/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <errno.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <utime.h> #include <libavutil/md5.h> #include "mpv_talloc.h" #include "osdep/io.h" #include "common/global.h" #include "common/encode.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "misc/ctype.h" #include "options/path.h" #include "options/m_config.h" #include "options/m_config_frontend.h" #include "options/parse_configfile.h" #include "common/playlist.h" #include "options/options.h" #include "options/m_property.h" #include "stream/stream.h" #include "core.h" #include "command.h" static void load_all_cfgfiles(struct MPContext *mpctx, char *section, char *filename) { char **cf = mp_find_all_config_files(NULL, mpctx->global, filename); for (int i = 0; cf && cf[i]; i++) m_config_parse_config_file(mpctx->mconfig, mpctx->global, cf[i], section, 0); talloc_free(cf); } // This name is used in builtin.conf to force encoding defaults (like ao/vo). #define SECT_ENCODE "encoding" void mp_parse_cfgfiles(struct MPContext *mpctx) { struct MPOpts *opts = mpctx->opts; mp_mk_user_dir(mpctx->global, "home", ""); char *p1 = mp_get_user_path(NULL, mpctx->global, "~~home/"); char *p2 = mp_get_user_path(NULL, mpctx->global, "~~old_home/"); if (strcmp(p1, p2) != 0 && mp_path_exists(p2)) { MP_WARN(mpctx, "Warning, two config dirs found:\n %s (main)\n" " %s (bogus)\nYou should merge or delete the second one.\n", p1, p2); } talloc_free(p1); talloc_free(p2); char *section = NULL; bool encoding = opts->encode_opts && opts->encode_opts->file && opts->encode_opts->file[0]; // In encoding mode, we don't want to apply normal config options. // So we "divert" normal options into a separate section, and the diverted // section is never used - unless maybe it's explicitly referenced from an // encoding profile. if (encoding) section = "playback-default"; load_all_cfgfiles(mpctx, NULL, "encoding-profiles.conf"); load_all_cfgfiles(mpctx, section, "mpv.conf|config"); if (encoding) m_config_set_profile(mpctx->mconfig, SECT_ENCODE, 0); } static int try_load_config(struct MPContext *mpctx, const char *file, int flags, int msgl) { if (!mp_path_exists(file)) return 0; MP_MSG(mpctx, msgl, "Loading config '%s'\n", file); m_config_parse_config_file(mpctx->mconfig, mpctx->global, file, NULL, flags); return 1; } // Set options file-local, and don't set them if the user set them via the // command line. #define FILE_LOCAL_FLAGS (M_SETOPT_BACKUP | M_SETOPT_PRESERVE_CMDLINE) static void mp_load_per_file_config(struct MPContext *mpctx) { struct MPOpts *opts = mpctx->opts; char *confpath; char cfg[512]; const char *file = mpctx->filename; if (opts->use_filedir_conf) { if (snprintf(cfg, sizeof(cfg), "%s.conf", file) >= sizeof(cfg)) { MP_VERBOSE(mpctx, "Filename is too long, can not load file or " "directory specific config files\n"); return; } char *name = mp_basename(cfg); bstr dir = mp_dirname(cfg); char *dircfg = mp_path_join_bstr(NULL, dir, bstr0("mpv.conf")); try_load_config(mpctx, dircfg, FILE_LOCAL_FLAGS, MSGL_INFO); talloc_free(dircfg); if (try_load_config(mpctx, cfg, FILE_LOCAL_FLAGS, MSGL_INFO)) return; if ((confpath = mp_find_config_file(NULL, mpctx->global, name))) { try_load_config(mpctx, confpath, FILE_LOCAL_FLAGS, MSGL_INFO); talloc_free(confpath); } } } static void mp_auto_load_profile(struct MPContext *mpctx, char *category, bstr item) { if (!item.len) return; char t[512]; snprintf(t, sizeof(t), "%s.%.