-- This script uses the lavfi idet filter to automatically insert the -- appropriate deinterlacing filter based on a short section of the -- currently playing video. -- -- It registers the key-binding ctrl+d, which when pressed, inserts the filters -- ``vf=lavfi=idet,pullup,vf=lavfi=idet``. After 4 seconds, it removes these -- filters and decides whether the content is progressive, interlaced, or -- telecined and the interlacing field dominance. -- -- Based on this information, it may set mpv's ``deinterlace`` property (which -- usually inserts the yadif filter), or insert the ``pullup`` filter if the -- content is telecined. It also sets mpv's ``field-dominance`` property. -- -- OPTIONS: -- The default detection time may be overridden by adding -- -- --script-opts=autodeint.detect_seconds=<number of seconds> -- -- to mpv's arguments. This may be desirable to allow idet more -- time to collect data. -- -- To see counts of the various types of frames for each detection phase, -- the verbosity can be increased with -- -- --msg-level autodeint=v -- -- This script requires a recent version of ffmpeg for which the idet -- filter adds the required metadata. require "mp.msg" script_name = mp.get_script_name() detect_label = string.format("%s-detect", script_name) pullup_label = string.format("%s", script_name) ivtc_detect_label = string.format("%s-ivtc-detect", script_name) -- number of seconds to gather cropdetect data detect_seconds = tonumber(mp.get_opt(string.format("%s.detect_seconds", script_name))) if not detect_seconds then detect_seconds = 4 end function del_filter_if_present(label) -- necessary because mp.command('vf del @label:filter') raises an -- error if the filter doesn't exist local vfs = mp.get_property_native("vf") for i,vf in pairs(vfs) do if vf["label"] == label then table.remove(vfs, i) mp.set_property_native("vf", vfs) return true end end return false end function start_detect() -- exit if detection is already in progress if timer then mp.msg.warn("already detecting!") return end mp.set_property("deinterlace","no") del_filter_if_present(pullup_label) -- insert the detection filter local cmd = string.format('vf add @%s:lavfi=graph="idet",@%s:pullup,@%s:lavfi=graph="idet"', detect_label, pullup_label, ivtc_detect_label) if not mp.command(cmd) then mp.msg.error("failed to insert detection filters") return end -- wait to gather data timer = mp.add_timeout(detect_seconds, select_filter) end function stop_detect() del_filter_if_present(detect_label) del_filter_if_present(ivtc_detect_label) timer = nil end progressive, interlaced_tff, interlaced_bff, interlaced = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 function judge(label) -- get the metadata local result = mp.get_property_native(string.format("vf-metadata/%s", label)) num_tff = tonumber(result["lavfi.idet.multiple.tff"]) num_bff = tonumber(result["lavfi.idet.multiple.bff"]) num_progressive = tonumber(result["lavfi.idet.multiple.progressive"]) num_undetermined = tonumber(result["lavfi.idet.multiple.undetermined"]) num_interlaced = num_tff + num_bff num_determined = num_interlaced + num_progressive mp.msg.verbose(label.." progressive = "..num_progressive) mp.msg.verbose(label.." interlaced-tff = "..num_tff) mp.msg.verbose(label.." interlaced-bff = "..num_bff) mp.msg.verbose(label.." undetermined = "..num_undetermined) if num_determined < num_undetermined then mp.msg.warn("majority undetermined frames") end if num_progressive > 20*num_interlaced then return progressive elseif num_tff > 10*num_bff then return interlaced_tff elseif num_bff > 10*num_tff then return interlaced_bff else return interlaced end end function select_filter() -- handle the first detection filter results verdict = judge(detect_label) if verdict == progressive then mp.msg.info("progressive: doing nothing") stop_detect() return elseif verdict == interlaced_tff then mp.set_property("field-dominance", "top") elseif verdict == interlaced_bff then mp.set_property("field-dominance", "bottom") elseif verdict == interlaced then mp.set_property("field-dominance", "auto") end -- handle the ivtc detection filter results verdict = judge(ivtc_detect_label) if verdict == progressive then mp.msg.info(string.format("telecinied with %s field dominance: using pullup", mp.get_property("field-dominance"))) stop_detect() else mp.msg.info(string.format("interlaced with %s field dominance: setting deinterlace property", mp.get_property("field-dominance"))) del_filter_if_present(pullup_label) mp.set_property("deinterlace","yes") stop_detect() end end mp.add_key_binding("ctrl+d", script_name, start_detect)