#include <pthread.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "common.h" #include "global.h" #include "misc/linked_list.h" #include "misc/node.h" #include "msg.h" #include "options/m_option.h" #include "osdep/atomic.h" #include "osdep/timer.h" #include "stats.h" struct stats_base { struct mpv_global *global; atomic_bool active; pthread_mutex_t lock; struct { struct stats_ctx *head, *tail; } list; struct stat_entry **entries; int num_entries; int64_t last_time; }; struct stats_ctx { struct stats_base *base; const char *prefix; struct { struct stats_ctx *prev, *next; } list; struct stat_entry **entries; int num_entries; }; enum val_type { VAL_UNSET = 0, VAL_STATIC, VAL_STATIC_SIZE, VAL_INC, VAL_TIME, VAL_THREAD_CPU_TIME, }; struct stat_entry { char name[32]; const char *full_name; // including stats_ctx.prefix enum val_type type; double val_d; int64_t val_rt; int64_t val_th; int64_t time_start_us; int64_t cpu_start_ns; pthread_t thread; }; #define IS_ACTIVE(ctx) \ (atomic_load_explicit(&(ctx)->base->active, memory_order_relaxed)) // Overflows only after I'm dead. static int64_t get_thread_cpu_time_ns(pthread_t thread) { #if defined(_POSIX_TIMERS) && _POSIX_TIMERS > 0 && defined(_POSIX_THREAD_CPUTIME) && \ !HAVE_WIN32_INTERNAL_PTHREADS clockid_t id; struct timespec tv; if (pthread_getcpuclockid(thread, &id) == 0 && clock_gettime(id, &tv) == 0) { return tv.tv_sec * (1000LL * 1000LL * 1000LL) + tv.tv_nsec; } #endif return 0; } static void stats_destroy(void *p) { struct stats_base *stats = p; // All entries must have been destroyed before this. assert(!stats->list.head); pthread_mutex_destroy(&stats->lock); } void stats_global_init(struct mpv_global *global) { assert(!global->stats); struct stats_base *stats = talloc_zero(global, struct stats_base); ta_set_destructor(stats, stats_destroy); pthread_mutex_init(&stats->lock, NULL); global->stats = stats; stats->global = global; } static void add_stat(struct mpv_node *list, struct stat_entry *e, const char *suffix, double num_val, char *text) { struct mpv_node *ne = node_array_add(list, MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP); node_map_add_string(ne, "name", suffix ? mp_tprintf(80, "%s/%s", e->full_name, suffix) : e->full_name); node_map_add_double(ne, "value", num_val); if (text) node_map_add_string(ne, "text", text); } static int cmp_entry(const void *p1, const void *p2) { struct stat_entry **e1 = (void *)p1; struct stat_entry **e2 = (void *)p2; return strcmp((*e1)->full_name, (*e2)->full_name); } void stats_global_query(struct mpv_global *global, struct mpv_node *out) { struct stats_base *stats = global->stats; assert(stats); pthread_mutex_lock(&stats->lock); atomic_store(&stats->active, true); if (!stats->num_entries) { for (struct stats_ctx *ctx = stats->list.head; ctx; ctx = ctx->list.next) { for (int n = 0; n < ctx->num_entries; n++) { MP_TARRAY_APPEND(stats, stats->entries, stats->num_entries, ctx->entries[n]); } } if (stats->num_entries) { qsort(stats->entries, stats->num_entries, sizeof(stats->entries[0]), cmp_entry); } } node_init(out, MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY, NULL); int64_t now = mp_time_us(); if (stats->last_time) { double t_ms = (now - stats->last_time) / 1e3; struct mpv_node *ne = node_array_add(out, MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP); node_map_add_string(ne, "name", "poll-time"); node_map_add_double(ne, "value", t_ms); node_map_add_string(ne, "text", mp_tprintf(80, "%.2f ms", t_ms)); // Very dirty way to reset everything if the stats.lua page was probably // closed. Not enough energy left for clean solution. Fuck it. if (t_ms > 2000) { for (int n = 0; n < stats->num_entries; n++) { struct stat_entry *e = stats->entries[n]; e->cpu_start_ns = 0; e->val_rt = e->val_th = 0; if (e->type != VAL_THREAD_CPU_TIME) e->type = 0; } } } stats->last_time = now; for (int n = 0; n < stats->num_entries; n++) { struct stat_entry *e = stats->entries[n]; switch (e->type) { case VAL_STATIC: add_stat(out, e, NULL, e->val_d, NULL); break; case VAL_STATIC_SIZE: { char *s = format_file_size(e->val_d); add_stat(out, e, NULL, e->val_d, s); talloc_free(s); break; } case VAL_INC: add_stat(out, e, NULL, e->val_d, NULL); e->val_d = 0; break; case