mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 11:18:32 +00:00
If the backbuffer is much larger than the forward buffer, and if you join a small range with a large range (larger than the forward buffer), then the seek issues to the end of the range after joining will overflow the queue. Normally, read_more will be false when the forward buffer is full, but the resume seek after joining will set need_refresh to true, which forces more reading and thus triggers the overfloe warning. Attempt to fix this by not setting read_more to true on refresh seeks. Set prefetch_more instead. read_more will still be set if an A/V stream has no data. This doesn't help with the following problems related to using refresh seeks for track switching: - If the forward buffer is full, then enabling another track will obviously immediately overflow the queue, and immediately lead to marking the new track as having no more data (i.e. EOF). We could cut down the forward buffer or so, but there's no simple way to implement it. Another possibility would be dropping all buffers and trying to resume again, but this would likely be complex as well. - Subtitle tracks will not even show a warning (because they are sparse, and we have no way of telling whether a packet is missing, or there's just no packet near the current position). Before this commit, enabling an empty subtitle track would probably have overflown the queue, because ds->refreshing was never set to true. Possibly this could be solved by determining a demuxer read position, which would reflect until which PTS all subtitle packets should have been demuxed. The forward buffer limit was intended as a last safeguard to avoid excessive memory usage against badly interleaved files or decoders going crazy (up to reading the whole into memory and OOM'ing the user's system). It's not good at all to limit prefetch. Possibly solutions include having another smaller limit for prefetch, or maybe having only a total buffer limit, and discarding back buffer if more data has to be read. The current solution is making the forward buffer larger than the forward duration (--cache-secs) would require, but of course this depends on the stream's bitrate.
2770 lines
93 KiB
2770 lines
93 KiB
* This file is part of mpv.
* mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with mpv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "options/m_config.h"
#include "options/m_option.h"
#include "mpv_talloc.h"
#include "common/msg.h"
#include "common/global.h"
#include "osdep/threads.h"
#include "stream/stream.h"
#include "demux.h"
#include "timeline.h"
#include "stheader.h"
#include "cue.h"
// Demuxer list
extern const struct demuxer_desc demuxer_desc_edl;
extern const struct demuxer_desc demuxer_desc_cue;
extern const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_rawaudio;
extern const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_rawvideo;
extern const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_tv;
extern const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_mf;
extern const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_matroska;
extern const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_lavf;
extern const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_playlist;
extern const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_disc;
extern const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_rar;
extern const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_libarchive;
extern const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_null;
extern const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_timeline;
/* Please do not add any new demuxers here. If you want to implement a new
* demuxer, add it to libavformat, except for wrappers around external
* libraries and demuxers requiring binary support. */
const demuxer_desc_t *const demuxer_list[] = {
struct demux_opts {
int max_bytes;
int max_bytes_bw;
double min_secs;
int force_seekable;
double min_secs_cache;
int access_references;
int seekable_cache;
int create_ccs;
#define OPT_BASE_STRUCT struct demux_opts
const struct m_sub_options demux_conf = {
.opts = (const struct m_option[]){
OPT_DOUBLE("demuxer-readahead-secs", min_secs, M_OPT_MIN, .min = 0),
OPT_INTRANGE("demuxer-max-bytes", max_bytes, 0, 0, INT_MAX),
OPT_INTRANGE("demuxer-max-back-bytes", max_bytes_bw, 0, 0, INT_MAX),
OPT_FLAG("force-seekable", force_seekable, 0),
OPT_DOUBLE("cache-secs", min_secs_cache, M_OPT_MIN, .min = 0),
OPT_FLAG("access-references", access_references, 0),
OPT_CHOICE("demuxer-seekable-cache", seekable_cache, 0,
({"auto", -1}, {"no", 0}, {"yes", 1})),
OPT_FLAG("sub-create-cc-track", create_ccs, 0),
.size = sizeof(struct demux_opts),
.defaults = &(const struct demux_opts){
.max_bytes = 400 * 1024 * 1024,
.max_bytes_bw = 400 * 1024 * 1024,
.min_secs = 1.0,
.min_secs_cache = 120.0,
.seekable_cache = -1,
.access_references = 1,
struct demux_internal {
struct mp_log *log;
// The demuxer runs potentially in another thread, so we keep two demuxer
// structs; the real demuxer can access the shadow struct only.
// Since demuxer and user threads both don't use locks, a third demuxer
// struct d_buffer is used to copy data between them in a synchronized way.
struct demuxer *d_thread; // accessed by demuxer impl. (producer)
struct demuxer *d_user; // accessed by player (consumer)
struct demuxer *d_buffer; // protected by lock; used to sync d_user/thread
// The lock protects the packet queues (struct demux_stream), d_buffer,
// and the fields below.
pthread_mutex_t lock;
pthread_cond_t wakeup;
pthread_t thread;
// -- All the following fields are protected by lock.
bool thread_terminate;
bool threading;
void (*wakeup_cb)(void *ctx);
void *wakeup_cb_ctx;
struct sh_stream **streams;
int num_streams;
int events;
bool warned_queue_overflow;
bool last_eof; // last actual global EOF status
bool eof; // whether we're in EOF state (reset for retry)
bool idle;
bool autoselect;
double min_secs;
int max_bytes;
int max_bytes_bw;
bool seekable_cache;
// At least one decoder actually requested data since init or the last seek.
// Do this to allow the decoder thread to select streams before starting.
bool reading;
// Set if we know that we are at the start of the file. This is used to
// avoid a redundant initial seek after enabling streams. We could just
// allow it, but to avoid buggy seeking affecting normal playback, we don't.
bool initial_state;
bool tracks_switched; // thread needs to inform demuxer of this
bool seeking; // there's a seek queued
int seek_flags; // flags for next seek (if seeking==true)
double seek_pts;
double ts_offset; // timestamp offset to apply to everything
void (*run_fn)(void *); // if non-NULL, function queued to be run on
void *run_fn_arg; // the thread as run_fn(run_fn_arg)
// (sorted by least recent use: index 0 is least recently used)
struct demux_cached_range **ranges;
int num_ranges;
size_t total_bytes; // total sum of packet data buffered
size_t fw_bytes; // sum of forward packet data in current_range
// Range from which decoder is reading, and to which demuxer is appending.
// This is never NULL. This is always ranges[num_ranges - 1].
struct demux_cached_range *current_range;
// Cached state.
bool force_cache_update;
struct mp_tags *stream_metadata;
struct stream_cache_info stream_cache_info;
int64_t stream_size;
// Updated during init only.
char *stream_base_filename;
// A continuous range of cached packets for all enabled streams.
// (One demux_queue for each known stream.)
struct demux_cached_range {
// streams[] is indexed by demux_stream->index
struct demux_queue **streams;
int num_streams;
// Computed from the stream queue's values. These fields (unlike as with
// demux_queue) are always either NOPTS, or fully valid.
double seek_start, seek_end;
// A continuous list of cached packets for a single stream/range. There is one
// for each stream and range. Also contains some state for use during demuxing
// (keeping it across seeks makes it easier to resume demuxing).
struct demux_queue {
struct demux_stream *ds;
struct demux_cached_range *range;
struct demux_packet *head;
struct demux_packet *tail;
struct demux_packet *next_prune_target; // cached value for faster pruning
bool correct_dts; // packet DTS is strictly monotonically increasing
bool correct_pos; // packet pos is strictly monotonically increasing
int64_t last_pos; // for determining correct_pos
double last_dts; // for determining correct_dts
double last_ts; // timestamp of the last packet added to queue
// for incrementally determining seek PTS range
double keyframe_pts, keyframe_end_pts;
struct demux_packet *keyframe_latest;
// incrementally maintained seek range, possibly invalid
double seek_start, seek_end;
double last_pruned; // timestamp of last pruned keyframe
// incomplete index to somewhat speed up seek operations
// the entries in index[] must be in packet queue append/removal order
int num_index; // valid index[] entries
double index_distance; // minimum keyframe distance to add index element
struct demux_packet *index[MAX_INDEX_ENTRIES];
struct demux_stream {
struct demux_internal *in;
struct sh_stream *sh; // ds->sh->ds == ds
enum stream_type type; // equals to sh->type
int index; // equals to sh->index
// --- all fields are protected by in->lock
// demuxer state
bool selected; // user wants packets from this stream
bool eager; // try to keep at least 1 packet queued
// if false, this stream is disabled, or passively
// read (like subtitles)
bool refreshing;
bool global_correct_dts;// all observed so far
bool global_correct_pos;
// current queue - used both for reading and demuxing (this is never NULL)
struct demux_queue *queue;
// reader (decoder) state (bitrate calculations are part of it because we
// want to return the bitrate closest to the "current position")
double base_ts; // timestamp of the last packet returned to decoder
double last_br_ts; // timestamp of last packet bitrate was calculated
size_t last_br_bytes; // summed packet sizes since last bitrate calculation
double bitrate;
size_t fw_packs; // number of packets in buffer (forward)
size_t fw_bytes; // total bytes of packets in buffer (forward)
bool eof; // end of demuxed stream? (true if no more packets)
struct demux_packet *reader_head; // points at current decoder position
bool skip_to_keyframe;
bool attached_picture_added;
// for closed captions (demuxer_feed_caption)
struct sh_stream *cc;
bool ignore_eof; // ignore stream in underrun detection
// Return "a", or if that is NOPTS, return "def".
#define PTS_OR_DEF(a, def) ((a) == MP_NOPTS_VALUE ? (def) : (a))
// If one of the values is NOPTS, always pick the other one.
