/* * Cocoa OpenGL Backend * * This file is part of mplayer2. * * mplayer2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * mplayer2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with mplayer2. If not, see . */ #import #import // for CGDisplayHideCursor #import #include #include #include "cocoa_common.h" #include "config.h" #include "core/options.h" #include "vo.h" #include "aspect.h" #include "core/mp_fifo.h" #include "talloc.h" #include "core/input/input.h" #include "core/input/keycodes.h" #include "osx_common.h" #include "core/mp_msg.h" #include "osdep/macosx_application.h" #define NSLeftAlternateKeyMask (0x000020 | NSAlternateKeyMask) #define NSRightAlternateKeyMask (0x000040 | NSAlternateKeyMask) static bool LeftAltPressed(NSEvent *event) { return ([event modifierFlags] & NSLeftAlternateKeyMask) == NSLeftAlternateKeyMask; } static bool RightAltPressed(NSEvent *event) { return ([event modifierFlags] & NSRightAlternateKeyMask) == NSRightAlternateKeyMask; } @interface GLMPlayerWindow : NSWindow - (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow; - (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow; - (void)fullscreen; - (void)mulSize:(float)multiplier; - (int)titleHeight; - (NSRect)clipFrame:(NSRect)frame withContentAspect:(NSSize) aspect; - (void)setContentSize:(NSSize)newSize keepCentered:(BOOL)keepCentered; @property(nonatomic, assign) struct vo *videoOutput; @end @interface GLMPlayerOpenGLView : NSView @property(nonatomic, assign) struct vo *videoOutput; - (BOOL)containsCurrentMouseLocation; - (void)mouseEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent; @end struct vo_cocoa_input_queue { NSMutableArray *fifo; }; static int vo_cocoa_input_queue_free(void *ptr) { struct vo_cocoa_input_queue *iq = ptr; [iq->fifo release]; return 0; } static struct vo_cocoa_input_queue *vo_cocoa_input_queue_init(void *talloc_ctx) { struct vo_cocoa_input_queue *iq = talloc_ptrtype(talloc_ctx, iq); *iq = (struct vo_cocoa_input_queue) { .fifo = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init], }; talloc_set_destructor(iq, vo_cocoa_input_queue_free); return iq; } static void cocoa_async_put_key(struct vo_cocoa_input_queue *iq, int key) { @synchronized (iq->fifo) { [iq->fifo addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:key]]; } } static int cocoa_sync_get_key(struct vo_cocoa_input_queue *iq) { int r = -1; @synchronized (iq->fifo) { if ([iq->fifo count] > 0) { r = [[iq->fifo objectAtIndex:0] intValue]; [iq->fifo removeObjectAtIndex:0]; } } return r; } struct vo_cocoa_state { GLMPlayerWindow *window; GLMPlayerOpenGLView *view; NSOpenGLContext *glContext; NSOpenGLPixelFormat *pixelFormat; NSSize current_video_size; NSSize previous_video_size; NSScreen *current_screen; NSScreen *fs_screen; NSInteger window_level; struct aspect_data aspdat; bool did_resize; bool did_async_resize; bool out_fs_resize; IOPMAssertionID power_mgmt_assertion; CGFloat accumulated_scroll; NSLock *lock; bool enable_resize_redraw; void (*resize_redraw)(struct vo *vo, int w, int h); struct vo_cocoa_input_queue *input_queue; }; static struct vo_cocoa_state *vo_cocoa_init_state(struct vo *vo) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = talloc_ptrtype(vo, s); *s = (struct vo_cocoa_state){ .did_resize = NO, .did_async_resize = NO, .current_video_size = {0,0}, .previous_video_size = {0,0}, .out_fs_resize = NO, .power_mgmt_assertion = kIOPMNullAssertionID, .accumulated_scroll = 0, .lock = [[NSLock alloc] init], .input_queue = vo_cocoa_input_queue_init(s), .enable_resize_redraw = NO, }; return s; } static NSRect to_pixels(struct vo *vo, NSRect frame) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; return [s->view convertRectToBacking: frame]; } void *vo_cocoa_glgetaddr(const char *s) { void *ret = NULL; void *handle = dlopen( "/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/OpenGL", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL); if (!handle) return NULL; ret = dlsym(handle, s); dlclose(handle); return ret; } static void enable_power_management(struct vo *vo) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; if (!s->power_mgmt_assertion) return; IOPMAssertionRelease(s->power_mgmt_assertion); s->power_mgmt_assertion = kIOPMNullAssertionID; } static void disable_power_management(struct vo *vo) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; if (s->power_mgmt_assertion) return; IOPMAssertionCreateWithName( kIOPMAssertionTypePreventUserIdleDisplaySleep, kIOPMAssertionLevelOn, CFSTR("io.mpv.video_playing_back"), &s->power_mgmt_assertion); } int vo_cocoa_init(struct vo *vo) { vo->cocoa = vo_cocoa_init_state(vo); vo->wakeup_period = 0.02; disable_power_management(vo); return 1; } static void vo_cocoa_set_cursor_visibility(struct vo *vo, bool visible) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; if (visible) { // show cursor unconditionally CGDisplayShowCursor(kCGDirectMainDisplay); } else if (vo->opts->fs && [s->view containsCurrentMouseLocation]) { // only hide cursor if in fullscreen and the video view contains the // mouse location CGDisplayHideCursor(kCGDirectMainDisplay); } } void vo_cocoa_uninit(struct vo *vo) { dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; vo_cocoa_set_cursor_visibility(vo, true); enable_power_management(vo); [NSApp setPresentationOptions:NSApplicationPresentationDefault]; [s->window release]; s->window = nil; [s->glContext release]; s->glContext = nil; }); } void vo_cocoa_pause(struct vo *vo) { enable_power_management(vo); } void vo_cocoa_resume(struct vo *vo) { disable_power_management(vo); } void vo_cocoa_register_resize_callback(struct vo *vo, void (*cb)(struct vo *vo, int w, int h)) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; s->resize_redraw = cb; } static int get_screen_handle(int identifier, NSWindow *window, NSScreen **screen) { NSArray *screens = [NSScreen screens]; int n_of_displays = [screens count]; if (identifier >= n_of_displays) { // check if the identifier is out of bounds mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_INFO, "[cocoa] Screen ID %d does not exist, " "falling back to main device\n", identifier); identifier = -1; } if (identifier < 0) { // default behaviour gets either the window screen or the main screen // if window is not available if (! (*screen = [window screen]) ) *screen = [screens objectAtIndex:0]; return 0; } else { *screen = [screens objectAtIndex:(identifier)]; return 1; } } static void update_screen_info(struct vo *vo) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; struct mp_vo_opts *opts = vo->opts; get_screen_handle(opts->screen_id, s->window, &s->current_screen); get_screen_handle(opts->fsscreen_id, s->window, &s->fs_screen); } static void vo_cocoa_update_screen_info(struct vo *vo) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; struct mp_vo_opts *opts = vo->opts; update_screen_info(vo); NSRect r = [s->current_screen frame]; aspect_save_screenres(vo, r.size.width, r.size.height); opts->screenwidth = r.size.width; opts->screenheight = r.size.height; vo->xinerama_x = r.origin.x; vo->xinerama_y = r.origin.y; } static void resize_window(struct vo *vo) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; NSRect frame = to_pixels(vo, [s->view frame]); vo->dwidth = frame.size.width; vo->dheight = frame.size.height; [s->glContext update]; } static void vo_set_level(struct vo *vo, int ontop) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; if (ontop) { s->window_level = NSNormalWindowLevel + 1; } else { s->window_level = NSNormalWindowLevel; } [s->window setLevel:s->window_level]; } void vo_cocoa_ontop(struct vo *vo) { struct mp_vo_opts *opts = vo->opts; opts->ontop = !opts->ontop; vo_set_level(vo, opts->ontop); } static void update_state_sizes(struct vo_cocoa_state *s, uint32_t d_width, uint32_t d_height) { if (s->current_video_size.width > 0 || s->current_video_size.height > 0) s->previous_video_size = s->current_video_size; s->current_video_size = NSMakeSize(d_width, d_height); } static void resize_window_from_stored_size(struct vo *vo) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; [s->window setContentSize:s->current_video_size keepCentered:YES]; [s->window setContentAspectRatio:s->current_video_size]; } static void create_window(struct vo *vo, uint32_t d_width, uint32_t d_height, uint32_t flags) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; struct mp_vo_opts *opts = vo->opts; const NSRect contentRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, d_width, d_height); int window_mask = 0; if (opts->border) { window_mask = NSTitledWindowMask|NSClosableWindowMask| NSMiniaturizableWindowMask|NSResizableWindowMask; } else { window_mask = NSBorderlessWindowMask; } s->window = [[GLMPlayerWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:contentRect styleMask:window_mask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]; s->view = [[GLMPlayerOpenGLView alloc] initWithFrame:contentRect]; [s->view setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface:YES]; cocoa_register_menu_item_action(MPM_H_SIZE, @selector(halfSize)); cocoa_register_menu_item_action(MPM_N_SIZE, @selector(normalSize)); cocoa_register_menu_item_action(MPM_D_SIZE, @selector(doubleSize)); cocoa_register_menu_item_action(MPM_MINIMIZE, @selector(performMiniaturize:)); cocoa_register_menu_item_action(MPM_ZOOM, @selector(performZoom:)); [s->window setRestorable:NO]; [s->window setContentView:s->view]; [s->view release]; [s->window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES]; [s->glContext setView:s->view]; s->window.videoOutput = vo; s->view.videoOutput = vo; [s->window setDelegate:s->window]; [s->window makeMainWindow]; [s->window setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint(vo->dx, vo->dy)]; [s->window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES]; if (flags & VOFLAG_FULLSCREEN) vo_cocoa_fullscreen(vo); vo_set_level(vo, opts->ontop); if (opts->native_fs) { [s->window setCollectionBehavior: NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary]; [NSApp setPresentationOptions:NSFullScreenWindowMask]; } } static NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute get_nsopengl_profile(int gl3profile) { if (gl3profile) { return NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core; } else { return NSOpenGLProfileVersionLegacy; } } static int create_gl_context(struct vo *vo, int gl3profile) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attr[] = { NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, get_nsopengl_profile(gl3profile), NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, 0 }; s->pixelFormat = [[[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attr] autorelease]; if (!s->pixelFormat) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_ERR, "[cocoa] Trying to build invalid OpenGL pixel format\n"); return -1; } s->glContext = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:s->pixelFormat shareContext:nil]; [s->glContext makeCurrentContext]; return 0; } static void update_window(struct vo *vo) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; if (!CGSizeEqualToSize(s->current_video_size, s->previous_video_size)) { if (vo->opts->fs) { // we will resize as soon as we get out of fullscreen s->out_fs_resize = YES; } else { // only if we are not in fullscreen and the video size did // change we resize the window and set a new aspect ratio resize_window_from_stored_size(vo); } } [s->window setTitle: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:vo_get_window_title(vo)]]; resize_window(vo); } static void resize_redraw(struct vo *vo, int width, int height) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; if (s->resize_redraw) { vo_cocoa_set_current_context(vo, true); [s->glContext update]; s->resize_redraw(vo, width, height); [s->glContext flushBuffer]; s->did_async_resize = YES; vo_cocoa_set_current_context(vo, false); } } int vo_cocoa_config_window(struct vo *vo, uint32_t d_width, uint32_t d_height, uint32_t flags, int gl3profile) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; __block int ctxok = 0; s->enable_resize_redraw = NO; dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ s->aspdat = vo->aspdat; update_state_sizes(s, d_width, d_height); if (flags & VOFLAG_HIDDEN) { // This is certainly the first execution of vo_config_window and // is called in order for an OpenGL based VO to perform detection // of OpenGL extensions. On OSX to accomplish this task we are // allowed only create a OpenGL context without attaching it to // a drawable. ctxok = create_gl_context(vo, gl3profile); if (ctxok < 0) return; } else if (!s->glContext || !s->window) { // Either glContext+Window or Window alone are not created. // Handle each of them independently. This is to handle correctly // both VOs like vo_corevideo who skip the the OpenGL detection // phase completly and generic OpenGL VOs who use VOFLAG_HIDDEN. if (!s->glContext) { ctxok = create_gl_context(vo, gl3profile); if (ctxok < 0) return; } if (!s->window) create_window(vo, d_width, d_height, flags); } if (s->window) { // Everything is properly initialized update_window(vo); } }); if (ctxok < 0) return ctxok; [vo->cocoa->glContext makeCurrentContext]; s->enable_resize_redraw = YES; return 0; } static bool resize_callback_registered(struct vo *vo) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; return s->enable_resize_redraw && !!s->resize_redraw; } void vo_cocoa_set_current_context(struct vo *vo, bool current) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; if (current) { [s->lock lock]; [s->glContext makeCurrentContext]; } else { [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext]; [s->lock unlock]; } } void vo_cocoa_swap_buffers(struct vo *vo) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; if (s->did_async_resize && resize_callback_registered(vo)) { // when in live resize the GL view asynchronously updates itself from // it's drawRect: implementation and calls flushBuffer. This means the // backbuffer is probably in an inconsistent state, so we skip one // flushBuffer call here on the playloop thread. s->did_async_resize = NO; } else { [s->glContext flushBuffer]; } } int vo_cocoa_check_events(struct vo *vo) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; int key = cocoa_sync_get_key(s->input_queue); if (key >= 0) mplayer_put_key(vo->key_fifo, key); if (s->did_resize) { s->did_resize = NO; resize_window(vo); return VO_EVENT_RESIZE; } return 0; } void vo_cocoa_fullscreen(struct vo *vo) { if (![NSThread isMainThread]) { // This is the secondary thread, unlock since we are going to invoke a // method synchronously on the GUI thread using Cocoa. vo_cocoa_set_current_context(vo, false); } struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; [s->window performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(fullscreen) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES]; if (![NSThread isMainThread]) { // Now lock again! vo_cocoa_set_current_context(vo, true); } } int vo_cocoa_control(struct vo *vo, int *events, int request, void *arg) { switch (request) { case VOCTRL_CHECK_EVENTS: *events |= vo_cocoa_check_events(vo); return VO_TRUE; case VOCTRL_FULLSCREEN: vo_cocoa_fullscreen(vo); *events |= VO_EVENT_RESIZE; return VO_TRUE; case VOCTRL_ONTOP: vo_cocoa_ontop(vo); return VO_TRUE; case VOCTRL_UPDATE_SCREENINFO: vo_cocoa_update_screen_info(vo); return VO_TRUE; case VOCTRL_SET_CURSOR_VISIBILITY: { bool visible = *(bool *)arg; vo_cocoa_set_cursor_visibility(vo, visible); return VO_TRUE; } case VOCTRL_PAUSE: vo_cocoa_pause(vo); return VO_TRUE; case VOCTRL_RESUME: vo_cocoa_resume(vo); return VO_TRUE; } return VO_NOTIMPL; } int vo_cocoa_swap_interval(int enabled) { [[NSOpenGLContext currentContext] setValues:&enabled forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval]; return 0; } void *vo_cocoa_cgl_context(struct vo *vo) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa; return [s->glContext CGLContextObj]; } void *vo_cocoa_cgl_pixel_format(struct vo *vo) { return CGLGetPixelFormat(vo_cocoa_cgl_context(vo)); } int vo_cocoa_cgl_color_size(struct vo *vo) { GLint value; CGLDescribePixelFormat(vo_cocoa_cgl_pixel_format(vo), 0, kCGLPFAColorSize, &value); switch (value) { case 32: case 24: return 8; case 16: return 5; } return 8; } @implementation GLMPlayerWindow @synthesize videoOutput = _video_output; - (void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification *) notification { if (self.videoOutput) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = self.videoOutput->cocoa; s->did_resize = YES; } } - (void)toggleMissionControlFullScreen:(BOOL)willBeFullscreen { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = self.videoOutput->cocoa; if (willBeFullscreen) { [self setContentResizeIncrements:NSMakeSize(1, 1)]; } else { [self setContentAspectRatio:s->current_video_size]; } [self toggleFullScreen:nil]; } - (void)toggleViewFullscreen:(BOOL)willBeFullscreen { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = self.videoOutput->cocoa; if (willBeFullscreen) { NSDictionary *fsopts = @{ NSFullScreenModeWindowLevel : @(NSFloatingWindowLevel), NSFullScreenModeAllScreens : @NO, NSFullScreenModeApplicationPresentationOptions : @(NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideDock | NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideMenuBar) }; [s->view enterFullScreenMode:s->fs_screen withOptions:fsopts]; // The original "windowed" window will staty around since sending a // view fullscreen wraps it in another window. This is noticeable when // sending the View fullscreen to another screen. Make it go away // manually. [s->window orderOut:self]; } else { [s->view exitFullScreenModeWithOptions:nil]; // Show the "windowed" window again. [s->window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; [self makeFirstResponder:s->view]; } } - (void)fullscreen { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = self.videoOutput->cocoa; struct mp_vo_opts *opts = self.videoOutput->opts; vo_cocoa_update_screen_info(self.videoOutput); // Go use the fullscreen API selected by the user. View-based or Mission // Control. if (opts->native_fs) { [self toggleMissionControlFullScreen:!opts->fs]; } else { [self toggleViewFullscreen:!opts->fs]; } // Do common work such as setting mouse visibility and actually setting // the new fullscreen state if (!opts->fs) { opts->fs = VO_TRUE; vo_cocoa_set_cursor_visibility(self.videoOutput, false); } else { opts->fs = VO_FALSE; vo_cocoa_set_cursor_visibility(self.videoOutput, true); } // Change window size if the core attempted to change it while we were in // fullscreen. For example config() might have been called as a result of // a new file changing the window size. if (!opts->fs && s->out_fs_resize) { resize_window_from_stored_size(self.videoOutput); s->out_fs_resize = NO; } // Make the core aware of the view size change. resize_window(self.videoOutput); } - (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow { return YES; } - (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow { return YES; } - (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = self.videoOutput->cocoa; cocoa_async_put_key(s->input_queue, MP_KEY_CLOSE_WIN); // We have to wait for MPlayer to handle this, // otherwise we are in trouble if the // MP_KEY_CLOSE_WIN handler is disabled return NO; } - (BOOL)isMovableByWindowBackground { if (self.videoOutput) { return !self.videoOutput->opts->fs; } else { return YES; } } - (void)normalSize { [self mulSize:1.0f]; } - (void)halfSize { [self mulSize:0.5f];} - (void)doubleSize { [self mulSize:2.0f];} - (void)mulSize:(float)multiplier { if (!self.videoOutput->opts->fs) { NSSize size = { .width = self.videoOutput->cocoa->aspdat.prew * multiplier, .height = self.videoOutput->cocoa->aspdat.preh * multiplier }; [self setContentSize:size keepCentered:YES]; } } - (int)titleHeight { NSRect of = [self frame]; NSRect cb = [[self contentView] bounds]; return of.size.height - cb.size.height; } - (NSRect)clipFrame:(NSRect)frame withContentAspect:(NSSize) aspect { NSRect vf = [[self screen] visibleFrame]; double ratio = (double)aspect.width / (double)aspect.height; // clip frame to screens visibile frame frame = CGRectIntersection(frame, vf); NSSize s = frame.size; s.height -= [self titleHeight]; if (s.width > s.height) { s.width = ((double)s.height * ratio); } else { s.height = ((double)s.width * 1.0/ratio); } s.height += [self titleHeight]; frame.size = s; return frame; } - (void)setCenteredContentSize:(NSSize)ns { #define get_center(x) NSMakePoint(CGRectGetMidX((x)), CGRectGetMidY((x))) NSRect of = [self frame]; NSRect vf = [[self screen] visibleFrame]; NSPoint old_center = get_center(of); NSRect nf = NSMakeRect(vf.origin.x, vf.origin.y, ns.width, ns.height + [self titleHeight]); nf = [self clipFrame:nf withContentAspect:ns]; NSPoint new_center = get_center(nf); int dx0 = old_center.x - new_center.x; int dy0 = old_center.y - new_center.y; nf.origin.x += dx0; nf.origin.y += dy0; [self setFrame:nf display:YES animate:NO]; #undef get_center } - (void)setContentSize:(NSSize)ns keepCentered:(BOOL)keepCentered { if (keepCentered) { [self setCenteredContentSize:ns]; } else { [self setContentSize:ns]; } } @end @implementation GLMPlayerOpenGLView @synthesize videoOutput = _video_output; - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } - (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder { return YES; } - (BOOL)resignFirstResponder { return