *vert_body);
// fragment shader; still requires adding used uniforms and VAO elements
frag = &sc->tmp[4];
ADD_BSTR(frag, *header);
if (glsl_version >= 130) {
ADD(frag, "%sout vec4 out_color;\n",
sc->ra->glsl_vulkan ? "layout(location=0) " : "");
ADD_BSTR(frag, *frag_vaos);
add_uniforms(sc, frag);
ADD_BSTR(frag, sc->prelude_text);
ADD_BSTR(frag, sc->header_text);
ADD(frag, "void main() {\n");
// we require _all_ frag shaders to write to a "vec4 color"
ADD(frag, "vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n");
ADD_BSTR(frag, sc->text);
if (glsl_version >= 130) {
ADD(frag, "out_color = color;\n");
} else {
ADD(frag, "gl_FragColor = color;\n");
ADD(frag, "}\n");
// We need to fix the format of the render dst at renderpass creation
// time
sc->params.target_format = target_format;
comp = &sc->tmp[4];
ADD_BSTR(comp, *header);
add_uniforms(sc, comp);
ADD_BSTR(comp, sc->prelude_text);
ADD_BSTR(comp, sc->header_text);
ADD(comp, "void main() {\n");
ADD(comp, "vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"); // convenience
ADD_BSTR(comp, sc->text);
ADD(comp, "}\n");
bstr *hash_total = &sc->tmp[5];
ADD(hash_total, "type %d\n", sc->params.type);
if (frag) {
ADD_BSTR(hash_total, *frag);
sc->params.frag_shader = frag->start;
ADD(hash_total, "\n");
if (vert) {
ADD_BSTR(hash_total, *vert);
sc->params.vertex_shader = vert->start;
ADD(hash_total, "\n");
if (comp) {
ADD_BSTR(hash_total, *comp);
sc->params.compute_shader = comp->start;
ADD(hash_total, "\n");
if (sc->params.enable_blend) {
ADD(hash_total, "blend %d %d %d %d\n",
sc->params.blend_src_rgb, sc->params.blend_dst_rgb,
sc->params.blend_src_alpha, sc->params.blend_dst_alpha);
if (sc->params.target_format)
ADD(hash_total, "format %s\n", sc->params.target_format->name);
struct sc_entry *entry = NULL;
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_entries; n++) {
struct sc_entry *cur = sc->entries[n];
if (bstr_equals(cur->total, *hash_total)) {
entry = cur;
if (!entry) {
if (sc->num_entries == SC_MAX_ENTRIES)
entry = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, entry);
*entry = (struct sc_entry){
.total = bstrdup(entry, *hash_total),
.timer = timer_pool_create(sc->ra),
// The vertex shader uses mangled names for the vertex attributes, so
// that the fragment shader can use the "real" names. But the shader is
// expecting the vertex attribute names (at least with older GLSL
// targets for GL).
sc->params.vertex_stride = vertex_stride;
for (int n = 0; n < vao_len; n++) {
struct ra_renderpass_input attrib = vao[n];
attrib.name = talloc_asprintf(entry, "vertex_%s", attrib.name);
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->params.vertex_attribs,
sc->params.num_vertex_attribs, attrib);
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++) {
struct sc_cached_uniform u = {0};
if (sc->uniforms[n].type == SC_UNIFORM_TYPE_GLOBAL) {
// global uniforms need to be made visible to the ra_renderpass
u.index = sc->params.num_inputs;
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->params.inputs, sc->params.num_inputs,
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(entry, entry->cached_uniforms,
entry->num_cached_uniforms, u);
if (!create_pass(sc, entry))
sc->error_state = true;
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->entries, sc->num_entries, entry);
if (!entry->pass) {
sc->current_shader = NULL;
assert(sc->num_uniforms == entry->num_cached_uniforms);
sc->num_values = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++)
update_uniform(sc, entry, &sc->uniforms[n], n);
// If we're using a UBO, make sure to bind it as well
if (sc->ubo_size) {
struct ra_renderpass_input_val ubo_val = {
.index = entry->ubo_index,
.data = &entry->ubo,
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->values, sc->num_values, ubo_val);
sc->current_shader = entry;
struct mp_pass_perf gl_sc_dispatch_draw(struct gl_shader_cache *sc,
struct ra_tex *target, bool discard,
const struct ra_renderpass_input *vao,
int vao_len, size_t vertex_stride,
void *vertices, size_t num_vertices)
struct timer_pool *timer = NULL;
sc->params.invalidate_target = discard;
gl_sc_generate(sc, RA_RENDERPASS_TYPE_RASTER, target->params.format,
vao, vao_len, vertex_stride);
if (!sc->current_shader)
goto error;
timer = sc->current_shader->timer;
struct mp_rect full_rc = {0, 0, target->params.w, target->params.h};
struct ra_renderpass_run_params run = {
.pass = sc->current_shader->pass,
.values = sc->values,
.num_values = sc->num_values,
.push_constants = sc->current_shader->pushc,
.target = target,
.vertex_data = vertices,
.vertex_count = num_vertices,
.viewport = full_rc,
.scissors = full_rc,
sc->ra->fns->renderpass_run(sc->ra, &run);
return timer_pool_measure(timer);
struct mp_pass_perf gl_sc_dispatch_compute(struct gl_shader_cache *sc,
int w, int h, int d)
struct timer_pool *timer = NULL;
gl_sc_generate(sc, RA_RENDERPASS_TYPE_COMPUTE, NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
if (!sc->current_shader)
goto error;
timer = sc->current_shader->timer;
struct ra_renderpass_run_params run = {
.pass = sc->current_shader->pass,
.values = sc->values,
.num_values = sc->num_values,
.push_constants = sc->current_shader->pushc,
.compute_groups = {w, h, d},
sc->ra->fns->renderpass_run(sc->ra, &run);
return timer_pool_measure(timer);