*s", category, BSTR_P(item)); m_profile_t *p = m_config_get_profile0(mpctx->mconfig, t); if (p) { MP_INFO(mpctx, "Auto-loading profile '%s'\n", t); m_config_set_profile(mpctx->mconfig, t, FILE_LOCAL_FLAGS); } } void mp_load_auto_profiles(struct MPContext *mpctx) { mp_auto_load_profile(mpctx, "protocol", mp_split_proto(bstr0(mpctx->filename), NULL)); mp_auto_load_profile(mpctx, "extension", bstr0(mp_splitext(mpctx->filename, NULL))); mp_load_per_file_config(mpctx); } #define MP_WATCH_LATER_CONF "watch_later" static bool check_mtime(const char *f1, const char *f2) { struct stat st1, st2; if (stat(f1, &st1) != 0 || stat(f2, &st2) != 0) return false; return st1.st_mtime == st2.st_mtime; } static bool copy_mtime(const char *f1, const char *f2) { struct stat st1, st2; if (stat(f1, &st1) != 0 || stat(f2, &st2) != 0) return false; struct utimbuf ut = { .actime = st2.st_atime, // we want to pass this through intact .modtime = st1.st_mtime, }; if (utime(f2, &ut) != 0) return false; return true; } static char *mp_get_playback_resume_dir(struct MPContext *mpctx) { char *wl_dir = mpctx->opts->watch_later_directory; if (wl_dir && wl_dir[0]) { wl_dir = mp_get_user_path(mpctx, mpctx->global, wl_dir); } else { wl_dir = mp_find_user_file(mpctx, mpctx->global, "state", MP_WATCH_LATER_CONF); } return wl_dir; } static char *mp_get_playback_resume_config_filename(struct MPContext *mpctx, const char *fname) { struct MPOpts *opts = mpctx->opts; char *res = NULL; void *tmp = talloc_new(NULL); const char *realpath = fname; bstr bfname = bstr0(fname); if (!mp_is_url(bfname)) { if (opts->ignore_path_in_watch_later_config) { realpath = mp_basename(fname); } else { char *cwd = mp_getcwd(tmp); if (!cwd) goto exit; realpath = mp_path_join(tmp, cwd, fname); } } uint8_t md5[16]; av_md5_sum(md5, realpath, strlen(realpath)); char *conf = talloc_strdup(tmp, ""); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) conf = talloc_asprintf_append(conf, "%02X", md5[i]); char *wl_dir = mp_get_playback_resume_dir(mpctx); if (wl_dir && wl_dir[0]) res = mp_path_join(NULL, wl_dir, conf); exit: talloc_free(tmp); return res; } // Should follow what parser-cfg.c does/needs static bool needs_config_quoting(const char *s) { if (s[0] == '%') return true; for (int i = 0; s[i]; i++) { unsigned char c = s[i]; if (!mp_isprint(c) || mp_isspace(c) || c == '#' || c == '\'' || c == '"') return true; } return false; } static void write_filename(struct MPContext *mpctx, FILE *file, char *filename) { if (mpctx->opts->write_filename_in_watch_later_config) { char write_name[1024] = {0}; for (int n = 0; filename[n] && n < sizeof(write_name) - 1; n++) write_name[n] = (unsigned char)filename[n] < 32 ? '_' : filename[n]; fprintf(file, "# %s\n", write_name); } } static void write_redirect(struct MPContext *mpctx, char *path) { char *conffile = mp_get_playback_resume_config_filename(mpctx, path); if (conffile) { FILE *file = fopen(conffile, "wb"); if (file) { fprintf(file, "# redirect entry\n"); write_filename(mpctx, file, path); fclose(file); } if (mpctx->opts->position_check_mtime && !mp_is_url(bstr0(path)) && !copy_mtime(path, conffile)) MP_WARN(mpctx, "Can't copy mtime from %s to %s\n", path, conffile); talloc_free(conffile); } } static void write_redirects_for_parent_dirs(struct MPContext *mpctx, char *path) { if (mp_is_url(bstr0(path))) return; // Write redirect entries for the file's parent directories to allow // resuming playback when playing parent directories whose entries are // expanded only the first time they are "played". For example, if // "/a/b/c.mkv" is the current entry, also create resume files for /a/b and // /a, so that "mpv --directory-mode=lazy /a" resumes playback from // /a/b/c.mkv even when b isn't the first directory in /a. bstr dir = mp_dirname(path); // There is no need to write a redirect entry for "/". while (dir.len > 1 && dir.len < strlen(path)) { path[dir.len] = '\0'; mp_path_strip_trailing_separator(path); write_redirect(mpctx, path); dir = mp_dirname(path); } } void mp_write_watch_later_conf(struct MPContext *mpctx) { struct playlist_entry *cur = mpctx->playing; char *conffile = NULL; void *ctx = talloc_new(NULL); if (!cur) goto exit; char *path = mp_normalize_path(ctx, cur->filename); struct demuxer *demux = mpctx->demuxer; conffile = mp_get_playback_resume_config_filename(mpctx, path); if (!conffile) goto exit; char *wl_dir = mp_get_playback_resume_dir(mpctx); mp_mkdirp(wl_dir); MP_INFO(mpctx, "Saving state.