/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "video/out/gpu/hwdec.h" #include "video/out/hwdec/hwdec_vaapi.h" #include "video/fmt-conversion.h" #include "video/mp_image_pool.h" #include "video/vaapi.h" #if HAVE_VAAPI_DRM #include "libmpv/render_gl.h" #endif #if HAVE_VAAPI_X11 #include static VADisplay *create_x11_va_display(struct ra *ra) { Display *x11 = ra_get_native_resource(ra, "x11"); return x11 ? vaGetDisplay(x11) : NULL; } #endif #if HAVE_VAAPI_WAYLAND #include static VADisplay *create_wayland_va_display(struct ra *ra) { struct wl_display *wl = ra_get_native_resource(ra, "wl"); return wl ? vaGetDisplayWl(wl) : NULL; } #endif #if HAVE_VAAPI_DRM #include static VADisplay *create_drm_va_display(struct ra *ra) { mpv_opengl_drm_params_v2 *params = ra_get_native_resource(ra, "drm_params_v2"); if (!params || params->render_fd == -1) return NULL; return vaGetDisplayDRM(params->render_fd); } #endif struct va_create_native { const char *name; VADisplay *(*create)(struct ra *ra); }; static const struct va_create_native create_native_cbs[] = { #if HAVE_VAAPI_X11 {"x11", create_x11_va_display}, #endif #if HAVE_VAAPI_WAYLAND {"wayland", create_wayland_va_display}, #endif #if HAVE_VAAPI_DRM {"drm", create_drm_va_display}, #endif }; static VADisplay *create_native_va_display(struct ra *ra, struct mp_log *log) { for (int n = 0; n < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(create_native_cbs); n++) { const struct va_create_native *disp = &create_native_cbs[n]; mp_verbose(log, "Trying to open a %s VA display...\n", disp->name); VADisplay *display = disp->create(ra); if (display) return display; } return NULL; } static void determine_working_formats(struct ra_hwdec *hw); static void uninit(struct ra_hwdec *hw) { struct priv_owner *p = hw->priv; if (p->ctx) hwdec_devices_remove(hw->devs, &p->ctx->hwctx); va_destroy(p->ctx); } const static vaapi_interop_init interop_inits[] = { #if HAVE_VAAPI_EGL vaapi_gl_init, #endif #if HAVE_VAAPI_LIBPLACEBO vaapi_pl_init, #endif NULL }; static int init(struct ra_hwdec *hw) { struct priv_owner *p = hw->priv; for (int i = 0; interop_inits[i]; i++) { if (interop_inits[i](hw)) { break; } } if (!p->interop_map || !p->interop_unmap) { MP_VERBOSE(hw, "VAAPI hwdec only works with OpenGL or Vulkan backends.\n"); return -1; } p->display = create_native_va_display(hw->ra, hw->log); if (!p->display) { MP_VERBOSE(hw, "Could not create a VA display.\n"); return -1; } p->ctx = va_initialize(p->display, hw->log, true); if (!p->ctx) { vaTerminate(p->display); return -1; } if (!p->ctx->av_device_ref) { MP_VERBOSE(hw, "libavutil vaapi code rejected the driver?\n"); return -1; } if (hw->probing && va_guess_if_emulated(p->ctx)) { return -1; } determine_working_formats(hw); if (!p->formats || !p->formats[0]) { return -1; } p->ctx->hwctx.hw_imgfmt = IMGFMT_VAAPI; p->ctx->hwctx.supported_formats = p->formats; p->ctx->hwctx.driver_name = hw->driver->name; hwdec_devices_add(hw->devs, &p->ctx->hwctx); return 0; } static void mapper_unmap(struct ra_hwdec_mapper *mapper) { struct priv_owner *p_owner = mapper->owner->priv; struct priv *p = mapper->priv; p_owner->interop_unmap(mapper); if (p->surface_acquired) { for (int n = 0; n < p->desc.num_objects; n++) close(p->desc.objects[n].fd); p->surface_acquired = false; } } static void mapper_uninit(struct ra_hwdec_mapper *mapper) { struct priv_owner *p_owner = mapper->owner->priv; if (p_owner->interop_uninit) { p_owner->interop_uninit(mapper); } } static bool check_fmt(struct ra_hwdec_mapper *mapper, int fmt) { struct priv_owner *p_owner = mapper->owner->priv; for (int n = 0; p_owner->formats && p_owner->formats[n]; n++) { if (p_owner->formats[n] == fmt) return true; } return false; } static int mapper_init(struct ra_hwdec_mapper *mapper) { struct priv_owner *p_owner = mapper->owner->priv; struct priv *p = mapper->priv; mapper->dst_params = mapper->src_params; mapper->dst_params.imgfmt = mapper->src_params.hw_subfmt; mapper->dst_params.hw_subfmt = 0; struct ra_imgfmt_desc desc = {0}; if (!ra_get_imgfmt_desc(mapper->ra, mapper->dst_params.imgfmt, &desc)) return -1; p->num_planes = desc.num_planes; mp_image_set_params(&p->layout, &mapper->dst_params); if (p_owner->interop_init) if (!p_owner->interop_init(mapper, &desc)) return -1; if (!p_owner->probing_formats && !check_fmt(mapper, mapper->dst_params.imgfmt)) { MP_FATAL(mapper, "unsupported VA image format %s\n", mp_imgfmt_to_name(mapper->dst_params.imgfmt)); return -1; } return 0; } static int mapper_map(struct ra_hwdec_mapper *mapper) { struct priv_owner *p_owner = mapper->owner->priv; struct priv *p = mapper->priv; VAStatus status; VADisplay *display = p_owner->display; status = vaExportSurfaceHandle(display, va_surface_id(mapper->src), VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_DRM_PRIME_2, VA_EXPORT_SURFACE_READ_ONLY | VA_EXPORT_SURFACE_SEPARATE_LAYERS, &p->desc); if (!CHECK_VA_STATUS_LEVEL(mapper, "vaExportSurfaceHandle()", p_owner->probing_formats ? MSGL_DEBUG : MSGL_ERR)) { goto err; } vaSyncSurface(display, va_surface_id(mapper->src)); // No need to error out if sync fails, but good to know if it did. CHECK_VA_STATUS(mapper, "vaSyncSurface()"); p->surface_acquired = true; if (p->num_planes != p->desc.num_layers) { mp_msg(mapper->log, p_owner->probing_formats ? MSGL_DEBUG : MSGL_ERR, "Mapped surface with format '%s' has unexpected number of planes. " "(%d instead of %d)\n", mp_imgfmt_to_name(mapper->src->params.hw_subfmt), p->desc.num_layers, p->num_planes); goto err; } if (!p_owner->interop_map(mapper, p_owner->probing_formats)) goto err; if (p->desc.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12) MPSWAP(struct ra_tex*, mapper->tex[1], mapper->tex[2]); return 0; err: mapper_unmap(mapper); if (!p_owner->probing_formats) MP_FATAL(mapper, "mapping VAAPI EGL image failed\n"); return -1; } static bool try_format_map(struct ra_hwdec *hw, struct mp_image *surface) { struct ra_hwdec_mapper *mapper = ra_hwdec_mapper_create(hw, &surface->params); if (!mapper) { MP_DBG(hw, "Failed to create mapper\n"); return false; } bool ok = ra_hwdec_mapper_map(mapper, surface) >= 0; ra_hwdec_mapper_free(&mapper); return ok; } static void try_format_pixfmt(struct ra_hwdec *hw, enum AVPixelFormat pixfmt) { bool supported = false; struct priv_owner *p = hw->priv; int mp_fmt = pixfmt2imgfmt(pixfmt); if (!mp_fmt) return; int num_formats = 0; for (int n = 0; p->formats && p->formats[n]; n++) { if (p->formats[n] == mp_fmt) return; // already added num_formats += 1; } AVBufferRef *fref = NULL; struct mp_image *s = NULL; AVFrame *frame = NULL; fref = av_hwframe_ctx_alloc(p->ctx->av_device_ref); if (!fref) goto err; AVHWFramesContext *fctx = (void *)fref->data; fctx->format = AV_PIX_FMT_VAAPI; fctx->sw_format = pixfmt; fctx->width = 128; fctx->height = 128; if (av_hwframe_ctx_init(fref) < 