#define MP_PTS_MIN(a, b) MPMIN(PTS_OR_DEF(a, b), PTS_OR_DEF(b, a))
#define MP_PTS_MAX(a, b) MPMAX(PTS_OR_DEF(a, b), PTS_OR_DEF(b, a))
#define MP_ADD_PTS(a, b) ((a) == MP_NOPTS_VALUE ? (a) : ((a) + (b)))
static void demuxer_sort_chapters(demuxer_t *demuxer);
static void *demux_thread(void *pctx);
static void update_cache(struct demux_internal *in);
#if 0
// very expensive check for redundant cached queue state
static void check_queue_consistency(struct demux_internal *in)
size_t total_bytes = 0;
size_t total_fw_bytes = 0;
assert(in->current_range && in->num_ranges > 0);
assert(in->current_range == in->ranges[in->num_ranges - 1]);
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_ranges; n++) {
struct demux_cached_range *range = in->ranges[n];
assert(range->num_streams == in->num_streams);
for (int i = 0; i < range->num_streams; i++) {
struct demux_queue *queue = range->streams[i];
assert(queue->range == range);
size_t fw_bytes = 0;
size_t fw_packs = 0;
bool is_forward = false;
bool kf_found = false;
bool npt_found = false;
int next_index = 0;
for (struct demux_packet *dp = queue->head; dp; dp = dp->next) {
is_forward |= dp == queue->ds->reader_head;
kf_found |= dp == queue->keyframe_latest;
npt_found |= dp == queue->next_prune_target;
size_t bytes = demux_packet_estimate_total_size(dp);
total_bytes += bytes;
if (is_forward) {
fw_bytes += bytes;
fw_packs += 1;
assert(range == in->current_range);
assert(queue->ds->queue == queue);
if (!dp->next)
assert(queue->tail == dp);
if (next_index < queue->num_index && queue->index[next_index] == dp)
next_index += 1;
if (!queue->head)
assert(next_index == queue->num_index);
// If the queue is currently used...
if (queue->ds->queue == queue) {
// ...reader_head and others must be in the queue.
assert(is_forward == !!queue->ds->reader_head);
assert(kf_found == !!queue->keyframe_latest);
assert(npt_found == !!queue->next_prune_target);
total_fw_bytes += fw_bytes;
if (range == in->current_range) {
assert(queue->ds->fw_bytes == fw_bytes);
assert(queue->ds->fw_packs == fw_packs);
} else {
assert(fw_bytes == 0 && fw_packs == 0);
if (queue->keyframe_latest)
assert(in->total_bytes == total_bytes);
assert(in->fw_bytes == total_fw_bytes);
static void recompute_buffers(struct demux_stream *ds)
ds->fw_packs = 0;
ds->fw_bytes = 0;
for (struct demux_packet *dp = ds->reader_head; dp; dp = dp->next) {
ds->fw_bytes += demux_packet_estimate_total_size(dp);
// (this doesn't do most required things for a switch, like updating ds->queue)
static void set_current_range(struct demux_internal *in,
struct demux_cached_range *range)
in->current_range = range;
// Move to in->ranges[in->num_ranges-1] (for LRU sorting/invariant)
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_ranges; n++) {
if (in->ranges[n] == range) {
MP_TARRAY_REMOVE_AT(in->ranges, in->num_ranges, n);
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(in, in->ranges, in->num_ranges, range);
// Refresh range->seek_start/end.
static void update_seek_ranges(struct demux_cached_range *range)
range->seek_start = range->seek_end = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
for (int n = 0; n < range->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_queue *queue = range->streams[n];
if (queue->ds->selected && queue->ds->eager) {
range->seek_start = MP_PTS_MAX(range->seek_start, queue->seek_start);
range->seek_end = MP_PTS_MIN(range->seek_end, queue->seek_end);
if (queue->seek_start >= queue->seek_end) {
range->seek_start = range->seek_end = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
// Sparse stream behavior is not very clearly defined, but usually we don't
// want it to restrict the range of other streams, unless
// This is incorrect in any of these cases:
// - sparse streams only (it's unknown how to determine an accurate range)
// - if sparse streams have non-keyframe packets (we set queue->last_pruned
// to the start of the pruned keyframe range - we'd need the end or so)
// We also assume that ds->eager equals to a stream being sparse (usually
// true, except if only sparse streams are selected).
// We also rely on the fact that the demuxer position will always be ahead
// of the seek_end for audio/video, because they need to prefetch at least
// 1 packet to detect the end of a keyframe range. This means that we're
// relatively guaranteed to have all sparse (subtitle) packets within the
// seekable range.
for (int n = 0; n < range->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_queue *queue = range->streams[n];
if (queue->ds->selected && !queue->ds->eager &&
queue->last_pruned != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
// (last_pruned is _exclusive_ to the seekable range, so add a small
// value to exclude it from the valid range.)
range->seek_start =
MP_PTS_MAX(range->seek_start, queue->last_pruned + 0.1);
if (range->seek_start >= range->seek_end)
range->seek_start = range->seek_end = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
// Remove queue->head from the queue. Does not update in->fw_bytes/in->fw_packs.
static void remove_head_packet(struct demux_queue *queue)
struct demux_packet *dp = queue->head;
assert(queue->ds->reader_head != dp);
if (queue->next_prune_target == dp)
queue->next_prune_target = NULL;
if (queue->keyframe_latest == dp)
queue->keyframe_latest = NULL;
queue->ds->in->total_bytes -= demux_packet_estimate_total_size(dp);
if (queue->num_index && queue->index[0] == dp)
MP_TARRAY_REMOVE_AT(queue->index, queue->num_index, 0);
queue->head = dp->next;
if (!queue->head)
queue->tail = NULL;
static void clear_queue(struct demux_queue *queue)
struct demux_stream *ds = queue->ds;
struct demux_internal *in = ds->in;
struct demux_packet *dp = queue->head;
while (dp) {
struct demux_packet *dn = dp->next;
in->total_bytes -= demux_packet_estimate_total_size(dp);
assert(ds->reader_head != dp);
dp = dn;
queue->head = queue->tail = NULL;
queue->next_prune_target = NULL;
queue->keyframe_latest = NULL;
queue->seek_start = queue->seek_end = queue->last_pruned = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
queue->num_index = 0;
queue->index_distance = 1.0;
queue->correct_dts = queue->correct_pos = true;
queue->last_pos = -1;
queue->last_ts = queue->last_dts = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
queue->keyframe_latest = NULL;
queue->keyframe_pts = queue->keyframe_end_pts = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
static void clear_cached_range(struct demux_internal *in,
struct demux_cached_range *range)
for (int n = 0; n < range->num_streams; n++)
// Remove ranges with no data (except in->current_range). Also remove excessive
// ranges.
static void free_empty_cached_ranges(struct demux_internal *in)
assert(in->current_range && in->num_ranges > 0);
assert(in->current_range == in->ranges[in->num_ranges - 1]);
while (1) {
struct demux_cached_range *worst = NULL;
for (int n = in->num_ranges - 2; n >= 0; n--) {
struct demux_cached_range *range = in->ranges[n];
if (range->seek_start == MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
clear_cached_range(in, range);
MP_TARRAY_REMOVE_AT(in->ranges, in->num_ranges, n);
} else {
if (!worst || (range->seek_end - range->seek_start <
worst->seek_end - worst->seek_start))
worst = range;
if (in->num_ranges <= MAX_SEEK_RANGES)
clear_cached_range(in, worst);
static void ds_clear_reader_state(struct demux_stream *ds)
ds->in->fw_bytes -= ds->fw_bytes;
ds->reader_head = NULL;
ds->eof = false;
ds->base_ts = ds->last_br_ts = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
ds->last_br_bytes = 0;
ds->bitrate = -1;
ds->skip_to_keyframe = false;
ds->attached_picture_added = false;
ds->fw_bytes = 0;
ds->fw_packs = 0;
static void update_stream_selection_state(struct demux_internal *in,
struct demux_stream *ds)
ds->eof = false;
ds->refreshing = false;
// Make sure any stream reselection or addition is reflected in the seek
// ranges, and also get rid of data that is not needed anymore (or
// rather, which can't be kept consistent).
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_ranges; n++) {
struct demux_cached_range *range = in->ranges[n];
if (!ds->selected)
// We still have to go over the whole stream list to update ds->eager for
// other streams too, because they depend on other stream's selections.
bool any_av_streams = false;
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *s = in->streams[n]->ds;
s->eager = s->selected && !s->sh->attached_picture;
if (s->eager)
any_av_streams |= s->type != STREAM_SUB;
// Subtitles are only eagerly read if there are no other eagerly read
// streams.
if (any_av_streams) {
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *s = in->streams[n]->ds;
if (s->type == STREAM_SUB)
s->eager = false;
void demux_set_ts_offset(struct demuxer *demuxer, double offset)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
in->ts_offset = offset;
static void add_missing_streams(struct demux_internal *in,
struct demux_cached_range *range)
for (int n = range->num_streams; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
struct demux_queue *queue = talloc_ptrtype(range, queue);
*queue = (struct demux_queue){
.ds = ds,
.range = range,
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(range, range->streams, range->num_streams, queue);
assert(range->streams[ds->index] == queue);
// Allocate a new sh_stream of the given type. It either has to be released
// with talloc_free(), or added to a demuxer with demux_add_sh_stream(). You
// cannot add or read packets from the stream before it has been added.
