/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stddef.h> #include "misc/bstr.h" #include "common/common.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "options/m_option.h" #include "cmd_parse.h" #include "cmd_list.h" #include "input.h" #include "libmpv/client.h" static void destroy_cmd(void *ptr) { struct mp_cmd *cmd = ptr; for (int n = 0; n < cmd->nargs; n++) m_option_free(cmd->args[n].type, &cmd->args[n].v); } struct flag { const char *name; unsigned int remove, add; }; static const struct flag cmd_flags[] = { {"no-osd", MP_ON_OSD_FLAGS, MP_ON_OSD_NO}, {"osd-bar", MP_ON_OSD_FLAGS, MP_ON_OSD_BAR}, {"osd-msg", MP_ON_OSD_FLAGS, MP_ON_OSD_MSG}, {"osd-msg-bar", MP_ON_OSD_FLAGS, MP_ON_OSD_MSG | MP_ON_OSD_BAR}, {"osd-auto", MP_ON_OSD_FLAGS, MP_ON_OSD_AUTO}, {"expand-properties", 0, MP_EXPAND_PROPERTIES}, {"raw", MP_EXPAND_PROPERTIES, 0}, {"repeatable", 0, MP_ALLOW_REPEAT}, {"async", 0, MP_ASYNC_CMD}, {0} }; static bool apply_flag(struct mp_cmd *cmd, bstr str) { for (int n = 0; cmd_flags[n].name; n++) { if (bstr_equals0(str, cmd_flags[n].name)) { cmd->flags = (cmd->flags & ~cmd_flags[n].remove) | cmd_flags[n].add; return true; } } return false; } static bool find_cmd(struct mp_log *log, struct mp_cmd *cmd, bstr name) { if (name.len == 0) { mp_err(log, "Command name missing.\n"); return false; } char nname[80]; snprintf(nname, sizeof(nname), "%.*s", BSTR_P(name)); for (int n = 0; nname[n]; n++) { if (nname[n] == '_') nname[n] = '-'; } for (int n = 0; mp_cmds[n].name; n++) { if (strcmp(nname, mp_cmds[n].name) == 0) { cmd->def = &mp_cmds[n]; cmd->name = (char *)cmd->def->name; cmd->id = cmd->def->id; return true; } } mp_err(log, "Command '%.*s' not found.\n", BSTR_P(name)); return false; } static bool is_vararg(const struct mp_cmd_def *m, int i) { return m->vararg && (i + 1 >= MP_CMD_MAX_ARGS || !m->args[i + 1].type); } static const struct m_option *get_arg_type(const struct mp_cmd_def *cmd, int i) { if (i >= MP_CMD_MAX_ARGS) return NULL; const struct m_option *opt = &cmd->args[i]; if (!opt->type && is_vararg(cmd, i)) { // The last arg in a vararg command sets all vararg types. for (int n = i; n >= 0; n--) { if (cmd->args[n].type) { opt = &cmd->args[n]; break; } } } return opt->type ? opt : NULL; } // Set correct arg count, and fill in missing optional args. static bool finish_cmd(struct mp_log *log, struct mp_cmd *cmd) { cmd->nargs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MP_CMD_MAX_ARGS; i++) { if (!cmd->args[i].type) { const struct m_option *opt = get_arg_type(cmd->def, i); if (!opt || is_vararg(cmd->def, i)) break; if (!opt->defval && !(opt->flags & MP_CMD_OPT_ARG)) { mp_err(log, "Command %s: more than %d arguments required.\n", cmd->name, cmd->nargs); return false; } cmd->args[i].type = opt; if (opt->defval) m_option_copy(opt, &cmd->args[i].v, opt->defval); } if (cmd->args[i].type) cmd->nargs = i + 1; } return true; } struct mp_cmd *mp_input_parse_cmd_node(struct mp_log *log, mpv_node *node) { struct mp_cmd *cmd = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, cmd); talloc_set_destructor(cmd, destroy_cmd); *cmd = (struct mp_cmd) { .scale = 1, .scale_units = 1 }; if (node->format != MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY) goto error; mpv_node_list *args = node->u.list; int cur = 0; while (cur < args->num) { if (args->values[cur].format != MPV_FORMAT_STRING) break; if (!apply_flag(cmd, bstr0(args->values[cur].u.string))) break; cur++; } bstr cmd_name = {0}; if (cur < args->num && args->values[cur].format == MPV_FORMAT_STRING) cmd_name = bstr0(args->values[cur++].u.string); if (!find_cmd(log, cmd, cmd_name)) goto error; int first = cur; for (int i = 0; i < args->num - first; i++) { const struct m_option *opt = get_arg_type(cmd->def, i); if (!opt) { mp_err(log, "Command %s: has only %d arguments.