This file intends to give a big picture overview of how mpv is structured.

    Essentially makes up the player applications, including the main() function
    and the playback loop.

    Generally, it accesses all other subsystems, initializes them, and pushes
    data between them during playback.

    The structure is as follows (as of commit e13c05366557cb):
    * main():
        * basic initializations (e.g. init_libav() and more)
        * pre-parse command line (verbosity level, config file locations)
        * load config files (parse_cfgfiles())
        * parse command line, add files from the command line to playlist
        * check help options etc. (call handle_help_options()), possibly exit
        * call play_files() function that works down the playlist:
            * run idle loop (idle_loop()), until there are files in the
                playlist or an exit command was given (only if --idle it set)
            * actually load and play a file in play_current_file():
                * run all the dozens of functions to load the file and
                  initialize playback
                * run a small loop that does normal playback, until the file is
                  done or a command terminates playback
                  (on each iteration, run_playloop() is called, which is rather
                   big and complicated - it decodes some audio and video on
                   each frame, waits for input, etc.)
                * uninitialize playback
            * determine next entry on the playlist to play
            * loop, or exit if no next file or quit is requested
              (see enum stop_play_reason)
        * call exit_player_with_rc()
    * run_playloop():
        * calls fill_audio_out_buffers()
            This checks whether new audio needs to be decoded, and pushes it
            to the AO.
        * calls write_video()
            Decode new video, and push it to the VO.
        * determines whether playback of the current file has ended
        * determines when to start playback after seeks
        * and calls a whole lot of other stuff
            (Really, this function does everything.)

    Things worth saying about the playback core:
    - most state is in MPContext (core.h), which is not available to the
    - the currently played tracks are in mpctx->current_tracks, and decoder
      state in track.d_video/d_audio/d_sub
    - the other subsystems rarely call back into the frontend, and the frontend
      polls them instead (probably a good thing)
    - one exceptions are wakeup callbacks, which notify a "higher" component
      of a changed situation in a subsystem

    I like to call the player/*.c files the "frontend".

ta.h & ta.c:
    Hierarchical memory manager inspired by talloc from Samba. It's like a
    malloc() with more features. Most importantly, each talloc allocation can
    have a parent, and if the parent is free'd, all children will be free'd as
    well. The parent is an arbitrary talloc allocation. It's either set by the
    allocation call by passing a talloc parent, usually as first argument to the
    allocation function. It can also be set or reset later by other calls (at
    least talloc_steal()). A talloc allocation that is used as parent is often
    called a talloc context.

    One very useful feature of talloc is fast tracking of memory leaks. ("Fast"
    as in it doesn't require valgrind.) You can enable it by setting the
    MPV_LEAK_REPORT environment variable to "1":
        export MPV_LEAK_REPORT=1
    This will list all unfree'd allocations on exit.

    Documentation can be found here:;a=blob;f=lib/talloc/talloc.h;hb=HEAD

    For some reason, we're still using API-compatible wrappers instead of TA
    directly. The talloc wrapper has only a subset of the functionality, and
    in particular the wrappers abort() on memory allocation failure.

    Note: unlike tcmalloc, jemalloc, etc., talloc() is not actually a malloc
          replacement. It works on top of system malloc and provides additional
          features that are supposed to make memory management easier.

    This contains the implementation for client API commands and properties.
    Properties are essentially dynamic variables changed by certain commands.
    This is basically responsible for all user commands, like initiating
    seeking, switching tracks, etc. It calls into other player/*.c files,
    where most of the work is done, but also calls other parts of mpv.

    Data structures and function prototypes for most of player/*.c. They are
    usually not accessed by other parts of mpv for the sake of modularization.

    This implements the client API (libmpv/client.h). For the most part, this
    just calls into other parts of the player. This also manages a ringbuffer
    of events from player to clients.

options/options.h, options/options.c
    options.h contains the global option struct MPOpts. The option declarations
    (option names, types, and MPOpts offsets for the option parser) are in
    options.c. Most default values for options and MPOpts are in
    mp_default_opts at the end of options.c.

    MPOpts is unfortunately quite monolithic, and virtually accessed by
    everything.But some components (like video outputs and video filters) have
    their own sub-option tables separate from MPOpts.

    The actual option parser is spread over m_option.c, m_config.c, and
    parse_commandline.c, and uses the option table in options.c.

    This translates keyboard input coming from VOs and other sources (such
    as remote control devices like Apple IR or client API commands) to the
    key bindings listed in the user's (or the builtin) input.conf and turns
    them into items of type struct mp_cmd. These commands are queued, and read
    by playloop.c. They get pushed with run_command() to command.c.

