mpv is a fork of mplayer2, which is a fork of MPlayer.

mpv as a whole is licensed as GPL version 2 or later (see LICENSE). Most source
files are GPLv2+, but some files are available under a more liberal license,
such as LGPLv2.1+, BSD, MIT, ISC, and possibly others. Look at the copyright
header of each source file, and grep the sources for "Copyright" if you need
to know details. C source files without Copyright notice are licensed as
LGPLv2.1+. Also see the list of files with specific licenses below (not all
files can have a standard license header).

All new contributions must be LGPLv2.1+ licensed, or if the changes are done on
GPL code, must come with the implicit agreement that the project can relicense
the code to LGPLv2.1+ at a later point without asking the contributor. (This
is a safeguard for making potential relicensing of the project to LGPLv2.1+
easier.) Using a more liberal license compatible to LGPLv2.1+ is also ok.

For information about authors and contributors, consult the git log, which
contains the complete SVN and CVS history as well.

Note that mplayer2 as a whole is licensed under GPLv3+. This is because it uses
a copy of talloc (part of Samba), which is LGPLv3+, and the next compatible
license for this mix is GPLv3+.

MPlayer as a whole is licensed under GPLv2 (incompatible to GPLv3!), because
some files are licensed to GPLv2 (and _not_ any later version of the license).
In particular, this affects the file libmpdemux/demux_ty_osd.c. It is disabled
under mplayer2, and has been removed from mpv.

"v2.1+" in this context means "version 2.1 or later".

Some libraries are GPLv2+ or GPLv3+ only. Building mpv with Samba support makes
it GPLv3+.

Source files with specific licenses:
- everything under etc/ is unknown
- everything under DOCS/man/ is GPLv2+
- sub/osd_font.otf is LGPLv2.1+
- some tests under waftools/fragments/ might be GPLv2+
- is GPLv2+

Some files are marked with "Almost LGPL." These files are GPL, but all authors
have agreed to relicense them to LGPL. the problem is that one of the authors is
Michael Niedermayer, who cited the following conditions for relicensing:

We assume the first 3 conditions are fulfilled. The last condition can be
interpreted as that his code can be changed to LGPL only as soon as the "core"
of mpv changes to LGPL. We interpret "core" as something minimal, that can
actually be built and run, with all GPL code disabled.

Some files are LGPLv3+. This is due to the contributions of a single developer
going by the SVN username "iive". The chosen license of this project is
LGPLv2.1+. The affected files will be changed to LGPLv2.1+ at the earliest
opportunity, for example if his contributions disappear by being replaced
or removed. All new contributions to these files are implied to be LGPLv2.1+.

LGPL relicensing status:

