/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "libmpv/client.h" #include "osdep/io.h" #include "mpv_talloc.h" #include "menu.h" struct menu_ctx { HWND hwnd; bool updated; HMENU menu; void *ta_data; // talloc context for MENUITEMINFOW.dwItemData }; // append menu item to HMENU static int append_menu(HMENU hmenu, UINT fMask, UINT fType, UINT fState, wchar_t *title, HMENU submenu, void *data) { static UINT id = WM_USER + 100; MENUITEMINFOW mii = {0}; mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fMask = MIIM_ID | fMask; mii.wID = id++; if (fMask & MIIM_FTYPE) mii.fType = fType; if (fMask & MIIM_STATE) mii.fState = fState; if (fMask & MIIM_STRING) { mii.dwTypeData = title; mii.cch = wcslen(title); } if (fMask & MIIM_SUBMENU) mii.hSubMenu = submenu; if (fMask & MIIM_DATA) mii.dwItemData = (ULONG_PTR)data; return InsertMenuItemW(hmenu, -1, TRUE, &mii) ? mii.wID : -1; } // build fState for menu item creation static int build_state(mpv_node *node) { int fState = 0; for (int i = 0; i < node->u.list->num; i++) { mpv_node *item = &node->u.list->values[i]; if (item->format != MPV_FORMAT_STRING) continue; if (strcmp(item->u.string, "hidden") == 0) { return -1; } else if (strcmp(item->u.string, "checked") == 0) { fState |= MFS_CHECKED; } else if (strcmp(item->u.string, "disabled") == 0) { fState |= MFS_DISABLED; } } return fState; } // build dwTypeData for menu item creation static wchar_t *build_title(void *talloc_ctx, char *title, char *shortcut) { if (shortcut && shortcut[0]) { char *buf = talloc_asprintf(NULL, "%s\t%s", title, shortcut); wchar_t *wbuf = mp_from_utf8(talloc_ctx, buf); talloc_free(buf); return wbuf; } return mp_from_utf8(talloc_ctx, title); } // build HMENU from mpv node // // node structure: // // MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY // MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP (menu item) // "type" MPV_FORMAT_STRING // "title" MPV_FORMAT_STRING // "cmd" MPV_FORMAT_STRING // "shortcut" MPV_FORMAT_STRING // "state" MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY[MPV_FORMAT_STRING] // "submenu" MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY[menu item] static void build_menu(void *talloc_ctx, HMENU hmenu, struct mpv_node *node) { if (node->format != MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY) return; for (int i = 0; i < node->u.list->num; i++) { mpv_node *item = &node->u.list->values[i]; if (item->format != MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP) continue; mpv_node_list *list = item->u.list; char *type = ""; char *title = NULL; char *cmd = NULL; char *shortcut = NULL; int fState = 0; HMENU submenu = NULL; for (int j = 0; j < list->num; j++) { char *key = list->keys[j]; mpv_node *value = &list->values[j]; switch (value->format) { case MPV_FORMAT_STRING: if (strcmp(key, "title") == 0) { title = value->u.string; } else if (strcmp(key, "cmd") == 0) { cmd = value->u.string; } else if (strcmp(key, "type") == 0) { type = value->u.string; } else if (strcmp(key, "shortcut") == 0) { shortcut = value->u.string; } break; case MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY: if (strcmp(key, "state") == 0) { fState = build_state(value); } else if (strcmp(key, "submenu") == 0) { submenu = CreatePopupMenu(); build_menu(talloc_ctx, submenu, value); } break; default: break; } } if (fState == -1) // hidden continue; if (strcmp(type, "separator") == 0) { append_menu(hmenu, MIIM_FTYPE, MFT_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { if (title == NULL || title[0] == '\0') continue; UINT fMask = MIIM_STRING | MIIM_STATE; bool grayed = false; if (strcmp(type, "submenu") == 0) { if (submenu == NULL) submenu = CreatePopupMenu(); fMask |= MIIM_SUBMENU; grayed = GetMenuItemCount(submenu) == 0; } else { fMask |= MIIM_DATA; grayed = cmd == NULL || cmd[0] == '\0' || cmd[0] == '#' || strcmp(cmd, "ignore") == 0; } int id = append_menu(hmenu, fMask, 0, (UINT)fState, build_title(talloc_ctx, title, shortcut), submenu, talloc_strdup(talloc_ctx, cmd)); if (id > 0 && grayed) EnableMenuItem(hmenu, id, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); } } } struct menu_ctx *mp_win32_menu_init(HWND hwnd) { struct menu_ctx *ctx = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, ctx); ctx->hwnd = hwnd; ctx->updated = false; ctx->menu = CreatePopupMenu(); ctx->ta_data = talloc_new(ctx); return ctx; } void mp_win32_menu_uninit(struct menu_ctx *ctx) { DestroyMenu(ctx->menu); talloc_free(ctx); } void mp_win32_menu_show(struct menu_ctx *ctx, HWND hwnd) { POINT pt; RECT rc; if (!GetCursorPos(&pt)) return; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); ScreenToClient(hwnd, &pt); if (!PtInRect(&rc, pt)) return; ClientToScreen(hwnd, &pt); TrackPopupMenuEx(ctx->menu, TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, hwnd, NULL); } void mp_win32_menu_update(struct menu_ctx *ctx, struct mpv_node *data) { while (GetMenuItemCount(ctx->menu) > 0) RemoveMenu(ctx->menu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION); talloc_free_children(ctx->ta_data); build_menu(ctx->ta_data, ctx->menu, data); if (!ctx->updated) { append_menu(GetSystemMenu(ctx->hwnd, FALSE), MIIM_FTYPE, MFT_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); append_menu(GetSystemMenu(ctx->hwnd, FALSE), MIIM_STRING | MIIM_SUBMENU, 0, 0, build_title(ctx->ta_data, "mpv", NULL), ctx->menu, NULL); ctx->updated = true; } else if (data->format != MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY) { // recreate ctx->menu because it is destroyed here GetSystemMenu(ctx->hwnd, TRUE); ctx->menu = CreatePopupMenu(); ctx->updated = false; } } const char* mp_win32_menu_get_cmd(struct menu_ctx *ctx, UINT id) { MENUITEMINFOW mii = {0}; mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fMask = MIIM_DATA; GetMenuItemInfoW(ctx->menu, id, FALSE, &mii); return (const char *)mii.dwItemData; }