/* lirc support for MPLayer (see www.lirc.org) v0.1 written 15/2/2001 by Andreas Ackermann (acki@acki-netz.de) file comes without warranty and all */ // hack, will be remove later when ./configure fixed... #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIRC // start of LIRC support #include <lirc/lirc_client.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "linux/keycodes.h" // global stuff ---------------------------------------------------- static struct lirc_config *lirc_config; static int lirc_is_setup = 0; // setup routine --------------------------------------------------- void lirc_mp_setup(void){ int lirc_flags; int lirc_sock; printf("Setting up lirc support...\n"); if((lirc_sock=lirc_init("mplayer_lirc",1))==-1){ printf("Failed opening lirc support!\n"); printf("You won't be able to use your remote control\n"); return; } fcntl(lirc_sock,F_SETOWN,getpid()); lirc_flags=fcntl(lirc_sock,F_GETFL,0); if(lirc_flags!=-1) { fcntl(lirc_sock,F_SETFL,lirc_flags|O_NONBLOCK); }else{ lirc_deinit(); printf("Something's wrong with the lirc socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); printf("You won't be able to use your remote control\n"); return; } if(lirc_readconfig( NULL,&lirc_config,NULL )!=0 ){ printf("Failed to read standard config (~/.lircrc)!\n" ); printf("You won't be able to use your remote control\n"); lirc_deinit(); return; } printf("LIRC init was successful.\n"); lirc_is_setup = 1; } // cleanup routine ------------------------------------------- void lirc_mp_cleanup(void){ if(lirc_is_setup != 0){ printf("Cleaning up lirc stuff.\n"); lirc_mp_getinput(NULL); lirc_freeconfig(lirc_config); lirc_deinit(); lirc_is_setup = 0; } } // get some events ------------------------------------------- struct lirc_cmd { unsigned char *lc_lirccmd; int mplayer_cmd; }; int lirc_mp_getinput(){ static struct lirc_cmd lirc_cmd[] = { {"QUIT", KEY_ESC}, {"FWD" , KEY_RIGHT}, {"FFWD" , KEY_UP}, {"RWND" , KEY_LEFT}, {"FRWND" , KEY_DOWN}, {"PAUSE", 'p'} }; char *code; char *c; int ret; int i; int retval = 0; if( lirc_is_setup == 0)return 0; if(lirc_config == NULL ){ // do some cleanupstuff like freeing memory or the like // (if we ever should do it the right way and loop over all // all strings delivered by lirc_code2char() ) }else{ if(lirc_nextcode(&code)==0){ if(code!=NULL){ // this should be a while loop // but we would have to introduce state since we need to keep // code if((ret=lirc_code2char(lirc_config,code,&c))==0 && c!=NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "LIRC: Got string \"%s\"",c); for(i=0; i< (sizeof(lirc_cmd)/sizeof(struct lirc_cmd)); i++){ if(!(strcmp(lirc_cmd[i].lc_lirccmd, c))){ retval = lirc_cmd[i].mplayer_cmd; break; } } } free(code); if(ret==-1){ printf("LIRC: lirc_code2char() returned an error!\n"); } } } } return retval; } // end lirc support #endif // HAVE_LIRC