\n"); FILE *file = fopen(conffile, "wb"); if (!file) { MP_WARN(mpctx, "Can't open %s for writing\n", conffile); goto exit; } write_filename(mpctx, file, path); bool write_start = true; double pos = get_current_time(mpctx); if ((demux && (!demux->seekable || demux->partially_seekable)) || pos == MP_NOPTS_VALUE) { write_start = false; MP_INFO(mpctx, "Not seekable, or time unknown - not saving position.\n"); } char **watch_later_options = mpctx->opts->watch_later_options; for (int i = 0; watch_later_options && watch_later_options[i]; i++) { char *pname = watch_later_options[i]; // Always save start if we have it in the array. if (write_start && strcmp(pname, "start") == 0) { fprintf(file, "%s=%f\n", pname, pos); continue; } // Only store it if it's different from the initial value. if (m_config_watch_later_backup_opt_changed(mpctx->mconfig, pname)) { char *val = NULL; mp_property_do(pname, M_PROPERTY_GET_STRING, &val, mpctx); if (needs_config_quoting(val)) { // e.g. '%6%STRING' fprintf(file, "%s=%%%d%%%s\n", pname, (int)strlen(val), val); } else { fprintf(file, "%s=%s\n", pname, val); } talloc_free(val); } } fclose(file); if (mpctx->opts->position_check_mtime && !mp_is_url(bstr0(path)) && !copy_mtime(path, conffile)) { MP_WARN(mpctx, "Can't copy mtime from %s to %s\n", cur->filename, conffile); } write_redirects_for_parent_dirs(mpctx, path); // Also write redirect entries for a playlist that mpv expanded if the // current entry is a URL, this is mostly useful for playing multiple // archives of images, e.g. with mpv 1.zip 2.zip and quit-watch-later // on 2.zip, write redirect entries for 2.zip, not just for the archive:// // URL. if (cur->playlist_path && mp_is_url(bstr0(path))) { char *playlist_path = mp_normalize_path(ctx, cur->playlist_path); write_redirect(mpctx, playlist_path); write_redirects_for_parent_dirs(mpctx, playlist_path); } exit: talloc_free(conffile); talloc_free(ctx); } void mp_delete_watch_later_conf(struct MPContext *mpctx, const char *file) { if (!file) { struct playlist_entry *cur = mpctx->playing; if (!cur) return; file = cur->filename; if (!file) return; } char *fname = mp_get_playback_resume_config_filename(mpctx, file); if (fname) { unlink(fname); talloc_free(fname); } if (mp_is_url(bstr0(file))) return; void *ctx = talloc_new(NULL); char *path = mp_normalize_path(ctx, file); bstr dir = mp_dirname(path); while (dir.len > 1 && dir.len < strlen(path)) { path[dir.len] = '\0'; mp_path_strip_trailing_separator(path); fname = mp_get_playback_resume_config_filename(mpctx, path); if (fname) { unlink(fname); talloc_free(fname); } dir = mp_dirname(path); } talloc_free(ctx); } bool mp_load_playback_resume(struct MPContext *mpctx, const char *file) { bool resume = false; if (!mpctx->opts->position_resume) return resume; char *fname = mp_get_playback_resume_config_filename(mpctx, file); if (fname && mp_path_exists(fname)) { if (mpctx->opts->position_check_mtime && !mp_is_url(bstr0(file)) && !check_mtime(file, fname)) { talloc_free(fname); return resume; } // Never apply the saved start position to following files m_config_backup_opt(mpctx->mconfig, "start"); MP_INFO(mpctx, "Resuming playback. This behavior can " "be disabled with --no-resume-playback.\n"); try_load_config(mpctx, fname, M_SETOPT_PRESERVE_CMDLINE, MSGL_V); resume = true; } talloc_free(fname); return resume; } // Returns the first file that has a resume config. // Compared to hashing the playlist file or contents and managing separate // resume file for them, this is simpler, and also has the nice property // that appending to a playlist doesn't interfere with resuming (especially // if the playlist comes from the command line). struct playlist_entry *mp_check_playlist_resume(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct playlist *playlist) { if (!mpctx->opts->position_resume) return NULL; for (int n = 0; n < playlist->num_entries; n++) { struct playlist_entry *e = playlist->entries[n]; char *conf = mp_get_playback_resume_config_filename(mpctx, e->filename); bool exists = conf && mp_path_exists(conf); talloc_free(conf); if (exists) return e; } return NULL; }