/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <strings.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <math.h> #include <lua.h> #include <lualib.h> #include <lauxlib.h> #include "osdep/io.h" #include "mpv_talloc.h" #include "common/common.h" #include "options/m_property.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "common/msg_control.h" #include "options/m_option.h" #include "input/input.h" #include "options/path.h" #include "misc/bstr.h" #include "misc/json.h" #include "osdep/subprocess.h" #include "osdep/timer.h" #include "osdep/threads.h" #include "stream/stream.h" #include "sub/osd.h" #include "core.h" #include "command.h" #include "client.h" #include "libmpv/client.h" // List of builtin modules and their contents as strings. // All these are generated from player/lua/*.lua static const char * const builtin_lua_scripts[][2] = { {"mp.defaults", # include "player/lua/defaults.inc" }, {"mp.assdraw", # include "player/lua/assdraw.inc" }, {"mp.options", # include "player/lua/options.inc" }, {"@osc.lua", # include "player/lua/osc.inc" }, {"@ytdl_hook.lua", # include "player/lua/ytdl_hook.inc" }, {"@stats.lua", # include "player/lua/stats.inc" }, {0} }; // Represents a loaded script. Each has its own Lua state. struct script_ctx { const char *name; const char *filename; lua_State *state; struct mp_log *log; struct mpv_handle *client; struct MPContext *mpctx; }; #if LUA_VERSION_NUM <= 501 #define mp_cpcall lua_cpcall #define mp_lua_len lua_objlen #else // Curse whoever had this stupid idea. Curse whoever thought it would be a good // idea not to include an emulated lua_cpcall() even more. static int mp_cpcall (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction func, void *ud) { lua_pushcfunction(L, func); // doesn't allocate in 5.2 (but does in 5.1) lua_pushlightuserdata(L, ud); return lua_pcall(L, 1, 0, 0); } #define mp_lua_len lua_rawlen #endif // Ensure that the given argument exists, even if it's nil. Can be used to // avoid confusing the last missing optional arg with the first temporary value // pushed to the stack. static void mp_lua_optarg(lua_State *L, int arg) { while (arg > lua_gettop(L)) lua_pushnil(L); } static int destroy_crap(lua_State *L) { void **data = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "ohthispain"); talloc_free(data[0]); data[0] = NULL; return 0; } // Creates a small userdata object and pushes it to the Lua stack. The function // will (on the C level) return a talloc object that will be released by the // userdata gc routine. // This can be used to free temporary C data structures correctly if Lua errors // happen. // You can't free the talloc context directly; the Lua __gc handler does this. // In my cases, talloc_free_children(returnval) will be used to free attached // memory in advance when it's known not to be needed anymore (a minor // optimization). Freeing it completely must be left to the Lua GC. static void *mp_lua_PITA(lua_State *L) { void **data = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(void *)); // u if (luaL_newmetatable(L, "ohthispain")) { // u metatable lua_pushvalue(L, -1); // u metatable metatable lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); // u metatable lua_pushcfunction(L, destroy_crap); // u metatable gc lua_setfield(L, -2, "__gc"); // u metatable } lua_setmetatable(L, -2); // u *data = talloc_new(NULL); return *data; } // Perform the equivalent of mpv_free_node_contents(node) when tmp is freed. static void auto_free_node(void *tmp, mpv_node *node) { talloc_steal(tmp, node_get_alloc(node)); } static struct script_ctx *get_ctx(lua_State *L) { lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "ctx"); struct script_ctx *ctx = lua_touserdata(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); assert(ctx); return ctx; } static struct MPContext *get_mpctx(lua_State *L) { return get_ctx(L)->mpctx; } static int error_handler(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); if (luaL_loadstring(L, "return debug.traceback('', 3)") == 0) { // e fn|err lua_call(L, 0, 1); // e backtrace const char *tr = lua_tostring(L, -1); MP_WARN(ctx, "%s\n", tr ? tr : "(unknown)"); } lua_pop(L, 1); // e return 1; } // Check client API error code: // if err >= 0, push "true" to the stack, and return 1 // if err < 0, push nil and then the error string to the stack, and return 2 static int check_error(lua_State *L, int err) { if (err >= 