YES; } - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = self.videoOutput->cocoa; NSString *chars; if (RightAltPressed(theEvent)) chars = [theEvent characters]; else chars = [theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers]; int key = convert_key([theEvent keyCode], *[chars UTF8String]); if (key > -1) { if ([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) key |= MP_KEY_MODIFIER_SHIFT; if ([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask) key |= MP_KEY_MODIFIER_CTRL; if (LeftAltPressed(theEvent)) key |= MP_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT; if ([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) key |= MP_KEY_MODIFIER_META; cocoa_async_put_key(s->input_queue, key); } } - (NSPoint) mouseLocation { NSPoint mLoc = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; NSPoint wLoc = [self.window convertScreenToBase:mLoc]; return [self convertPoint:wLoc fromView:nil]; } - (BOOL)containsCurrentMouseLocation { NSRect vF = [[self.window screen] visibleFrame]; NSRect vFR = [self.window convertRectFromScreen:vF]; NSRect vFRV = [self convertRect:vFR fromView:nil]; // clip bounds to current visibleFrame NSRect clippedBounds = CGRectIntersection([self bounds], vFRV); return CGRectContainsPoint(clippedBounds, [self mouseLocation]); } - (void)signalMouseMovement:(NSEvent *)event { if ([self containsCurrentMouseLocation]) { NSPoint loc = [self mouseLocation]; loc.y = - loc.y + [self bounds].size.height; vo_mouse_movement(self.videoOutput, loc.x, loc.y); } } - (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)evt { [self signalMouseMovement:evt]; } - (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)evt { [self signalMouseMovement:evt]; } - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)evt { [self mouseEvent:evt]; } - (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)evt { [self mouseEvent:evt]; } - (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)evt { [self mouseEvent:evt]; } - (void)rightMouseUp:(NSEvent *)evt { [self mouseEvent:evt]; } - (void)otherMouseDown:(NSEvent *)evt { [self mouseEvent:evt]; } - (void)otherMouseUp:(NSEvent *)evt { [self mouseEvent:evt]; } - (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)theEvent { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = self.videoOutput->cocoa; CGFloat delta; // Use the dimention with the most delta as the scrolling one if (FFABS([theEvent deltaY]) > FFABS([theEvent deltaX])) { delta = [theEvent deltaY]; } else { delta = - [theEvent deltaX]; } if ([theEvent hasPreciseScrollingDeltas]) { s->accumulated_scroll += delta; static const CGFloat threshold = 10; while (s->accumulated_scroll >= threshold) { s->accumulated_scroll -= threshold; cocoa_async_put_key(s->input_queue, MP_MOUSE_BTN3); } while (s->accumulated_scroll <= -threshold) { s->accumulated_scroll += threshold; cocoa_async_put_key(s->input_queue, MP_MOUSE_BTN4); } } else { if (delta > 0) cocoa_async_put_key(s->input_queue, MP_MOUSE_BTN3); else cocoa_async_put_key(s->input_queue, MP_MOUSE_BTN4); } } - (void)mouseEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent { if ([theEvent buttonNumber] >= 0 && [theEvent buttonNumber] <= 9) { struct vo_cocoa_state *s = self.videoOutput->cocoa; int buttonNumber = [theEvent buttonNumber]; // Fix to mplayer defined button order: left, middle, right if (buttonNumber == 1) buttonNumber = 2; else if (buttonNumber == 2) buttonNumber = 1; switch ([theEvent type]) { case NSLeftMouseDown: case NSRightMouseDown: case NSOtherMouseDown: cocoa_async_put_key( s->input_queue, (MP_MOUSE_BTN0 + buttonNumber) | MP_KEY_STATE_DOWN); // Looks like Cocoa doesn't create MouseUp events when we are // doing the second click in a double click. Put in the key_fifo // the key that would be put from the MouseUp handling code. if([theEvent clickCount] == 2) cocoa_async_put_key(s->input_queue, MP_MOUSE_BTN0 + buttonNumber); break; case NSLeftMouseUp: case NSRightMouseUp: case NSOtherMouseUp: cocoa_async_put_key(s->input_queue, MP_MOUSE_BTN0 + buttonNumber); break; } } } - (void)drawRect: (NSRect)rect { struct vo *vo = [self videoOutput]; if (vo && resize_callback_registered(vo)) { NSSize size = to_pixels(vo, [self bounds]).size; resize_redraw(vo, size.width, size.height); } else { [[NSColor clearColor] set]; NSRectFill([self bounds]); } } @end