/* avi-fix v0.1 (C) A'rpi * simple tool to fix chunk sizes in a RIFF AVI file * it doesn't check/fix index. You can try to fix it with ffmpeg -i ... -acodec * copy -vcodec copy * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef MP_DEBUG #define mp_debug(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define mp_debug(...) #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define FCC(a,b,c,d) (((a)<<24)|((b)<<16)|((c)<<8)|(d)) static inline char xx(unsigned char c){ if(c>=32 && c<128) return c; return '?'; } static inline unsigned int getid(FILE* f){ unsigned int id; id=fgetc(f); id=(id<<8)|fgetc(f); id=(id<<8)|fgetc(f); id=(id<<8)|fgetc(f); return id; } int main(int argc,char* argv[]){ //FILE* f=fopen("edgar.avi","rb"); // readonly (report errors) //FILE* f=fopen("edgar.avi","rb+"); // fix mode (fix chunk sizes) unsigned int lastgood=0; unsigned int fixat=0; unsigned int offset=0; int fix_flag=0; FILE* f; if(argc<=1){ printf("Usage: %s [-fix] badfile.avi\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-fix")){ fix_flag=1; f=fopen(argv[argc-1],"rb+"); } else f=fopen(argv[argc-1],"rb"); if(!f){ perror("error"); printf("couldnt open '%s'\n",argv[argc-1]); exit(2); } while(1){ unsigned int id,len; again: id=fgetc(f); id=(id<<8)|fgetc(f); id=(id<<8)|fgetc(f); faszom: if(feof(f)) break; // if(!lastgood && feof(f)) break; id=(id<<8)|fgetc(f); // lastgood=ftell(f); mp_debug("%08X: %c%c%c%c\n",(int)ftell(f)-4,xx(id>>24),xx(id>>16),xx(id>>8),xx(id)); switch(id){ case FCC('R','I','F','F'): fread(&len,4,1,f); // filesize id=getid(f); // AVI mp_debug("RIFF header, filesize=0x%X format=%c%c%c%c\n",len,xx(id>>24),xx(id>>16),xx(id>>8),xx(id)); break; case FCC('L','I','S','T'): fread(&len,4,1,f); // size id=getid(f); // AVI mp_debug("LIST size=0x%X format=%c%c%c%c\n",len,xx(id>>24),xx(id>>16),xx(id>>8),xx(id)); //case FCC('h','d','r','l'): //case FCC('s','t','r','l'): //case FCC('o','d','m','l'): //case FCC('m','o','v','i'): break; // legal chunk IDs: case FCC('a','v','i','h'): // avi header case FCC('s','t','r','h'): // stream header case FCC('s','t','r','f'): // stream format case FCC('J','U','N','K'): // official shit // index: case FCC('i','d','x','1'): // main index?? case FCC('d','m','l','h'): // opendml header case FCC('i','n','d','x'): // opendml main index?? case FCC('i','x','0','0'): // opendml sub index?? case FCC('i','x','0','1'): // opendml sub index?? // data: case FCC('0','1','w','b'): // audio track #1 case FCC('0','2','w','b'): // audio track #2 case FCC('0','3','w','b'): // audio track #3 case FCC('0','0','d','b'): // uncompressed video case FCC('0','0','d','c'): // compressed video case FCC('0','0','_','_'): // A-V interleaved (type2 DV file) // info: case FCC('I','S','F','T'): // INFO: software case FCC('I','S','R','C'): // INFO: source case FCC('I','N','A','M'): // INFO: name case FCC('I','S','B','J'): // INFO: subject case FCC('I','A','R','T'): // INFO: artist case FCC('I','C','O','P'): // INFO: copyright case FCC('I','C','M','T'): // INFO: comment lastgood=ftell(f); if(fixat && fix_flag){ // fix last chunk's size field: fseek(f,fixat,SEEK_SET); len=lastgood-fixat-8; mp_debug("Correct len to 0x%X\n",len); fwrite(&len,4,1,f); fseek(f,lastgood,SEEK_SET); fixat=0; } fread(&len,4,1,f); // size mp_debug("ID ok, chunk len=0x%X\n",len); len+=len&1; // align at 2 fseek(f,len,SEEK_CUR); // skip data break; default: if(!lastgood){ ++offset; mp_debug("invalid ID, trying %d byte offset\n",offset); goto faszom; // try again @ next post } mp_debug("invalid ID, parsing next chunk's data at 0x%X\n",lastgood); fseek(f,lastgood,SEEK_SET); fixat=lastgood; lastgood=0; goto again; } offset=0; } return 0; }