0) { lua_pushboolean(L, 1); return 1; } lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushstring(L, mpv_error_string(err)); return 2; } static void add_functions(struct script_ctx *ctx); static void load_file(lua_State *L, const char *fname) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); MP_DBG(ctx, "loading file %s\n", fname); int r = luaL_loadfile(L, fname); if (r) lua_error(L); lua_call(L, 0, 0); } static int load_builtin(lua_State *L) { const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); char dispname[80]; snprintf(dispname, sizeof(dispname), "@%s", name); for (int n = 0; builtin_lua_scripts[n][0]; n++) { if (strcmp(name, builtin_lua_scripts[n][0]) == 0) { const char *script = builtin_lua_scripts[n][1]; if (luaL_loadbuffer(L, script, strlen(script), dispname)) lua_error(L); lua_call(L, 0, 1); return 1; } } luaL_error(L, "builtin module '%s' not found\n", name); return 0; } // Execute "require " .. name static void require(lua_State *L, const char *name) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); MP_DBG(ctx, "loading %s\n", name); // Lazy, but better than calling the "require" function manually char buf[80]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "require '%s'", name); if (luaL_loadstring(L, buf)) lua_error(L); lua_call(L, 0, 0); } // Push the table of a module. If it doesn't exist, it's created. // The Lua script can call "require(module)" to "load" it. static void push_module_table(lua_State *L, const char *module) { lua_getglobal(L, "package"); // package lua_getfield(L, -1, "loaded"); // package loaded lua_remove(L, -2); // loaded lua_getfield(L, -1, module); // loaded module if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) { lua_pop(L, 1); // loaded lua_newtable(L); // loaded module lua_pushvalue(L, -1); // loaded module module lua_setfield(L, -3, module); // loaded module } lua_remove(L, -2); // module } static int load_scripts(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); const char *fname = ctx->filename; require(L, "mp.defaults"); if (fname[0] == '@') { require(L, fname); } else { load_file(L, fname); } lua_getglobal(L, "mp_event_loop"); // fn if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) luaL_error(L, "no event loop function\n"); lua_call(L, 0, 0); // - return 0; } static void set_path(lua_State *L) { void *tmp = talloc_new(NULL); lua_getglobal(L, "package"); // package lua_getfield(L, -1, "path"); // package path const char *path = lua_tostring(L, -1); char *newpath = talloc_strdup(tmp, path ? path : ""); char **luadir = mp_find_all_config_files(tmp, get_mpctx(L)->global, "scripts"); for (int i = 0; luadir && luadir[i]; i++) { newpath = talloc_asprintf_append(newpath, ";%s", mp_path_join(tmp, luadir[i], "?.lua")); } lua_pushstring(L, newpath); // package path newpath lua_setfield(L, -3, "path"); // package path lua_pop(L, 2); // - talloc_free(tmp); } static int run_lua(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = lua_touserdata(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); // - luaL_openlibs(L); // used by get_ctx() lua_pushlightuserdata(L, ctx); // ctx lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "ctx"); // - add_functions(ctx); // mp push_module_table(L, "mp"); // mp // "mp" is available by default, and no "require 'mp'" is needed lua_pushvalue(L, -1); // mp mp lua_setglobal(L, "mp"); // mp lua_pushstring(L, ctx->name); // mp name lua_setfield(L, -2, "script_name"); // mp // used by pushnode() lua_newtable(L); // mp table lua_pushvalue(L, -1); // mp table table lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "UNKNOWN_TYPE"); // mp table lua_setfield(L, -2, "UNKNOWN_TYPE"); // mp lua_newtable(L); // mp table lua_pushvalue(L, -1); // mp table table lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "MAP"); // mp table lua_setfield(L, -2, "MAP"); // mp lua_newtable(L); // mp table lua_pushvalue(L, -1); // mp table table lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "ARRAY"); // mp table lua_setfield(L, -2, "ARRAY"); // mp lua_pop(L, 1); // - assert(lua_gettop(L) == 0); // Add a preloader for each builtin Lua module lua_getglobal(L, "package"); // package assert(lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE); lua_getfield(L, -1, "preload"); // package preload assert(lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE); for (int n = 0; builtin_lua_scripts[n][0]; n++) { lua_pushcfunction(L, load_builtin); // package