0) goto err; frame = av_frame_alloc(); if (!frame) goto err; if (av_hwframe_get_buffer(fref, frame, 0) < 0) goto err; s = mp_image_from_av_frame(frame); if (!s || !mp_image_params_valid(&s->params)) goto err; if (try_format_map(hw, s)) { supported = true; MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->formats, num_formats, mp_fmt); MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->formats, num_formats, 0); // terminate it } err: if (!supported) MP_DBG(hw, "Unsupported format: %s\n", mp_imgfmt_to_name(mp_fmt)); talloc_free(s); av_frame_free(&frame); av_buffer_unref(&fref); } static void try_format_config(struct ra_hwdec *hw, AVVAAPIHWConfig *hwconfig) { struct priv_owner *p = hw->priv; AVHWFramesConstraints *fc = av_hwdevice_get_hwframe_constraints(p->ctx->av_device_ref, hwconfig); if (!fc) { MP_WARN(hw, "failed to retrieve libavutil frame constraints\n"); return; } for (int n = 0; fc->valid_sw_formats && fc->valid_sw_formats[n] != AV_PIX_FMT_NONE; n++) try_format_pixfmt(hw, fc->valid_sw_formats[n]); av_hwframe_constraints_free(&fc); } static void determine_working_formats(struct ra_hwdec *hw) { struct priv_owner *p = hw->priv; VAStatus status; VAProfile *profiles = NULL; VAEntrypoint *entrypoints = NULL; MP_VERBOSE(hw, "Going to probe surface formats (may log bogus errors)...\n"); p->probing_formats = true; AVVAAPIHWConfig *hwconfig = av_hwdevice_hwconfig_alloc(p->ctx->av_device_ref); if (!hwconfig) { MP_WARN(hw, "Could not allocate FFmpeg AVVAAPIHWConfig\n"); goto done; } profiles = talloc_zero_array(NULL, VAProfile, vaMaxNumProfiles(p->display)); entrypoints = talloc_zero_array(NULL, VAEntrypoint, vaMaxNumEntrypoints(p->display)); int num_profiles = 0; status = vaQueryConfigProfiles(p->display, profiles, &num_profiles); if (!CHECK_VA_STATUS(hw, "vaQueryConfigProfiles()")) num_profiles = 0; for (int n = 0; n < num_profiles; n++) { VAProfile profile = profiles[n]; if (profile == VAProfileNone) { // We don't use the None profile. continue; } int num_ep = 0; status = vaQueryConfigEntrypoints(p->display, profile, entrypoints, &num_ep); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { MP_DBG(hw, "vaQueryConfigEntrypoints(): '%s' for profile %d", vaErrorStr(status), (int)profile); continue; } for (int ep = 0; ep < num_ep; ep++) { if (entrypoints[ep] != VAEntrypointVLD) { // We are only interested in decoding entrypoints. continue; } VAConfigID config = VA_INVALID_ID; status = vaCreateConfig(p->display, profile, entrypoints[ep], NULL, 0, &config); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { MP_DBG(hw, "vaCreateConfig(): '%s' for profile %d", vaErrorStr(status), (int)profile); continue; } hwconfig->config_id = config; try_format_config(hw, hwconfig); vaDestroyConfig(p->display, config); } } done: av_free(hwconfig); talloc_free(profiles); talloc_free(entrypoints); p->probing_formats = false; MP_DBG(hw, "Supported formats:\n"); for (int n = 0; p->formats && p->formats[n]; n++) MP_DBG(hw, " %s\n", mp_imgfmt_to_name(p->formats[n])); MP_VERBOSE(hw, "Done probing surface formats.\n"); } const struct ra_hwdec_driver ra_hwdec_vaegl = { .name = "vaapi-egl", .priv_size = sizeof(struct priv_owner), .imgfmts = {IMGFMT_VAAPI, 0}, .init = init, .uninit = uninit, .mapper = &(const struct ra_hwdec_mapper_driver){ .priv_size = sizeof(struct priv), .init = mapper_init, .uninit = mapper_uninit, .map = mapper_map, .unmap = mapper_unmap, }, };