/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Parts under HAVE_GPL are licensed under GNU General Public License. */ #include <limits.h> #include "config.h" #include "common/common.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "options/m_option.h" #include "input.h" #include "cmd_list.h" #include "cmd_parse.h" // This does not specify the real destination of the command parameter values, // it just provides a dummy for the OPT_ macros. #define OPT_BASE_STRUCT struct mp_cmd_arg #define ARG(t) "", v. t /* This array defines all known commands. * The first field is an id used to recognize the command. * The second is the command name used in slave mode and input.conf. * Then comes the definition of each argument, first mandatory arguments * (ARG_INT, ARG_FLOAT, ARG_STRING) if any, then optional arguments * (OARG_INT(default), etc) if any. The command will be given the default * argument value if the user didn't give enough arguments to specify it. * A command can take a maximum of MP_CMD_MAX_ARGS arguments. */ #define ARG_INT OPT_INT(ARG(i), 0) #define ARG_FLOAT OPT_FLOAT(ARG(f), 0) #define ARG_DOUBLE OPT_DOUBLE(ARG(d), 0) #define ARG_STRING OPT_STRING(ARG(s), 0) #define ARG_CHOICE(c) OPT_CHOICE(ARG(i), 0, c) #define ARG_CHOICE_OR_INT(...) OPT_CHOICE_OR_INT(ARG(i), 0, __VA_ARGS__) #define ARG_TIME OPT_TIME(ARG(d), 0) #define OARG_DOUBLE(def) OPT_DOUBLE(ARG(d), 0, OPTDEF_DOUBLE(def)) #define OARG_INT(def) OPT_INT(ARG(i), 0, OPTDEF_INT(def)) #define OARG_CHOICE(def, c) OPT_CHOICE(ARG(i), 0, c, OPTDEF_INT(def)) #define OARG_FLAGS(def, c) OPT_FLAGS(ARG(i), 0, c, OPTDEF_INT(def)) #define OARG_STRING(def) OPT_STRING(ARG(s), 0, OPTDEF_STR(def)) #define OARG_CYCLEDIR(def) OPT_CYCLEDIR(ARG(d), 0, OPTDEF_DOUBLE(def)) const struct mp_cmd_def mp_cmds[] = { { MP_CMD_IGNORE, "ignore", }, { MP_CMD_SEEK, "seek", { ARG_TIME, OARG_FLAGS(4|0, ({"relative", 4|0}, {"-", 4|0}, {"absolute-percent", 4|1}, {"absolute", 4|2}, {"relative-percent", 4|3}, {"keyframes", 32|8}, {"exact", 32|16})), // backwards compatibility only OARG_CHOICE(0, ({"unused", 0}, {"default-precise", 0}, {"keyframes", 32|8}, {"exact", 32|16})), }, .allow_auto_repeat = true, .scalable = true, }, { MP_CMD_REVERT_SEEK, "revert-seek", { OARG_FLAGS(0, ({"mark", 1})), }}, { MP_CMD_QUIT, "quit", { OARG_INT(0) } }, { MP_CMD_QUIT_WATCH_LATER, "quit-watch-later", { OARG_INT(0) } }, { MP_CMD_STOP, "stop", }, { MP_CMD_FRAME_STEP, "frame-step", .allow_auto_repeat = true, .on_updown = true }, { MP_CMD_FRAME_BACK_STEP, "frame-back-step", .allow_auto_repeat = true }, { MP_CMD_PLAYLIST_NEXT, "playlist-next", { OARG_CHOICE(0, ({"weak", 0}, {"force", 1})), }}, { MP_CMD_PLAYLIST_PREV, "playlist-prev", { OARG_CHOICE(0, ({"weak", 0}, {"force", 