preload load_builtin lua_setfield(L, -2, builtin_lua_scripts[n][0]); } lua_pop(L, 2); // - assert(lua_gettop(L) == 0); set_path(L); assert(lua_gettop(L) == 0); // run this under an error handler that can do backtraces lua_pushcfunction(L, error_handler); // errf lua_pushcfunction(L, load_scripts); // errf fn if (lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, -2)) { // errf [error] const char *e = lua_tostring(L, -1); MP_FATAL(ctx, "Lua error: %s\n", e ? e : "(unknown)"); } return 0; } static int load_lua(struct mpv_handle *client, const char *fname) { struct MPContext *mpctx = mp_client_get_core(client); int r = -1; struct script_ctx *ctx = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, ctx); *ctx = (struct script_ctx) { .mpctx = mpctx, .client = client, .name = mpv_client_name(client), .log = mp_client_get_log(client), .filename = fname, }; if (LUA_VERSION_NUM != 501 && LUA_VERSION_NUM != 502) { MP_FATAL(ctx, "Only Lua 5.1 and 5.2 are supported.\n"); goto error_out; } lua_State *L = ctx->state = luaL_newstate(); if (!L) { MP_FATAL(ctx, "Could not initialize Lua.\n"); goto error_out; } if (mp_cpcall(L, run_lua, ctx)) { const char *err = "unknown error"; if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) // avoid allocation err = lua_tostring(L, -1); MP_FATAL(ctx, "Lua error: %s\n", err); goto error_out; } r = 0; error_out: if (ctx->state) lua_close(ctx->state); talloc_free(ctx); return r; } static int check_loglevel(lua_State *L, int arg) { const char *level = luaL_checkstring(L, arg); for (int n = 0; n < MSGL_MAX; n++) { if (mp_log_levels[n] && strcasecmp(mp_log_levels[n], level) == 0) return n; } luaL_error(L, "Invalid log level '%s'", level); abort(); } static int script_log(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); int msgl = check_loglevel(L, 1); int last = lua_gettop(L); lua_getglobal(L, "tostring"); // args... tostring for (int i = 2; i <= last; i++) { lua_pushvalue(L, -1); // args... tostring tostring lua_pushvalue(L, i); // args... tostring tostring args[i] lua_call(L, 1, 1); // args... tostring str const char *s = lua_tostring(L, -1); if (s == NULL) return luaL_error(L, "Invalid argument"); mp_msg(ctx->log, msgl, "%s%s", s, i > 0 ? " " : ""); lua_pop(L, 1); // args... tostring } mp_msg(ctx->log, msgl, "\n"); return 0; } static int script_find_config_file(lua_State *L) { struct MPContext *mpctx = get_mpctx(L); const char *s = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); char *path = mp_find_config_file(NULL, mpctx->global, s); if (path) { lua_pushstring(L, path); } else { lua_pushnil(L); } talloc_free(path); return 1; } static int script_suspend(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); MP_ERR(ctx, "mp.suspend() is deprecated and does nothing.\n"); return 0; } static int script_resume(lua_State *L) { return 0; } static int script_resume_all(lua_State *L) { return 0; } static void pushnode(lua_State *L, mpv_node *node); static int script_wait_event(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); mpv_event *event = mpv_wait_event(ctx->client, luaL_optnumber(L, 1, 1e20)); lua_newtable(L); // event lua_pushstring(L, mpv_event_name(event->event_id)); // event name lua_setfield(L, -2, "event"); // event if (event->reply_userdata) { lua_pushnumber(L, event->reply_userdata); lua_setfield(L, -2, "id"); } if (event->error < 0) { lua_pushstring(L, mpv_error_string(event->error)); // event err lua_setfield(L, -2, "error"); // event } switch (event->event_id) { case MPV_EVENT_LOG_MESSAGE: { mpv_event_log_message *msg = event->data; lua_pushstring(L, msg->prefix); // event s lua_setfield(L, -2, "prefix"); // event lua_pushstring(L, msg->level); // event s lua_setfield(L, -2, "level"); // event lua_pushstring(L, msg->text); // event s lua_setfield(L, -2, "text"); // event break; } case MPV_EVENT_CLIENT_MESSAGE: { mpv_event_client_message *msg = event->data; lua_newtable(L); // event args for (int n = 0; n < msg->num_args; n++) { lua_pushinteger(L, n + 1); // event args N lua_pushstring(L, msg->args[n]); // event args N val lua_settable(L, -3); // event args } lua_setfield(L, -2, "args"); // event break; } case MPV_EVENT_END_FILE: { mpv_event_end_file *eef = event->data; const char *reason; switch (eef->reason) { case MPV_END_FILE_REASON_EOF: reason = "eof"; break; case MPV_END_FILE_REASON_STOP: reason = "stop"; break; case MPV_END_FILE_REASON_QUIT: reason = "quit"; break; case