\n", cmd->name, i); goto error; } mpv_node *val = &args->values[cur++]; cmd->args[i].type = opt; void *dst = &cmd->args[i].v; if (val->format == MPV_FORMAT_STRING) { int r = m_option_parse(log, opt, bstr0(cmd->name), bstr0(val->u.string), dst); if (r < 0) { mp_err(log, "Command %s: argument %d can't be parsed: %s.\n", cmd->name, i + 1, m_option_strerror(r)); goto error; } } else { int r = m_option_set_node(opt, dst, val); if (r < 0) { mp_err(log, "Command %s: argument %d has incompatible type.\n", cmd->name, i + 1); goto error; } } } if (!finish_cmd(log, cmd)) goto error; return cmd; error: for (int n = 0; n < MP_CMD_MAX_ARGS; n++) { if (cmd->args[n].type) m_option_free(cmd->args[n].type, &cmd->args[n].v); } talloc_free(cmd); return NULL; } static bool read_token(bstr str, bstr *out_rest, bstr *out_token) { bstr t = bstr_lstrip(str); int next = bstrcspn(t, WHITESPACE "#;"); if (!next) return false; *out_token = bstr_splice(t, 0, next); *out_rest = bstr_cut(t, next); return true; } struct parse_ctx { struct mp_log *log; void *tmp; bstr start, str; }; static int pctx_read_token(struct parse_ctx *ctx, bstr *out) { *out = (bstr){0}; ctx->str = bstr_lstrip(ctx->str); bstr start = ctx->str; if (bstr_eatstart0(&ctx->str, "\"")) { if (!mp_append_escaped_string_noalloc(ctx->tmp, out, &ctx->str)) { MP_ERR(ctx, "Broken string escapes: ...>%.*s<.\n", BSTR_P(start)); return -1; } if (!bstr_eatstart0(&ctx->str, "\"")) { MP_ERR(ctx, "Unterminated quotes: ...>%.*s<.\n", BSTR_P(start)); return -1; } return 1; } return read_token(ctx->str, &ctx->str, out) ? 1 : 0; } static struct mp_cmd *parse_cmd_str(struct mp_log *log, void *tmp, bstr *str, const char *loc) { struct parse_ctx *ctx = &(struct parse_ctx){ .log = log, .tmp = tmp, .str = *str, .start = *str, }; struct mp_cmd *cmd = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, cmd); talloc_set_destructor(cmd, destroy_cmd); *cmd = (struct mp_cmd) { .flags = MP_ON_OSD_AUTO | MP_EXPAND_PROPERTIES, .scale = 1, .scale_units = 1, }; ctx->str = bstr_lstrip(ctx->str); bstr old = ctx->str; if (mp_replace_legacy_cmd(ctx->tmp, &ctx->str)) { MP_WARN(ctx, "Warning: command '%.*s' is deprecated, " "replaced with '%.*s' at %s.\n", BSTR_P(old), BSTR_P(ctx->str), loc); ctx->start = ctx->str; } bstr cur_token; if (pctx_read_token(ctx, &cur_token) < 0) goto error; while (1) { if (!apply_flag(cmd, cur_token)) break; if (pctx_read_token(ctx, &cur_token) < 0) goto error; } if (!find_cmd(ctx->log, cmd, cur_token)) goto error; for (int i = 0; i < MP_CMD_MAX_ARGS; i++) { const struct m_option *opt = get_arg_type(cmd->def, i); if (!opt) break; int r = pctx_read_token(ctx, &cur_token); if (r < 0) { MP_ERR(ctx, "Command %s: error in argument %d.\n", cmd->name, i + 1); goto error; } if (r < 1) break; struct mp_cmd_arg *cmdarg = &cmd->args[i]; cmdarg->type = opt; r = m_option_parse(ctx->log, opt, bstr0(cmd->name), cur_token, &cmdarg->v); if (r < 0) { MP_ERR(ctx, "Command %s: argument %d can't be parsed: %s.\n", cmd->name, i + 1, m_option_strerror(r)); goto error; } } if (!finish_cmd(ctx->log, cmd)) goto error; bstr dummy; if (read_token(ctx->str, &dummy, &dummy) && ctx->str.len) { MP_ERR(ctx, "Command %s has trailing unused arguments: '%.*s'.\n", cmd->name, BSTR_P(ctx->str)); // Better make it fatal to make it clear something is wrong. goto error; } bstr orig = {ctx->start.start, ctx->str.start - ctx->start.start}; cmd->original = bstrdup(cmd, bstr_strip(orig)); *str = ctx->str; return cmd; error: MP_ERR(ctx, "Command was defined at %s.