/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see . */ import Cocoa class AppHub: NSObject { @objc static let shared = AppHub() var mpv: OpaquePointer? var input: InputHelper var log: LogHelper var option: OptionHelper? var event: EventHelper? var menu: MenuBar? #if HAVE_MACOS_MEDIA_PLAYER var remote: RemoteCommandCenter? #endif #if HAVE_MACOS_TOUCHBAR var touchBar: TouchBar? #endif #if HAVE_MACOS_COCOA_CB var cocoaCb: CocoaCB? #endif let MPV_PROTOCOL: String = "mpv://" var isApplication: Bool { get { NSApp is Application } } private override init() { input = InputHelper() log = LogHelper() super.init() if isApplication { menu = MenuBar(self) } #if HAVE_MACOS_MEDIA_PLAYER remote = RemoteCommandCenter(self) #endif } @objc func initMpv(_ mpv: OpaquePointer) { event = EventHelper(self, mpv) if let mpv = event?.mpv { self.mpv = mpv log.log = mp_log_new(UnsafeMutablePointer(mpv), mp_client_get_log(mpv), "app") option = OptionHelper(UnsafeMutablePointer(mpv), mp_client_get_global(mpv)) input.option = option } #if HAVE_MACOS_MEDIA_PLAYER remote?.registerEvents() #endif #if HAVE_MACOS_TOUCHBAR touchBar = TouchBar(self) #endif } @objc func initInput(_ input: OpaquePointer?) { self.input.signal(input: input) } @objc func initCocoaCb() { #if HAVE_MACOS_COCOA_CB if !isApplication { return } DispatchQueue.main.sync { self.cocoaCb = self.cocoaCb ?? CocoaCB(mpv_create_client(mpv, "cocoacb")) } #endif } @objc func startRemote() { #if HAVE_MACOS_MEDIA_PLAYER remote?.start() #endif } @objc func stopRemote() { #if HAVE_MACOS_MEDIA_PLAYER remote?.stop() #endif } func open(urls: [URL]) { let files = urls.map { if $0.isFileURL { return $0.path } var path = $0.absoluteString if path.hasPrefix(MPV_PROTOCOL) { path.removeFirst(MPV_PROTOCOL.count) } return path.removingPercentEncoding ?? path }.sorted { (strL: String, strR: String) -> Bool in return strL.localizedStandardCompare(strR) == .orderedAscending } input.open(files: files) } func getIcon() -> NSImage { guard let iconData = app_bridge_icon(), let icon = NSImage(data: iconData) else { return NSImage(size: NSSize(width: 1, height: 1)) } return icon } func getMacConf() -> UnsafePointer? { return app_bridge_mac_conf() } func getVoConf() -> UnsafePointer? { return app_bridge_vo_conf() } }