/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <archive.h> #include <archive_entry.h> #include "misc/bstr.h" #include "common/common.h" #include "misc/thread_tools.h" #include "stream.h" #include "stream_libarchive.h" struct mp_archive_volume { struct mp_archive *mpa; struct stream *src; int64_t seek_to; char *url; }; static bool volume_seek(struct mp_archive_volume *vol) { if (vol->seek_to < 0) return true; bool r = stream_seek(vol->src, vol->seek_to); vol->seek_to = -1; return r; } static ssize_t read_cb(struct archive *arch, void *priv, const void **buffer) { struct mp_archive_volume *vol = priv; if (!volume_seek(vol)) return -1; int res = stream_read_partial(vol->src, vol->mpa->buffer, sizeof(vol->mpa->buffer)); *buffer = vol->mpa->buffer; return MPMAX(res, 0); } // lazy seek to avoid problems with end seeking over http static int64_t seek_cb(struct archive *arch, void *priv, int64_t offset, int whence) { struct mp_archive_volume *vol = priv; switch (whence) { case SEEK_SET: vol->seek_to = offset; break; case SEEK_CUR: if (vol->seek_to < 0) vol->seek_to = stream_tell(vol->src); vol->seek_to += offset; break; case SEEK_END: ; int64_t size = stream_get_size(vol->src); if (size < 0) return -1; vol->seek_to = size + offset; break; default: return -1; } return vol->seek_to; } static int64_t skip_cb(struct archive *arch, void *priv, int64_t request) { struct mp_archive_volume *vol = priv; if (!volume_seek(vol)) return -1; int64_t old = stream_tell(vol->src); stream_skip(vol->src, request); return stream_tell(vol->src) - old; } static int open_cb(struct archive *arch, void *priv) { struct mp_archive_volume *vol = priv; vol->seek_to = -1; if (!vol->src) { vol->src = stream_create(vol->url, STREAM_READ, vol->mpa->primary_src->cancel, vol->mpa->primary_src->global); return vol->src ? ARCHIVE_OK : ARCHIVE_FATAL; } // just rewind the primary stream return stream_seek(vol->src, 0) ? ARCHIVE_OK : ARCHIVE_FATAL; } static void volume_close(struct mp_archive_volume *vol) { // don't close the primary stream if (vol->src && vol->src != vol->mpa->primary_src) { free_stream(vol->src); vol->src = NULL; } } static int close_cb(struct archive *arch, void *priv) { struct mp_archive_volume *vol = priv; volume_close(vol); talloc_free(vol); return ARCHIVE_OK; } static int switch_cb(struct archive *arch, void *oldpriv, void *newpriv) { struct mp_archive_volume *oldvol = oldpriv; volume_close(oldvol); return open_cb(arch, newpriv); } static void mp_archive_close(struct mp_archive *mpa) { if (mpa && mpa->arch) { archive_read_close(mpa->arch); archive_read_free(mpa->arch); mpa->arch = NULL; } } // Supposedly we're not allowed to continue reading on FATAL returns. Otherwise // crashes and other UB is possible. Assume calling the close/free functions is // still ok. Return true if it was fatal and the archive was closed. static bool mp_archive_check_fatal(struct mp_archive *mpa, int r) { if (r > ARCHIVE_FATAL) return false; MP_FATAL(mpa, "fatal error received - closing archive\n"); mp_archive_close(mpa); return true; } void mp_archive_free(struct mp_archive *mpa) { mp_archive_close(mpa); if (mpa && mpa->locale) freelocale(mpa->locale); talloc_free(mpa); } static char *standard_volume_url(void *ctx, const char *format, struct bstr base, int index) { return talloc_asprintf(ctx, format, BSTR_P(base), index); } static char *old_rar_volume_url(void *ctx, const char *format, struct bstr base, int index) { return talloc_asprintf(ctx, format, BSTR_P(base), 'r' + index / 100, index % 100); } struct file_pattern { const char *match; const char *format; char *(*volume_url)(void *ctx, const char *format, struct bstr base, int index); int start; int stop; }; static const struct file_pattern patterns[] = { { ".part1.rar", "%.*s.part%.1d.rar", standard_volume_url, 2, 9 }, { ".part01.rar", "%.*s.part%.2d.rar", standard_volume_url, 2, 99 }, { ".part001.rar", "%.*s.part%.3d.rar", standard_volume_url, 2, 999 }, { ".part0001.rar", "%.*s.part%.4d.rar", standard_volume_url, 2, 9999 }, { ".rar", "%.*s.%c%.2d", old_rar_volume_url, 0, 9999 }, { ".001", "%.*s.