--[[ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2020 Seth Warn Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] -- The lua implementation of the fzy string matching algorithm local SCORE_GAP_LEADING = -0.005 local SCORE_GAP_TRAILING = -0.005 local SCORE_GAP_INNER = -0.01 local SCORE_MATCH_CONSECUTIVE = 1.0 local SCORE_MATCH_SLASH = 0.9 local SCORE_MATCH_WORD = 0.8 local SCORE_MATCH_CAPITAL = 0.7 local SCORE_MATCH_DOT = 0.6 local SCORE_MAX = math.huge local SCORE_MIN = -math.huge local MATCH_MAX_LENGTH = 1024 local fzy = {} -- Check if `needle` is a subsequence of the `haystack`. -- -- Usually called before `score` or `positions`. -- -- Args: -- needle (string) -- haystack (string) -- case_sensitive (bool, optional): defaults to false -- -- Returns: -- bool function fzy.has_match(needle, haystack, case_sensitive) if not case_sensitive then needle = string.lower(needle) haystack = string.lower(haystack) end local j = 1 for i = 1, string.len(needle) do j = string.find(haystack, needle:sub(i, i), j, true) if not j then return false else j = j + 1 end end return true end local function is_lower(c) return c:match("%l") end local function is_upper(c) return c:match("%u") end local function precompute_bonus(haystack) local match_bonus = {} local last_char = "/" for i = 1, string.len(haystack) do local this_char = haystack:sub(i, i) if last_char == "/" or last_char == "\\" then match_bonus[i] = SCORE_MATCH_SLASH elseif last_char == "-" or last_char == "_" or last_char == " " then match_bonus[i] = SCORE_MATCH_WORD elseif last_char == "." then match_bonus[i] = SCORE_MATCH_DOT elseif is_lower(last_char) and is_upper(this_char) then match_bonus[i] = SCORE_MATCH_CAPITAL else match_bonus[i] = 0 end last_char = this_char end return match_bonus end local function compute(needle, haystack, D, M, case_sensitive) -- Note that the match bonuses must be computed before the arguments are -- converted to lowercase, since there are bonuses for camelCase. local match_bonus = precompute_bonus(haystack) local n = string.len(needle) local m = string.len(haystack) if not case_sensitive then needle = string.lower(needle) haystack = string.lower(haystack) end -- Because lua only grants access to chars through substring extraction, -- get all the characters from the haystack once now, to reuse below. local haystack_chars = {} for i = 1, m do haystack_chars[i] = haystack:sub(i, i) end for i = 1, n do D[i] = {} M[i] = {} local prev_score = SCORE_MIN local gap_score = i == n and SCORE_GAP_TRAILING or SCORE_GAP_INNER local needle_char = needle:sub(i, i) for j = 1, m do if needle_char == haystack_chars[j] then local score = SCORE_MIN if i == 1 then score = ((j - 1) * SCORE_GAP_LEADING) + match_bonus[j] elseif j > 1 then local a = M[i - 1][j - 1] + match_bonus[j] local b = D[i - 1][j - 1] + SCORE_MATCH_CONSECUTIVE score = math.max(a, b) end D[i][j] = score prev_score = math.max(score, prev_score + gap_score) M[i][j] = prev_score else D[i][j] = SCORE_MIN prev_score = prev_score + gap_score M[i][j] = prev_score end end end end -- Compute a matching score. -- -- Args: -- needle (string): must be a subequence of `haystack`, or the result is -- undefined. -- haystack (string) -- case_sensitive (bool, optional): defaults to false -- -- Returns: -- number: higher scores indicate better matches. See also `get_score_min` -- and `get_score_max`. function fzy.score(needle, haystack, case_sensitive) local n = string.len(needle) local m = string.len(haystack) if n == 0 or m == 0 or m > MATCH_MAX_LENGTH or n > m then return SCORE_MIN elseif n == m then return SCORE_MAX else local D = {} local M = {} compute(needle, haystack, D, M, case_sensitive) return M[n][m] end end -- Compute the locations where fzy matches a string. -- -- Determine where each character of the `needle` is matched to the `haystack` -- in the optimal match. -- -- Args: -- needle (string): must be a subequence of `haystack`, or the result is -- undefined. -- haystack (string) -- case_sensitive (bool, optional): defaults to false -- -- Returns: -- {int,...}: indices, where `indices[n]` is the location of the `n`th -- character of `needle` in `haystack`. -- number: the same matching score returned by `score` function fzy.positions(needle, haystack, case_sensitive) local n = string.len(needle) local m = string.len(haystack) if n == 0 or m == 0 or m > MATCH_MAX_LENGTH or n > m then return {}, SCORE_MIN elseif n == m then local consecutive = {} for i = 1, n do consecutive[i] = i end return consecutive, SCORE_MAX end local D = {} local M = {} compute(needle, haystack, D, M, case_sensitive) local positions = {} local match_required = false local j = m for i = n, 1, -1 do while j >= 1 do if D[i][j] ~= SCORE_MIN and (match_required or D[i][j] == M[i][j]) then match_required = (i ~= 1) and (j ~= 1) and ( M[i][j] == D[i - 1][j - 1] + SCORE_MATCH_CONSECUTIVE) positions[i] = j j = j - 1 break else j = j - 1 end end end return positions, M[n][m] end -- Apply `has_match` and `positions` to an array of haystacks. -- -- Args: -- needle (string) -- haystack ({string, ...}) -- case_sensitive (bool, optional): defaults to false -- -- Returns: -- {{idx, positions, score}, ...}: an array with one entry per matching line -- in `haystacks`, each entry giving the index of the line in `haystacks` -- as well as the equivalent to the return value of `positions` for that -- line. function fzy.filter(needle, haystacks, case_sensitive) local result = {} for i, line in ipairs(haystacks) do if fzy.has_match(needle, line, case_sensitive) then local p, s = fzy.positions(needle, line, case_sensitive) table.insert(result, {i, p, s}) end end return result end -- The lowest value returned by `score`. -- -- In two special cases: -- - an empty `needle`, or -- - a `needle` or `haystack` larger than than `get_max_length`, -- the `score` function will return this exact value, which can be used as a -- sentinel. This is the lowest possible score. function fzy.get_score_min() return SCORE_MIN end -- The score returned for exact matches. This is the highest possible score. function fzy.get_score_max() return SCORE_MAX end -- The maximum size for which `fzy` will evaluate scores. function fzy.get_max_length() return MATCH_MAX_LENGTH end -- The minimum score returned for normal matches. -- -- For matches that don't return `get_score_min`, their score will be greater -- than than this value. function fzy.get_score_floor() return MATCH_MAX_LENGTH * SCORE_GAP_INNER end -- The maximum score for non-exact matches. -- -- For matches that don't return `get_score_max`, their score will be less than -- this value. function fzy.get_score_ceiling() return MATCH_MAX_LENGTH * SCORE_MATCH_CONSECUTIVE end -- The name of the currently-running implmenetation, "lua" or "native". function fzy.get_implementation_name() return "lua" end return fzy