VAL_TIME: { double t_cpu = e->val_th / 1e6; add_stat(out, e, "cpu", t_cpu, mp_tprintf(80, "%.2f ms", t_cpu)); double t_rt = e->val_rt / 1e3; add_stat(out, e, "time", t_rt, mp_tprintf(80, "%.2f ms", t_rt)); e->val_rt = e->val_th = 0; break; } case VAL_THREAD_CPU_TIME: { int64_t t = get_thread_cpu_time_ns(e->thread); if (!e->cpu_start_ns) e->cpu_start_ns = t; double t_msec = (t - e->cpu_start_ns) / 1e6; add_stat(out, e, NULL, t_msec, mp_tprintf(80, "%.2f ms", t_msec)); e->cpu_start_ns = t; break; } default: ; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&stats->lock); } static void stats_ctx_destroy(void *p) { struct stats_ctx *ctx = p; pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->base->lock); LL_REMOVE(list, &ctx->base->list, ctx); ctx->base->num_entries = 0; // invalidate pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->base->lock); } struct stats_ctx *stats_ctx_create(void *ta_parent, struct mpv_global *global, const char *prefix) { struct stats_base *base = global->stats; assert(base); struct stats_ctx *ctx = talloc_zero(ta_parent, struct stats_ctx); ctx->base = base; ctx->prefix = talloc_strdup(ctx, prefix); ta_set_destructor(ctx, stats_ctx_destroy); pthread_mutex_lock(&base->lock); LL_APPEND(list, &base->list, ctx); base->num_entries = 0; // invalidate pthread_mutex_unlock(&base->lock); return ctx; } static struct stat_entry *find_entry(struct stats_ctx *ctx, const char *name) { for (int n = 0; n < ctx->num_entries; n++) { if (strcmp(ctx->entries[n]->name, name) == 0) return ctx->entries[n]; } struct stat_entry *e = talloc_zero(ctx, struct stat_entry); snprintf(e->name, sizeof(e->name), "%s", name); assert(strcmp(e->name, name) == 0); // make e->name larger and don't complain e->full_name = talloc_asprintf(e, "%s/%s", ctx->prefix, e->name); MP_TARRAY_APPEND(ctx, ctx->entries, ctx->num_entries, e); ctx->base->num_entries = 0; // invalidate return e; } static void static_value(struct stats_ctx *ctx, const char *name, double val, enum val_type type) { if (!IS_ACTIVE(ctx)) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->base->lock); struct stat_entry *e = find_entry(ctx, name); e->val_d = val; e->type = type; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->base->lock); } void stats_value(struct stats_ctx *ctx, const char *name, double val) { static_value(ctx, name, val, VAL_STATIC); } void stats_size_value(struct stats_ctx *ctx, const char *name, double val) { static_value(ctx, name, val, VAL_STATIC_SIZE); } void stats_time_start(struct stats_ctx *ctx, const char *name) { MP_STATS(ctx->base->global, "start %s", name); if (!IS_ACTIVE(ctx)) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->base->lock); struct stat_entry *e = find_entry(ctx, name); e->cpu_start_ns = get_thread_cpu_time_ns(pthread_self()); e->time_start_us = mp_time_us(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->base->lock); } void stats_time_end(struct stats_ctx *ctx, const char *name) { MP_STATS(ctx->base->global, "end %s", name); if (!IS_ACTIVE(ctx)) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->base->lock); struct stat_entry *e = find_entry(ctx, name); if (e->time_start_us) { e->type = VAL_TIME; e->val_rt += mp_time_us() - e->time_start_us; e->val_th += get_thread_cpu_time_ns(pthread_self()) - e->cpu_start_ns; e->time_start_us = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->base->lock); } void stats_event(struct stats_ctx *ctx, const char *name) { if (!IS_ACTIVE(ctx)) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->base->lock); struct stat_entry *e = find_entry(ctx, name); e->val_d += 1; e->type = VAL_INC; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->base->lock); } static void register_thread(struct stats_ctx *ctx, const char *name, enum val_type type) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->base->lock); struct stat_entry *e = find_entry(ctx, name); e->type = type; e->thread = pthread_self(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->base->lock); } void stats_register_thread_cputime(struct stats_ctx *ctx, const char *name) { register_thread(ctx, name, VAL_THREAD_CPU_TIME); } void stats_unregister_thread(struct stats_ctx *ctx, const char *name) { register_thread(ctx, name, 0); }