%.3d", standard_volume_url, 2, 9999 }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }, }; static char **find_volumes(struct stream *primary_stream) { char **res = talloc_new(NULL); int num = 0; struct bstr primary_url = bstr0(primary_stream->url); const struct file_pattern *pattern = patterns; while (pattern->match) { if (bstr_endswith0(primary_url, pattern->match)) break; pattern++; } if (!pattern->match) goto done; struct bstr base = bstr_splice(primary_url, 0, -strlen(pattern->match)); for (int i = pattern->start; i <= pattern->stop; i++) { char* url = pattern->volume_url(res, pattern->format, base, i); struct stream *s = stream_create(url, STREAM_READ | STREAM_SAFE_ONLY, primary_stream->cancel, primary_stream->global); if (!s) { talloc_free(url); goto done; } free_stream(s); MP_TARRAY_APPEND(res, res, num, url); } done: MP_TARRAY_APPEND(res, res, num, NULL); return res; } static bool add_volume(struct mp_log *log, struct mp_archive *mpa, struct stream *src, const char* url) { struct mp_archive_volume *vol = talloc_zero(mpa, struct mp_archive_volume); mp_verbose(log, "Adding volume %s\n", url); vol->mpa = mpa; vol->src = src; vol->url = talloc_strdup(vol, url); locale_t oldlocale = uselocale(mpa->locale); bool res = archive_read_append_callback_data(mpa->arch, vol) == ARCHIVE_OK; uselocale(oldlocale); return res; } struct mp_archive *mp_archive_new(struct mp_log *log, struct stream *src, int flags) { struct mp_archive *mpa = talloc_zero(NULL, struct mp_archive); mpa->log = log; mpa->locale = newlocale(LC_ALL_MASK, "C.UTF-8", (locale_t)0); if (!mpa->locale) goto err; mpa->arch = archive_read_new(); mpa->primary_src = src; if (!mpa->arch) goto err; // first volume is the primary streame if (!add_volume(log ,mpa, src, src->url)) goto err; // try to open other volumes char** volumes = find_volumes(src); for (int i = 0; volumes[i]; i++) { if (!add_volume(log, mpa, NULL, volumes[i])) { talloc_free(volumes); goto err; } } talloc_free(volumes); locale_t oldlocale = uselocale(mpa->locale); archive_read_support_format_7zip(mpa->arch); archive_read_support_format_iso9660(mpa->arch); archive_read_support_format_rar(mpa->arch); archive_read_support_format_zip(mpa->arch); archive_read_support_filter_bzip2(mpa->arch); archive_read_support_filter_gzip(mpa->arch); archive_read_support_filter_xz(mpa->arch); if (flags & MP_ARCHIVE_FLAG_UNSAFE) { archive_read_support_format_gnutar(mpa->arch); archive_read_support_format_tar(mpa->arch); } archive_read_set_read_callback(mpa->arch, read_cb); archive_read_set_skip_callback(mpa->arch, skip_cb); archive_read_set_switch_callback(mpa->arch, switch_cb); archive_read_set_open_callback(mpa->arch, open_cb); archive_read_set_close_callback(mpa->arch, close_cb); if (mpa->primary_src->seekable) archive_read_set_seek_callback(mpa->arch, seek_cb); bool fail = archive_read_open1(mpa->arch) < ARCHIVE_OK; uselocale(oldlocale); if (fail) goto err; return mpa; err: mp_archive_free(mpa); return NULL; } // Iterate entries. The first call establishes the first entry. Returns false // if no entry found, otherwise returns true and sets mpa->entry/entry_filename. bool mp_archive_next_entry(struct mp_archive *mpa) { mpa->entry = NULL; talloc_free(mpa->entry_filename); mpa->entry_filename = NULL; if (!mpa->arch) return false; locale_t oldlocale = uselocale(mpa->locale); bool success = false; while (!mp_cancel_test(mpa->primary_src->cancel)) { struct archive_entry *entry; int r = archive_read_next_header(mpa->arch, &entry); if (r == ARCHIVE_EOF) break; if (r < ARCHIVE_OK) MP_ERR(mpa, "%s\n", archive_error_string(mpa->arch)); if (r < ARCHIVE_WARN) { MP_FATAL(mpa, "could not read archive entry\n"); mp_archive_check_fatal(mpa, r); break; } if (archive_entry_filetype(entry) != AE_IFREG) continue; // Some archives may have no filenames, or libarchive won't return some. const char *fn = archive_entry_pathname(entry); char buf[64]; if (!fn || bstr_validate_utf8(bstr0(fn)) < 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "mpv_unknown#%d", mpa->entry_num); fn = buf; } mpa->entry = entry; mpa->entry_filename = talloc_strdup(mpa, fn); mpa->entry_num += 1; success = true; break; } uselocale(oldlocale); return