    Note that keyboard input and commands used by the client API are the same.
    The client API only uses the command parser though, and has its own queue
    of input commands somewhere else.

    All terminal output must go through mp_msg().

    File input is implemented here. stream.h/.c provides a simple stream based
    interface (like reading a number of bytes at a given offset). mpv can
    also play from http streams and such, which is implemented here.

    E.g. if mpv sees "http://something" on the command line, it will pick
    stream_lavf.c based on the prefix, and pass the rest of the filename to it.

    Some stream inputs are quite special: stream_dvd.c turns DVDs into mpeg
    streams (DVDs are actually a bunch of vob files etc. on a filesystem),
    stream_tv.c provides TV input including channel switching.

    Some stream inputs are just there to invoke special demuxers, like
    stream_mf.c. (Basically to make the prefix "mf://" do something special.)

    cache.c is a caching wrapper around streams implementations, needed for
    smooth network playback.

    Demuxers split data streams into audio/video/sub streams, which in turn
    are split in packets. Packets (see demux_packet.h) are mostly byte chunks
    tagged with a playback time (PTS). These packets are passed to the decoders.

    Most demuxers have been removed from this fork, and the only important and
    "actual" demuxers left are demux_mkv.c and demux_lavf.c (uses libavformat).
    There are some pseudo demuxers like demux_cue.c.

    The main interface is in demux.h. The stream headers are in stheader.h.
    There is a stream header for each audio/video/sub stream, and each of them
    holds codec information about the stream and other information.

    This contains several things related to audio/video decoding, as well as
    video filters.

    mp_image.h and img_format.h define how mpv stores decoded video frames

    vd_*.c are video decoders. (There's only vd_lavc.c left.) dec_video.c
    handles most of connecting the frontend with the actual decoder.

    vf_*.c and vf.c form the video filter chain. They are fed by the video
    decoder, and output the filtered images to the VOs though vf_vo.c. By
    default, no video filters (except vf_vo) are used. vf_scale is automatically
    inserted if the video output can't handle the video format used by the

    Video output. They also create GUI windows and handle user input. In most
    cases, the windowing code is shared among VOs, like x11_common.c for X11 and
    w32_common.c for Windows. The VOs stand between frontend and windowing code.
    vo_gpu can pick a windowing system at runtime, e.g. the same binary can
    provide both X11 and Cocoa support on OSX.

    VOs can be reconfigured at runtime. A vo_reconfig() call can change the video
    resolution and format, without destroying the window.

    vo_gpu should be taken as reference.

    format.h/format.c define the uncompressed audio formats. (As well as some
    compressed formats used for spdif.)

    ad_*.c and dec_audio.c handle audio decoding. ad_lavc.c is the
    decoder using ffmpeg. ad_spdif.c is not really a decoder, but is used for
    compressed audio passthrough.

    Audio filter chain. af_lavrresample is inserted if any form of conversion
    between audio formats is needed.

    Audio outputs.

    Unlike VOs, AOs can't be reconfigured on a format change. On audio format
    changes, the AO will simply be closed and re-opened.

    There are wrappers to support for two types of audio APIs: push.c and
    pull.c. ao.c calls into one of these. They contain generic code to deal
    with the data flow these APIs impose.

    Note that mpv synchronizes the video to the audio. That's the reason
    why buggy audio drivers can have a bad influence on playback quality.

    Contains subtitle and OSD rendering.

    osd.c/.h is actually the OSD code. It queries dec_sub.c to retrieve
    decoded/rendered subtitles. osd_libass.c is the actual implementation of
    the OSD text renderer (which uses libass, and takes care of all the tricky
    fontconfig/freetype API usage and text layouting).

    The VOs call osd.c to render OSD and subtitle (via e.g. osd_draw()). osd.c
    in turn asks dec_sub.c for subtitle overlay bitmaps, which relays the
    request to one of the sd_*.c subtitle decoders/renderers.

    Subtitle loading is in demux/. The MPlayer subreader.c is mostly gone - parts
    of it survive in demux_subreader.c. It's used as last fallback, or to handle
    some text subtitle types on Libav. It should go away eventually. Normally,
    subtitles are loaded via demux_lavf.c.

    The subtitles are passed to dec_sub.c and the subtitle decoders in sd_*.c
    as they are demuxed. All text subtitles are rendered by sd_ass.c. If text
    subtitles are not in the ASS format, the libavcodec subtitle converters are
    used (lavc_conv.c).

    Text subtitles can be preloaded, in which case they are read fully as soon
    as the subtitle is selected. In this case, they are effectively stored in
    sd_ass.c's internal state.

    The file input.conf is actually integrated into the mpv binary by the
    build system. It contains the default keybindings.