Appendix C - How to report bugs

How to fix bugs

If you feel have the necessary skills you are invited to have a go at fixing the bug yourself. Or maybe you already did that? Please read this short document to find out how to get your code included in MPlayer. The people on the mplayer-dev-eng mailing list will assist you if you have questions.

How to report bugs

First of all please try the latest CVS version of MPlayer as your bug might already be fixed there. CVS instructions can be found at the bottom of this page or in the README. If this did not help please refer to the list of known bugs and the rest of the documentation. If your problem is not known or not solvable by our instructions, then please report the bug.

Please do not send bug reports privately to individual developers. This is community work and thus there might be several people interested in it. Sometimes other users already experienced your troubles and know how to circumvent a problem even if it is a bug in MPlayer code.

Please describe your problem in as much detail as possible. Do a little detective work to narrow down the circumstances under which the problem occurs. Does the bug only show up in certain situations? Is it specific to certain files or file types? Does it occur with only one codec or is it codec independent? Can you reproduce it with all output drivers? The more information you provide the better are our chances at fixing your problem. Please do not forget to also include the valuable information requested below, we will be unable to properly diagnose your problem otherwise.

An excellent and well written guide to asking questions in public forums is How To Ask Questions The Smart Way by Eric S. Raymond. If you follow these guidelines you should be safe. But please understand that we all follow the mailing lists voluntarily in our free time. We are very busy and cannot guarantee that you will get a solution for your problem or even an answer.

Where to report bugs?

Subscribe to the mplayer-users mailing list:
and send your bug report to:

The language of this list is English. Please follow the standard Netiquette Guidelines and do not send HTML mail to any of our mailing lists. You will only get ignored or banned. Also note that we will not individually CC (carbon-copy) people so it is a good idea to subscribe to actually receive your answer.

What to report?

System Information:

Hardware & drivers:

For compilation problems/errors

Please include these files:

For playback problems

Please include the output of MPlayer at verbosity level 1, but remember to not truncate the output when you paste it into your mail. The developers need all of the messages to properly diagnose a problem. You can direct the output into a file like this:

    mplayer -v [options] [filename] &> mplayer.log

If your problem is specific to one or more files, then please upload the offender(s) to:

Also upload a small text file having the same base name as your file with a .txt extension. Describe the problem you are having with the particular file there and include your email address as well as the output of MPlayer at verbosity level 1. Usually the first 1-5 MB of a file are enough to reproduce the problem, but to be sure we ask you to:

    dd if=yourfile of=smallfile bs=1024k count=5

It will take the first five megabytes of 'your-file' and write it to 'small-file'. Then try again on this small file and if the bug still shows up your sample is sufficient for us. Please do not ever send such files via mail! Upload it, and send only the path/filename of the file on the FTP-server. If the file is accessible on the net, then sending the exact URL is sufficient.

For crashes

If you have a core dump of the crash continue reading the next paragraph, otherwise skip it.

How to extract meaningful information from a core dump

Please create following command file:

disass $eip-32 $eip+32
printf "eax=%08lX\n",$eax
printf "ebx=%08lX\n",$ebx
printf "ecx=%08lX\n",$ecx
printf "edx=%08lX\n",$edx
printf "esp=%08lX\n",$esp
printf "ebp=%08lX\n",$ebp
printf "edi=%08lX\n",$edi
printf "esi=%08lX\n",$esi

Then simply execute the following on your command line:

    gdb mplayer --core=core -batch --command=command_file > mplayer.bug

How to conserve information about a reproducible crash

Recompile MPlayer with debugging code enabled:

    ./configure --enable-debug=3

and then run MPlayer within gdb using:

    gdb mplayer

You are now within gdb. Type:

    run -v [options-to-mplayer] filename

and reproduce your crash. As soon as you did it, gdb will return you to the command line prompt where you have to enter

    disass $eip-32 $eip+32

and send the complete output to us.

General note

If something is quite big (logs for instance) then it is better to upload it to the FTP server in a compressed format (gzip and bzip preferred) and include only the path and filename in your bug report.

I know what I am doing...

If you created a proper bug report following the steps above and you are confident it is a bug in MPlayer, not a compiler problem or broken file, you have already read the documentation and you could not find a solution, your sound drivers are OK, then you might want to subscribe to the mplayer-advusers list and send your bug report there to get a better and faster answer.

Please be advised that if you post newbie questions or questions answered in the manual there, you will be ignored or flamed instead of getting an appropriate answer.
So do not flame us and subscribe to -advusers only if you really know what you are doing and feel like being an advanced MPlayer user or developer. If you meet these criteria it should not be difficult to find out how to subscribe...