    audio/decode/ad.h               LGPL
    audio/decode/ad_lavc.c          very hard (nick's changes)
    audio/decode/ad_spdif.c         LGPL
    audio/decode/dec_audio.*        very hard (nick's changes)
    audio/filter/af.*               must be killed (main author disagreed)
    audio/filter/af_channel.c       must be killed (main author disagreed)
    audio/filter/af_equalizer.c     must be killed (main author disagreed)
    audio/filter/af_pan.c           must be killed (main author disagreed)
    audio/filter/af_volume.c        must be killed (main author disagreed)
    audio/filter/equalizer.h        must be killed (main author disagreed)
    audio/filter/tools.c            must be killed (main author disagreed)
    audio/filter/af_format.c        LGPL
    audio/filter/af_lavc3enc.c      LGPL
    audio/filter/af_lavfi.c         LGPL
    audio/filter/af_scaletempo.c    LGPL
    audio/filter/af_rubberband.c    LGPL
    audio/out/ao.c                  LGPL
    audio/out/ao.h                  LGPL
    audio/out/ao_alsa.c             extremely hard (original author did not decide)
    audio/out/ao_audiounit.m        LGPL
    audio/out/ao_coreaudio.c        LGPL
    audio/out/ao_coreaudio_chmap.c  LGPL
    audio/out/ao_coreaudio_chmap.h  LGPL
    audio/out/ao_coreaudio_exclusiv LGPL
    audio/out/ao_coreaudio_properti LGPL
    audio/out/ao_coreaudio_properti LGPL
    audio/out/ao_coreaudio_utils.c  LGPL
    audio/out/ao_coreaudio_utils.h  LGPL
    audio/out/ao_jack.c             will stay GPL
    audio/out/ao_lavc.c             LGPL
    audio/out/ao_null.c             LGPL
    audio/out/ao_openal.c           unknown
    audio/out/ao_opensles.c         LGPL
    audio/out/ao_oss.c              will stay GPL
    audio/out/ao_pcm.c              LGPL
    audio/out/ao_pulse.c            LGPL
    audio/out/ao_rsound.c           LGPL
    audio/out/ao_sdl.c              LGPL
    audio/out/ao_sndio.c            LGPL (BSD)
    audio/out/ao_wasapi.c           LGPL
    audio/out/ao_wasapi_changenotif LGPL
    audio/out/ao_wasapi.h           LGPL
    audio/out/ao_wasapi_utils.c     LGPL
    audio/out/internal.h            LGPL
    audio/out/pull.c                LGPL
    audio/out/push.c                LGPL
    audio/audio.*                   very hard (mp_audio based of anders' af_audio)
    audio/audio_buffer.*            LGPL
    audio/chmap.*                   LGPL
    audio/chmap_sel.*               LGPL
    audio/fmt-conversion.*          LGPL
    audio/format.*                  hard (murky libaf origins)
    common/av_common.*              LGPL
    common/av_log.c                 almost LGPL
    common/av_log.h                 LGPL
    common/codecs.*                 LGPL
    common/common.*                 LGPL
    common/encode.h                 LGPL
    common/encode_lavc.*            LGPL
    common/global.h                 LGPL
    common/msg.c                    almost LGPL
    common/msg_control.h            LGPL
    common/msg.h                    LGPL
    common/playlist.*               LGPL
    common/recorder.*               LGPL
    common/tags.*                   LGPL
    common/version.c                LGPL
    demux/codec_tags.*              LGPL
    demux/cue.*                     LGPL
    demux/demux.*                   complications (at least Denes' changes)
    demux/demux_cue.c               LGPL
    demux/demux_disc.c              LGPL
    demux/demux_edl.c               LGPL
    demux/demux_lavf.c              hard
    demux/demux_libarchive.c        LGPL
    demux/demux_mf.c                hard
    demux/demux_mkv.c               LGPL (mostly)
    demux/demux_mkv_timeline.c      LGPL
    demux/demux_null.c              LGPL
    demux/demux_playlist.c          LGPL
    demux/demux_rar.c               LGPL
    demux/demux_raw.c               unknown
    demux/demux_timeline.c          LGPL
    demux/demux_tv.c                will stay GPL
    demux/ebml.*                    LGPL
    demux/matroska.h                LGPL
    demux/packet.*                  LGPL
    demux/stheader.h                LGPL
    demux/timeline.*                LGPL
    input/cmd_*                     unknown, probably easy except some commands
    input/event.*                   LGPL
    input/input.*                   potentially hard
    input/ipc.c                     LGPL
    input/ipc-unix.c                LGPL
    input/ipc-win.c                 LGPL
    input/keycodes.*                potentially hard