struct sh_stream *demux_alloc_sh_stream(enum stream_type type)
struct sh_stream *sh = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, sh);
*sh = (struct sh_stream) {
.type = type,
.index = -1,
.ff_index = -1, // may be overwritten by demuxer
.demuxer_id = -1, // ... same
.codec = talloc_zero(sh, struct mp_codec_params),
.tags = talloc_zero(sh, struct mp_tags),
sh->codec->type = type;
return sh;
// Add a new sh_stream to the demuxer. Note that as soon as the stream has been
// added, it must be immutable, and must not be released (this will happen when
// the demuxer is destroyed).
static void demux_add_sh_stream_locked(struct demux_internal *in,
struct sh_stream *sh)
assert(!sh->ds); // must not be added yet
sh->index = in->num_streams;
sh->ds = talloc(sh, struct demux_stream);
*sh->ds = (struct demux_stream) {
.in = in,
.sh = sh,
.type = sh->type,
.index = sh->index,
.selected = in->autoselect,
.global_correct_dts = true,
.global_correct_pos = true,
if (!sh->codec->codec)
sh->codec->codec = "";
if (sh->ff_index < 0)
sh->ff_index = sh->index;
if (sh->demuxer_id < 0) {
sh->demuxer_id = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
if (in->streams[n]->type == sh->type)
sh->demuxer_id += 1;
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(in, in->streams, in->num_streams, sh);
assert(in->streams[sh->index] == sh);
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_ranges; n++)
add_missing_streams(in, in->ranges[n]);
sh->ds->queue = in->current_range->streams[sh->ds->index];
update_stream_selection_state(in, sh->ds);
in->events |= DEMUX_EVENT_STREAMS;
if (in->wakeup_cb)
// For demuxer implementations only.
void demux_add_sh_stream(struct demuxer *demuxer, struct sh_stream *sh)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
demux_add_sh_stream_locked(in, sh);
// Update sh->tags (lazily). This must be called by demuxers which update
// stream tags after init. (sh->tags can be accessed by the playback thread,
// which means the demuxer thread cannot write or read it directly.)
// Before init is finished, sh->tags can still be accessed freely.
// Ownership of tags goes to the function.
void demux_set_stream_tags(struct demuxer *demuxer, struct sh_stream *sh,
struct mp_tags *tags)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
assert(demuxer == in->d_thread);
if (sh->ds) {
while (demuxer->num_update_stream_tags <= sh->index) {
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(demuxer, demuxer->update_stream_tags,
demuxer->num_update_stream_tags, NULL);
demuxer->update_stream_tags[sh->index] = talloc_steal(demuxer, tags);
demux_changed(demuxer, DEMUX_EVENT_METADATA);
} else {
// not added yet
sh->tags = talloc_steal(sh, tags);
// Return a stream with the given index. Since streams can only be added during
// the lifetime of the demuxer, it is guaranteed that an index within the valid
// range [0, demux_get_num_stream()) always returns a valid sh_stream pointer,
// which will be valid until the demuxer is destroyed.
struct sh_stream *demux_get_stream(struct demuxer *demuxer, int index)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
assert(index >= 0 && index < in->num_streams);
struct sh_stream *r = in->streams[index];
return r;
// See demux_get_stream().
int demux_get_num_stream(struct demuxer *demuxer)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
int r = in->num_streams;
return r;
void free_demuxer(demuxer_t *demuxer)
if (!demuxer)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
assert(demuxer == in->d_user);
if (demuxer->desc->close)
assert(in->total_bytes == 0);
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++)
void free_demuxer_and_stream(struct demuxer *demuxer)
if (!demuxer)
struct stream *s = demuxer->stream;
// Start the demuxer thread, which reads ahead packets on its own.
void demux_start_thread(struct demuxer *demuxer)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
assert(demuxer == in->d_user);
if (!in->threading) {
in->threading = true;
if (pthread_create(&in->thread, NULL, demux_thread, in))
in->threading = false;
void demux_stop_thread(struct demuxer *demuxer)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
assert(demuxer == in->d_user);
if (in->threading) {
in->thread_terminate = true;
pthread_join(in->thread, NULL);
in->threading = false;
in->thread_terminate = false;
// The demuxer thread will call cb(ctx) if there's a new packet, or EOF is reached.
void demux_set_wakeup_cb(struct demuxer *demuxer, void (*cb)(void *ctx), void *ctx)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
in->wakeup_cb = cb;
in->wakeup_cb_ctx = ctx;
const char *stream_type_name(enum stream_type type)
switch (type) {
case STREAM_VIDEO: return "video";
case STREAM_AUDIO: return "audio";
case STREAM_SUB: return "sub";
default: return "unknown";
static struct sh_stream *demuxer_get_cc_track_locked(struct sh_stream *stream)
struct sh_stream *sh = stream->ds->cc;
if (!sh) {
sh = demux_alloc_sh_stream(STREAM_SUB);
if (!sh)
return NULL;
sh->codec->codec = "eia_608";
sh->default_track = true;
stream->ds->cc = sh;
demux_add_sh_stream_locked(stream->ds->in, sh);
sh->ds->ignore_eof = true;
return sh;
void demuxer_feed_caption(struct sh_stream *stream, demux_packet_t *dp)
struct demux_internal *in = stream->ds->in;
struct sh_stream *sh = demuxer_get_cc_track_locked(stream);
if (!sh) {
dp->pts = MP_ADD_PTS(dp->pts, -in->ts_offset);
dp->dts = MP_ADD_PTS(dp->dts, -in->ts_offset);
demux_add_packet(sh, dp);
// Add the keyframe to the end of the index. Not all packets are actually added.
static void add_index_entry(struct demux_queue *queue, struct demux_packet *dp)
assert(dp->keyframe && dp->kf_seek_pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE);
if (queue->num_index) {
double prev = queue->index[queue->num_index - 1]->kf_seek_pts;
if (dp->kf_seek_pts < prev + queue->index_distance)
if (queue->num_index == MAX_INDEX_ENTRIES) {
for (int n = 0; n < MAX_INDEX_ENTRIES / 2; n++)
queue->index[n] = queue->index[n * 2];
queue->num_index = MAX_INDEX_ENTRIES / 2;
queue->index_distance *= 2;
queue->index[queue->num_index++] = dp;
// Check whether the next range in the list is, and if it appears to overlap,
// try joining it into a single range.
static void attempt_range_joining(struct demux_internal *in)
struct demux_cached_range *next = NULL;
double next_dist = INFINITY;
assert(in->current_range && in->num_ranges > 0);
assert(in->current_range == in->ranges[in->num_ranges - 1]);
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_ranges - 1; n++) {
struct demux_cached_range *range = in->ranges[n];
if (in->current_range->seek_start <= range->seek_start) {
// This uses ">" to get some non-0 overlap.
double dist = in->current_range->seek_end - range->seek_start;
if (dist > 0 && dist < next_dist) {
next = range;
next_dist = dist;
if (!next)
MP_VERBOSE(in, "going to join ranges %f-%f + %f-%f\n",
in->current_range->seek_start, in->current_range->seek_end,
next->seek_start, next->seek_end);
// Try to find a join point, where packets obviously overlap. (It would be
// better and faster to do this incrementally, but probably too complex.)
// The current range can overlap arbitrarily with the next one, not only by
// by the seek overlap, but for arbitrary packet readahead as well.
// We also drop the overlapping packets (if joining fails, we discard the
// entire next range anyway, so this does no harm).
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
struct demux_queue *q1 = in->current_range->streams[n];
struct demux_queue *q2 = next->streams[n];
if (!ds->global_correct_pos && !ds->global_correct_dts) {
MP_WARN(in, "stream %d: ranges unjoinable\n", n);
goto failed;
struct demux_packet *end = q1->tail;
bool join_point_found = !end; // no packets yet -> joining will work
if (end) {
while (q2->head) {
struct demux_packet *dp = q2->head;
// Some weird corner-case. We'd have to search the equivalent
// packet in q1 to update it correctly. Better just give up.
if (dp == q2->keyframe_latest) {
MP_WARN(in, "stream %d: not enough keyframes\n", n);
goto failed;
if ((ds->global_correct_dts && dp->dts == end->dts) ||
(ds->global_correct_pos && dp->pos == end->pos))
// Do some additional checks as a (imperfect) sanity check
// in case pos/dts are not "correct" across the ranges (we
// never actually check that).
if (dp->dts != end->dts || dp->pos != end->pos ||
dp->pts != end->pts || dp->len != end->len)
MP_WARN(in, "stream %d: weird demuxer behavior\n", n);
goto failed;
join_point_found = true;
// This happens if the next range misses the end packet. For
// normal streams (ds->eager==true), this is a failure to find
// an overlap. For subtitles, this can mean the current_range
// has a subtitle somewhere before the end of its range, and
// next has another subtitle somewhere after the start of its
// range.
if ((ds->global_correct_dts && dp->dts > end->dts) ||
(ds->global_correct_pos && dp->pos > end->pos))
// For enabled non-sparse streams, always require an overlap packet.
if (ds->eager && !join_point_found) {
MP_WARN(in, "stream %d: no joint point found\n", n);
goto failed;
// Actually join the ranges. Now that we think it will work, mutate the
// data associated with the current range.
in->fw_bytes = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_queue *q1 = in->current_range->streams[n];
struct demux_queue *q2 = next->streams[n];
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
if (q2->head) {
if (q1->head) {
q1->tail->next = q2->head;
} else {
q1->head = q2->head;
q1->tail = q2->tail;
q1->seek_end = q2->seek_end;
q1->correct_dts &= q2->correct_dts;
q1->correct_pos &= q2->correct_pos;
q1->last_pos = q2->last_pos;
q1->last_dts = q2->last_dts;
q1->last_ts = q2->last_ts;
q1->keyframe_pts = q2->keyframe_pts;
q1->keyframe_end_pts = q2->keyframe_end_pts;
q1->keyframe_latest = q2->keyframe_latest;
q2->head = q2->tail = NULL;
q2->next_prune_target = NULL;
q2->keyframe_latest = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < q2->num_index; i++)
add_index_entry(q1, q2->index[i]);
q2->num_index = 0;
in->fw_bytes += ds->fw_bytes;
// For moving demuxer position.
ds->refreshing = ds->selected;
// Move demuxing position to after the current range.
in->seeking = true;
in->seek_flags = SEEK_HR;
in->seek_pts = next->seek_end - 1.0;
MP_VERBOSE(in, "ranges joined!\n");
clear_cached_range(in, next);
// Determine seekable range when a packet is added. If dp==NULL, treat it as
// EOF (i.e. closes the current block).
