
563 lines
20 KiB

* This file is part of mpv.
* mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with mpv. If not, see <>.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "libmpv/client.h"
#include "common/common.h"
#include "options/options.h"
#include "sub/osd.h"
#include "audio/audio.h"
#include "video/mp_image.h"
#include "video/out/vo.h"
#include "lavfi.h"
// definitions used internally by the core player code
enum stop_play_reason {
KEEP_PLAYING = 0, // must be 0, numeric values of others do not matter
AT_END_OF_FILE, // file has ended, prepare to play next
// also returned on unrecoverable playback errors
PT_NEXT_ENTRY, // prepare to play next entry in playlist
PT_CURRENT_ENTRY, // prepare to play mpctx->playlist->current
PT_STOP, // stop playback, clear playlist
PT_RELOAD_FILE, // restart playback
PT_QUIT, // stop playback, quit player
PT_ERROR, // play next playlist entry (due to an error)
enum mp_osd_seek_info {
enum {
// other constants
enum seek_type {
enum seek_precision {
// The following values are numerically sorted by increasing precision
enum video_sync {
#define VS_IS_DISP(x) ((x) == VS_DISP_RESAMPLE || \
(x) == VS_DISP_ADROP || \
(x) == VS_DISP_VDROP || \
(x) == VS_DISP_NONE)
// Information about past video frames that have been sent to the VO.
struct frame_info {
double pts;
double duration; // PTS difference to next frame
double approx_duration; // possibly fixed/smoothed out duration
double av_diff; // A/V diff at time of scheduling
int num_vsyncs; // scheduled vsyncs, if using display-sync
struct track {
enum stream_type type;
// Currently used for decoding.
bool selected;
// The type specific ID, also called aid (audio), sid (subs), vid (video).
// For UI purposes only; this ID doesn't have anything to do with any
// IDs coming from demuxers or container files.
int user_tid;
int demuxer_id; // same as stream->demuxer_id. -1 if not set.
int ff_index; // same as stream->ff_index, or 0.
char *title;
bool default_track, forced_track;
bool attached_picture;
char *lang;
// If this track is from an external file (e.g. subtitle file).
bool is_external;
bool no_default; // pretend it's not external for auto-selection
char *external_filename;
bool auto_loaded;
struct demuxer *demuxer;
// Invariant: !stream || stream->demuxer == demuxer
struct sh_stream *stream;
// Current subtitle state (or cached state if selected==false).
struct dec_sub *d_sub;
// Current decoding state (NULL if selected==false)
struct dec_video *d_video;
struct dec_audio *d_audio;
// Where the decoded result goes to (one of them is not NULL if active)
struct vo_chain *vo_c;
struct ao_chain *ao_c;
struct lavfi_pad *sink;
// For external subtitles, which are read fully on init. Do not attempt
// to read packets from them.
bool preloaded;
// Summarizes video filtering and output.
struct vo_chain {
struct mp_log *log;
struct mp_hwdec_info *hwdec_info;
double container_fps;
struct vf_chain *vf;
struct vo *vo;
// 1-element input frame queue.
struct mp_image *input_mpi;
// Last known input_mpi format (so vf can be reinitialized any time).
struct mp_image_params input_format;
struct track *track;
struct lavfi_pad *filter_src;
struct dec_video *video_src;
// - video consists of a single picture, which should be shown only once
// - do not sync audio to video in any way
bool is_coverart;
// Like vo_chain, for audio.
struct ao_chain {
struct mp_log *log;
double pts; // timestamp of first sample output by decoder
bool spdif_passthrough, spdif_failed;
bool pts_reset;
struct af_stream *af;
struct ao *ao;
struct mp_audio_buffer *ao_buffer;
// 1-element input frame queue.
struct mp_audio *input_frame;
// Last known input_mpi format (so vf can be reinitialized any time).
struct mp_audio input_format;
struct track *track;
struct lavfi_pad *filter_src;
struct dec_audio *audio_src;
/* Note that playback can be paused, stopped, etc. at any time. While paused,
* playback restart is still active, because you want seeking to work even
* if paused.