success; } struct priv { struct mp_archive *mpa; bool broken_seek; struct stream *src; int64_t entry_size; char *entry_name; }; static int reopen_archive(stream_t *s) { struct priv *p = s->priv; mp_archive_free(p->mpa); s->pos = 0; p->mpa = mp_archive_new(s->log, p->src, MP_ARCHIVE_FLAG_UNSAFE); if (!p->mpa) return STREAM_ERROR; // Follows the same logic as demux_libarchive.c. struct mp_archive *mpa = p->mpa; while (mp_archive_next_entry(mpa)) { if (strcmp(p->entry_name, mpa->entry_filename) == 0) { locale_t oldlocale = uselocale(mpa->locale); p->entry_size = -1; if (archive_entry_size_is_set(mpa->entry)) p->entry_size = archive_entry_size(mpa->entry); uselocale(oldlocale); return STREAM_OK; } } mp_archive_free(p->mpa); p->mpa = NULL; MP_ERR(s, "archive entry not found. '%s'\n", p->entry_name); return STREAM_ERROR; } static int archive_entry_fill_buffer(stream_t *s, char *buffer, int max_len) { struct priv *p = s->priv; if (!p->mpa) return 0; locale_t oldlocale = uselocale(p->mpa->locale); int r = archive_read_data(p->mpa->arch, buffer, max_len); if (r < 0) { MP_ERR(s, "%s\n", archive_error_string(p->mpa->arch)); if (mp_archive_check_fatal(p->mpa, r)) { mp_archive_free(p->mpa); p->mpa = NULL; } } uselocale(oldlocale); return r; } static int archive_entry_seek(stream_t *s, int64_t newpos) { struct priv *p = s->priv; if (p->mpa && !p->broken_seek) { locale_t oldlocale = uselocale(p->mpa->locale); int r = archive_seek_data(p->mpa->arch, newpos, SEEK_SET); uselocale(oldlocale); if (r >= 0) return 1; MP_WARN(s, "possibly unsupported seeking - switching to reopening\n"); p->broken_seek = true; if (reopen_archive(s) < STREAM_OK) return -1; } // libarchive can't seek in most formats. if (newpos < s->pos) { // Hack seeking backwards into working by reopening the archive and // starting over. MP_VERBOSE(s, "trying to reopen archive for performing seek\n"); if (reopen_archive(s) < STREAM_OK) return -1; } if (newpos > s->pos) { if (!p->mpa && reopen_archive(s) < STREAM_OK) return -1; // For seeking forwards, just keep reading data (there's no libarchive // skip function either). char buffer[4096]; while (newpos > s->pos) { if (mp_cancel_test(s->cancel)) return -1; int size = MPMIN(newpos - s->pos, sizeof(buffer)); locale_t oldlocale = uselocale(p->mpa->locale); int r = archive_read_data(p->mpa->arch, buffer, size); if (r <= 0) { if (r == 0 && newpos > p->entry_size) { MP_ERR(s, "demuxer trying to seek beyond end of archive " "entry\n"); } else if (r == 0) { MP_ERR(s, "end of archive entry reached while seeking\n"); } else { MP_ERR(s, "%s\n", archive_error_string(p->mpa->arch)); } uselocale(oldlocale); if (mp_archive_check_fatal(p->mpa, r)) { mp_archive_free(p->mpa); p->mpa = NULL; } return -1; } uselocale(oldlocale); s->pos += r; } } return 1; } static void archive_entry_close(stream_t *s) { struct priv *p = s->priv; mp_archive_free(p->mpa); free_stream(p->src); } static int archive_entry_control(stream_t *s, int cmd, void *arg) { struct priv *p = s->priv; switch (cmd) { case STREAM_CTRL_GET_SIZE: if (p->entry_size < 0) break; *(int64_t *)arg = p->entry_size; return STREAM_OK; } return STREAM_UNSUPPORTED; } static int archive_entry_open(stream_t *stream) { struct priv *p = talloc_zero(stream, struct priv); stream->priv = p; if (!strchr(stream->path, '|')) return STREAM_ERROR; char *base = talloc_strdup(p, stream->path); char *name = strchr(base, '|'); *name++ = '\0'; p->entry_name = name; mp_url_unescape_inplace(base); p->src = stream_create(base, STREAM_READ | STREAM_SAFE_ONLY, stream->cancel, stream->global); if (!p->src) { archive_entry_close(stream); return STREAM_ERROR; } int r = reopen_archive(stream); if (r < STREAM_OK) { archive_entry_close(stream); return r; } stream->fill_buffer = archive_entry_fill_buffer; if (p->src->seekable) { stream->seek = archive_entry_seek; stream->seekable = true; } stream->close = archive_entry_close; stream->control = archive_entry_control; stream->streaming = true; return STREAM_OK; } const stream_info_t stream_info_libarchive = { .name = "libarchive", .open = archive_entry_open, .protocols = (const char*const[]){ "archive", NULL }, };