ON SCREEN CONTROLLER ==================== The On Screen Controller (short: OSC) is a minimal GUI integrated with mpv to offer basic mouse-controllability. It is intended to make interaction easier for new users and to enable precise and direct seeking. The OSC is enabled by default if mpv was compiled with Lua support. It can be disabled entirely using the ``--osc=no`` option. Using the OSC ------------- By default, the OSC will show up whenever the mouse is moved inside the player window and will hide if the mouse is not moved outside the OSC for 0.5 seconds or if the mouse leaves the window. The Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: +---------+----------+------------------------------------------+----------+ | pl prev | pl next | title | cache | +------+--+---+------+---------+-----------+------+-------+-----+-----+----+ | play | skip | skip | time | seekbar | time | audio | sub | vol | fs | | | back | frwd | elapsed | | left | | | | | +------+------+------+---------+-----------+------+-------+-----+-----+----+ pl prev ============= ================================================ left-click play previous file in playlist right-click show playlist shift+L-click show playlist ============= ================================================ pl next ============= ================================================ left-click play next file in playlist right-click show playlist shift+L-click show playlist ============= ================================================ title | Displays current media-title, filename, custom title, or target chapter name while hovering the seekbar. ============= ================================================ left-click show playlist position and length and full title right-click show filename ============= ================================================ cache | Shows current cache fill status play ============= ================================================ left-click toggle play/pause ============= ================================================ skip back ============= ================================================ left-click go to beginning of chapter / previous chapter right-click show chapters shift+L-click show chapters ============= ================================================ skip frwd ============= ================================================ left-click go to next chapter right-click show chapters shift+L-click show chapters ============= ================================================ time elapsed | Shows current playback position timestamp ============= ================================================ left-click toggle displaying timecodes with milliseconds ============= ================================================ seekbar | Indicates current playback position and position of chapters ============= ================================================ left-click seek to position mouse wheel seek forward/backward ============= ================================================ time left | Shows remaining playback time timestamp ============= ================================================ left-click toggle between total and remaining time ============= ================================================ audio and sub | Displays selected track and amount of available tracks ============= ================================================ left-click cycle audio/sub tracks forward right-click cycle audio/sub tracks backwards shift+L-click show available audio/sub tracks mouse wheel cycle audio/sub tracks forward/backwards ============= ================================================ vol ============= ================================================ left-click toggle mute mouse wheel volume up/down ============= ================================================ fs ============= ================================================ left-click toggle fullscreen ============= ================================================ Key Bindings ~~~~~~~~~~~~ These key bindings are active by default if nothing else is already bound to these keys. In case of collision, the function needs to be bound to a different key. See the `Script Commands`_ section. ============= ================================================ del Cycles visibility between never / auto (mouse-move) / always ============= ================================================ Configuration ------------- The OSC offers limited configuration through a config file ``script-opts/osc.conf`` placed in mpv's user dir and through the ``--script-opts`` command-line option. Options provided through the command-line will override those from the config file. Config Syntax ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The config file must exactly follow the following syntax:: # this is a comment optionA=value1 optionB=value2 ``#`` can only be used at the beginning of a line and there may be no spaces around the ``=`` or anywhere else. Command-line Syntax ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To avoid collisions with other scripts, all options need to be prefixed with ``osc-``. Example:: --script-opts=osc-optionA=value1,osc-optionB=value2 Configurable Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``layout`` Default: bottombar The layout for the OSC. Currently available are: box, slimbox, bottombar and topbar. Default pre-0.21.0 was 'box'. ``seekbarstyle`` Default: bar Sets the style of the playback position marker and overall shape of the seekbar: ``bar``, ``diamond`` or ``knob``. ``seekbarhandlesize`` Default: 0.6 Size ratio of the seek handle if ``seekbarstyle`` is set to ``diamond`` or ``knob``. This is relative to the full height of the seekbar. ``seekbarkeyframes`` Default: yes Controls the mode used to seek when dragging the seekbar. If set to ``yes``, default seeking mode is used (usually keyframes, but player defaults and heuristics can change it to exact). If set to ``no``, exact seeking on mouse drags will be used instead. Keyframes are preferred, but exact seeks may be useful in cases where keyframes cannot be found. Note that using exact seeks can potentially make mouse dragging much slower. ``seekrangestyle`` Default: inverted Display seekable ranges on the seekbar. ``bar`` shows them on the full height of the bar, ``line`` as a thick line and ``inverted`` as a thin line that is inverted over playback position markers. ``none`` will hide them. Additionally, ``slider`` will show a permanent handle inside the seekbar with cached ranges marked inside. Note that these will look differently based on the seekbarstyle option. Also, ``slider`` does not work with ``seekbarstyle`` set to ``bar``. ``seekrangeseparate`` Default: yes Controls whether to show line-style seekable ranges on top of the seekbar or separately if ``seekbarstyle`` is set to ``bar``. ``seekrangealpha`` Default: 