* The main purpose of distinguishing these states is proper reinitialization
* of A/V sync.
enum playback_status {
// code may compare status values numerically
STATUS_SYNCING, // seeking for a position to resume
STATUS_FILLING, // decoding more data (so you start with full buffers)
STATUS_READY, // buffers full, playback can be started any time
STATUS_PLAYING, // normal playback
STATUS_DRAINING, // decoding has ended; still playing out queued buffers
STATUS_EOF, // playback has ended, or is disabled
#define NUM_PTRACKS 2
typedef struct MPContext {
bool initialized;
bool autodetach;
struct mpv_global *global;
struct MPOpts *opts;
struct mp_log *log;
struct m_config *mconfig;
struct input_ctx *input;
struct mp_client_api *clients;
struct mp_dispatch_queue *dispatch;
struct mp_cancel *playback_abort;
struct mp_log *statusline;
struct osd_state *osd;
char *term_osd_text;
char *term_osd_status;
char *term_osd_subs;
char *term_osd_contents;
char *last_window_title;
struct voctrl_playback_state vo_playback_state;
int add_osd_seek_info; // bitfield of enum mp_osd_seek_info
double osd_visible; // for the osd bar only
int osd_function;
double osd_function_visible;
double osd_msg_visible;
double osd_msg_next_duration;
double osd_last_update;
bool osd_force_update;
char *osd_msg_text;
bool osd_show_pos;
struct osd_progbar_state osd_progbar;
struct playlist *playlist;
struct playlist_entry *playing; // currently playing file
char *filename; // immutable copy of playing->filename (or NULL)
char *stream_open_filename;
enum stop_play_reason stop_play;
bool playback_initialized; // playloop can be run/is running
int error_playing;
// Return code to use with PT_QUIT
int quit_custom_rc;
bool has_quit_custom_rc;
char **resume_defaults;
// Global file statistics
int files_played; // played without issues (even if stopped by user)
int files_errored; // played, but errors happened at one point
int files_broken; // couldn't be played at all
// Current file statistics
int64_t shown_vframes, shown_aframes;
struct demux_chapter *chapters;
int num_chapters;
struct demuxer *demuxer;
struct mp_tags *filtered_tags;
struct track **tracks;
int num_tracks;
char *track_layout_hash;
// Selected tracks. NULL if no track selected.
// There can be NUM_PTRACKS of the same STREAM_TYPE selected at once.
// Currently, this is used for the secondary subtitle track only.
struct track *current_track[NUM_PTRACKS][STREAM_TYPE_COUNT];
struct lavfi *lavfi;
struct mixer *mixer;
struct ao *ao;
struct mp_audio *ao_decoder_fmt; // for weak gapless audio check
struct ao_chain *ao_chain;
struct vo_chain *vo_chain;
struct vo *video_out;
// next_frame[0] is the next frame, next_frame[1] the one after that.
// The +1 is for adding 1 additional frame in backstep mode.
struct mp_image *next_frames[VO_MAX_REQ_FRAMES + 1];
int num_next_frames;
struct mp_image *saved_frame; // for hrseek_lastframe and hrseek_backstep
enum playback_status video_status, audio_status;
bool restart_complete;
// Factors to multiply with opts->playback_speed to get the total audio or
// video speed (usually 1.0, but can be set to by the sync code).
double speed_factor_v, speed_factor_a;
// Redundant values set from opts->playback_speed and speed_factor_*.
// update_playback_speed() updates them from the other fields.
double audio_speed, video_speed;
bool display_sync_active;
bool display_sync_broken;
int display_sync_drift_dir;
// Timing error (in seconds) due to rounding on vsync boundaries
double display_sync_error;
double audio_drop_throttle;
// Number of mistimed frames.
int mistimed_frames_total;
bool hrseek_active; // skip all data until hrseek_pts
bool hrseek_framedrop; // allow decoder to drop frames before hrseek_pts
bool hrseek_lastframe; // drop everything until last frame reached
bool hrseek_backstep; // go to frame before seek target
double hrseek_pts;
// AV sync: the next frame should be shown when the audio out has this
// much (in seconds) buffered data left. Increased when more data is
// written to the ao, decreased when moving to the next video frame.
double delay;
// AV sync: time in seconds until next frame should be shown
double time_frame;
// How much video timing has been changed to make it match the audio
// timeline. Used for status line information only.
