.\" MEncoder (C) 2000-2001 Arpad Gereoffy .\" This manpage was/is done by Gabucino .\" .TH MEncoder .SH NAME mencoder \- Movie Encoder for Linux .SH SYNOPSIS .B mencoder .RB [ \-vcd\ ] .RB [ \-dvd\ ] .RB [ \-chapter\ ] .RB [ \-dvdangle\ ] .RB [ \-dvdkey\ ] .RB [ \-nobps ] .RB [ \-aid\ ] .RB [ \-vid\ ] .RB [ \-pp\ ] .RB [ \-vc\ ] .RB [ \-ac\ ] .RB [ \-vfm\ ] .RB [ \-afm\ ] .RB [ \-include\ ] .RB [ \-v ] .RB [ \-mp3file\ ] .RB [ \-ac3file\ ] .RB [ \-ovc\ ] .RB [ \-oac\ ] .RB [ \-divx4opts\ ] .RB [ \-lameopts\ ] .RB [ \-pass\ <1/2> ] .RB [ \-ofps\ ] .RB [ \-o\ ] .I - or file or device .PP .SH DESCRIPTION .I mencoder Encoder. .LP .SH "GENERAL OPTIONS" .TP .I NOTE Every "flag" option has "noflag" pair, e.g. -flag opposite is -noflag .TP .B \-vcd Encode the specified VCD track. .TP .B \-dvd Encode the specified DVD title. .TP .B \-chapter <chapter id> Use with -dvd option (see above). Start encoding at the specified chapter. .TP .B \-dvdangle <angle id> Use with -dvd option (see above), and if the DVD disc has multiple angles. It will encode the angle specified here. .TP .B \-dvdkey <key> Used to decrypt CSS-encrypted streams on hard disk (with given CSS decrypt key). .TP .B \-nobps Used only for AVIs. Do not use the bps value in the AVI header, instead calculate it. .TP .B \-aid <audio stream id> If source media contains multiple audio streams (for example DVDs), encode the specified one. .TP .B \-vid <video stream id> If source media contains multiple video streams, encode the specified one. .TP .B \-pp <value> Apply a postprocess filter to enhance image quality. (values?) .TP .B \-vc <codec name> Use specified codec (according to codecs.conf) for decoding input video stream. .TP .B \-ac <codec name> Use specified codec (according to codecs.conf) for decoding input audio stream. .TP .B \-vfm <video family> (useful?) (yes!) .TP .TP .B \-afm <audio family> (useful?) (yes!) .TP .B \-include Include what? Configfile. .TP .B \-v Increase verbosity. .TP .B \-divx4opts If encoding to DivX4, you can specify its parameters here, like: -divx4opts br=1800:deinterlace:key=250 Available options: help get help (TODO!) br=XXX specify bitrate in kbit <4-16000> or bit <16001-24000000> key=XXX maximum keyframe interval (in frames) deinterlace enable deinterlacing q=XXXX quality (1-fastest, 5-best) min_quant=XXX minimum quantizer (0-32) max_quant=XXX maximum quantizer (0-32) rc_period=XXX rate control period rc_reaction_period=XXX rate control reaction period rc_reaction_ratio=XXX rate control reaction ratio .TP .B \-lameopts If encoding to MP3 with libmp3lame, you can specify its parameters here, like: -lameopts vbr=192 Available options: help get help (TODO!) br=XXX specify bitrate in kbit <0-1024> vbr=XXX variable bitrate method 0=cbr 1=mt 2=rh(default) 3=abr 4=mtrh q=XXX VBR quality (0-highest, 9-fastest) cbr constant bitrate mode=XXX 0=stereo 1=joint-stereo 2=dualchannel 3=mono (default: auto) padding=XXX 0=no 1=all 2=adjust ratio=XXX compression ratio <1-100> .TP .B \-OTHERS TODO .IP .SH FILES AND DIRECTORIES .IP .SH "EXAMPLES" .IP .SH BUGS Probably. Check the documentation. Bugreports should be addressed to the MPlayer-users mailing list (mplayer-users@mplayerhq.hu) ! If you want to submit a bugreport (which we love to receive!), please double-check the bugreports.html, and tell us all that we need to know to identify your problem. .LP .SH AUTHORS Check documentation ! MPlayer is (C) 2000-2001 .I Arpad Gereoffy <arpi@thot.banki.hu> This manpage is written and maintained by .I Gabucino . .LP .SH STANDARD DISCLAIMER Use only at your own risk! There may be errors and inaccuracies that could be damaging to your system or your eye. Proceed with caution, and although this is highly unlikely, the author doesn't take any responsibility for that! .\" end of file