// This has to deal with a number of corner cases, such as demuxers potentially
// starting output at non-keyframes.
// Can join seek ranges, which messes with in->current_range and all.
static void adjust_seek_range_on_packet(struct demux_stream *ds,
struct demux_packet *dp)
struct demux_queue *queue = ds->queue;
bool attempt_range_join = false;
if (!ds->in->seekable_cache)
if (!dp || dp->keyframe) {
if (queue->keyframe_latest) {
queue->keyframe_latest->kf_seek_pts = queue->keyframe_pts;
double old_end = queue->range->seek_end;
if (queue->seek_start == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
queue->seek_start = queue->keyframe_pts;
if (queue->keyframe_end_pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
queue->seek_end = queue->keyframe_end_pts;
attempt_range_join = queue->range->seek_end > old_end;
if (queue->keyframe_latest->kf_seek_pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
add_index_entry(queue, queue->keyframe_latest);
queue->keyframe_latest = dp;
queue->keyframe_pts = queue->keyframe_end_pts = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
if (dp) {
dp->kf_seek_pts = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
double ts = PTS_OR_DEF(dp->pts, dp->dts);
if (dp->segmented && (ts < dp->start || ts > dp->end))
queue->keyframe_pts = MP_PTS_MIN(queue->keyframe_pts, ts);
queue->keyframe_end_pts = MP_PTS_MAX(queue->keyframe_end_pts, ts);
if (attempt_range_join)
void demux_add_packet(struct sh_stream *stream, demux_packet_t *dp)
struct demux_stream *ds = stream ? stream->ds : NULL;
if (!dp || !dp->len || !ds) {
struct demux_internal *in = ds->in;
struct demux_queue *queue = ds->queue;
bool drop = !ds->selected || in->seeking;
if (!drop && ds->refreshing) {
// Resume reading once the old position was reached (i.e. we start
// returning packets where we left off before the refresh).
// If it's the same position, drop, but continue normally next time.
if (queue->correct_dts) {
ds->refreshing = dp->dts < queue->last_dts;
} else if (queue->correct_pos) {
ds->refreshing = dp->pos < queue->last_pos;
} else {
ds->refreshing = false; // should not happen
MP_WARN(in, "stream %d: demux refreshing failed\n", ds->index);
drop = true;
if (drop) {
queue->correct_pos &= dp->pos >= 0 && dp->pos > queue->last_pos;
queue->correct_dts &= dp->dts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE && dp->dts > queue->last_dts;
queue->last_pos = dp->pos;
queue->last_dts = dp->dts;
ds->global_correct_pos &= queue->correct_pos;
ds->global_correct_dts &= queue->correct_dts;
dp->stream = stream->index;
dp->next = NULL;
// (keep in mind that even if the reader went out of data, the queue is not
// necessarily empty due to the backbuffer)
if (!ds->reader_head && (!ds->skip_to_keyframe || dp->keyframe)) {
ds->reader_head = dp;
ds->skip_to_keyframe = false;
size_t bytes = demux_packet_estimate_total_size(dp);
ds->in->total_bytes += bytes;
if (ds->reader_head) {
ds->fw_bytes += bytes;
in->fw_bytes += bytes;
if (queue->tail) {
// next packet in stream
queue->tail->next = dp;
queue->tail = dp;
} else {
// first packet in stream
queue->head = queue->tail = dp;
if (!ds->ignore_eof) {
// obviously not true anymore
ds->eof = false;
in->last_eof = in->eof = false;
// For video, PTS determination is not trivial, but for other media types
// distinguishing PTS and DTS is not useful.
if (stream->type != STREAM_VIDEO && dp->pts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
dp->pts = dp->dts;
double ts = dp->dts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE ? dp->pts : dp->dts;
if (dp->segmented)
ts = MP_PTS_MIN(ts, dp->end);
if (ts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE && (ts > queue->last_ts || ts + 10 < queue->last_ts))
queue->last_ts = ts;
if (ds->base_ts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
ds->base_ts = queue->last_ts;
MP_TRACE(in, "append packet to %s: size=%d pts=%f dts=%f pos=%"PRIi64" "
"[num=%zd size=%zd]\n", stream_type_name(stream->type),
dp->len, dp->pts, dp->dts, dp->pos, ds->fw_packs, ds->fw_bytes);
adjust_seek_range_on_packet(ds, dp);
// Wake up if this was the first packet after start/possible underrun.
if (ds->in->wakeup_cb && ds->reader_head && !ds->reader_head->next)
// Returns true if there was "progress" (lock was released temporarily).
static bool read_packet(struct demux_internal *in)
in->eof = false;
in->idle = true;
if (!in->reading)
return false;
// Check if we need to read a new packet. We do this if all queues are below
// the minimum, or if a stream explicitly needs new packets. Also includes
// safe-guards against packet queue overflow.
bool read_more = false, prefetch_more = false;
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
read_more |= ds->eager && !ds->reader_head;
prefetch_more |= ds->refreshing;
if (ds->eager && ds->queue->last_ts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE &&
in->min_secs > 0 && ds->base_ts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE &&
ds->queue->last_ts >= ds->base_ts)
prefetch_more |= ds->queue->last_ts - ds->base_ts < in->min_secs;
MP_TRACE(in, "bytes=%zd, read_more=%d prefetch_more=%d\n",
in->fw_bytes, read_more, prefetch_more);
if (in->fw_bytes >= in->max_bytes) {
// if we hit the limit just by prefetching, simply stop prefetching
if (!read_more)
return false;
if (!in->warned_queue_overflow) {
in->warned_queue_overflow = true;
MP_WARN(in, "Too many packets in the demuxer packet queues:\n");
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
if (ds->selected) {
MP_WARN(in, " %s/%d: %zd packets, %zd bytes%s%s\n",
stream_type_name(ds->type), n,
ds->fw_packs, ds->fw_bytes,
ds->eager ? "" : " (lazy)",
ds->refreshing ? " (refreshing)" : "");
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
bool eof = !ds->reader_head;
if (eof && !ds->eof) {
if (in->wakeup_cb)
ds->eof |= eof;
return false;
if (!read_more && !prefetch_more)
return false;
// Actually read a packet. Drop the lock while doing so, because waiting
// for disk or network I/O can take time.
in->idle = false;
in->initial_state = false;
struct demuxer *demux = in->d_thread;
bool eof = true;
if (demux->desc->fill_buffer && !demux_cancel_test(demux))
eof = demux->desc->fill_buffer(demux) <= 0;
if (!in->seeking) {
if (eof) {
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
if (!ds->eof)
adjust_seek_range_on_packet(ds, NULL);
ds->eof = true;
// If we had EOF previously, then don't wakeup (avoids wakeup loop)
if (!in->last_eof) {
if (in->wakeup_cb)
MP_VERBOSE(in, "EOF reached.\n");
in->eof = in->last_eof = eof;
return true;
static void prune_old_packets(struct demux_internal *in)
assert(in->current_range == in->ranges[in->num_ranges - 1]);
// It's not clear what the ideal way to prune old packets is. For now, we
// prune the oldest packet runs, as long as the total cache amount is too
// big.
size_t max_bytes = in->seekable_cache ? in->max_bytes_bw : 0;
while (in->total_bytes - in->fw_bytes > max_bytes) {
// (Start from least recently used range.)
struct demux_cached_range *range = in->ranges[0];
double earliest_ts = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
struct demux_stream *earliest_stream = NULL;
for (int n = 0; n < range->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_queue *queue = range->streams[n];
struct demux_stream *ds = queue->ds;
if (queue->head && queue->head != ds->reader_head) {
struct demux_packet *dp = queue->head;
double ts = dp->kf_seek_pts;
// Note: in obscure cases, packets might have no timestamps set,
// in which case we still need to prune _something_.
bool prune_always =
!in->seekable_cache || ts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE || !dp->keyframe;
if (prune_always || !earliest_stream || ts < earliest_ts) {
earliest_ts = ts;
earliest_stream = ds;
if (prune_always)
assert(earliest_stream); // incorrect accounting of buffered sizes?
struct demux_stream *ds = earliest_stream;
struct demux_queue *queue = range->streams[ds->index];
// Prune all packets until the next keyframe or reader_head. Keeping
// those packets would not help with seeking at all, so we strictly
// drop them.