double total_avsync_change;
// Used to compute the number of frames dropped in a row.
int dropped_frames_start;
// A-V sync difference when last frame was displayed. Kept to display
// the same value if the status line is updated at a time where no new
// video frame is shown.
double last_av_difference;
/* timestamp of video frame currently visible on screen
* (or at least queued to be flipped by VO) */
double video_pts;
double last_seek_pts;
// As video_pts, but is not reset when seeking away. (For the very short
// period of time until a new frame is decoded and shown.)
double last_vo_pts;
// Video PTS, or audio PTS if video has ended.
double playback_pts;
// audio stats only
int64_t audio_stat_start;
double written_audio;
int last_chapter;
// Past timestamps etc.
// The newest frame is at index 0.
struct frame_info *past_frames;
int num_past_frames;
double next_heartbeat;
double last_idle_tick;
double next_cache_update;
double sleeptime; // number of seconds to sleep before next iteration
double mouse_timer;
unsigned int mouse_event_ts;
bool mouse_cursor_visible;
// used to prevent hanging in some error cases
double start_timestamp;
// Timestamp from the last time some timing functions read the
// current time, in microseconds.
// Used to turn a new time value to a delta from last time.
int64_t last_time;
// Used to communicate the parameters of a seek between parts
struct seek_params {
enum seek_type type;
enum seek_precision exact;
double amount;
bool immediate; // disable seek delay logic
} seek;
/* Heuristic for relative chapter seeks: keep track which chapter
* the user wanted to go to, even if we aren't exactly within the
* boundaries of that chapter due to an inaccurate seek. */
int last_chapter_seek;
double last_chapter_pts;
bool paused;
// step this many frames, then pause
int step_frames;
// Counted down each frame, stop playback if 0 is reached. (-1 = disable)
int max_frames;
bool playing_msg_shown;
bool paused_for_cache;
double cache_stop_time, cache_wait_time;
// Set after showing warning about decoding being too slow for realtime
// playback rate. Used to avoid showing it multiple times.
bool drop_message_shown;
char *cached_watch_later_configdir;
struct screenshot_ctx *screenshot_ctx;
struct command_ctx *command_ctx;
struct encode_lavc_context *encode_lavc_ctx;
struct mp_ipc_ctx *ipc_ctx;
struct mpv_opengl_cb_context *gl_cb_ctx;
} MPContext;
// audio.c
void reset_audio_state(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void reinit_audio_chain(struct MPContext *mpctx);
int init_audio_decoder(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track);
int reinit_audio_filters(struct MPContext *mpctx);
double playing_audio_pts(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void fill_audio_out_buffers(struct MPContext *mpctx, double endpts);
double written_audio_pts(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void clear_audio_output_buffers(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void update_playback_speed(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void uninit_audio_out(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void uninit_audio_chain(struct MPContext *mpctx);
int init_audio_decoder(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track);
void reinit_audio_chain_src(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct lavfi_pad *src);
// configfiles.c
void mp_parse_cfgfiles(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void mp_load_auto_profiles(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void mp_get_resume_defaults(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void mp_load_playback_resume(struct MPContext *mpctx, const char *file);
void mp_write_watch_later_conf(struct MPContext *mpctx);
struct playlist_entry *mp_check_playlist_resume(struct MPContext *mpctx,
struct playlist *playlist);
// loadfile.c
void uninit_player(struct MPContext *mpctx, unsigned int mask);
struct track *mp_add_external_file(struct MPContext *mpctx, char *filename,
enum stream_type filter);
void mp_switch_track(struct MPContext *mpctx, enum stream_type type,
struct track *track, int flags);
void mp_switch_track_n(struct MPContext *mpctx, int order,
enum stream_type type, struct track *track, int flags);
void mp_deselect_track(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track);
struct track *mp_track_by_tid(struct MPContext *mpctx, enum stream_type type,
int tid);
void add_demuxer_tracks(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct demuxer *demuxer);
bool mp_remove_track(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track);
struct playlist_entry *mp_next_file(struct MPContext *mpctx, int direction,
bool force);
void mp_set_playlist_entry(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct playlist_entry *e);
void mp_play_files(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void update_demuxer_properties(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void print_track_list(struct MPContext *mpctx, const char *msg);
void reselect_demux_stream(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track);