200 Alpha of the seekable ranges, 0 (opaque) to 255 (fully transparent). ``deadzonesize`` Default: 0.5 Size of the deadzone. The deadzone is an area that makes the mouse act like leaving the window. Movement there won't make the OSC show up and it will hide immediately if the mouse enters it. The deadzone starts at the window border opposite to the OSC and the size controls how much of the window it will span. Values between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0 means the OSC will always popup with mouse movement in the window, and 1 means the OSC will only show up when the mouse hovers it. Default pre-0.21.0 was 0. ``minmousemove`` Default: 0 Minimum amount of pixels the mouse has to move between ticks to make the OSC show up. Default pre-0.21.0 was 3. ``showwindowed`` Default: yes Enable the OSC when windowed ``showfullscreen`` Default: yes Enable the OSC when fullscreen ``idlescreen`` Default: yes Show the mpv logo and message when idle ``scalewindowed`` Default: 1.0 Scale factor of the OSC when windowed. ``scalefullscreen`` Default: 1.0 Scale factor of the OSC when fullscreen ``scaleforcedwindow`` Default: 2.0 Scale factor of the OSC when rendered on a forced (dummy) window ``vidscale`` Default: yes Scale the OSC with the video ``no`` tries to keep the OSC size constant as much as the window size allows ``valign`` Default: 0.8 Vertical alignment, -1 (top) to 1 (bottom) ``halign`` Default: 0.0 Horizontal alignment, -1 (left) to 1 (right) ``barmargin`` Default: 0 Margin from bottom (bottombar) or top (topbar), in pixels ``boxalpha`` Default: 80 Alpha of the background box, 0 (opaque) to 255 (fully transparent) ``hidetimeout`` Default: 500 Duration in ms until the OSC hides if no mouse movement, must not be negative ``fadeduration`` Default: 200 Duration of fade out in ms, 0 = no fade ``title`` Default: ${media-title} String that supports property expansion that will be displayed as OSC title. ASS tags are escaped, and newlines and trailing slashes are stripped. ``tooltipborder`` Default: 1 Size of the tooltip outline when using bottombar or topbar layouts ``timetotal`` Default: no Show total time instead of time remaining ``remaining_playtime`` Default: yes Whether the time-remaining display takes speed into account. ``yes`` - how much playback time remains at the current speed. ``no`` - how much video-time remains. ``timems`` Default: no Display timecodes with milliseconds ``tcspace`` Default: 100 (allowed: 50-200) Adjust space reserved for timecodes (current time and time remaining) in the ``bottombar`` and ``topbar`` layouts. The timecode width depends on the font, and with some fonts the spacing near the timecodes becomes too small. Use values above 100 to increase that spacing, or below 100 to decrease it. ``visibility`` Default: auto (auto hide/show on mouse move) Also supports ``never`` and ``always`` ``boxmaxchars`` Default: 80 Max chars for the osc title at the box layout. mpv does not measure the text width on screen and so it needs to limit it by number of chars. The default is conservative to allow wide fonts to be used without overflow. However, with many common fonts a bigger number can be used. YMMV. ``boxvideo`` Default: no Whether to overlay the osc over the video (``no``), or to box the video within the areas not covered by the osc (``yes``). If this option is set, the osc may overwrite the ``--video-margin-ratio-*`` options, even if the user has set them. (It will not overwrite them if all of them are set to default values.) Additionally, ``visibility`` must be set to ``always``. Otherwise, this option does nothing. Currently, this is supported for the ``bottombar`` and ``topbar`` layout only. The other layouts do not change if this option is set. Separately, if window controls are present (see below), they will be affected regardless of which osc layout is in use. The border is static and appears even if the OSC is configured to appear only on mouse interaction. If the OSC is invisible, the border is simply filled with the background color (black by default). This currently still makes the OSC overlap with subtitles (if the ``--sub-use-margins`` option is set to ``yes``, the default). This may be fixed later. This does not work correctly with video outputs like ``--vo=xv``, which render OSD into the unscaled video. ``windowcontrols`` Default: auto (Show window controls if there is no window border) Whether to show window management controls over the video, and if so, which side of the window to place them. This may be desirable when the window has no decorations, either because they have been explicitly disabled (``border=no``) or because the current platform doesn't support them (eg: gnome-shell with wayland). The set of window controls is fixed, offering ``minimize``, ``maximize``, and ``quit``. Not all platforms implement ``minimize`` and ``maximize``, but ``quit`` will always work. ``windowcontrols_alignment`` Default: right If window controls are shown, indicates which side should they be aligned to. Supports ``left`` and ``right`` which will place the controls on those respective sides. ``livemarkers`` Default: yes Update chapter markers positions on duration changes, e.g. live streams. The updates are unoptimized - consider disabling it on very low-end systems. ``chapters_osd``, ``playlist_osd`` Default: yes Whether to display the chapters/playlist at the OSD when left-clicking the next/previous OSC buttons, respectively. ``chapter_fmt`` Default: ``Chapter: %s`` Template for the chapter-name display when hovering the seekbar. Use ``no`` to disable chapter display on hover. Otherwise it's a lua ``string.format`` template and ``%s`` is replaced with the actual name. ``unicodeminus`` Default: no Use a Unicode minus sign instead of an ASCII hyphen when displaying the remaining playback time. Script Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The OSC script listens to certain script commands. These commands can bound in ``input.conf``, or sent by other scripts. ``osc-message`` Show a message on screen using the OSC. First argument is the message, second the duration in seconds. ``osc-visibility`` Controls visibility mode ``never`` / ``auto`` (on mouse move) / ``always`` and also ``cycle`` to cycle between the modes Example You could put this into ``input.conf`` to hide the OSC with the ``a`` key and to set auto mode (the default) with ``b``:: a script-message osc-visibility never b script-message osc-visibility auto ``osc-idlescreen`` Controls the visibility of the mpv logo on idle. Valid arguments are ``yes``, ``no``, and ``cycle`` to toggle between yes and no. ``osc-playlist``, ``osc-chapterlist``, ``osc-tracklist`` Shows a limited view of the respective type of list using the OSC. First argument is duration in seconds.