// In addition, we need to find the new possibly min. seek target,
// which in the worst case could be inside the forward buffer. The fact
// that many keyframe ranges without keyframes exist (audio packets)
// makes this much harder.
if (in->seekable_cache && !queue->next_prune_target) {
// (Has to be _after_ queue->head to drop at least 1 packet.)
struct demux_packet *prev = queue->head;
if (queue->seek_start != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
queue->last_pruned = queue->seek_start;
queue->seek_start = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
queue->next_prune_target = queue->tail; // (prune all if none found)
while (prev->next) {
struct demux_packet *dp = prev->next;
// Note that the next back_pts might be above the lowest buffered
// packet, but it will still be only viable lowest seek target.
if (dp->keyframe && dp->kf_seek_pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
queue->seek_start = dp->kf_seek_pts;
queue->next_prune_target = prev;
prev = prev->next;
bool done = false;
while (!done && queue->head && queue->head != ds->reader_head) {
done = queue->next_prune_target == queue->head;
if (range != in->current_range && range->seek_start == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
static void execute_trackswitch(struct demux_internal *in)
in->tracks_switched = false;
bool any_selected = false;
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++)
any_selected |= in->streams[n]->ds->selected;
if (in->d_thread->desc->control)
in->d_thread->desc->control(in->d_thread, DEMUXER_CTRL_SWITCHED_TRACKS, 0);
stream_control(in->d_thread->stream, STREAM_CTRL_SET_READAHEAD,
static void execute_seek(struct demux_internal *in)
int flags = in->seek_flags;
double pts = in->seek_pts;
in->seeking = false;
in->initial_state = false;
MP_VERBOSE(in, "execute seek (to %f flags %d)\n", pts, flags);
if (in->d_thread->desc->seek)
in->d_thread->desc->seek(in->d_thread, pts, flags);
MP_VERBOSE(in, "seek done\n");
// Make demuxing progress. Return whether progress was made.
static bool thread_work(struct demux_internal *in)
if (in->run_fn) {
in->run_fn = NULL;
return true;
if (in->tracks_switched) {
return true;
if (in->seeking) {
return true;
if (!in->eof) {
if (read_packet(in))
return true; // read_packet unlocked, so recheck conditions
if (in->force_cache_update) {
in->force_cache_update = false;
return true;
return false;
static void *demux_thread(void *pctx)
struct demux_internal *in = pctx;
while (!in->thread_terminate) {
if (thread_work(in))
pthread_cond_wait(&in->wakeup, &in->lock);
return NULL;
static struct demux_packet *dequeue_packet(struct demux_stream *ds)
if (ds->sh->attached_picture) {
ds->eof = true;
if (ds->attached_picture_added)
return NULL;
ds->attached_picture_added = true;
struct demux_packet *pkt = demux_copy_packet(ds->sh->attached_picture);
if (!pkt)
pkt->stream = ds->sh->index;
return pkt;
if (!ds->reader_head)
return NULL;
struct demux_packet *pkt = ds->reader_head;
ds->reader_head = pkt->next;
// Update cached packet queue state.
size_t bytes = demux_packet_estimate_total_size(pkt);
ds->fw_bytes -= bytes;
ds->in->fw_bytes -= bytes;
// The returned packet is mutated etc. and will be owned by the user.
pkt = demux_copy_packet(pkt);
if (!pkt)
pkt->next = NULL;
double ts = PTS_OR_DEF(pkt->dts, pkt->pts);
if (ts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
ds->base_ts = ts;
if (pkt->keyframe && ts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
// Update bitrate - only at keyframe points, because we use the
// (possibly) reordered packet timestamps instead of realtime.
double d = ts - ds->last_br_ts;
if (ds->last_br_ts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE || d < 0) {
ds->bitrate = -1;
ds->last_br_ts = ts;
ds->last_br_bytes = 0;
} else if (d >= 0.5) { // a window of least 500ms for UI purposes
ds->bitrate = ds->last_br_bytes / d;
ds->last_br_ts = ts;
ds->last_br_bytes = 0;
ds->last_br_bytes += pkt->len;
// This implies this function is actually called from "the" user thread.
if (pkt->pos >= ds->in->d_user->filepos)
ds->in->d_user->filepos = pkt->pos;
pkt->pts = MP_ADD_PTS(pkt->pts, ds->in->ts_offset);
pkt->dts = MP_ADD_PTS(pkt->dts, ds->in->ts_offset);
if (pkt->segmented) {
pkt->start = MP_ADD_PTS(pkt->start, ds->in->ts_offset);
pkt->end = MP_ADD_PTS(pkt->end, ds->in->ts_offset);
return pkt;
// Read a packet from the given stream. The returned packet belongs to the
// caller, who has to free it with talloc_free(). Might block. Returns NULL
// on EOF.
struct demux_packet *demux_read_packet(struct sh_stream *sh)
struct demux_stream *ds = sh ? sh->ds : NULL;
if (!ds)
return NULL;
struct demux_internal *in = ds->in;
if (ds->eager) {
const char *t = stream_type_name(ds->type);
MP_DBG(in, "reading packet for %s\n", t);
in->eof = false; // force retry
while (ds->selected && !ds->reader_head) {
in->reading = true;
// Note: the following code marks EOF if it can't continue
if (in->threading) {
MP_VERBOSE(in, "waiting for demux thread (%s)\n", t);
pthread_cond_wait(&in->wakeup, &in->lock);
} else {
if (ds->eof)
struct demux_packet *pkt = dequeue_packet(ds);
pthread_cond_signal(&in->wakeup); // possibly read more
return pkt;
// Poll the demuxer queue, and if there's a packet, return it. Otherwise, just
// make the demuxer thread read packets for this stream, and if there's at
// least one packet, call the wakeup callback.
// Unlike demux_read_packet(), this always enables readahead (except for
// interleaved subtitles).
// Returns:
// < 0: EOF was reached, *out_pkt=NULL
// == 0: no new packet yet, but maybe later, *out_pkt=NULL
// > 0: new packet read, *out_pkt is set
// Note: when reading interleaved subtitles, the demuxer won't try to forcibly
// read ahead to get the next subtitle packet (as the next packet could be
// minutes away). In this situation, this function will just return -1.
int demux_read_packet_async(struct sh_stream *sh, struct demux_packet **out_pkt)
struct demux_stream *ds = sh ? sh->ds : NULL;
int r = -1;
*out_pkt = NULL;
if (!ds)
return r;
if (ds->in->threading) {
*out_pkt = dequeue_packet(ds);
if (ds->eager) {
r = *out_pkt ? 1 : (ds->eof ? -1 : 0);
ds->in->reading = true; // enable readahead
ds->in->eof = false; // force retry
pthread_cond_signal(&ds->in->wakeup); // possibly read more
} else {
r = *out_pkt ? 1 : -1;
} else {
*out_pkt = demux_read_packet(sh);
r = *out_pkt ? 1 : -1;
return r;
// Return whether a packet is queued. Never blocks, never forces any reads.
bool demux_has_packet(struct sh_stream *sh)
bool has_packet = false;
if (sh) {
has_packet = sh->ds->reader_head;
return has_packet;
// Read and return any packet we find. NULL means EOF.
struct demux_packet *demux_read_any_packet(struct demuxer *demuxer)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
assert(!in->threading); // doesn't work with threading
bool read_more = true;
while (read_more) {
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
in->reading = true; // force read_packet() to read
struct demux_packet *pkt = dequeue_packet(in->streams[n]->ds);
if (pkt)
return pkt;
// retry after calling this
pthread_mutex_lock(&in->lock); // lock only because thread_work unlocks
read_more = thread_work(in);
read_more &= !in->eof;
return NULL;
void demuxer_help(struct mp_log *log)
int i;
mp_info(log, "Available demuxers:\n");
mp_info(log, " demuxer: info:\n");
for (i = 0; demuxer_list[i]; i++) {
mp_info(log, "%10s %s\n",
demuxer_list[i]->name, demuxer_list[i]->desc);
static const char *d_level(enum demux_check level)
switch (level) {
case DEMUX_CHECK_FORCE: return "force";
case DEMUX_CHECK_UNSAFE: return "unsafe";
case DEMUX_CHECK_REQUEST:return "request";
case DEMUX_CHECK_NORMAL: return "normal";
static int decode_float(char *str, float *out)
char *rest;
float dec_val;
dec_val = strtod(str, &rest);
if (!rest || (rest == str) || !isfinite(dec_val))
return -1;
*out = dec_val;
return 0;
static int decode_gain(struct mp_log *log, struct mp_tags *tags,
const char *tag, float *out)
char *tag_val = NULL;
float dec_val;
tag_val = mp_tags_get_str(tags, tag);
if (!tag_val)
return -1;
if (decode_float(tag_val, &dec_val) < 0) {
mp_msg(log, MSGL_ERR, "Invalid replaygain value\n");
return -1;
*out = dec_val;
return 0;
static int decode_peak(struct mp_log *log, struct mp_tags *tags,
const char *tag, float *out)
char *tag_val = NULL;
float dec_val;
*out = 1.0;
tag_val = mp_tags_get_str(tags, tag);
if (!tag_val)
return 0;
if (decode_float(tag_val, &dec_val) < 0 || dec_val <= 0.0)
return -1;
*out = dec_val;
return 0;
static struct replaygain_data *decode_rgain(struct mp_log *log,
struct mp_tags *tags)
struct replaygain_data rg = {0};
if (decode_gain(log, tags, "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN", &rg.track_gain) >= 0 &&
decode_peak(log, tags, "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK", &rg.track_peak) >= 0)
if (decode_gain(log, tags, "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN", &rg.album_gain) < 0 ||
decode_peak(log, tags, "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK", &rg.album_peak) < 0)
rg.album_gain = rg.track_gain;
rg.album_peak = rg.track_peak;
return talloc_memdup(NULL, &rg, sizeof(rg));
if (decode_gain(log, tags, "REPLAYGAIN_GAIN", &rg.track_gain) >= 0 &&
decode_peak(log, tags, "REPLAYGAIN_PEAK", &rg.track_peak) >= 0)
rg.album_gain = rg.track_gain;
rg.album_peak = rg.track_peak;
return talloc_memdup(NULL, &rg, sizeof(rg));
return NULL;
static void demux_update_replaygain(demuxer_t *demuxer)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct sh_stream *sh = in->streams[n];
if (sh->type == STREAM_AUDIO && !sh->codec->replaygain_data) {
struct replaygain_data *rg = decode_rgain(demuxer->log, sh->tags);
if (!rg)
rg = decode_rgain(demuxer->log, demuxer->metadata);
if (rg)
sh->codec->replaygain_data = talloc_steal(in, rg);
// Copy all fields from src to dst, depending on event flags.
static void demux_copy(struct demuxer *dst, struct demuxer *src)
if (src->events & DEMUX_EVENT_INIT) {
// Note that we do as shallow copies as possible. We expect the data
// that is not-copied (only referenced) to be immutable.