MPV_END_FILE_REASON_ERROR: reason = "error"; break; case MPV_END_FILE_REASON_REDIRECT: reason = "redirect"; break; default: reason = "unknown"; } lua_pushstring(L, reason); // event reason lua_setfield(L, -2, "reason"); // event if (eef->reason == MPV_END_FILE_REASON_ERROR) { lua_pushstring(L, mpv_error_string(eef->error)); // event error lua_setfield(L, -2, "error"); // event } break; } case MPV_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGE: { mpv_event_property *prop = event->data; lua_pushstring(L, prop->name); lua_setfield(L, -2, "name"); switch (prop->format) { case MPV_FORMAT_NODE: pushnode(L, prop->data); break; case MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE: lua_pushnumber(L, *(double *)prop->data); break; case MPV_FORMAT_FLAG: lua_pushboolean(L, *(int *)prop->data); break; case MPV_FORMAT_STRING: lua_pushstring(L, *(char **)prop->data); break; default: lua_pushnil(L); } lua_setfield(L, -2, "data"); break; } default: ; } // return event return 1; } static int script_request_event(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); const char *event = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); bool enable = lua_toboolean(L, 2); // brute force event name -> id; stops working for events > assumed max int event_id = -1; for (int n = 0; n < 256; n++) { const char *name = mpv_event_name(n); if (name && strcmp(name, event) == 0) { event_id = n; break; } } lua_pushboolean(L, mpv_request_event(ctx->client, event_id, enable) >= 0); return 1; } static int script_enable_messages(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); check_loglevel(L, 1); const char *level = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); return check_error(L, mpv_request_log_messages(ctx->client, level)); } static int script_command(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); const char *s = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); return check_error(L, mpv_command_string(ctx->client, s)); } static int script_commandv(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); int num = lua_gettop(L); const char *args[50]; if (num + 1 > MP_ARRAY_SIZE(args)) luaL_error(L, "too many arguments"); for (int n = 1; n <= num; n++) { const char *s = lua_tostring(L, n); if (!s) luaL_error(L, "argument %d is not a string", n); args[n - 1] = s; } args[num] = NULL; return check_error(L, mpv_command(ctx->client, args)); } static int script_set_property(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); const char *p = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); const char *v = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); return check_error(L, mpv_set_property_string(ctx->client, p, v)); } static int script_set_property_bool(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); const char *p = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); int v = lua_toboolean(L, 2); return check_error(L, mpv_set_property(ctx->client, p, MPV_FORMAT_FLAG, &v)); } static bool is_int(double d) { int64_t v = d; return d == (double)v; } static int script_set_property_number(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); const char *p = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); double d = luaL_checknumber(L, 2); // If the number might be an integer, then set it as integer. The mpv core // will (probably) convert INT64 to DOUBLE when setting, but not the other // way around. int res; if (is_int(d)) { res = mpv_set_property(ctx->client, p, MPV_FORMAT_INT64, &(int64_t){d}); } else { res = mpv_set_property(ctx->client, p, MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE, &d); } return check_error(L, res); } static void makenode(void *tmp, mpv_node *dst, lua_State *L, int t) { if (t < 0) t = lua_gettop(L) + (t + 1); switch (lua_type(L, t)) { case LUA_TNIL: dst->format = MPV_FORMAT_NONE; break; case LUA_TNUMBER: { double d = lua_tonumber(L, t); if (is_int(d)) { dst->format = MPV_FORMAT_INT64; dst->u.int64 = d; } else { dst->format = MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE; dst->u.double_ = d; } break; } case LUA_TBOOLEAN: dst->format = MPV_FORMAT_FLAG; dst->u.flag = !!lua_toboolean(L, t); break; case LUA_TSTRING: dst->format = MPV_FORMAT_STRING; dst->u.string = talloc_strdup(tmp, lua_tostring(L, t)); break; case LUA_TTABLE: { // Lua uses the same type for arrays and maps, so guess the correct one. int format = MPV_FORMAT_NONE; if (lua_getmetatable(L, t)) { // mt lua_getfield(L, -1, "type"); // mt val if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) { const char *type = lua_tostring(L, -1); if (strcmp(type, "MAP") == 0) { format = MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP; } else if (strcmp(type, "ARRAY") == 0) { format = MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY; } } lua_pop(L, 2); } if (format == MPV_FORMAT_NONE) { // If all keys are integers, and they're in sequence, take it // as an array. int count = 0; for (int n = 1; ; n++) { lua_pushinteger(L, n); // n lua_gettable(L, t); // t[n] bool empty = lua_isnil(L, -1); // t[n] lua_pop(L, 1); // - if (empty) { count = n - 1; break; } } if (count > 0) format = MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY; lua_pushnil(L); // nil while (lua_next(L, t) != 0) { // key value count--; lua_pop(L, 1); // key if (count < 0) { lua_pop(L, 1); // - format = MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP; break; } } } if (format == MPV_FORMAT_NONE) format = MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY; // probably empty table; assume array mpv_node_list *list = talloc_zero(tmp, mpv_node_list); dst->format = format; dst->u.list = list; if (format == MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY) { for (int n = 0; ; n++) { lua_pushinteger(L, n + 1); // n1 lua_gettable(L, t); // t[n1] if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) break; MP_TARRAY_GROW(tmp, list->values, list->num); makenode(tmp, &list->values[n], L, -1); list->num++; lua_pop(L, 1); // - } lua_pop(L, 1); // - } else { lua_pushnil(L); // nil while (lua_next(L, t) != 0) { // key value MP_TARRAY_GROW(tmp, list->values, list->num); MP_TARRAY_GROW(tmp, list->keys, list->num); makenode(tmp, &list->values[list->num], L, -1); if (lua_type(L, -2) != LUA_TSTRING) { luaL_error(L, "key must be a string, but got %s", lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, -2))); } list->keys[list->num] = talloc_strdup(tmp, lua_tostring(L, -2)); list->num++; lua_pop(L, 1); // key } } break; } default: // unknown type luaL_error(L, "disallowed Lua type found: %s\n", lua_typename(L, t)); } } static int script_set_property_native(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); const char *p = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); struct mpv_node node; void *tmp = mp_lua_PITA(L); makenode(tmp, &node, L, 2); int res = mpv_set_property(ctx->client, p, MPV_FORMAT_NODE, &node); talloc_free_children(tmp); return check_error(L, res); } static int script_get_property(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); int type = lua_tointeger(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)) ? MPV_FORMAT_OSD_STRING : MPV_FORMAT_STRING; char *result = NULL; int err = mpv_get_property(ctx->client, name, type, &result); if (err >= 0) { lua_pushstring(L, result); talloc_free(result); return 1; } else { if (lua_isnoneornil(L, 2) && type == MPV_FORMAT_OSD_STRING) { lua_pushstring(L, ""); } else { lua_pushvalue(L, 2); } lua_pushstring(L, mpv_error_string(err)); return 2; } } static int script_get_property_bool(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); int result = 0; int err = mpv_get_property(ctx->client, name, MPV_FORMAT_FLAG, &result); if (err >= 0) { lua_pushboolean(L, !!result); return 1; } else { lua_pushvalue(L, 2); lua_pushstring(L, mpv_error_string(err)); return 2; } } static int script_get_property_number(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); // Note: the mpv core will (hopefully) convert INT64 to DOUBLE double result = 0; int err = mpv_get_property(ctx->client, name, MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE, &result); if (err >= 0) { lua_pushnumber(L, result); return 1; } else { lua_pushvalue(L, 2); lua_pushstring(L, mpv_error_string(err)); return 2; } } static void pushnode(lua_State *L, mpv_node *node) { luaL_checkstack(L, 6, "stack overflow"); switch (node->format) { case MPV_FORMAT_STRING: lua_pushstring(L, node->u.string); break; case MPV_FORMAT_INT64: lua_pushnumber(L, node->u.int64); break; case MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE: lua_pushnumber(L, node->u.double_); break; case MPV_FORMAT_NONE: lua_pushnil(L); break; case MPV_FORMAT_FLAG: lua_pushboolean(L, node->u.flag); break; case MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY: lua_newtable(L); // table lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "ARRAY"); // table