\n", loc); talloc_free(cmd); *str = ctx->str; return NULL; } static struct mp_cmd_def list_def = { .id = MP_CMD_COMMAND_LIST, .name = "list", }; mp_cmd_t *mp_input_parse_cmd_(struct mp_log *log, bstr str, const char *loc) { void *tmp = talloc_new(NULL); bstr original = str; struct mp_cmd *cmd = parse_cmd_str(log, tmp, &str, loc); if (!cmd) goto done; // Handle "multi" commands struct mp_cmd **p_prev = NULL; while (1) { str = bstr_lstrip(str); // read_token just to check whether it's trailing whitespace only bstr u1, u2; if (!bstr_eatstart0(&str, ";") || !read_token(str, &u1, &u2)) break; // Multi-command. Since other input.c code uses queue_next for its // own purposes, a pseudo-command is used to wrap the command list. if (!p_prev) { struct mp_cmd *list = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, list); talloc_set_destructor(list, destroy_cmd); *list = (struct mp_cmd) { .id = list_def.id, .name = (char *)list_def.name, .def = &list_def, .original = bstrdup(list, original), }; talloc_steal(list, cmd); list->args[0].v.p = cmd; p_prev = &cmd->queue_next; cmd = list; } struct mp_cmd *sub = parse_cmd_str(log, tmp, &str, loc); if (!sub) { talloc_free(cmd); cmd = NULL; goto done; } talloc_steal(cmd, sub); *p_prev = sub; p_prev = &sub->queue_next; } done: talloc_free(tmp); return cmd; } struct mp_cmd *mp_input_parse_cmd_strv(struct mp_log *log, const char **argv) { mpv_node items[MP_CMD_MAX_ARGS]; mpv_node_list list = {.values = items}; mpv_node node = {.format = MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY, .u = {.list = &list}}; while (argv[list.num]) { if (list.num >= MP_CMD_MAX_ARGS) { mp_err(log, "Too many arguments to command.\n"); return NULL; } char *s = (char *)argv[list.num]; items[list.num++] = (mpv_node){.format = MPV_FORMAT_STRING, .u = {.string = s}}; } return mp_input_parse_cmd_node(log, &node); } void mp_cmd_free(mp_cmd_t *cmd) { talloc_free(cmd); } mp_cmd_t *mp_cmd_clone(mp_cmd_t *cmd) { mp_cmd_t *ret; int i; if (!cmd) return NULL; ret = talloc_memdup(NULL, cmd, sizeof(mp_cmd_t)); talloc_set_destructor(ret, destroy_cmd); ret->name = talloc_strdup(ret, cmd->name); for (i = 0; i < ret->nargs; i++) { memset(&ret->args[i].v, 0, ret->args[i].type->type->size); m_option_copy(ret->args[i].type, &ret->args[i].v, &cmd->args[i].v); } ret->original = bstrdup(ret, cmd->original); ret->key_name = talloc_strdup(ret, ret->key_name); if (cmd->id == MP_CMD_COMMAND_LIST) { struct mp_cmd *prev = NULL; for (struct mp_cmd *sub = cmd->args[0].v.p; sub; sub = sub->queue_next) { sub = mp_cmd_clone(sub); talloc_steal(ret, sub); if (prev) { prev->queue_next = sub; } else { ret->args[0].v.p = sub; } prev = sub; } } return ret; } void mp_cmd_dump(struct mp_log *log, int msgl, char *header, struct mp_cmd *cmd) { if (!mp_msg_test(log, msgl)) return; if (header) mp_msg(log, msgl, "%s ", header); if (!cmd) { mp_msg(log, msgl, "(NULL)\n"); return; } mp_msg(log, msgl, "%s, flags=%d, args=[", cmd->name, cmd->flags); for (int n = 0; n < cmd->nargs; n++) { char *s = m_option_print(cmd->args[n].type, &cmd->args[n].v); if (n) mp_msg(log, msgl, ", "); mp_msg(log, msgl, "%s", s ? s : "(NULL)"); talloc_free(s); } mp_msg(log, msgl, "]\n"); } static int parse_cycle_dir(struct mp_log *log, const struct m_option *opt, struct bstr name, struct bstr param, void *dst) { double val; if (bstrcmp0(param, "up") == 0) { val = +1; } else if (bstrcmp0(param, "down") == 0) { val = -1; } else { return m_option_type_double.parse(log, opt, name, param, dst); } *(double *)dst = val; return 1; } static void copy_opt(const m_option_t *opt, void *dst, const void *src) { if (dst && src) memcpy(dst, src, opt->type->size); } const struct m_option_type m_option_type_cycle_dir = { .name = "up|down", .parse = parse_cycle_dir, .copy = copy_opt, .size = sizeof(double), };