// This implies e.g. that no chapters are added after initialization.
dst->chapters = src->chapters;
dst->num_chapters = src->num_chapters;
dst->editions = src->editions;
dst->num_editions = src->num_editions;
dst->edition = src->edition;
dst->attachments = src->attachments;
dst->num_attachments = src->num_attachments;
dst->matroska_data = src->matroska_data;
dst->playlist = src->playlist;
dst->seekable = src->seekable;
dst->partially_seekable = src->partially_seekable;
dst->filetype = src->filetype;
dst->ts_resets_possible = src->ts_resets_possible;
dst->fully_read = src->fully_read;
dst->start_time = src->start_time;
dst->duration = src->duration;
dst->is_network = src->is_network;
dst->priv = src->priv;
if (src->events & DEMUX_EVENT_METADATA) {
dst->metadata = mp_tags_dup(dst, src->metadata);
if (dst->num_update_stream_tags != src->num_update_stream_tags) {
dst->num_update_stream_tags = src->num_update_stream_tags;
dst->update_stream_tags =
talloc_zero_array(dst, struct mp_tags *, dst->num_update_stream_tags);
for (int n = 0; n < dst->num_update_stream_tags; n++) {
dst->update_stream_tags[n] =
talloc_steal(dst->update_stream_tags, src->update_stream_tags[n]);
src->update_stream_tags[n] = NULL;
dst->events |= src->events;
src->events = 0;
// This is called by demuxer implementations if certain parameters change
// at runtime.
// events is one of DEMUX_EVENT_*
// The code will copy the fields references by the events to the user-thread.
void demux_changed(demuxer_t *demuxer, int events)
assert(demuxer == demuxer->in->d_thread); // call from demuxer impl. only
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
demuxer->events |= events;
if (demuxer->events & DEMUX_EVENT_INIT)
demux_copy(in->d_buffer, demuxer);
if (in->wakeup_cb)
// Called by the user thread (i.e. player) to update metadata and other things
// from the demuxer thread.
void demux_update(demuxer_t *demuxer)
assert(demuxer == demuxer->in->d_user);
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
if (!in->threading)
demux_copy(demuxer, in->d_buffer);
demuxer->events |= in->events;
in->events = 0;
if (demuxer->events & DEMUX_EVENT_METADATA) {
int num_streams = MPMIN(in->num_streams, demuxer->num_update_stream_tags);
for (int n = 0; n < num_streams; n++) {
struct mp_tags *tags = demuxer->update_stream_tags[n];
demuxer->update_stream_tags[n] = NULL;
if (tags) {
struct sh_stream *sh = in->streams[n];
sh->tags = talloc_steal(sh, tags);
// Often useful audio-only files, which have metadata in the audio track
// metadata instead of the main metadata (especially OGG).
if (in->num_streams == 1)
mp_tags_merge(demuxer->metadata, in->streams[0]->tags);
if (in->stream_metadata)
mp_tags_merge(demuxer->metadata, in->stream_metadata);
static void demux_init_cache(struct demuxer *demuxer)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
struct stream *stream = demuxer->stream;
char *base = NULL;
stream_control(stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_BASE_FILENAME, &base);
in->stream_base_filename = talloc_steal(demuxer, base);
static void demux_init_cuesheet(struct demuxer *demuxer)
char *cue = mp_tags_get_str(demuxer->metadata, "cuesheet");
if (cue && !demuxer->num_chapters) {
struct cue_file *f = mp_parse_cue(bstr0(cue));
if (f) {
if (mp_check_embedded_cue(f) < 0) {
MP_WARN(demuxer, "Embedded cue sheet references more than one file. "
"Ignoring it.\n");
} else {
for (int n = 0; n < f->num_tracks; n++) {
struct cue_track *t = &f->tracks[n];
int idx = demuxer_add_chapter(demuxer, "", t->start, -1);
mp_tags_merge(demuxer->chapters[idx].metadata, t->tags);
static void demux_maybe_replace_stream(struct demuxer *demuxer)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
assert(!in->threading && demuxer == in->d_user);
if (demuxer->fully_read) {
MP_VERBOSE(demuxer, "assuming demuxer read all data; closing stream\n");
demuxer->stream = open_memory_stream(NULL, 0); // dummy
in->d_thread->stream = demuxer->stream;
in->d_buffer->stream = demuxer->stream;
if (demuxer->desc->control)
demuxer->desc->control(in->d_thread, DEMUXER_CTRL_REPLACE_STREAM, NULL);
static void demux_init_ccs(struct demuxer *demuxer, struct demux_opts *opts)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
if (!opts->create_ccs)
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct sh_stream *sh = in->streams[n];
if (sh->type == STREAM_VIDEO)
static struct demuxer *open_given_type(struct mpv_global *global,
struct mp_log *log,
const struct demuxer_desc *desc,
struct stream *stream,
struct demuxer_params *params,
enum demux_check check)
if (mp_cancel_test(stream->cancel))
return NULL;
struct demuxer *demuxer = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, demuxer);
struct demux_opts *opts = mp_get_config_group(demuxer, global, &demux_conf);
*demuxer = (struct demuxer) {
.desc = desc,
.stream = stream,
.seekable = stream->seekable,
.filepos = -1,
.global = global,
.log = mp_log_new(demuxer, log, desc->name),
.glog = log,
.filename = talloc_strdup(demuxer, stream->url),
.is_network = stream->is_network,
.access_references = opts->access_references,
.events = DEMUX_EVENT_ALL,
demuxer->seekable = stream->seekable;
if (demuxer->stream->underlying && !demuxer->stream->underlying->seekable)
demuxer->seekable = false;
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in = talloc_ptrtype(demuxer, in);
*in = (struct demux_internal){
.log = demuxer->log,
.d_thread = talloc(demuxer, struct demuxer),
.d_buffer = talloc(demuxer, struct demuxer),
.d_user = demuxer,
.min_secs = opts->min_secs,
.max_bytes = opts->max_bytes,
.max_bytes_bw = opts->max_bytes_bw,
.initial_state = true,
pthread_mutex_init(&in->lock, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&in->wakeup, NULL);
in->current_range = talloc_ptrtype(in, in->current_range);
*in->current_range = (struct demux_cached_range){
.seek_start = MP_NOPTS_VALUE,
.seek_end = MP_NOPTS_VALUE,
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(in, in->ranges, in->num_ranges, in->current_range);
*in->d_thread = *demuxer;
*in->d_buffer = *demuxer;
in->d_thread->metadata = talloc_zero(in->d_thread, struct mp_tags);
in->d_user->metadata = talloc_zero(in->d_user, struct mp_tags);
in->d_buffer->metadata = talloc_zero(in->d_buffer, struct mp_tags);
mp_dbg(log, "Trying demuxer: %s (force-level: %s)\n",
desc->name, d_level(check));
// not for DVD/BD/DVB in particular
if (stream->seekable && (!params || !params->timeline))
stream_seek(stream, 0);
// Peek this much data to avoid that stream_read() run by some demuxers
// will flush previous peeked data.
stream_peek(stream, STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE);
in->d_thread->params = params; // temporary during open()
int ret = demuxer->desc->open(in->d_thread, check);
if (ret >= 0) {
in->d_thread->params = NULL;
if (in->d_thread->filetype)
mp_verbose(log, "Detected file format: %s (%s)\n",
in->d_thread->filetype, desc->desc);
mp_verbose(log, "Detected file format: %s\n", desc->desc);
if (!in->d_thread->seekable)
mp_verbose(log, "Stream is not seekable.\n");
if (!in->d_thread->seekable && opts->force_seekable) {
mp_warn(log, "Not seekable, but enabling seeking on user request.\n");
in->d_thread->seekable = true;
in->d_thread->partially_seekable = true;
demux_init_ccs(demuxer, opts);
demux_changed(in->d_thread, DEMUX_EVENT_ALL);
stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_SET_READAHEAD,
&(int){params ? params->initial_readahead : false});
if (!(params && params->disable_timeline)) {
struct timeline *tl = timeline_load(global, log, demuxer);
if (tl) {
struct demuxer_params params2 = {0};
params2.timeline = tl;
struct demuxer *sub =
open_given_type(global, log, &demuxer_desc_timeline, stream,
if (sub) {
demuxer = sub;
} else {
int seekable = opts->seekable_cache;
if (demuxer->is_network || stream->caching) {
in->min_secs = MPMAX(in->min_secs, opts->min_secs_cache);
if (seekable < 0)
seekable = 1;
in->seekable_cache = seekable == 1;
return demuxer;
return NULL;
static const int d_normal[] = {DEMUX_CHECK_NORMAL, DEMUX_CHECK_UNSAFE, -1};
static const int d_request[] = {DEMUX_CHECK_REQUEST, -1};
static const int d_force[] = {DEMUX_CHECK_FORCE, -1};
// params can be NULL
struct demuxer *demux_open(struct stream *stream, struct demuxer_params *params,
struct mpv_global *global)
const int *check_levels = d_normal;
const struct demuxer_desc *check_desc = NULL;
struct mp_log *log = mp_log_new(NULL, global->log, "!demux");
struct demuxer *demuxer = NULL;
char *force_format = params ? params->force_format : NULL;
if (!force_format)
force_format = stream->demuxer;
if (force_format && force_format[0]) {
check_levels = d_request;
if (force_format[0] == '+') {
force_format += 1;
check_levels = d_force;
for (int n = 0; demuxer_list[n]; n++) {
if (strcmp(demuxer_list[n]->name, force_format) == 0)
check_desc = demuxer_list[n];
if (!check_desc) {
mp_err(log, "Demuxer %s does not exist.\n", force_format);
goto done;
// Test demuxers from first to last, one pass for each check_levels[] entry
for (int pass = 0; check_levels[pass] != -1; pass++) {
enum demux_check level = check_levels[pass];
mp_verbose(log, "Trying demuxers for level=%s.\n", d_level(level));
for (int n = 0; demuxer_list[n]; n++) {
const struct demuxer_desc *desc = demuxer_list[n];
if (!check_desc || desc == check_desc) {
demuxer = open_given_type(global, log, desc, stream, params, level);
if (demuxer) {
talloc_steal(demuxer, log);
log = NULL;
goto done;
return demuxer;
// Convenience function: open the stream, enable the cache (according to params
// and global opts.), open the demuxer.