mt lua_setmetatable(L, -2); // table for (int n = 0; n < node->u.list->num; n++) { pushnode(L, &node->u.list->values[n]); // table value lua_rawseti(L, -2, n + 1); // table } break; case MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP: lua_newtable(L); // table lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "MAP"); // table mt lua_setmetatable(L, -2); // table for (int n = 0; n < node->u.list->num; n++) { lua_pushstring(L, node->u.list->keys[n]); // table key pushnode(L, &node->u.list->values[n]); // table key value lua_rawset(L, -3); } break; case MPV_FORMAT_BYTE_ARRAY: lua_pushlstring(L, node->u.ba->data, node->u.ba->size); break; default: // unknown value - what do we do? // for now, set a unique dummy value lua_newtable(L); // table lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "UNKNOWN_TYPE"); lua_setmetatable(L, -2); // table break; } } static int script_get_property_native(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); mp_lua_optarg(L, 2); void *tmp = mp_lua_PITA(L); mpv_node node; int err = mpv_get_property(ctx->client, name, MPV_FORMAT_NODE, &node); if (err >= 0) { auto_free_node(tmp, &node); pushnode(L, &node); talloc_free_children(tmp); return 1; } lua_pushvalue(L, 2); lua_pushstring(L, mpv_error_string(err)); return 2; } static mpv_format check_property_format(lua_State *L, int arg) { if (lua_isnil(L, arg)) return MPV_FORMAT_NONE; const char *fmts[] = {"none", "native", "bool", "string", "number", NULL}; switch (luaL_checkoption(L, arg, "none", fmts)) { case 0: return MPV_FORMAT_NONE; case 1: return MPV_FORMAT_NODE; case 2: return MPV_FORMAT_FLAG; case 3: return MPV_FORMAT_STRING; case 4: return MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE; } abort(); } // It has a raw_ prefix, because there is a more high level API in defaults.lua. static int script_raw_observe_property(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); uint64_t id = luaL_checknumber(L, 1); const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); mpv_format format = check_property_format(L, 3); return check_error(L, mpv_observe_property(ctx->client, id, name, format)); } static int script_raw_unobserve_property(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); uint64_t id = luaL_checknumber(L, 1); lua_pushnumber(L, mpv_unobserve_property(ctx->client, id)); return 1; } static int script_command_native(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); mp_lua_optarg(L, 2); struct mpv_node node; struct mpv_node result; void *tmp = mp_lua_PITA(L); makenode(tmp, &node, L, 1); int err = mpv_command_node(ctx->client, &node, &result); if (err >= 0) { auto_free_node(tmp, &result); pushnode(L, &result); talloc_free_children(tmp); return 1; } lua_pushvalue(L, 2); lua_pushstring(L, mpv_error_string(err)); return 2; } static int script_set_osd_ass(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); int res_x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1); int res_y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2); const char *text = luaL_checkstring(L, 3); if (!text[0]) text = " "; // force external OSD initialization osd_set_external(ctx->mpctx->osd, ctx->client, res_x, res_y, (char *)text); mp_wakeup_core(ctx->mpctx); return 0; } static int script_get_osd_size(lua_State *L) { struct MPContext *mpctx = get_mpctx(L); struct mp_osd_res vo_res = osd_get_vo_res(mpctx->osd); double aspect = 1.0 * vo_res.w / MPMAX(vo_res.h, 1) / (vo_res.display_par ? vo_res.display_par : 1); lua_pushnumber(L, vo_res.w); lua_pushnumber(L, vo_res.h); lua_pushnumber(L, aspect); return 3; } static int script_get_osd_margins(lua_State *L) { struct MPContext *mpctx = get_mpctx(L); struct mp_osd_res vo_res = osd_get_vo_res(mpctx->osd); lua_pushnumber(L, vo_res.ml); lua_pushnumber(L, vo_res.mt); lua_pushnumber(L, vo_res.mr); lua_pushnumber(L, vo_res.mb); return 4; } static int script_get_mouse_pos(lua_State *L) { struct MPContext *mpctx = get_mpctx(L); int px, py; mp_input_get_mouse_pos(mpctx->input, &px, &py); lua_pushnumber(L, px); lua_pushnumber(L, py); return 2; } static int script_get_time(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); lua_pushnumber(L, mpv_get_time_us(ctx->client) / (double)(1000 * 1000)); return 1; } static int script_input_set_section_mouse_area(lua_State *L) { struct MPContext *mpctx = get_mpctx(L); char *section = (char *)luaL_checkstring(L, 1); int x0 = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2); int y0 = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3); int x1 = luaL_checkinteger(L, 4); int y1 = luaL_checkinteger(L, 5); mp_input_set_section_mouse_area(mpctx->input, section, x0, y0, x1, y1); return 0; } static int script_format_time(lua_State *L) { double t = luaL_checknumber(L, 1); const char *fmt = luaL_optstring(L, 2, "%H:%M:%S"); char *r = mp_format_time_fmt(fmt, t); if (!r) luaL_error(L, "Invalid time format string '%s'", fmt); lua_pushstring(L, r); talloc_free(r); return 1; } static int script_get_wakeup_pipe(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); lua_pushinteger(L, mpv_get_wakeup_pipe(ctx->client)); return 1; } static int script_readdir(lua_State *L) { // 0 1 2 3 const char *fmts[] = {"all", "files", "dirs", "normal", NULL}; const char *path = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); int t = luaL_checkoption(L, 2, "normal", fmts); DIR *dir = opendir(path); if (!dir) { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushstring(L, "error"); return 2; } lua_newtable(L); // list char *fullpath = NULL; struct dirent *e; int n = 0; while ((e = readdir(dir))) { char *name = e->d_name; if (t) { if (strcmp(name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(name, "..") == 0) continue; if (fullpath) fullpath[0] = '\0'; fullpath = talloc_asprintf_append(fullpath, "%s/%s", path, name); struct stat st; if (stat(fullpath, &st)) continue; if (!(((t & 1) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) || ((t & 2) && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)))) continue; } lua_pushinteger(L, ++n); // list index lua_pushstring(L, name); // list index name lua_settable(L, -3); // list } closedir(dir); talloc_free(fullpath); return 1; } static int script_file_info(lua_State *L) { const char *path = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); struct stat statbuf; if (stat(path, &statbuf) != 0) { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushstring(L, "error"); return 2; } lua_newtable(L); // Result stat table const char * stat_names[] = { "mode", "size", "atime", "mtime", "ctime", NULL }; const unsigned int stat_values[] = { statbuf.st_mode, statbuf.st_size, statbuf.st_atime, statbuf.st_mtime, statbuf.st_ctime }; // Add all fields for (int i = 0; stat_names[i]; i++) { lua_pushinteger(L, stat_values[i]); lua_setfield(L, -2, stat_names[i]); } // Convenience booleans lua_pushboolean(L, S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)); lua_setfield(L, -2, "is_file"); lua_pushboolean(L, S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)); lua_setfield(L, -2, "is_dir"); // Return table return 1; } static int script_split_path(lua_State *L) { const char *p = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); bstr fname = mp_dirname(p); lua_pushlstring(L, fname.start, fname.len); lua_pushstring(L, mp_basename(p)); return 2; } static int script_join_path(lua_State *L) { const char *p1 = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); const char *p2 = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); char *r = mp_path_join(NULL, p1, p2); lua_pushstring(L, r); talloc_free(r); return 1; } struct subprocess_cb_ctx { struct mp_log *log; void* talloc_ctx; int64_t max_size; bstr output; }; static void subprocess_stdout(void *p, char *data, size_t size) { struct subprocess_cb_ctx *ctx = p; if (ctx->output.len < ctx->max_size) bstr_xappend(ctx->talloc_ctx, &ctx->output, (bstr){data, size}); } static void subprocess_stderr(void *p, char *data, size_t size) { struct subprocess_cb_ctx *ctx = p; MP_INFO(ctx, "%.*s", (int)size, data); } static int script_subprocess(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE); void *tmp = mp_lua_PITA(L); lua_getfield(L, 1, "args"); // args int num_args = mp_lua_len(L, -1); char *args[256]; if (num_args > MP_ARRAY_SIZE(args) - 1) // last needs to be NULL luaL_error(L, "too many arguments"); if (num_args < 1) luaL_error(L, "program name missing"); for (int n = 0; n < num_args; n++) { lua_pushinteger(L, n + 1); // args n lua_gettable(L, -2); // args arg args[n] = talloc_strdup(tmp, lua_tostring(L, -1)); if (!args[n]) luaL_error(L, "program arguments must be strings"); lua_pop(L, 1); // args } args[num_args] = NULL; lua_pop(L, 1); // - lua_getfield(L, 1, "cancellable"); // c struct mp_cancel *cancel = NULL; if (lua_isnil(L, -1) ? true : lua_toboolean(L, -1)) cancel = ctx->mpctx->playback_abort; lua_pop(L, 1); // - lua_getfield(L, 1, "max_size"); // m int64_t max_size = lua_isnil(L, -1) ? 