-- Display some stats. -- -- Please consult the readme for information about usage and configuration: -- https://github.com/Argon-/mpv-stats -- -- Please note: not every property is always available and therefore not always -- visible. local mp = require 'mp' local options = require 'mp.options' -- Options local o = { -- Default key bindings key_oneshot = "i", key_toggle = "I", key_page_1 = "1", key_page_2 = "2", key_page_3 = "3", duration = 4, redraw_delay = 1, -- acts as duration in the toggling case ass_formatting = true, persistent_overlay = false, -- whether the stats can be overwritten by other output print_perfdata_passes = false, -- when true, print the full information about all passes filter_params_max_length = 100, -- a filter list longer than this many characters will be shown one filter per line instead debug = false, -- Graph options and style plot_perfdata = true, plot_vsync_ratio = true, plot_vsync_jitter = true, skip_frames = 5, global_max = true, flush_graph_data = true, -- clear data buffers when toggling plot_bg_border_color = "0000FF", plot_bg_color = "262626", plot_color = "FFFFFF", -- Text style font = "Source Sans Pro", font_mono = "Source Sans Pro", -- monospaced digits are sufficient font_size = 8, font_color = "FFFFFF", border_size = 0.8, border_color = "262626", shadow_x_offset = 0.0, shadow_y_offset = 0.0, shadow_color = "000000", alpha = "11", -- Custom header for ASS tags to style the text output. -- Specifying this will ignore the text style values above and just -- use this string instead. custom_header = "", -- Text formatting -- With ASS ass_nl = "\\N", ass_indent = "\\h\\h\\h\\h\\h", ass_prefix_sep = "\\h\\h", ass_b1 = "{\\b1}", ass_b0 = "{\\b0}", ass_it1 = "{\\i1}", ass_it0 = "{\\i0}", -- Without ASS no_ass_nl = "\n", no_ass_indent = "\t", no_ass_prefix_sep = " ", no_ass_b1 = "\027[1m", no_ass_b0 = "\027[0m", no_ass_it1 = "\027[3m", no_ass_it0 = "\027[0m", } options.read_options(o) local format = string.format local max = math.max local min = math.min -- Function used to record performance data local recorder = nil -- Timer used for redrawing (toggling) and clearing the screen (oneshot) local display_timer = nil -- Current page and <page key>:<page function> mappings local curr_page = o.key_page_1 local pages = {} -- Save these sequences locally as we'll need them a lot local ass_start = mp.get_property_osd("osd-ass-cc/0") local ass_stop = mp.get_property_osd("osd-ass-cc/1") -- Ring buffers for the values used to construct a graph. -- .pos denotes the current position, .len the buffer length -- .max is the max value in the corresponding buffer local vsratio_buf, vsjitter_buf local function init_buffers() vsratio_buf = {0, pos = 1, len = 50, max = 0} vsjitter_buf = {0, pos = 1, len = 50, max = 0} end -- Save all properties known to this version of mpv local property_list = {} for p in string.gmatch(mp.get_property("property-list"), "([^,]+)") do property_list[p] = true end -- Mapping of properties to their deprecated names local property_aliases = { ["decoder-frame-drop-count"] = "drop-frame-count", ["frame-drop-count"] = "vo-drop-frame-count", ["container-fps"] = "fps", } -- Return deprecated name for the given property local function compat(p) while not property_list[p] and property_aliases[p] do p = property_aliases[p] end return p end local function set_ASS(b) if not o.use_ass or o.persistent_overlay then return "" end return b and ass_start or ass_stop end local function no_ASS(t) return set_ASS(false) .. t .. set_ASS(true) end local function b(t) return o.b1 .. t .. o.b0 end local function it(t) return o.it1 .. t .. o.it0 end local function text_style() if not o.use_ass then return "" end if o.custom_header and o.custom_header ~= "" then return set_ASS(true) .. o.custom_header else return format("%s{\\r}{\\an7}{\\fs%d}{\\fn%s}{\\bord%f}{\\3c&H%s&}" .. "{\\1c&H%s&}{\\alpha&H%s&}{\\xshad%f}{\\yshad%f}{\\4c&H%s&}", set_ASS(true), o.font_size, o.font, o.border_size, o.border_color, o.font_color, o.alpha, o.shadow_x_offset, o.shadow_y_offset, o.shadow_color) end end local function has_vo_window() return mp.get_property("vo-configured") == "yes" end local function has_video() local r = mp.get_property("video") return r and r ~= "no" and r ~= "" end local function has_audio() local r = mp.get_property("audio") return r and r ~= "no" and r ~= "" end local function has_ansi() local is_windows = type(package) == 'table' and type(package.config) == 'string' and package.config:sub(1, 1) == '\\' if is_windows then return os.getenv("ANSICON") end return true end -- Generate a graph from the given values. -- Returns an ASS formatted vector drawing as string. -- -- values: Array/table of numbers representing the data. Used like a ring buffer -- it will get iterated backwards `len` times starting at position `i`. -- i : Index of the latest data value in `values`. -- len : The length/amount of numbers in `values`. -- v_max : The maximum number in `values`. It is used to scale all data -- values to a range of 0 to `v_max`. -- v_avg : The average number in `values`. It is used to try and center graphs -- if possible. May be left as nil -- scale : A value that will be multiplied with all data values. -- x_tics: Horizontal width multiplier for the steps local function generate_graph(values, i, len, v_max, v_avg, scale, x_tics) -- Check if at least one value exists if not values[i] then return "" end local x_max = (len - 1) * x_tics local y_offset = o.border_size local y_max = o.font_size * 0.66 local x = 0 -- try and center the graph if possible, but avoid going above `scale` if v_avg then scale = min(scale, v_max / (2 * v_avg)) end local s = {format("m 0 0 n %f %f l ", x, y_max - (y_max * values[i] / v_max * scale))} i = ((i - 2) % len) + 1 for p = 1, len - 1 do if values[i] then x = x - x_tics s[#s+1] = format("%f %f ", x, y_max - (y_max * values[i] / v_max * scale)) end i = ((i - 2) % len) + 1 end s[#s+1] = format("%f %f %f %f", x, y_max, 0, y_max) local bg_box = format("{\\bord0.5}{\\3c&H%s&}{\\1c&H%s&}m 0 %f l %f %f %f 0 0 0", o.plot_bg_border_color, o.plot_bg_color, y_max, x_max, y_max, x_max) return format("%s{\\r}{\\pbo%f}{\\shad0}{\\alpha&H00}{\\p1}%s{\\p0}{\\bord0}{\\1c&H%s}{\\p1}%s{\\p0}%s", o.prefix_sep, y_offset, bg_box, o.plot_color, table.concat(s), text_style()) end -- Format and append a property. -- A property whose value is either `nil` or empty (hereafter called "invalid") -- is skipped and not appended. -- Returns `false` in case nothing was appended, otherwise `true`. -- -- s : Table containing strings. -- prop : The property to query and format (based on its OSD representation). -- attr : Optional table to overwrite certain (formatting) attributes for -- this property. -- exclude: Optional table containing keys which are considered invalid values -- for this property. Specifying this will replace empty string as -- default invalid value (nil is always invalid). local function append_property(s, prop, attr, excluded) excluded = excluded or {[""] = true} local ret = mp.get_property_osd(prop) if not ret or excluded[ret] then if o.debug then print("No value for property: " .. prop) end return false end attr.prefix_sep = attr.prefix_sep or o.prefix_sep attr.indent = attr.indent or o.indent attr.nl = attr.nl or o.nl attr.suffix = attr.suffix or "" attr.prefix = attr.prefix or "" attr.no_prefix_markup = attr.no_prefix_markup or false attr.prefix = attr.no_prefix_markup and attr.prefix or b(attr.prefix) ret = attr.no_value and "" or ret s[#s+1] = format("%s%s%s%s%s%s", attr.nl, attr.indent, attr.prefix, attr.prefix_sep, no_ASS(ret), attr.suffix) return true end local function append_perfdata(s, dedicated_page) local vo_p = mp.get_property_native("vo-passes") if not vo_p then return end local ds = mp.get_property_bool("display-sync-active", false) local target_fps = ds and mp.get_property_number("display-fps", 0) or mp.get_property_number(compat("container-fps"), 0) if target_fps > 0 then target_fps = 1 / target_fps * 1e9 end -- Sums of all last/avg/peak values local last_s, avg_s, peak_s = {}, {}, {} for frame, data in pairs(vo_p) do last_s[frame], avg_s[frame], peak_s[frame] = 0, 0, 0 for _, pass in ipairs(data) do last_s[frame] = last_s[frame] + pass["last"] avg_s[frame] = avg_s[frame] + pass["avg"] peak_s[frame] = peak_s[frame] + pass["peak"] end end -- Pretty print measured time local function pp(i) -- rescale to microseconds for a saner display return format("%05d", i / 1000) end -- Format n/m with a font weight based on the ratio local function p(n, m) local i = 0 if m > 0 then i = tonumber(n) / m end -- Calculate font weight. 