1})), }}, { MP_CMD_PLAYLIST_SHUFFLE, "playlist-shuffle", }, { MP_CMD_SUB_STEP, "sub-step", { ARG_INT }, .allow_auto_repeat = true }, { MP_CMD_SUB_SEEK, "sub-seek", { ARG_INT }, .allow_auto_repeat = true }, { MP_CMD_PRINT_TEXT, "print-text", { ARG_STRING }, .allow_auto_repeat = true }, { MP_CMD_SHOW_TEXT, "show-text", { ARG_STRING, OARG_INT(-1), OARG_INT(0) }, .allow_auto_repeat = true}, { MP_CMD_EXPAND_TEXT, "expand-text", { ARG_STRING } }, { MP_CMD_SHOW_PROGRESS, "show-progress", .allow_auto_repeat = true}, #if HAVE_GPL { MP_CMD_SUB_ADD, "sub-add", { ARG_STRING, OARG_CHOICE(0, ({"select", 0}, {"auto", 1}, {"cached", 2})), OARG_STRING(""), OARG_STRING("") } }, { MP_CMD_SUB_REMOVE, "sub-remove", { OARG_INT(-1) } }, #endif { MP_CMD_SUB_RELOAD, "sub-reload", { OARG_INT(-1) } }, { MP_CMD_TV_LAST_CHANNEL, "tv-last-channel", }, { MP_CMD_SCREENSHOT, "screenshot", { OARG_FLAGS(4|2, ({"video", 4|0}, {"-", 4|0}, {"window", 4|1}, {"subtitles", 4|2}, {"each-frame", 8})), // backwards compatibility OARG_CHOICE(0, ({"unused", 0}, {"single", 0}, {"each-frame", 8})), }}, { MP_CMD_SCREENSHOT_TO_FILE, "screenshot-to-file", { ARG_STRING, OARG_CHOICE(2, ({"video", 0}, {"window", 1}, {"subtitles", 2})), }}, { MP_CMD_SCREENSHOT_RAW, "screenshot-raw", { OARG_CHOICE(2, ({"video", 0}, {"window", 1}, {"subtitles", 2})), }}, { MP_CMD_LOADFILE, "loadfile", { ARG_STRING, OARG_CHOICE(0, ({"replace", 0}, {"append", 1}, {"append-play", 2})), OPT_KEYVALUELIST(ARG(str_list), MP_CMD_OPT_ARG), }}, { MP_CMD_LOADLIST, "loadlist", { ARG_STRING, OARG_CHOICE(0, ({"replace", 0}, {"append", 1})), }}, { MP_CMD_PLAYLIST_CLEAR, "playlist-clear", }, { MP_CMD_PLAYLIST_REMOVE, "playlist-remove", { ARG_CHOICE_OR_INT(0, INT_MAX, ({"current", -1})), }}, { MP_CMD_PLAYLIST_MOVE, "playlist-move", { ARG_INT, ARG_INT } }, { MP_CMD_RUN, "run", { ARG_STRING, ARG_STRING }, .vararg = true }, { MP_CMD_SET, "set", { ARG_STRING, ARG_STRING } }, #if HAVE_GPL { MP_CMD_ADD, "add", { ARG_STRING, OARG_DOUBLE(1) }, .allow_auto_repeat = true, .scalable = true, }, { MP_CMD_CYCLE, "cycle", { ARG_STRING, OARG_CYCLEDIR(1), }, .allow_auto_repeat = true, .scalable = true, }, #endif { MP_CMD_MULTIPLY, "multiply", { ARG_STRING, ARG_DOUBLE }, .allow_auto_repeat = true}, { MP_CMD_CYCLE_VALUES, "cycle-values", { ARG_STRING, ARG_STRING, ARG_STRING }, .vararg = true}, { MP_CMD_ENABLE_INPUT_SECTION, "enable-section", { ARG_STRING, OARG_FLAGS(0, ({"default", 0}, {"exclusive", MP_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE}, {"allow-hide-cursor", MP_INPUT_ALLOW_HIDE_CURSOR}, {"allow-vo-dragging", MP_INPUT_ALLOW_VO_DRAGGING})), }}, { MP_CMD_DISABLE_INPUT_SECTION, "disable-section", { ARG_STRING } }, { MP_CMD_DEFINE_INPUT_SECTION, "define-section", { ARG_STRING, ARG_STRING, OARG_CHOICE(1, ({"default", 