64 * 1024 * 1024 : lua_tointeger(L, -1); struct subprocess_cb_ctx cb_ctx = { .log = ctx->log, .talloc_ctx = tmp, .max_size = max_size, }; char *error = NULL; int status = mp_subprocess(args, cancel, &cb_ctx, subprocess_stdout, subprocess_stderr, &error); lua_newtable(L); // res if (error) { lua_pushstring(L, error); // res e lua_setfield(L, -2, "error"); // res } lua_pushinteger(L, status); // res s lua_setfield(L, -2, "status"); // res lua_pushlstring(L, cb_ctx.output.start, cb_ctx.output.len); // res d lua_setfield(L, -2, "stdout"); // res lua_pushboolean(L, status == MP_SUBPROCESS_EKILLED_BY_US); // res b lua_setfield(L, -2, "killed_by_us"); // res return 1; } static int script_subprocess_detached(lua_State *L) { struct script_ctx *ctx = get_ctx(L); luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE); void *tmp = mp_lua_PITA(L); lua_getfield(L, 1, "args"); // args int num_args = mp_lua_len(L, -1); char *args[256]; if (num_args > MP_ARRAY_SIZE(args) - 1) // last needs to be NULL luaL_error(L, "too many arguments"); if (num_args < 1) luaL_error(L, "program name missing"); for (int n = 0; n < num_args; n++) { lua_pushinteger(L, n + 1); // args n lua_gettable(L, -2); // args arg args[n] = talloc_strdup(tmp, lua_tostring(L, -1)); if (!args[n]) luaL_error(L, "program arguments must be strings"); lua_pop(L, 1); // args } args[num_args] = NULL; lua_pop(L, 1); // - mp_subprocess_detached(ctx->log, args); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int script_parse_json(lua_State *L) { mp_lua_optarg(L, 2); void *tmp = mp_lua_PITA(L); char *text = talloc_strdup(tmp, luaL_checkstring(L, 1)); bool trail = lua_toboolean(L, 2); bool ok = false; struct mpv_node node; if (json_parse(tmp, &node, &text, 32) >= 0) { json_skip_whitespace(&text); ok = !text[0] || trail; } if (ok) { pushnode(L, &node); lua_pushnil(L); } else { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushstring(L, "error"); } lua_pushstring(L, text); talloc_free_children(tmp); return 3; } static int script_format_json(lua_State *L) { void *tmp = mp_lua_PITA(L); struct mpv_node node; makenode(tmp, &node, L, 1); char *dst = talloc_strdup(tmp, ""); if (json_write(&dst, &node) >= 0) { lua_pushstring(L, dst); lua_pushnil(L); } else { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushstring(L, "error"); } talloc_free_children(tmp); return 2; } #define FN_ENTRY(name) {#name, script_ ## name} struct fn_entry { const char *name; int (*fn)(lua_State *L); }; static const struct fn_entry main_fns[] = { FN_ENTRY(log), FN_ENTRY(suspend), FN_ENTRY(resume), FN_ENTRY(resume_all), FN_ENTRY(wait_event), FN_ENTRY(request_event), FN_ENTRY(find_config_file), FN_ENTRY(command), FN_ENTRY(commandv), FN_ENTRY(command_native), FN_ENTRY(get_property_bool), FN_ENTRY(get_property_number), FN_ENTRY(get_property_native), FN_ENTRY(set_property), FN_ENTRY(set_property_bool), FN_ENTRY(set_property_number), FN_ENTRY(set_property_native), FN_ENTRY(raw_observe_property), FN_ENTRY(raw_unobserve_property), FN_ENTRY(set_osd_ass), FN_ENTRY(get_osd_size), FN_ENTRY(get_osd_margins), FN_ENTRY(get_mouse_pos), FN_ENTRY(get_time), FN_ENTRY(input_set_section_mouse_area), FN_ENTRY(format_time), FN_ENTRY(enable_messages), FN_ENTRY(get_wakeup_pipe), {0} }; static const struct fn_entry utils_fns[] = { FN_ENTRY(readdir), FN_ENTRY(file_info), FN_ENTRY(split_path), FN_ENTRY(join_path), FN_ENTRY(subprocess), FN_ENTRY(subprocess_detached), FN_ENTRY(parse_json), FN_ENTRY(format_json), {0} }; static void register_package_fns(lua_State *L, char *module, const struct fn_entry *e) { push_module_table(L, module); // modtable for (int n = 0; e[n].name; n++) { lua_pushcclosure(L, e[n].fn, 0); // modtable fn lua_setfield(L, -2, e[n].name); // modtable } lua_pop(L, 1); // - } static void add_functions(struct script_ctx *ctx) { lua_State *L = ctx->state; register_package_fns(L, "mp", main_fns); push_module_table(L, "mp"); // mp lua_pushinteger(L, 0); lua_pushcclosure(L, script_get_property, 1); lua_setfield(L, -2, "get_property"); lua_pushinteger(L, 1); lua_pushcclosure(L, script_get_property, 1); lua_setfield(L, -2, "get_property_osd"); lua_pop(L, 1); // - register_package_fns(L, "mp.utils", utils_fns); } const struct mp_scripting mp_scripting_lua = { .name = "lua script", .file_ext = "lua", .load = load_lua, };