#include "common/common.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "ra_pl.h" #include "utils.h" struct ra_pl { const struct pl_gpu *gpu; struct ra_timer_pl *active_timer; }; static inline const struct pl_gpu *get_gpu(const struct ra *ra) { struct ra_pl *p = ra->priv; return p->gpu; } static struct ra_fns ra_fns_pl; const struct pl_gpu *ra_pl_get(const struct ra *ra) { return ra->fns == &ra_fns_pl ? get_gpu(ra) : NULL; } static struct pl_timer *get_active_timer(const struct ra *ra); struct ra *ra_create_pl(const struct pl_gpu *gpu, struct mp_log *log) { assert(gpu); struct ra *ra = talloc_zero(NULL, struct ra); ra->log = log; ra->fns = &ra_fns_pl; struct ra_pl *p = ra->priv = talloc_zero(ra, struct ra_pl); p->gpu = gpu; ra->glsl_version = gpu->glsl.version; ra->glsl_vulkan = gpu->glsl.vulkan; ra->glsl_es = gpu->glsl.gles; ra->caps = RA_CAP_DIRECT_UPLOAD | RA_CAP_NESTED_ARRAY | RA_CAP_FRAGCOORD; if (gpu->caps & PL_GPU_CAP_COMPUTE) ra->caps |= RA_CAP_COMPUTE | RA_CAP_NUM_GROUPS; if (gpu->caps & PL_GPU_CAP_PARALLEL_COMPUTE) ra->caps |= RA_CAP_PARALLEL_COMPUTE; if (gpu->caps & PL_GPU_CAP_INPUT_VARIABLES) ra->caps |= RA_CAP_GLOBAL_UNIFORM; if (gpu->limits.max_tex_1d_dim) ra->caps |= RA_CAP_TEX_1D; if (gpu->limits.max_tex_3d_dim) ra->caps |= RA_CAP_TEX_3D; if (gpu->limits.max_ubo_size) ra->caps |= RA_CAP_BUF_RO; if (gpu->limits.max_ssbo_size) ra->caps |= RA_CAP_BUF_RW; if (gpu->limits.min_gather_offset && gpu->limits.max_gather_offset) ra->caps |= RA_CAP_GATHER; // Semi-hack: assume all textures are blittable if r8 is const struct pl_fmt *r8 = pl_find_named_fmt(gpu, "r8"); if (r8->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_BLITTABLE) ra->caps |= RA_CAP_BLIT; ra->max_texture_wh = gpu->limits.max_tex_2d_dim; ra->max_shmem = gpu->limits.max_shmem_size; ra->max_pushc_size = gpu->limits.max_pushc_size; // Set up format wrappers for (int i = 0; i < gpu->num_formats; i++) { const struct pl_fmt *plfmt = gpu->formats[i]; static const enum ra_ctype fmt_type_map[PL_FMT_TYPE_COUNT] = { [PL_FMT_UNORM] = RA_CTYPE_UNORM, [PL_FMT_UINT] = RA_CTYPE_UINT, [PL_FMT_FLOAT] = RA_CTYPE_FLOAT, }; enum ra_ctype type = fmt_type_map[plfmt->type]; if (!type || !(plfmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_SAMPLEABLE)) continue; struct ra_format *rafmt = talloc_zero(ra, struct ra_format); *rafmt = (struct ra_format) { .name = plfmt->name, .priv = (void *) plfmt, .ctype = type, .ordered = pl_fmt_is_ordered(plfmt), .num_components = plfmt->num_components, .pixel_size = plfmt->texel_size, .linear_filter = plfmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_LINEAR, .renderable = plfmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_RENDERABLE, .storable = plfmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_STORABLE, .glsl_format = plfmt->glsl_format, }; for (int c = 0; c < plfmt->num_components; c++) { rafmt->component_size[c] = plfmt->host_bits[c]; rafmt->component_depth[c] = plfmt->component_depth[c]; } MP_TARRAY_APPEND(ra, ra->formats, ra->num_formats, rafmt); } return ra; } static void destroy_ra_pl(struct ra *ra) { talloc_free(ra); } static struct ra_format *map_fmt(struct ra *ra, const struct pl_fmt *plfmt) { for (int i = 0; i < ra->num_formats; i++) { if (ra->formats[i]->priv == plfmt) return ra->formats[i]; } MP_ERR(ra, "Failed mapping pl_fmt '%s' to ra_fmt?