1}, {"force", 0})), }}, { MP_CMD_AB_LOOP, "ab-loop", }, { MP_CMD_DROP_BUFFERS, "drop-buffers", }, { MP_CMD_AF, "af", { ARG_STRING, ARG_STRING } }, { MP_CMD_AF_COMMAND, "af-command", { ARG_STRING, ARG_STRING, ARG_STRING } }, { MP_CMD_AO_RELOAD, "ao-reload", }, { MP_CMD_VF, "vf", { ARG_STRING, ARG_STRING } }, { MP_CMD_VF_COMMAND, "vf-command", { ARG_STRING, ARG_STRING, ARG_STRING } }, { MP_CMD_SCRIPT_BINDING, "script-binding", { ARG_STRING }, .allow_auto_repeat = true, .on_updown = true}, { MP_CMD_SCRIPT_MESSAGE, "script-message", { ARG_STRING }, .vararg = true }, { MP_CMD_SCRIPT_MESSAGE_TO, "script-message-to", { ARG_STRING, ARG_STRING }, .vararg = true }, { MP_CMD_OVERLAY_ADD, "overlay-add", { ARG_INT, ARG_INT, ARG_INT, ARG_STRING, ARG_INT, ARG_STRING, ARG_INT, ARG_INT, ARG_INT }}, { MP_CMD_OVERLAY_REMOVE, "overlay-remove", { ARG_INT } }, { MP_CMD_WRITE_WATCH_LATER_CONFIG, "write-watch-later-config", }, { MP_CMD_HOOK_ADD, "hook-add", { ARG_STRING, ARG_INT, ARG_INT } }, { MP_CMD_HOOK_ACK, "hook-ack", { ARG_STRING } }, { MP_CMD_MOUSE, "mouse", { ARG_INT, ARG_INT, // coordinate (x, y) OARG_INT(-1), // button number OARG_CHOICE(0, ({"single", 0}, {"double", 1})), }}, { MP_CMD_KEYPRESS, "keypress", { ARG_STRING } }, { MP_CMD_KEYDOWN, "keydown", { ARG_STRING } }, { MP_CMD_KEYUP, "keyup", { OARG_STRING("") } }, #if HAVE_GPL { MP_CMD_AUDIO_ADD, "audio-add", { ARG_STRING, OARG_CHOICE(0, ({"select", 0}, {"auto", 1}, {"cached", 2})), OARG_STRING(""), OARG_STRING("") } }, { MP_CMD_AUDIO_REMOVE, "audio-remove", { OARG_INT(-1) } }, #endif { MP_CMD_AUDIO_RELOAD, "audio-reload", { OARG_INT(-1) } }, { MP_CMD_RESCAN_EXTERNAL_FILES, "rescan-external-files", { OARG_CHOICE(1, ({"keep-selection", 0}, {"reselect", 1})), }}, { MP_CMD_APPLY_PROFILE, "apply-profile", {ARG_STRING } }, { MP_CMD_LOAD_SCRIPT, "load-script", {ARG_STRING} }, {0} }; #undef OPT_BASE_STRUCT #undef ARG // Map legacy commands to proper commands struct legacy_cmd { const char *old, *new; }; static const struct legacy_cmd legacy_cmds[] = { {"loop", "cycle loop"}, {"seek_chapter", "add chapter"}, {"switch_angle", "cycle angle"}, {"pause", "cycle pause"}, {"volume", "add volume"}, {"mute", "cycle mute"}, {"audio_delay", "add audio-delay"}, {"switch_audio", "cycle audio"}, {"balance", "add balance"}, {"vo_fullscreen", "cycle fullscreen"}, {"panscan", "add panscan"}, {"vo_ontop", "cycle ontop"}, {"vo_border", "cycle border"}, {"frame_drop", "cycle framedrop"}, {"gamma", "add gamma"}, {"brightness", "add brightness"}, {"contrast", "add contrast"}, {"saturation", "add saturation"}, {"hue", "add hue"}, {"switch_vsync", "cycle vsync"}, {"sub_load", "sub-add"}, {"sub_select", "cycle sub"}, {"sub_pos", "add