// (use free_demuxer_and_stream() to free the underlying stream too)
// Also for some reason may close the opened stream if it's not needed.
struct demuxer *demux_open_url(const char *url,
struct demuxer_params *params,
struct mp_cancel *cancel,
struct mpv_global *global)
struct demuxer_params dummy = {0};
if (!params)
params = &dummy;
struct stream *s = stream_create(url, STREAM_READ | params->stream_flags,
cancel, global);
if (!s)
return NULL;
if (!params->disable_cache)
struct demuxer *d = demux_open(s, params, global);
if (d) {
} else {
params->demuxer_failed = true;
return d;
// called locked, from user thread only
static void clear_reader_state(struct demux_internal *in)
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++)
in->warned_queue_overflow = false;
in->d_user->filepos = -1; // implicitly synchronized
assert(in->fw_bytes == 0);
// clear the packet queues
void demux_flush(demuxer_t *demuxer)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
assert(demuxer == in->d_user);
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_ranges; n++)
clear_cached_range(in, in->ranges[n]);
// Does some (but not all) things for switching to another range.
static void switch_current_range(struct demux_internal *in,
struct demux_cached_range *range)
struct demux_cached_range *old = in->current_range;
assert(old != range);
set_current_range(in, range);
// Remove packets which can't be used when seeking back to the range.
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_queue *queue = old->streams[n];
// Remove all packets from head up until including next_prune_target.
while (queue->next_prune_target)
// Exclude weird corner cases that break resuming.
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
// This is needed to resume or join the range at all.
if (ds->selected && !(ds->global_correct_dts || ds->global_correct_pos)) {
MP_VERBOSE(in, "discarding old range, due to stream %d: "
"correct_dts=%d correct_pos=%d\n", n,
ds->global_correct_dts, ds->global_correct_pos);
clear_cached_range(in, old);
// Set up reading from new range (as well as writing to it).
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
ds->queue = range->streams[n];
ds->refreshing = false;
ds->eof = false;
// No point in keeping any junk (especially if old current_range is empty).
static struct demux_packet *find_seek_target(struct demux_queue *queue,
double pts, int flags)
struct demux_packet *start = queue->head;
for (int n = 0; n < queue->num_index; n++) {
if (queue->index[n]->kf_seek_pts > pts)
start = queue->index[n];
struct demux_packet *target = NULL;
double target_diff = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
for (struct demux_packet *dp = start; dp; dp = dp->next) {
double range_pts = dp->kf_seek_pts;
if (!dp->keyframe || range_pts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
double diff = range_pts - pts;
if (flags & SEEK_FORWARD) {
diff = -diff;
if (diff > 0)
if (target) {
if (diff <= 0) {
if (target_diff <= 0 && diff <= target_diff)
} else if (diff >= target_diff)
target_diff = diff;
target = dp;
if (range_pts > pts)
return target;
// must be called locked
static bool try_seek_cache(struct demux_internal *in, double pts, int flags)
if ((flags & SEEK_FACTOR) || !in->seekable_cache)
return false;
// Note about queued low level seeks: in->seeking can be true here, and it
// might come from a previous resume seek to the current range. If we end
// up seeking into the current range (i.e. just changing time offset), the
// seek needs to continue. Otherwise, we override the queued seek anyway.
struct demux_cached_range *range = NULL;
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_ranges; n++) {
struct demux_cached_range *r = in->ranges[n];
if (r->seek_start != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
MP_VERBOSE(in, "cached range %d: %f <-> %f\n",
n, r->seek_start, r->seek_end);
if (pts >= r->seek_start && pts <= r->seek_end) {
MP_VERBOSE(in, "...using this range for in-cache seek.\n");
range = r;
if (!range)
return false;
// Adjust the seek target to the found video key frames. Otherwise the
// video will undershoot the seek target, while audio will be closer to it.
// The player frontend will play the additional video without audio, so
// you get silent audio for the amount of "undershoot". Adjusting the seek
// target will make the audio seek to the video target or before.
// (If hr-seeks are used, it's better to skip this, as it would only mean
// that more audio data than necessary would have to be decoded.)
if (!(flags & SEEK_HR)) {
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
struct demux_queue *queue = range->streams[n];
if (ds->selected && ds->type == STREAM_VIDEO) {
struct demux_packet *target = find_seek_target(queue, pts, flags);
if (target) {
double target_pts = target->kf_seek_pts;
if (target_pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
MP_VERBOSE(in, "adjust seek target %f -> %f\n",
pts, target_pts);
// (We assume the find_seek_target() will return the
// same target for the video stream.)
pts = target_pts;
flags &= ~SEEK_FORWARD;
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
struct demux_queue *queue = range->streams[n];
struct demux_packet *target = find_seek_target(queue, pts, flags);
ds->reader_head = target;
ds->skip_to_keyframe = !target;
if (ds->reader_head)
ds->base_ts = PTS_OR_DEF(ds->reader_head->pts, ds->reader_head->dts);
in->fw_bytes += ds->fw_bytes;
MP_VERBOSE(in, "seeking stream %d (%s) to ",
n, stream_type_name(ds->type));
if (target) {
MP_VERBOSE(in, "packet %f/%f\n", target->pts, target->dts);
} else {
MP_VERBOSE(in, "nothing\n");
// If we seek to another range, we want to seek the low level demuxer to
// there as well, because reader and demuxer queue must be the same.
if (in->current_range != range) {
switch_current_range(in, range);
in->seeking = true;
in->seek_flags = SEEK_HR;
in->seek_pts = range->seek_end - 1.0;
// When new packets are being appended, they could overlap with the old
// range due to demuxer seek imprecisions, or because the queue contains
// packets past the seek target but before the next seek target. Don't
// append them twice, instead skip them until new packets are found.
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
ds->refreshing = ds->selected;
MP_VERBOSE(in, "resuming demuxer to end of cached range\n");
return true;
// Create a new blank ache range, and backup the old one. If the seekable
// demuxer cache is disabled, merely reset the current range to a blank state.
static void switch_to_fresh_cache_range(struct demux_internal *in)
if (!in->seekable_cache) {
clear_cached_range(in, in->current_range);
struct demux_cached_range *range = talloc_ptrtype(in, range);
*range = (struct demux_cached_range){
.seek_start = MP_NOPTS_VALUE,
.seek_end = MP_NOPTS_VALUE,
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(in, in->ranges, in->num_ranges, range);
add_missing_streams(in, range);
switch_current_range(in, range);
int demux_seek(demuxer_t *demuxer, double seek_pts, int flags)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
assert(demuxer == in->d_user);
if (!demuxer->seekable) {
MP_WARN(demuxer, "Cannot seek in this file.\n");
return 0;
if (seek_pts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
return 0;
MP_VERBOSE(in, "queuing seek to %f%s\n", seek_pts,
in->seeking ? " (cascade)" : "");
if (!(flags & SEEK_FACTOR))
seek_pts = MP_ADD_PTS(seek_pts, -in->ts_offset);
in->eof = false;
in->last_eof = false;
in->idle = true;
in->reading = false;
if (!try_seek_cache(in, seek_pts, flags)) {
in->seeking = true;
in->seek_flags = flags;
in->seek_pts = seek_pts;
if (!in->threading && in->seeking)
return 1;
struct sh_stream *demuxer_stream_by_demuxer_id(struct demuxer *d,
enum stream_type t, int id)
int num = demux_get_num_stream(d);
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
struct sh_stream *s = demux_get_stream(d, n);
if (s->type == t && s->demuxer_id == id)
return s;
return NULL;
// An obscure mechanism to get stream switching to be executed "faster" (as
// perceived by the user), by making the stream return packets from the
// current position
// On a switch, it seeks back, and then grabs all packets that were
// "missing" from the packet queue of the newly selected stream.
static void initiate_refresh_seek(struct demux_internal *in,
struct demux_stream *stream,
double start_ts)
struct demuxer *demux = in->d_thread;
bool seekable = demux->desc->seek && demux->seekable &&
bool normal_seek = true;
bool refresh_possible = true;
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
if (!ds->selected)
if (ds->type == STREAM_VIDEO || ds->type == STREAM_AUDIO)
start_ts = MP_PTS_MIN(start_ts, ds->base_ts);
// If there were no other streams selected, we can use a normal seek.
normal_seek &= stream == ds;
refresh_possible &= ds->queue->correct_dts || ds->queue->correct_pos;
if (start_ts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE || !seekable)
if (!normal_seek) {
if (!refresh_possible) {
MP_VERBOSE(in, "can't issue refresh seek\n");
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
// Streams which didn't have any packets yet will return all packets,
// other streams return packets only starting from the last position.
if (ds->queue->last_pos != -1 || ds->queue->last_dts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
ds->refreshing |= ds->selected;
start_ts -= 1.0; // small offset to get correct overlap
MP_VERBOSE(in, "refresh seek to %f\n", start_ts);
in->seeking = true;
in->seek_flags = SEEK_HR;
in->seek_pts = start_ts;
// Set whether the given stream should return packets.