100 is minimum, 400 is normal, 700 bold, 900 is max local w = (700 * math.sqrt(i)) + 200 return format("{\\b%d}%02d%%{\\b0}", w, i * 100) end s[#s+1] = format("%s%s%s%s{\\fs%s}%s{\\fs%s}", dedicated_page and "" or o.nl, dedicated_page and "" or o.indent, b("Frame Timings:"), o.prefix_sep, o.font_size * 0.66, "(last/average/peak μs)", o.font_size) for frame, data in pairs(vo_p) do local f = "%s%s%s{\\fn%s}%s / %s / %s %s%s{\\fn%s}%s%s%s" if dedicated_page then s[#s+1] = format("%s%s%s:", o.nl, o.indent, b(frame:gsub("^%l", string.upper))) for _, pass in ipairs(data) do s[#s+1] = format(f, o.nl, o.indent, o.indent, o.font_mono, pp(pass["last"]), pp(pass["avg"]), pp(pass["peak"]), o.prefix_sep .. o.prefix_sep, p(pass["last"], last_s[frame]), o.font, o.prefix_sep, o.prefix_sep, pass["desc"]) if o.plot_perfdata and o.use_ass then s[#s+1] = generate_graph(pass["samples"], pass["count"], pass["count"], pass["peak"], pass["avg"], 0.9, 0.25) end end -- Print sum of timing values as "Total" s[#s+1] = format(f, o.nl, o.indent, o.indent, o.font_mono, pp(last_s[frame]), pp(avg_s[frame]), pp(peak_s[frame]), "", "", o.font, o.prefix_sep, o.prefix_sep, b("Total")) else -- for the simplified view, we just print the sum of each pass s[#s+1] = format(f, o.nl, o.indent, o.indent, o.font_mono, pp(last_s[frame]), pp(avg_s[frame]), pp(peak_s[frame]), "", "", o.font, o.prefix_sep, o.prefix_sep, frame:gsub("^%l", string.upper)) end end end local function append_display_sync(s) if not mp.get_property_bool("display-sync-active", false) then return end local vspeed = append_property(s, "video-speed-correction", {prefix="DS:"}) if vspeed then append_property(s, "audio-speed-correction", {prefix="/", nl="", indent=" ", prefix_sep=" ", no_prefix_markup=true}) else append_property(s, "audio-speed-correction", {prefix="DS:" .. o.prefix_sep .. " - / ", prefix_sep=""}) end append_property(s, "mistimed-frame-count", {prefix="Mistimed:", nl=""}) append_property(s, "vo-delayed-frame-count", {prefix="Delayed:", nl=""}) -- As we need to plot some graphs we print jitter and ratio on their own lines if not display_timer.oneshot and (o.plot_vsync_ratio or o.plot_vsync_jitter) and o.use_ass then local ratio_graph = "" local jitter_graph = "" if o.plot_vsync_ratio then ratio_graph = generate_graph(vsratio_buf, vsratio_buf.pos, vsratio_buf.len, vsratio_buf.max, nil, 0.8, 1) end if o.plot_vsync_jitter then jitter_graph = generate_graph(vsjitter_buf, vsjitter_buf.pos, vsjitter_buf.len, vsjitter_buf.max, nil, 0.8, 1) end append_property(s, "vsync-ratio", {prefix="VSync Ratio:", suffix=o.prefix_sep .. ratio_graph}) append_property(s, "vsync-jitter", {prefix="VSync Jitter:", suffix=o.prefix_sep .. jitter_graph}) else -- Since no graph is needed we can print ratio/jitter on the same line and save some space local vratio = append_property(s, "vsync-ratio", {prefix="VSync Ratio:"}) append_property(s, "vsync-jitter", {prefix="VSync Jitter:", nl="" or o.nl}) end end local function append_filters(s, prop, prefix) local length = 0 local filters = {} for _,f in ipairs(mp.get_property_native(prop, {})) do local n = f.name if f.enabled ~= nil and not f.enabled then n = n .. " (disabled)" end local p = {} for key,value in pairs(f.params) do p[#p+1] = key .. "=" .. value end if #p > 0 then p = " [" .. table.concat(p, " ") .. "]" else p = "" end length = length + n:len() + p:len() filters[#filters+1] = no_ASS(n) .. it(no_ASS(p)) end if #filters > 0 then local ret if length < o.filter_params_max_length then ret = table.concat(filters, ", ") else local sep = o.nl .. o.indent .. o.indent ret = sep .. table.concat(filters, sep) end s[#s+1] = o.nl .. o.indent .. b(prefix) .. o.prefix_sep .. ret end end local function add_header(s) s[#s+1] = text_style() end local function add_file(s) append_property(s, "filename", {prefix="File:", nl="", indent=""}) if not (mp.get_property_osd("filename") == mp.get_property_osd("media-title")) then append_property(s, "media-title", {prefix="Title:"}) end