    input/pipe-win32.c              LGPL
    libmpv/*.*                      LGPL
    misc/*.*                        LGPL
    options/m_config.*              LGPL
    options/m_option.c              almost LGPL
    options/m_option.h              LGPL
    options/m_property.*            LGPL
    options/options.*               very hard (lots of options and history)
    options/parse_commandline.*     LGPL
    options/parse_configfile.*      LGPL
    options/path.*                  LGPL
    osdep/android/*                 LGPL (BSD)
    osdep/ar/*                      LGPL (BSD)
    osdep/atomic.h                  LGPL
    osdep/compiler.h                LGPL
    osdep/endian.h                  LGPL
    osdep/glob-win.c                LGPL
    osdep/io.*                      LGPL
    osdep/macosx_application.h      unknown
    osdep/macosx_application.m      unknown
    osdep/macosx_application_objc.h unknown
    osdep/macosx_compat.h           unknown
    osdep/macosx_events.*           unknown
    osdep/macosx_events_objc.h      unknown
    osdep/macosx_touchbar.*         unknown
    osdep/macosx_versions.h         unknown
    osdep/main-fn-cocoa.c           LGPL
    osdep/main-fn.h                 LGPL
    osdep/main-fn-unix.c            LGPL
    osdep/main-fn-win.c             LGPL
    osdep/mpv.exe.manifest          LGPL
    osdep/mpv.rc                    LGPL
    osdep/path.h                    LGPL
    osdep/path-macosx.m             LGPL
    osdep/path-unix.c               LGPL
    osdep/path-win.c                LGPL
    osdep/semaphore.h               LGPL
    osdep/semaphore_osx.c           LGPL
    osdep/strnlen.h                 LGPL
    osdep/subprocess.*              LGPL
    osdep/subprocess-posix.c        LGPL
    osdep/subprocess-win.c          LGPL
    osdep/terminal.h                unknown
    osdep/terminal-unix.c           hard
    osdep/terminal-win.c            medium
    osdep/threads.*                 LGPL
    osdep/timer.c                   LGPL
    osdep/timer.h                   LGPL
    osdep/timer-darwin.c            LGPL (MIT)
    osdep/timer-linux.c             LGPL
    osdep/timer-win2.c              LGPL
    osdep/w32_keyboard.c            unknown
    osdep/w32_keyboard.h            unknown
    osdep/win32-console-wrapper.c   LGPL (BSD)
    osdep/win32/*                   LGPL (ISC)
    osdep/windows_utils.*           LGPL
    player/audio.c                  extremely hard (complex history, libaf ties)
    player/client.*                 LGPL (ISC)
    player/command.c                extremely hard (also some GPL-only things)
    player/command.h                hard
    player/configfiles.c            unknown
    player/core.h                   extremely hard
    player/external_files.*         hard (murky subreader.c origins)
    player/lavfi.*                  LGPL
    player/loadfile.c               extremely hard
    player/lua/*.*                  LGPL
    player/lua.c                    LGPL
    player/misc.c                   LGPL
    player/osd.c                    hard
    player/playloop.c               extremely hard
    player/screenshot.*             LGPL
    player/scripting.*              LGPL
    player/sub.c                    easy (probably almost no mplayer code)
    player/video.c                  extremely hard
    stream/ai_*                     will stay GPL (TV code)
    stream/audio_in.*               will stay GPL (TV code)
    stream/cache.c                  LGPLv3+
    stream/cache_file.c             LGPL
    stream/cookies.*                LGPL
    stream/dvb*                     must stay GPL
    stream/frequencies.*            must stay GPL
    stream/rar.*                    LGPL
    stream/stream_avdevice.c        unknown
    stream/stream_bluray.c          unknown
    stream/stream.c                 very hard
    stream/stream_cb.c              LGPL
    stream/stream_cdda.c            unknown
    stream/stream_dvb.*             must stay GPL
    stream/stream_dvd.c             unknown
    stream/stream_dvd_common.*      unknown
    stream/stream_dvdnav.c          unknown
    stream/stream_edl.c             LGPL
    stream/stream_file.c            LGPL
    stream/stream.h                 hard
    stream/stream_lavf.c            hard
    stream/stream_libarchive.*      LGPL
    stream/stream_memory.c          LGPL
    stream/stream_mf.c              unknown
    stream/stream_null.c            LGPL
    stream/stream_rar.c             LGPL
