/* * This file is part of MPlayer. * * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /// \file /// \ingroup Properties #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "talloc.h" #include "m_option.h" #include "m_property.h" #include "mp_msg.h" #include "mpcommon.h" static int do_action(const m_option_t *prop_list, const char *name, int action, void *arg, void *ctx) { const char *sep; const m_option_t *prop; m_property_action_t ka; int r; if ((sep = strchr(name, '/')) && sep[1]) { int len = sep - name; char base[len + 1]; memcpy(base, name, len); base[len] = 0; prop = m_option_list_find(prop_list, base); ka.key = sep + 1; ka.action = action; ka.arg = arg; action = M_PROPERTY_KEY_ACTION; arg = &ka; } else prop = m_option_list_find(prop_list, name); if (!prop) return M_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN; r = ((m_property_ctrl_f)prop->p)(prop, action, arg, ctx); if (action == M_PROPERTY_GET_TYPE && r < 0) { if (!arg) return M_PROPERTY_ERROR; *(const m_option_t **)arg = prop; return M_PROPERTY_OK; } return r; } int m_property_do(const m_option_t *prop_list, const char *name, int action, void *arg, void *ctx) { const m_option_t *opt; void *val; int r; switch (action) { case M_PROPERTY_PRINT: if ((r = do_action(prop_list, name, M_PROPERTY_PRINT, arg, ctx)) >= 0) return r; // fallback on the default print for this type case M_PROPERTY_TO_STRING: if ((r = do_action(prop_list, name, M_PROPERTY_TO_STRING, arg, ctx)) != M_PROPERTY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) return r; // fallback on the options API. Get the type, value and print. if ((r = do_action(prop_list, name, M_PROPERTY_GET_TYPE, &opt, ctx)) <= 0) return r; val = calloc(1, opt->type->size); if ((r = do_action(prop_list, name, M_PROPERTY_GET, val, ctx)) <= 0) { free(val); return r; } if (!arg) return M_PROPERTY_ERROR; char *str = m_option_print(opt, val); free(val); *(char **)arg = str; return str != NULL; case M_PROPERTY_PARSE: // try the property own parsing func if ((r = do_action(prop_list, name, M_PROPERTY_PARSE, arg, ctx)) != M_PROPERTY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) return r; // fallback on the options API, get the type and parse. if ((r = do_action(prop_list, name, M_PROPERTY_GET_TYPE, &opt, ctx)) <= 0) return r; if (!arg) return M_PROPERTY_ERROR; val = calloc(1, opt->type->size); if ((r = m_option_parse(opt, opt->name, arg, val, M_CONFIG_FILE)) <= 0) { free(val); return r; } r = do_action(prop_list, name, M_PROPERTY_SET, val, ctx); m_option_free(opt, val); free(val); return r; } return do_action(prop_list, name, action, arg, ctx); } char *m_properties_expand_string(const m_option_t *prop_list, char *str, void *ctx) { int l, fr = 0, pos = 0, size = strlen(str) + 512; char *p = NULL, *e, *ret = malloc(size), num_val; int skip = 0, lvl = 0, skip_lvl = 0; while (str[0]) { if (str[0] == '\\') { int sl = 1; switch (str[1]) { case 'e': p = "\x1b", l = 1; break; case 'n': p = "\n", l = 1; break; case 'r': p = "\r", l = 1; break; case 't': p = "\t", l = 1; break; case 'x': if (str[2]) { char num[3] = { str[2], str[3], 0 }; char *end = num; num_val = strtol(num, &end, 16); sl = end - num; l = 1; p = &num_val; } else l = 0; break; default: p = str + 1, l = 1; } str += 1 + sl; } else if (lvl > 0 && str[0] == ')') { if (skip && lvl <= skip_lvl) skip = 0; lvl--, str++, l = 0; } else if (str[0] == '$' && str[1] == '{' && (e = strchr(str + 2, '}'))) { int pl = e - str - 2; char pname[pl + 1]; memcpy(pname, str + 2, pl); pname[pl] = 0; if (m_property_do(prop_list, pname, M_PROPERTY_PRINT, &p, ctx) >= 0 && p) l = strlen(p), fr = 1; else l = 0; str = e + 1; } else if (str[0] == '?' && str[1] == '(' && (e = strchr(str + 2, ':'))) { lvl++; if (!skip) { int is_not = str[2] == '!'; int pl = e - str - (is_not ? 3 : 2); char pname[pl + 1]; memcpy(pname, str + (is_not ? 3 : 2), pl); pname[pl] = 0; if (m_property_do(prop_list, pname, M_PROPERTY_GET, NULL, ctx) < 0) { if (!is_not) skip = 1, skip_lvl = lvl; } else if (is_not) skip = 1, skip_lvl = lvl; } str = e + 1, l = 0; } else p = str, l = 1, str++; if (skip || l <= 0) continue; if (pos + l + 1 > size) { size = pos + l + 512; ret = realloc(ret, size); } memcpy(ret + pos, p, l); pos += l; if (fr) talloc_free(p), fr = 0; } ret[pos] = 0; return ret; } void m_properties_print_help_list(const m_option_t *list) { char min[50], max[50]; int i, count = 0; mp_tmsg(MSGT_CFGPARSER, MSGL_INFO, "\n Name Type Min Max\n\n"); for (i = 0; list[i].name; i++) { const m_option_t *opt = &list[i]; if (opt->flags & M_OPT_MIN) sprintf(min, "%-8.0f", opt->min); else strcpy(min, "No"); if (opt->flags & M_OPT_MAX) sprintf(max, "%-8.0f", opt->max); else strcpy(max, "No"); mp_msg(MSGT_CFGPARSER, MSGL_INFO, " %-20.20s %-15.15s %-10.10s %-10.10s\n", opt->name, opt->type->name, min, max); count++; } mp_tmsg(MSGT_CFGPARSER, MSGL_INFO, "\nTotal: %d properties\n", count); } // Some generic property implementations int m_property_int_ro(const m_option_t *prop, int action, void *arg, int var) { switch (action) { case M_PROPERTY_GET: if (!arg) return 0; *(int *)arg = var; return 1; } return M_PROPERTY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } int m_property_int_range(const m_option_t *prop, int action, void *arg, int *var) { switch (action) { case M_PROPERTY_SET: if (!arg) return 0; M_PROPERTY_CLAMP(prop, *(int *)arg); *var = *(int *)arg; return 1; case M_PROPERTY_STEP_UP: case M_PROPERTY_STEP_DOWN: *var += (arg ? *(int *)arg : 1) * (action == M_PROPERTY_STEP_DOWN ? -1 : 1); M_PROPERTY_CLAMP(prop, *var); return 1; } return m_property_int_ro(prop, action, arg, *var); } int m_property_choice(const m_option_t *prop, int action, void *arg, int *var) { switch (action) { case M_PROPERTY_STEP_UP: case M_PROPERTY_STEP_DOWN: *var += action == M_PROPERTY_STEP_UP ? 1 : prop->max; *var %= (int)prop->max + 1; return 1; } return m_property_int_range(prop, action, arg, var); } int m_property_flag_ro(const m_option_t *prop, int action, void *arg, int var) { switch (action) { case M_PROPERTY_PRINT: if (!arg) return 0; *(char **)arg = talloc_strdup(NULL, (var > prop->min) ? mp_gtext("enabled") : mp_gtext("disabled")); return 1; } return m_property_int_ro(prop, action, arg, var); } int m_property_flag(const m_option_t *prop, int action, void *arg, int *var) { switch (action) { case M_PROPERTY_STEP_UP: case M_PROPERTY_STEP_DOWN: *var = *var == prop->min ? prop->max : prop->min; return 1; case M_PROPERTY_PRINT: return m_property_flag_ro(prop, action, arg, *var); } return m_property_int_range(prop, action, arg, var); } int m_property_float_ro(const m_option_t *prop, int action, void *arg, float var) { switch (action) { case M_PROPERTY_GET: if (!arg) return 0; *(float *)arg = var; return 1; case M_PROPERTY_PRINT: if (!arg) return 0; *(char **)arg = talloc_asprintf(NULL, "%.2f", var); return 1; } return M_PROPERTY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } int m_property_float_range(const m_option_t *prop, int action, void *arg, float *var) { switch (action) { case M_PROPERTY_SET: if (!arg) return 0; M_PROPERTY_CLAMP(prop, *(float *)arg); *var = *(float *)arg; return 1; case M_PROPERTY_STEP_UP: case M_PROPERTY_STEP_DOWN: *var += (arg ? *(float *)arg : 0.1) * (action == M_PROPERTY_STEP_DOWN ? -1 : 1); M_PROPERTY_CLAMP(prop, *var); return 1; } return m_property_float_ro(prop, action, arg, *var); } int m_property_delay(const m_option_t *prop, int action, void *arg, float *var) { switch (action) { case M_PROPERTY_PRINT: if (!arg) return 0; *(char **)arg = talloc_asprintf(NULL, "%d ms", ROUND((*var) * 1000)); return 1; default: return m_property_float_range(prop, action, arg, var); } } int m_property_double_ro(const m_option_t *prop, int action, void *arg, double var) { switch (action) { case M_PROPERTY_GET: if (!arg) return 0; *(double *)arg = var; return 1; case M_PROPERTY_PRINT: if (!arg) return 0; *(char **)arg = talloc_asprintf(NULL, "%.2f", var); return 1; } return M_PROPERTY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } int m_property_time_ro(const m_option_t *prop, int action, void *arg, double var) { switch (action) { case M_PROPERTY_PRINT: if (!arg) return M_PROPERTY_ERROR; else { int h, m, s = var; h = s / 3600; s -= h * 3600; m = s / 60; s -= m * 60; if (h > 0) *(char **)arg = talloc_asprintf(NULL, "%d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s); else if (m > 0) *(char **)arg = talloc_asprintf(NULL, "%d:%02d", m, s); else *(char **)arg = talloc_asprintf(NULL, "%d", s); return M_PROPERTY_OK; } } return m_property_double_ro(prop, action, arg, var); } int m_property_string_ro(const m_option_t *prop, int action, void *arg, char *str) { switch (action) { case M_PROPERTY_GET: if (!arg) return 0; *(char **)arg = str; return 1; case M_PROPERTY_PRINT: if (!arg) return 0; *(char **)arg = talloc_strdup(NULL, str); return 1; } return M_PROPERTY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } int m_property_bitrate(const m_option_t *prop, int action, void *arg, int rate) { switch (action) { case M_PROPERTY_PRINT: if (!arg) return M_PROPERTY_ERROR; *(char **)arg = talloc_asprintf(NULL, "%d kbps", rate * 8 / 1000); return M_PROPERTY_OK; } return m_property_int_ro(prop, action, arg, rate); }