local utils = require 'mp.utils' local msg = require 'mp.msg' local ytdl = { path = "youtube-dl", minver = "2015.02.23.1", vercheck = nil, } local function exec(args) local ret = utils.subprocess({args = args}) return ret.status, ret.stdout end -- return if it was explicitly set on the command line local function option_was_set(name) return mp.get_property_bool("option-info/" .. name .. "/set-from-commandline", false) end -- youtube-dl may set special http headers for some sites (user-agent, cookies) local function set_http_headers(http_headers) if not http_headers then return end local headers = {} local useragent = http_headers["User-Agent"] if useragent and not option_was_set("user-agent") then mp.set_property("file-local-options/user-agent", useragent) end local cookies = http_headers["Cookie"] if cookies then headers[#headers + 1] = "Cookie: " .. cookies end if #headers > 0 and not option_was_set("http-header-fields") then mp.set_property_native("file-local-options/http-header-fields", headers) end end local function append_rtmp_prop(props, name, value) if not name or not value then return props end if props and props ~= "" then props = props.."," else props = "" end return props..name.."=\""..value.."\"" end mp.add_hook("on_load", 10, function () local url = mp.get_property("stream-open-filename") if (url:find("http://") == 1) or (url:find("https://") == 1) or (url:find("ytdl://") == 1) then -- check version of youtube-dl if not done yet if (ytdl.vercheck == nil) then -- check for youtube-dl in mpv's config dir local ytdl_mcd = mp.find_config_file("youtube-dl") if not (ytdl_mcd == nil) then msg.verbose("found youtube-dl at: " .. ytdl_mcd) ytdl.path = ytdl_mcd end msg.debug("checking ytdl version ...") local es, version = exec({ytdl.path, "--version"}) if (es < 0) then msg.warn("youtube-dl not found, not executable, or broken.") ytdl.vercheck = false elseif (version < ytdl.minver) then msg.verbose("found youtube-dl version: " .. version) msg.warn("Your version of youtube-dl is too old! " .. "You need at least version '"..ytdl.minver .. "', try running `youtube-dl -U`.") ytdl.vercheck = false else msg.verbose("found youtube-dl version: " .. version) ytdl.vercheck = true end end if not (ytdl.vercheck) then return end -- strip ytdl:// if (url:find("ytdl://") == 1) then url = url:sub(8) end local format = mp.get_property("options/ytdl-format") local raw_options = mp.get_property_native("options/ytdl-raw-options") -- subformat workaround local subformat = "ass/srt/best" local command = { ytdl.path, "--no-warnings", "-J", "--flat-playlist", "--all-subs", "--sub-format", subformat, "--no-playlist" } -- Checks if video option is "no", change options accordingly if (mp.get_property("options/vid") == "no") then format = "bestaudio/best" msg.verbose("Video disabled. Only using audio") end if (format ~= "") then table.insert(command, "--format") table.insert(command, format) end for param, arg in pairs(raw_options) do table.insert(command, "--" .. param) if (arg ~= "") then table.insert(command, arg) end end table.insert(command, "--") table.insert(command, url) local es, json = exec(command) if (es < 0) or (json == nil) or (json == "") then msg.warn("youtube-dl failed, trying to play URL directly ...") return end local json, err = utils.parse_json(json) if (json == nil) then msg.error("failed to parse JSON data: " .. err) return end msg.verbose("youtube-dl succeeded!") -- what did we get? if not (json["direct"] == nil) and (json["direct"] == true) then -- direct URL, nothing to do msg.verbose("Got direct URL") return elseif not (json["_type"] == nil) and (json["_type"] == "playlist") then -- a playlist if (#json.entries == 0) then msg.warn("Got empty playlist, nothing to play.") return end -- some funky guessing to detect multi-arc videos if not (json.entries[1]["webpage_url"] == nil) and (json.entries[1]["webpage_url"] == json["webpage_url"]) then msg.verbose("multi-arc video detected, building EDL") local playlist = "edl://" for i, entry in pairs(json.entries) do local urllength = string.len(entry.url) playlist = playlist .. "%" .. urllength .. "%" .. entry.url .. ";" end msg.debug("EDL: " .. playlist) -- can't change the http headers for each entry, so use the 1st if json.entries[1] then set_http_headers(json.entries[1].http_headers) end mp.set_property("stream-open-filename", playlist) if not (json.title == nil) then mp.set_property("file-local-options/force-media-title", json.title) end else local playlist = "#EXTM3U\n" for i, entry in pairs(json.entries) do local site = entry.url -- some extractors will still return the full info for -- all clips in the playlist and the URL will point -- directly to the file in that case, which we don't -- want so get the webpage URL instead, which is what -- we want if not (entry["webpage_url"] == nil) then site = entry["webpage_url"] end playlist = playlist .. "ytdl://" .. site .. "\n" end mp.set_property("stream-open-filename", "memory://" .. playlist) end else -- probably a video local streamurl = "" -- DASH? if not (json["requested_formats"] == nil) then msg.info("Using DASH, expect inaccurate duration.") if not (json.duration == nil) then msg.info("Actual duration: " .. mp.format_time(json.duration)) end -- video url streamurl = json["requested_formats"][1].url -- audio url mp.set_property("file-local-options/audio-file", json["requested_formats"][2].url) -- workaround for slow startup (causes inaccurate duration) mp.set_property("file-local-options/demuxer-lavf-o", "fflags=+ignidx") elseif not (json.url == nil) then -- normal video streamurl = json.url set_http_headers(json.http_headers) else msg.error("No URL found in JSON data.") return end msg.debug("streamurl: " .. streamurl) mp.set_property("stream-open-filename", streamurl) mp.set_property("file-local-options/media-title", json.title) -- add subtitles if not (json.requested_subtitles == nil) then for lang, sub_info in pairs(json.requested_subtitles) do msg.verbose("adding subtitle ["..lang.."]") local slang = lang if (lang:len() > 3) then slang = lang:sub(1,2) end if not (sub_info.data == nil) then sub = "memory://"..sub_info.data else sub = sub_info.url end mp.commandv("sub_add", sub, "auto", lang.." "..sub_info.ext, slang) end end -- for rtmp if not (json.play_path == nil) then local rtmp_prop = append_rtmp_prop(nil, "rtmp_tcurl", streamurl) rtmp_prop = append_rtmp_prop(rtmp_prop, "rtmp_pageurl", json.page_url) rtmp_prop = append_rtmp_prop(rtmp_prop, "rtmp_playpath", json.play_path) rtmp_prop = append_rtmp_prop(rtmp_prop, "rtmp_swfverify", json.player_url) rtmp_prop = append_rtmp_prop(rtmp_prop, "rtmp_app", json.app) mp.set_property("file-local-options/stream-lavf-o", rtmp_prop) end end end end)