\n", plfmt->name); return NULL; } bool mppl_wrap_tex(struct ra *ra, const struct pl_tex *pltex, struct ra_tex *out_tex) { if (!pltex) return false; *out_tex = (struct ra_tex) { .params = { .dimensions = pl_tex_params_dimension(pltex->params), .w = pltex->params.w, .h = pltex->params.h, .d = pltex->params.d, .format = map_fmt(ra, pltex->params.format), .render_src = pltex->params.sampleable, .render_dst = pltex->params.renderable, .storage_dst = pltex->params.storable, .blit_src = pltex->params.blit_src, .blit_dst = pltex->params.blit_dst, .host_mutable = pltex->params.host_writable, .downloadable = pltex->params.host_readable, // These don't exist upstream, so just pick something reasonable .src_linear = pltex->params.format->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_LINEAR, .src_repeat = false, }, .priv = (void *) pltex, }; return !!out_tex->params.format; } static struct ra_tex *tex_create_pl(struct ra *ra, const struct ra_tex_params *params) { const struct pl_gpu *gpu = get_gpu(ra); const struct pl_tex *pltex = pl_tex_create(gpu, &(struct pl_tex_params) { .w = params->w, .h = params->dimensions >= 2 ? params->h : 0, .d = params->dimensions >= 3 ? params->d : 0, .format = params->format->priv, .sampleable = params->render_src, .renderable = params->render_dst, .storable = params->storage_dst, .blit_src = params->blit_src, .blit_dst = params->blit_dst || params->render_dst, .host_writable = params->host_mutable, .host_readable = params->downloadable, .initial_data = params->initial_data, }); struct ra_tex *ratex = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, ratex); if (!mppl_wrap_tex(ra, pltex, ratex)) { pl_tex_destroy(gpu, &pltex); talloc_free(ratex); return NULL; } // Keep track of these, so we can correctly bind them later ratex->params.src_repeat = params->src_repeat; ratex->params.src_linear = params->src_linear; return ratex; } static void tex_destroy_pl(struct ra *ra, struct ra_tex *tex) { if (!tex) return; pl_tex_destroy(get_gpu(ra), (const struct pl_tex **) &tex->priv); talloc_free(tex); } static bool tex_upload_pl(struct ra *ra, const struct ra_tex_upload_params *params) { const struct pl_gpu *gpu = get_gpu(ra); const struct pl_tex *tex = params->tex->priv; struct pl_tex_transfer_params pl_params = { .tex = tex, .buf = params->buf ? params->buf->priv : NULL, .buf_offset = params->buf_offset, .ptr = (void *) params->src, .timer = get_active_timer(ra), }; const struct pl_buf *staging = NULL; if (params->tex->params.dimensions == 2) { size_t texel_size = tex->params.format->texel_size; pl_params.stride_w = params->stride / texel_size; size_t stride = pl_params.stride_w * texel_size; int lines = tex->params.h; if (params->rc) { pl_params.rc = (struct pl_rect3d) { .x0 = params->rc->x0, .x1 = params->rc->x1, .y0 = params->rc->y0, .y1 = params->rc->y1, }; lines = pl_rect_h(pl_params.rc); } if (stride != params->stride) { // Fall back to uploading via a staging buffer prepared in CPU staging = pl_buf_create(gpu, &(struct pl_buf_params) { .size = lines * stride, .memory_type = PL_BUF_MEM_HOST, .host_mapped = true, }); if (!staging) return false; const uint8_t *src = params->buf ? params->buf->data : params->src; assert(src); for (int y = 0; y < lines; y++) memcpy(staging->data + y * stride, src + y * params->stride, stride); pl_params.ptr = NULL; pl_params.buf = staging; pl_params.buf_offset = 0; } } bool ok = pl_tex_upload(gpu, &pl_params); pl_buf_destroy(gpu, &staging); return ok; } static bool tex_download_pl(struct ra *ra, struct ra_tex_download_params *params) { const struct pl_tex *tex = params->tex->priv; size_t texel_size = tex->params.format->texel_size; struct pl_tex_transfer_params pl_params = { .tex = tex, .ptr = params->dst, .stride_w = params->stride / texel_size, .timer = get_active_timer(ra), }; uint8_t *staging = NULL; size_t stride = pl_params.stride_w * texel_size; if (stride != params->stride) { staging = talloc_size(NULL, tex->params.h * stride); pl_params.ptr = staging; } bool ok = pl_tex_download(get_gpu(ra), &pl_params); if (ok && staging) { for (int y = 0; y < tex->params.h; y++) { memcpy((uint8_t *) params->dst + y * params->stride, staging + y * stride, stride); } } talloc_free(staging); return ok; } static struct ra_buf *buf_create_pl(struct ra *ra, const struct ra_buf_params *params) { const struct pl_buf *plbuf = pl_buf_create(get_gpu(ra), &(struct pl_buf_params) { .size = params->size, .uniform = params->type == RA_BUF_TYPE_UNIFORM, .storable = params->type == RA_BUF_TYPE_SHADER_STORAGE, .host_mapped = params->host_mapped, .host_writable = params->host_mutable, .initial_data = params->initial_data, }); if (!plbuf) return NULL; struct ra_buf *rabuf = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, rabuf); *rabuf = (struct ra_buf) { .params = *params, .data = plbuf->data, .priv = (void *) plbuf, }; rabuf->params.initial_data = NULL; return rabuf; } static void buf_destroy_pl(struct ra *ra, struct ra_buf *buf) { if (!buf) return; pl_buf_destroy(get_gpu(ra), (const struct pl_buf **) &buf->priv); talloc_free(buf); } static void buf_update_pl(struct ra *ra, struct ra_buf *buf, ptrdiff_t offset, const void *data, size_t size) { pl_buf_write(get_gpu(ra), buf->priv, offset, data, size); } static bool buf_poll_pl(struct ra *ra, struct ra_buf *buf) { return !pl_buf_poll(get_gpu(ra), buf->priv, 0); } static void clear_pl(struct ra *ra, struct ra_tex *dst, float color[4], struct mp_rect *scissor) { // TODO: implement scissor clearing by bltting a 1x1 tex instead pl_tex_clear(get_gpu(ra), dst->priv, color); } static void blit_pl(struct ra *ra, struct ra_tex *dst, struct ra_tex *src, struct mp_rect *dst_rc, struct mp_rect *src_rc) { struct pl_rect3d plsrc = {0}, pldst = {0}; if (src_rc) { plsrc.x0 = MPMIN(MPMAX(src_rc->x0, 0), src->params.w); plsrc.y0 = MPMIN(MPMAX(src_rc->y0, 0), src->params.h); plsrc.x1 = MPMIN(MPMAX(src_rc->x1, 0), src->params.w); plsrc.y1 = MPMIN(MPMAX(src_rc->y1, 0), src->params.h); } if (dst_rc) { pldst.x0 = MPMIN(MPMAX(dst_rc->x0, 0), dst->params.w); pldst.y0 = MPMIN(MPMAX(dst_rc->y0, 0), dst->params.h); pldst.x1 = MPMIN(MPMAX(dst_rc->x1, 0), dst->params.w); pldst.y1 = MPMIN(MPMAX(dst_rc->y1, 0), dst->params.h); } pl_tex_blit(get_gpu(ra), &(struct pl_tex_blit_params) { .src = src->priv, .dst = dst->priv, .src_rc = plsrc, .dst_rc = pldst, .sample_mode = src->params.src_linear ? PL_TEX_SAMPLE_LINEAR : PL_TEX_SAMPLE_NEAREST, }); } static const enum pl_var_type var_type[RA_VARTYPE_COUNT] = { [RA_VARTYPE_INT] = PL_VAR_SINT, [RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT] = PL_VAR_FLOAT, }; static