void prepare_playlist(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct playlist *pl);
void autoload_external_files(struct MPContext *mpctx);
struct track *select_default_track(struct MPContext *mpctx, int order,
enum stream_type type);
// main.c
int mp_initialize(struct MPContext *mpctx, char **argv);
struct MPContext *mp_create(void);
void mp_destroy(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void mp_print_version(struct mp_log *log, int always);
void wakeup_playloop(void *ctx);
// misc.c
double rel_time_to_abs(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct m_rel_time t);
double get_play_end_pts(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void merge_playlist_files(struct playlist *pl);
float mp_get_cache_percent(struct MPContext *mpctx);
bool mp_get_cache_idle(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void update_vo_playback_state(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void update_window_title(struct MPContext *mpctx, bool force);
void error_on_track(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track);
int stream_dump(struct MPContext *mpctx, const char *source_filename);
int mpctx_run_reentrant(struct MPContext *mpctx, void (*thread_fn)(void *arg),
void *thread_arg);
struct mpv_global *create_sub_global(struct MPContext *mpctx);
// osd.c
void set_osd_bar(struct MPContext *mpctx, int type,
double min, double max, double neutral, double val);
bool set_osd_msg(struct MPContext *mpctx, int level, int time,
const char* fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(4,5);
void set_osd_function(struct MPContext *mpctx, int osd_function);
void term_osd_set_subs(struct MPContext *mpctx, const char *text);
void get_current_osd_sym(struct MPContext *mpctx, char *buf, size_t buf_size);
void set_osd_bar_chapters(struct MPContext *mpctx, int type);
// playloop.c
void mp_wait_events(struct MPContext *mpctx, double sleeptime);
void mp_process_input(struct MPContext *mpctx);
double get_relative_time(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void reset_playback_state(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void pause_player(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void unpause_player(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void add_step_frame(struct MPContext *mpctx, int dir);
void queue_seek(struct MPContext *mpctx, enum seek_type type, double amount,
enum seek_precision exact, bool immediate);
double get_time_length(struct MPContext *mpctx);
double get_current_time(struct MPContext *mpctx);
double get_playback_time(struct MPContext *mpctx);
int get_percent_pos(struct MPContext *mpctx);
double get_current_pos_ratio(struct MPContext *mpctx, bool use_range);
int get_current_chapter(struct MPContext *mpctx);
char *chapter_display_name(struct MPContext *mpctx, int chapter);
char *chapter_name(struct MPContext *mpctx, int chapter);
double chapter_start_time(struct MPContext *mpctx, int chapter);
int get_chapter_count(struct MPContext *mpctx);
double get_cache_buffering_percentage(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void execute_queued_seek(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void run_playloop(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void mp_idle(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void idle_loop(struct MPContext *mpctx);
int handle_force_window(struct MPContext *mpctx, bool force);
void seek_to_last_frame(struct MPContext *mpctx);
// scripting.c
struct mp_scripting {
const char *file_ext; // e.g. "lua"
int (*load)(struct mpv_handle *client, const char *filename);
void mp_load_scripts(struct MPContext *mpctx);
// sub.c
void reset_subtitle_state(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void reinit_sub(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track);
void reinit_sub_all(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void uninit_sub(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track);
void uninit_sub_all(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void update_osd_msg(struct MPContext *mpctx);
bool update_subtitles(struct MPContext *mpctx, double video_pts);
// video.c
int video_get_colors(struct vo_chain *vo_c, const char *item, int *value);
int video_set_colors(struct vo_chain *vo_c, const char *item, int value);
int video_vf_vo_control(struct vo_chain *vo_c, int vf_cmd, void *data);
void reset_video_state(struct MPContext *mpctx);
int init_video_decoder(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track);
int reinit_video_chain(struct MPContext *mpctx);
int reinit_video_chain_src(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct lavfi_pad *src);
int reinit_video_filters(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void write_video(struct MPContext *mpctx, double endpts);
void mp_force_video_refresh(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void uninit_video_out(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void uninit_video_chain(struct MPContext *mpctx);
double calc_average_frame_duration(struct MPContext *mpctx);
int init_video_decoder(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track);
#endif /* MPLAYER_MP_CORE_H */