local ch_index = mp.get_property_number("chapter") if ch_index and ch_index >= 0 then append_property(s, "chapter-list/" .. tostring(ch_index) .. "/title", {prefix="Chapter:"}) append_property(s, "chapter-list/count", {prefix="(" .. tostring(ch_index + 1) .. "/", suffix=")", nl="", indent=" ", prefix_sep=" ", no_prefix_markup=true}) end if append_property(s, "cache-used", {prefix="Cache:"}) then append_property(s, "demuxer-cache-duration", {prefix="+", suffix=" sec", nl="", indent=o.prefix_sep, prefix_sep="", no_prefix_markup=true}) append_property(s, "cache-speed", {prefix="", suffix="", nl="", indent=o.prefix_sep, prefix_sep="", no_prefix_markup=true}) end append_property(s, "file-size", {prefix="Size:"}) end local function add_video(s) if not has_video() then return end if append_property(s, "video-codec", {prefix=o.nl .. o.nl .. "Video:", nl="", indent=""}) then append_property(s, "hwdec-current", {prefix="(hwdec:", nl="", indent=" ", no_prefix_markup=true, suffix=")"}, {no=true, [""]=true}) end append_property(s, "avsync", {prefix="A-V:"}) if append_property(s, compat("decoder-frame-drop-count"), {prefix="Dropped Frames:", suffix=" (decoder)"}) then append_property(s, compat("frame-drop-count"), {suffix=" (output)", nl="", indent=""}) end if append_property(s, "display-fps", {prefix="Display FPS:", suffix=" (specified)"}) then append_property(s, "estimated-display-fps", {suffix=" (estimated)", nl="", indent=""}) else append_property(s, "estimated-display-fps", {prefix="Display FPS:", suffix=" (estimated)"}) end if append_property(s, compat("container-fps"), {prefix="FPS:", suffix=" (specified)"}) then append_property(s, "estimated-vf-fps", {suffix=" (estimated)", nl="", indent=""}) else append_property(s, "estimated-vf-fps", {prefix="FPS:", suffix=" (estimated)"}) end append_display_sync(s) append_perfdata(s, o.print_perfdata_passes) if append_property(s, "video-params/w", {prefix="Native Resolution:"}) then append_property(s, "video-params/h", {prefix="x", nl="", indent=" ", prefix_sep=" ", no_prefix_markup=true}) end append_property(s, "window-scale", {prefix="Window Scale:"}) append_property(s, "video-params/aspect", {prefix="Aspect Ratio:"}) append_property(s, "video-params/pixelformat", {prefix="Pixel Format:"}) -- Group these together to save vertical space local prim = append_property(s, "video-params/primaries", {prefix="Primaries:"}) local cmat = append_property(s, "video-params/colormatrix", {prefix="Colormatrix:", nl=prim and "" or o.nl}) append_property(s, "video-params/colorlevels", {prefix="Levels:", nl=cmat and "" or o.nl}) -- Append HDR metadata conditionally (only when present and interesting) local hdrpeak = mp.get_property_number("video-params/sig-peak", 0) local hdrinfo = "" if hdrpeak > 1 then hdrinfo = " (HDR peak: " .. hdrpeak .. ")" end append_property(s, "video-params/gamma", {prefix="Gamma:", suffix=hdrinfo}) append_property(s, "packet-video-bitrate", {prefix="Bitrate:", suffix=" kbps"}) append_filters(s, "vf", "Filters:") end local function add_audio(s) if not has_audio() then return end append_property(s, "audio-codec", {prefix=o.nl .. o.nl .. "Audio:", nl="", indent=""}) append_property(s, "audio-params/samplerate", {prefix="Sample Rate:", suffix=" Hz"}) append_property(s, "audio-params/channel-count", {prefix="Channels:"}) append_property(s, "packet-audio-bitrate", {prefix="Bitrate:", suffix=" kbps"}) append_filters(s, "af", "Filters:") end -- Determine whether ASS formatting shall/can be used and set formatting sequences local function eval_ass_formatting() o.use_ass = o.ass_formatting and has_vo_window() if o.use_ass then o.nl = o.ass_nl o.indent = o.ass_indent o.prefix_sep = o.ass_prefix_sep o.b1 = o.ass_b1 o.b0 = o.ass_b0 o.it1 = o.ass_it1 o.it0 = o.ass_it0 else o.nl = o.no_ass_nl o.indent = o.no_ass_indent o.prefix_sep = o.no_ass_prefix_sep if not has_ansi() then o.b1 = "" o.b0 = "" o.it1 = "" o.it0 = "" else o.b1 = o.no_ass_b1 o.b0 = o.no_ass_b0 o.it1 = o.no_ass_it1 o.it0 = o.no_ass_it0 end end end -- Returns an ASS string with "normal" stats local function default_stats() local stats = {} eval_ass_formatting() add_header(stats) add_file(stats) add_video(stats) add_audio(stats) return