const enum pl_desc_type desc_type[RA_VARTYPE_COUNT] = { [RA_VARTYPE_TEX] = PL_DESC_SAMPLED_TEX, [RA_VARTYPE_IMG_W] = PL_DESC_STORAGE_IMG, [RA_VARTYPE_BUF_RO] = PL_DESC_BUF_UNIFORM, [RA_VARTYPE_BUF_RW] = PL_DESC_BUF_STORAGE, }; static const enum pl_fmt_type fmt_type[RA_VARTYPE_COUNT] = { [RA_VARTYPE_INT] = PL_FMT_SINT, [RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT] = PL_FMT_FLOAT, [RA_VARTYPE_BYTE_UNORM] = PL_FMT_UNORM, }; static const size_t var_size[RA_VARTYPE_COUNT] = { [RA_VARTYPE_INT] = sizeof(int), [RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT] = sizeof(float), [RA_VARTYPE_BYTE_UNORM] = sizeof(uint8_t), }; static struct ra_layout uniform_layout_pl(struct ra_renderpass_input *inp) { // To get the alignment requirements, we try laying this out with // an offset of 1 and then see where it ends up. This will always be // the minimum alignment requirement. struct pl_var_layout layout = pl_buf_uniform_layout(1, &(struct pl_var) { .name = inp->name, .type = var_type[inp->type], .dim_v = inp->dim_v, .dim_m = inp->dim_m, .dim_a = 1, }); return (struct ra_layout) { .align = layout.offset, .stride = layout.stride, .size = layout.size, }; } static struct ra_layout push_constant_layout_pl(struct ra_renderpass_input *inp) { struct pl_var_layout layout = pl_push_constant_layout(1, &(struct pl_var) { .name = inp->name, .type = var_type[inp->type], .dim_v = inp->dim_v, .dim_m = inp->dim_m, .dim_a = 1, }); return (struct ra_layout) { .align = layout.offset, .stride = layout.stride, .size = layout.size, }; } static int desc_namespace_pl(struct ra *ra, enum ra_vartype type) { return pl_desc_namespace(get_gpu(ra), desc_type[type]); } struct pass_priv { const struct pl_pass *pl_pass; uint16_t *inp_index; // index translation map // Space to hold the descriptor bindings and variable updates struct pl_desc_binding *binds; struct pl_var_update *varups; int num_varups; }; static struct ra_renderpass *renderpass_create_pl(struct ra *ra, const struct ra_renderpass_params *params) { void *tmp = talloc_new(NULL); const struct pl_gpu *gpu = get_gpu(ra); struct ra_renderpass *pass = NULL; static const enum pl_pass_type pass_type[] = { [RA_RENDERPASS_TYPE_RASTER] = PL_PASS_RASTER, [RA_RENDERPASS_TYPE_COMPUTE] = PL_PASS_COMPUTE, }; struct pl_var *vars = NULL; struct pl_desc *descs = NULL; int num_vars = 0, num_descs = 0; struct pass_priv *priv = talloc_ptrtype(tmp, priv); priv->inp_index = talloc_zero_array(priv, uint16_t, params->num_inputs); for (int i = 0; i < params->num_inputs; i++) { const struct ra_renderpass_input *inp = ¶ms->inputs[i]; if (var_type[inp->type]) { priv->inp_index[i] = num_vars; MP_TARRAY_APPEND(tmp, vars, num_vars, (struct pl_var) { .name = inp->name, .type = var_type[inp->type], .dim_v = inp->dim_v, .dim_m = inp->dim_m, .dim_a = 1, }); } else if (desc_type[inp->type]) { priv->inp_index[i] = num_descs; MP_TARRAY_APPEND(tmp, descs, num_descs, (struct pl_desc) { .name = inp->name, .type = desc_type[inp->type], .binding = inp->binding, .access = inp->type == RA_VARTYPE_IMG_W ? PL_DESC_ACCESS_WRITEONLY : inp->type == RA_VARTYPE_BUF_RW ? PL_DESC_ACCESS_READWRITE : PL_DESC_ACCESS_READONLY, }); } } // Allocate space to store the bindings map persistently priv->binds = talloc_zero_array(priv, struct pl_desc_binding, num_descs); struct pl_pass_params pl_params = { .type = pass_type[params->type], .variables = vars, .num_variables = num_vars, .descriptors = descs, .num_descriptors = num_descs, .push_constants_size = params->push_constants_size, .glsl_shader = params->type == RA_RENDERPASS_TYPE_COMPUTE ? params->compute_shader : params->frag_shader, .cached_program = params->cached_program.start, .cached_program_len = params->cached_program.len, }; struct pl_blend_params blend_params; if (params->type == RA_RENDERPASS_TYPE_RASTER) { pl_params.vertex_shader = params->vertex_shader; pl_params.vertex_type = PL_PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST; pl_params.vertex_stride = params->vertex_stride; pl_params.target_dummy.params.format = params->target_format->priv; pl_params.load_target = !params->invalidate_target; if (params->enable_blend) { pl_params.blend_params = &blend_params; blend_params = (struct pl_blend_params) { // Same enum order as ra_blend .src_rgb = (enum ra_blend) params->blend_src_rgb, .dst_rgb = (enum ra_blend) params->blend_dst_rgb, .src_alpha = (enum ra_blend) params->blend_src_alpha, .dst_alpha = (enum ra_blend) params->blend_dst_alpha, }; } for (int i = 0; i < params->num_vertex_attribs; i++) { const struct ra_renderpass_input *inp = ¶ms->vertex_attribs[i]; struct pl_vertex_attrib attrib = { .name = inp->name, .offset = inp->offset, .location = i, .fmt = pl_find_fmt(gpu, fmt_type[inp->type], inp->dim_v, 0, var_size[inp->type] * 8, PL_FMT_CAP_VERTEX), }; if (!attrib.fmt) { MP_ERR(ra, "Failed mapping vertex attrib '%s' to pl_fmt?\n", inp->name); goto error; } MP_TARRAY_APPEND(tmp, pl_params.vertex_attribs, pl_params.num_vertex_attribs, attrib); } } priv->pl_pass = pl_pass_create(gpu, &pl_params); if (!priv->pl_pass) goto error; pass = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, pass); *pass = (struct ra_renderpass) { .params = *ra_renderpass_params_copy(pass, params), .priv = talloc_steal(pass, priv), }; pass->params.cached_program = (struct bstr) { .start = (void *) priv->pl_pass->params.cached_program, .len = priv->pl_pass->params.cached_program_len, }; // fall through error: talloc_free(tmp); return pass; } static void renderpass_destroy_pl(struct ra *ra, struct ra_renderpass *pass) { if (!pass) return; struct pass_priv *priv = pass->priv; pl_pass_destroy(get_gpu(ra), (const struct pl_pass **) &priv->pl_pass); talloc_free(pass); } static void renderpass_run_pl(struct ra *ra, const struct ra_renderpass_run_params *params) { struct pass_priv *p = params->pass->priv; p->num_varups = 0; for (int i = 0; i < params->num_values; i++) { const struct ra_renderpass_input_val *val = ¶ms->values[i]; const struct ra_renderpass_input *inp = ¶ms->pass->params.inputs[i]; if (var_type[inp->type]) { MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->varups, p->num_varups, (struct pl_var_update) { .index = p->inp_index[val->index], .data = val->data, }); } else { struct pl_desc_binding bind; switch (inp->type) { case RA_VARTYPE_TEX: case RA_VARTYPE_IMG_W: { struct ra_tex *tex = *((struct ra_tex **) val->data); bind.object = tex->priv; bind.sample_mode = tex->params.src_linear ? PL_TEX_SAMPLE_LINEAR : PL_TEX_SAMPLE_NEAREST; bind.address_mode = tex->params.src_repeat ? PL_TEX_ADDRESS_REPEAT : PL_TEX_ADDRESS_CLAMP; break; } case RA_VARTYPE_BUF_RO: case RA_VARTYPE_BUF_RW: bind.object = (* (struct ra_buf **) val->data)->priv; break; default: abort(); }; p->binds[p->inp_index[val->index]] = bind; }; } struct pl_pass_run_params pl_params = { .pass = p->pl_pass, .var_updates = p->varups, .num_var_updates = p->num_varups, .desc_bindings = p->binds, .push_constants = params->push_constants, .timer = get_active_timer(ra), }; if (p->pl_pass->params.type == PL_PASS_RASTER) { pl_params.target = params->target->priv; pl_params.viewport = mp_rect2d_to_pl(params->viewport); pl_params.scissors = mp_rect2d_to_pl(params->scissors); pl_params.vertex_data = params->vertex_data; pl_params.vertex_count = params->vertex_count; } else { for (int i = 0; i < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(pl_params.compute_groups); i++) pl_params.compute_groups[i] = params->compute_groups[i]; } pl_pass_run(get_gpu(ra), &pl_params); } struct ra_timer_pl { // Because libpplacebo only supports one operation per timer, we need // to use multiple pl_timers to sum up multiple passes/transfers struct pl_timer **timers; int num_timers; int idx_timers; }; static ra_timer *timer_create_pl(struct ra *ra) { struct ra_timer_pl *t = talloc_zero(ra, struct ra_timer_pl); return t; } static void timer_destroy_pl(struct ra *ra, ra_timer *timer) { const struct pl_gpu *gpu = get_gpu(ra); struct ra_timer_pl *t = timer; for (int i = 0; i < t->num_timers; i++) pl_timer_destroy(gpu, &t->timers[i]); talloc_free(t); } static void timer_start_pl(struct ra *ra, ra_timer *timer) { struct ra_pl *p = ra->priv; struct ra_timer_pl *t = timer; // There's nothing easy we can do in this case, since libplacebo only // supports one timer object per operation; so just ignore "inner" timers // when the user is nesting different timer queries if (p->active_timer) return; p->active_timer = t; t->idx_timers = 0; } static uint64_t timer_stop_pl(struct ra *ra, ra_timer *timer) { struct ra_pl *p = ra->priv; struct ra_timer_pl *t = timer; if (p->active_timer != t) return 0; p->active_timer = NULL; // Sum up all of the active results uint64_t res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < t->idx_timers; i++) res += pl_timer_query(p->gpu, t->timers[i]); return res; } static struct pl_timer *get_active_timer(const struct ra *ra) { struct ra_pl *p = ra->priv; if (!p->active_timer) return NULL; struct ra_timer_pl *t = p->active_timer; if (t->idx_timers == t->num_timers) MP_TARRAY_APPEND(t, t->timers, t->num_timers, pl_timer_create(p->gpu)); return t->timers[t->idx_timers++]; } static struct ra_fns ra_fns_pl = { .destroy = destroy_ra_pl, .tex_create = tex_create_pl, .tex_destroy = tex_destroy_pl, .tex_upload = tex_upload_pl, .tex_download = tex_download_pl, .buf_create = buf_create_pl, .buf_destroy = buf_destroy_pl, .buf_update = buf_update_pl, .buf_poll = buf_poll_pl, .clear = clear_pl, .blit = blit_pl, .uniform_layout = uniform_layout_pl, .push_constant_layout = push_constant_layout_pl, .desc_namespace = desc_namespace_pl, .renderpass_create = renderpass_create_pl, .renderpass_destroy = renderpass_destroy_pl, .renderpass_run = renderpass_run_pl, .timer_create = timer_create_pl, .timer_destroy = timer_destroy_pl, .timer_start = timer_start_pl, .timer_stop = timer_stop_pl, };