sub-pos"}, {"sub_delay", "add sub-delay"}, {"sub_visibility", "cycle sub-visibility"}, {"forced_subs_only", "cycle sub-forced-only"}, {"sub_scale", "add sub-scale"}, {"ass_use_margins", "cycle ass-use-margins"}, {"tv_set_brightness", "add tv-brightness"}, {"tv_set_hue", "add tv-hue"}, {"tv_set_saturation", "add tv-saturation"}, {"tv_set_contrast", "add tv-contrast"}, {"step_property_osd", "cycle"}, {"step_property", "no-osd cycle"}, {"set_property", "no-osd set"}, {"set_property_osd", "set"}, {"speed_set", "set speed"}, {"osd_show_text", "show-text"}, {"osd_show_property_text", "show-text"}, {"osd_show_progression", "show-progress"}, {"show_chapters_osd", "show-text ${chapter-list}"}, {"show_chapters", "show-text ${chapter-list}"}, {"show_tracks_osd", "show-text ${track-list}"}, {"show_tracks", "show-text ${track-list}"}, {"show_playlist", "show-text ${playlist}"}, {"speed_mult", "multiply speed"}, // Approximate (can fail if user added additional whitespace) {"pt_step 1", "playlist-next"}, {"pt_step -1", "playlist-prev"}, // Switch_ratio without argument resets aspect ratio {"switch_ratio ", "set aspect "}, {"switch_ratio", "set aspect 0"}, {0} }; bool mp_replace_legacy_cmd(void *t, bstr *s) { for (const struct legacy_cmd *entry = legacy_cmds; entry->old; entry++) { bstr old = bstr0(entry->old); if (bstrcasecmp(bstr_splice(*s, 0, old.len), old) == 0) { bstr rest = bstr_cut(*s, old.len); *s = bstr0(talloc_asprintf(t, "%s%.*s", entry->new, BSTR_P(rest))); return true; } } return false; } // 0: no, 1: maybe, 2: sure static int is_abort_cmd(struct mp_cmd *cmd) { switch (cmd->id) { case MP_CMD_QUIT: case MP_CMD_QUIT_WATCH_LATER: case MP_CMD_STOP: return 2; case MP_CMD_PLAYLIST_NEXT: case MP_CMD_PLAYLIST_PREV: return 1; case MP_CMD_COMMAND_LIST:; int r = 0; for (struct mp_cmd *sub = cmd->args[0].v.p; sub; sub = sub->queue_next) { int x = is_abort_cmd(sub); r = MPMAX(r, x); } return r; } return 0; } bool mp_input_is_maybe_abort_cmd(struct mp_cmd *cmd) { return is_abort_cmd(cmd) >= 1; } bool mp_input_is_abort_cmd(struct mp_cmd *cmd) { return is_abort_cmd(cmd) >= 2; } bool mp_input_is_repeatable_cmd(struct mp_cmd *cmd) { return (cmd->def && cmd->def->allow_auto_repeat) || cmd->id == MP_CMD_COMMAND_LIST || (cmd->flags & MP_ALLOW_REPEAT); } bool mp_input_is_scalable_cmd(struct mp_cmd *cmd) { return cmd->def && cmd->def->scalable; } void mp_print_cmd_list(struct mp_log *out) { for (int i = 0; mp_cmds[i].name; i++) { const struct mp_cmd_def *def = &mp_cmds[i]; mp_info(out, "%-20.20s", def->name); for (int j = 0; j < MP_CMD_MAX_ARGS && def->args[j].type; j++) { const char *type = def->args[j].type->name; if (def->args[j].defval) mp_info(out, " [%s]", type); else mp_info(out, " %s", type); } mp_info(out, "\n"); } }