    stream/stream_smb.c             will stay GPLv3
    stream/stream_tv.c              will stay GPL
    stream/tv*                      will stay GPL
    sub/*                           LGPL
    ta/*                            LGPL (ISC)
    video/decode/d3d.*              LGPL
    video/decode/dec_video.*        hard
    video/decode/hw_cuda.c          LGPL
    video/decode/hw_d3d11va.c       LGPL
    video/decode/hw_dxva2.c         LGPL
    video/decode/hw_videotoolbox.c  LGPL
    video/decode/lavc.h             hard
    video/decode/vd.h               hard
    video/decode/vd_lavc.c          very hard
    video/filter/refqueue.*         LGPL
    video/filter/vf.c               LGPL
    video/filter/vf.h               LGPL (mostly)
    video/filter/vf_buffer.c        LGPL
    video/filter/vf_crop.c          will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_d3d11vpp.c      LGPL
    video/filter/vf_dlopen.*        LGPL
    video/filter/vf_dsize.c         will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_eq.c            will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_expand.c        will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_flip.c          will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_format.c        will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_gradfun.c       will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_lavfi.*         LGPL
    video/filter/vf_mirror.c        will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_noformat.c      will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_pullup.c        will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_rotate.c        will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_scale.c         will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_stereo3d.c      will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_sub.c           will be deleted
    video/filter/vf_vapoursynth.c   LGPL
    video/filter/vf_vavpp.c         LGPL
    video/filter/vf_vdpaupp.c       LGPL
    video/filter/vf_yadif.c         will be deleted
    video/csputils.*                LGPL
    video/fmt-conversion.*          must be killed (author disagreed to LGPL)
    video/gpu_memcpy.*              will be deleted
    video/hwdec.*                   LGPL
    video/image_writer.*            unknown
    video/img_format.*              hard
    video/img_fourcc.h              hard
    video/mp_image.*                hard (if even possible)
    video/mp_image_pool.*           LGPL
    video/out/aspect.*              hard
    video/out/bitmap_packer.*       LGPL
    video/out/cocoa*                unknown
    video/out/d3d_shader_420p.h     LGPL
    video/out/d3d_shader_nv12.h     LGPL
    video/out/d3d_shader_yuv.hlsl   LGPL
    video/out/dither.*              LGPL
    video/out/drm_common.*          LGPL
    video/out/filter_kernels.*      LGPL (BSD)
    video/out/opengl/hwdec_vaglx.c  GPL
    video/out/opengl/*              LGPL
    video/out/vo.c                  LGPL
    video/out/vo.h                  LGPL
    video/out/vo_caca.c             unknown
    video/out/vo_direct3d.c         unknown
    video/out/vo_drm.c              LGPL
    video/out/vo_image.c            unknown
    video/out/vo_lavc.c             LGPL
    video/out/vo_null.c             LGPL
    video/out/vo_opengl.c           LGPL
    video/out/vo_opengl_cb.c        LGPL
    video/out/vo_rpi.c              LGPL
    video/out/vo_sdl.c              LGPL
    video/out/vo_tct.c              LGPL
    video/out/vo_vaapi.c            probably impossible (some company's code)
    video/out/vo_vdpau.c            probably impossible (nVidia's code)
    video/out/vo_wayland.c          LGPL
    video/out/vo_x11.c              probably impossible
    video/out/vo_xv.c               probably impossible
    video/out/w32_common.*          medium
    video/out/wayland*              LGPL
    video/out/win32/*               LGPL
    video/out/win_state.*           unknown
    video/out/x11_common.*          probably impossible
    video/out/x11_icon.bin          must stay GPL
    video/sws_utils.*               LGPL
    video/vaapi.*                   hard (GPL-only parts must be ifdefed)
    video/vdpau.c                   hard (GPL-only parts must be ifdefed)
    video/       LGPL
    video/vdpau.h                   unknown
    video/vdpau_mixer.*             actual code must be rewritten
    video/vt.*                      LGPL