table.concat(stats) end -- Returns an ASS string with extended VO stats local function vo_stats() local stats = {} eval_ass_formatting() add_header(stats) append_perfdata(stats, true) return table.concat(stats) end -- Returns an ASS string with stats about filters/profiles/shaders local function filter_stats() return "coming soon" end -- Current page and <page key>:<page function> mapping curr_page = o.key_page_1 pages = { [o.key_page_1] = { f = default_stats, desc = "Default" }, [o.key_page_2] = { f = vo_stats, desc = "Extended Frame Timings" }, --[o.key_page_3] = { f = filter_stats, desc = "Dummy" }, } -- Returns a function to record vsratio/jitter with the specified `skip` value local function record_data(skip) init_buffers() skip = max(skip, 0) local i = skip return function() if i < skip then i = i + 1 return else i = 0 end if o.plot_vsync_jitter then local r = mp.get_property_number("vsync-jitter", nil) if r then vsjitter_buf.pos = (vsjitter_buf.pos % vsjitter_buf.len) + 1 vsjitter_buf[vsjitter_buf.pos] = r vsjitter_buf.max = max(vsjitter_buf.max, r) end end if o.plot_vsync_ratio then local r = mp.get_property_number("vsync-ratio", nil) if r then vsratio_buf.pos = (vsratio_buf.pos % vsratio_buf.len) + 1 vsratio_buf[vsratio_buf.pos] = r vsratio_buf.max = max(vsratio_buf.max, r) end end end end -- Call the function for `page` and print it to OSD local function print_page(page) if o.persistent_overlay then mp.set_osd_ass(0, 0, pages[page].f()) else mp.osd_message(pages[page].f(), display_timer.oneshot and o.duration or o.redraw_delay + 1) end end local function clear_screen() if o.persistent_overlay then mp.set_osd_ass(0, 0, "") else mp.osd_message("", 0) end end -- Add keybindings for every page local function add_page_bindings() local function a(k) return function() curr_page = k print_page(k) if display_timer.oneshot then display_timer:kill() ; display_timer:resume() end end end for k, _ in pairs(pages) do mp.add_forced_key_binding(k, k, a(k), {repeatable=true}) end end -- Remove keybindings for every page local function remove_page_bindings() for k, _ in pairs(pages) do mp.remove_key_binding(k) end end local function process_key_binding(oneshot) -- Stats are already being displayed if display_timer:is_enabled() then -- Previous and current keys were oneshot -> restart timer if display_timer.oneshot and oneshot then display_timer:kill() print_page(curr_page) display_timer:resume() -- Previous and current keys were toggling -> end toggling elseif not display_timer.oneshot and not oneshot then display_timer:kill() clear_screen() remove_page_bindings() if recorder then mp.unregister_event(recorder) recorder = nil end end -- No stats are being displayed yet else if not oneshot and (o.plot_vsync_jitter or o.plot_vsync_ratio) then recorder = record_data(o.skip_frames) mp.register_event("tick", recorder) end display_timer:kill() display_timer.oneshot = oneshot display_timer.timeout = oneshot and o.duration or o.redraw_delay add_page_bindings() print_page(curr_page) display_timer:resume() end end -- Create the timer used for redrawing (toggling) or clearing the screen (oneshot) -- The duration here is not important and always set in process_key_binding() display_timer = mp.add_periodic_timer(o.duration, function() if display_timer.oneshot then display_timer:kill() ; clear_screen() ; remove_page_bindings() else print_page(curr_page) end end) display_timer:kill() -- Single invocation key binding mp.add_key_binding(o.key_oneshot, "display-stats", function() process_key_binding(true) end, {repeatable=true}) -- Toggling key binding mp.add_key_binding(o.key_toggle, "display-stats-toggle", function() process_key_binding(false) end, {repeatable=false}) -- Single invocation bindings without key, can be used in input.conf to create -- bindings for a specific page: "e script-binding stats/display-page-2" for k, _ in pairs(pages) do mp.add_key_binding(nil, "display-page-" .. k, function() process_key_binding(true) end, {repeatable=true}) end -- Reprint stats immediately when VO was reconfigured, only when toggled mp.register_event("video-reconfig", function() if display_timer:is_enabled() then print_page(curr_page) end end)