// ref_pts is used only if the stream is enabled. Then it serves as approximate
// start pts for this stream (in the worst case it is ignored).
void demuxer_select_track(struct demuxer *demuxer, struct sh_stream *stream,
double ref_pts, bool selected)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
struct demux_stream *ds = stream->ds;
// don't flush buffers if stream is already selected / unselected
if (ds->selected != selected) {
ds->selected = selected;
update_stream_selection_state(in, ds);
in->tracks_switched = true;
if (ds->selected && !in->initial_state)
initiate_refresh_seek(in, ds, MP_ADD_PTS(ref_pts, -in->ts_offset));
if (in->threading) {
} else {
void demux_set_stream_autoselect(struct demuxer *demuxer, bool autoselect)
assert(!demuxer->in->threading); // laziness
demuxer->in->autoselect = autoselect;
// This is for demuxer implementations only. demuxer_select_track() sets the
// logical state, while this function returns the actual state (in case the
// demuxer attempts to cache even unselected packets for track switching - this
// will potentially be done in the future).
bool demux_stream_is_selected(struct sh_stream *stream)
if (!stream)
return false;
bool r = false;
r = stream->ds->selected;
return r;
int demuxer_add_attachment(demuxer_t *demuxer, char *name, char *type,
void *data, size_t data_size)
if (!(demuxer->num_attachments % 32))
demuxer->attachments = talloc_realloc(demuxer, demuxer->attachments,
struct demux_attachment,
demuxer->num_attachments + 32);
struct demux_attachment *att = &demuxer->attachments[demuxer->num_attachments];
att->name = talloc_strdup(demuxer->attachments, name);
att->type = talloc_strdup(demuxer->attachments, type);
att->data = talloc_memdup(demuxer->attachments, data, data_size);
att->data_size = data_size;
return demuxer->num_attachments++;
static int chapter_compare(const void *p1, const void *p2)
struct demux_chapter *c1 = (void *)p1;
struct demux_chapter *c2 = (void *)p2;
if (c1->pts > c2->pts)
return 1;
else if (c1->pts < c2->pts)
return -1;
return c1->original_index > c2->original_index ? 1 :-1; // never equal
static void demuxer_sort_chapters(demuxer_t *demuxer)
qsort(demuxer->chapters, demuxer->num_chapters,
sizeof(struct demux_chapter), chapter_compare);
int demuxer_add_chapter(demuxer_t *demuxer, char *name,
double pts, uint64_t demuxer_id)
struct demux_chapter new = {
.original_index = demuxer->num_chapters,
.pts = pts,
.metadata = talloc_zero(demuxer, struct mp_tags),
.demuxer_id = demuxer_id,
mp_tags_set_str(new.metadata, "TITLE", name);
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(demuxer, demuxer->chapters, demuxer->num_chapters, new);
return demuxer->num_chapters - 1;
// must be called not locked
static void update_cache(struct demux_internal *in)
struct demuxer *demuxer = in->d_thread;
struct stream *stream = demuxer->stream;
// Don't lock while querying the stream.
struct mp_tags *stream_metadata = NULL;
struct stream_cache_info stream_cache_info = {.size = -1};
int64_t stream_size = stream_get_size(stream);
stream_control(stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_METADATA, &stream_metadata);
stream_control(stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_CACHE_INFO, &stream_cache_info);
in->stream_size = stream_size;
in->stream_cache_info = stream_cache_info;
if (stream_metadata) {
in->stream_metadata = talloc_steal(in, stream_metadata);
in->d_buffer->events |= DEMUX_EVENT_METADATA;
// must be called locked
static int cached_stream_control(struct demux_internal *in, int cmd, void *arg)
// If the cache is active, wake up the thread to possibly update cache state.
if (in->stream_cache_info.size >= 0) {
in->force_cache_update = true;
switch (cmd) {
if (in->stream_cache_info.size < 0)
*(struct stream_cache_info *)arg = in->stream_cache_info;
return STREAM_OK;
if (in->stream_size < 0)
*(int64_t *)arg = in->stream_size;
return STREAM_OK;
if (!in->stream_base_filename)
*(char **)arg = talloc_strdup(NULL, in->stream_base_filename);
return STREAM_OK;
// must be called locked
static int cached_demux_control(struct demux_internal *in, int cmd, void *arg)
switch (cmd) {
struct demux_ctrl_stream_ctrl *c = arg;
int r = cached_stream_control(in, c->ctrl, c->arg);
if (r == STREAM_ERROR)
c->res = r;
return CONTROL_OK;
double *rates = arg;
for (int n = 0; n < STREAM_TYPE_COUNT; n++)
rates[n] = -1;
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
if (ds->selected && ds->bitrate >= 0)
rates[ds->type] = MPMAX(0, rates[ds->type]) + ds->bitrate;
return CONTROL_OK;
struct demux_ctrl_reader_state *r = arg;
*r = (struct demux_ctrl_reader_state){
.eof = in->last_eof,
.ts_reader = MP_NOPTS_VALUE,
.ts_end = MP_NOPTS_VALUE,
.ts_duration = -1,
.total_bytes = in->total_bytes,
.fw_bytes = in->fw_bytes,
bool any_packets = false;
for (int n = 0; n < in->num_streams; n++) {
struct demux_stream *ds = in->streams[n]->ds;
if (ds->eager && !(!ds->queue->head && ds->eof) && !ds->ignore_eof)
r->underrun |= !ds->reader_head && !ds->eof;
r->ts_reader = MP_PTS_MAX(r->ts_reader, ds->base_ts);
r->ts_end = MP_PTS_MAX(r->ts_end, ds->queue->last_ts);
any_packets |= !!ds->queue->head;
r->idle = (in->idle && !r->underrun) || r->eof;
r->underrun &= !r->idle;
r->ts_reader = MP_ADD_PTS(r->ts_reader, in->ts_offset);
r->ts_end = MP_ADD_PTS(r->ts_end, in->ts_offset);
if (r->ts_reader != MP_NOPTS_VALUE && r->ts_reader <= r->ts_end)
r->ts_duration = r->ts_end - r->ts_reader;
if (in->seeking || !any_packets)
r->ts_duration = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < MPMIN(in->num_ranges, MAX_SEEK_RANGES); n++) {
struct demux_cached_range *range = in->ranges[n];
if (range->seek_start != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
r->seek_ranges[r->num_seek_ranges++] =
(struct demux_seek_range){
.start = MP_ADD_PTS(range->seek_start, in->ts_offset),
.end = MP_ADD_PTS(range->seek_end, in->ts_offset),
return CONTROL_OK;
struct demux_control_args {
struct demuxer *demuxer;
int cmd;
void *arg;
int *r;
static void thread_demux_control(void *p)
struct demux_control_args *args = p;
struct demuxer *demuxer = args->demuxer;
int cmd = args->cmd;
void *arg = args->arg;
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
struct demux_ctrl_stream_ctrl *c = arg;
if (in->threading)
MP_VERBOSE(demuxer, "blocking for STREAM_CTRL %d\n", c->ctrl);
c->res = stream_control(demuxer->stream, c->ctrl, c->arg);
if (r != CONTROL_OK) {
if (in->threading)
MP_VERBOSE(demuxer, "blocking for DEMUXER_CTRL %d\n", cmd);
if (demuxer->desc->control)
r = demuxer->desc->control(demuxer->in->d_thread, cmd, arg);
*args->r = r;
int demux_control(demuxer_t *demuxer, int cmd, void *arg)
struct demux_internal *in = demuxer->in;
assert(demuxer == in->d_user);
if (in->threading) {
int cr = cached_demux_control(in, cmd, arg);
return cr;
int r = 0;
struct demux_control_args args = {demuxer, cmd, arg, &r};
if (in->threading) {
MP_VERBOSE(in, "blocking on demuxer thread\n");
while (in->run_fn)
pthread_cond_wait(&in->wakeup, &in->lock);
in->run_fn = thread_demux_control;
in->run_fn_arg = &args;
while (in->run_fn)
pthread_cond_wait(&in->wakeup, &in->lock);
} else {
return r;
int demux_stream_control(demuxer_t *demuxer, int ctrl, void *arg)
struct demux_ctrl_stream_ctrl c = {ctrl, arg, STREAM_UNSUPPORTED};
demux_control(demuxer, DEMUXER_CTRL_STREAM_CTRL, &c);
return c.res;
bool demux_cancel_test(struct demuxer *demuxer)
return mp_cancel_test(demuxer->stream->cancel);
struct demux_chapter *demux_copy_chapter_data(struct demux_chapter *c, int num)
struct demux_chapter *new = talloc_array(NULL, struct demux_chapter, num);
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
new[n] = c[n];
new[n].metadata = mp_tags_dup(new, new[n].metadata);
return new;