/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <windows.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "displayconfig.h" #include "mpv_talloc.h" // Some DisplayConfig definitions are broken in mingw-w64 (as of 2015-3-13.) To // get the correct struct alignment, it's necessary to define them properly. #include <pshpack1.h> typedef enum { MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_OTHER = -1, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_HD15 = 0, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_SVIDEO = 1, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_COMPOSITE_VIDEO = 2, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_COMPONENT_VIDEO = 3, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_DVI = 4, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_HDMI = 5, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_LVDS = 6, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_D_JPN = 8, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_SDI = 9, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_DISPLAYPORT_EXTERNAL = 10, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_DISPLAYPORT_EMBEDDED = 11, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_UDI_EXTERNAL = 12, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_UDI_EMBEDDED = 13, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_SDTVDONGLE = 14, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_MIRACAST = 15, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_INTERNAL = -2147483647 - 1, MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7FFFFFFF } MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY; typedef struct MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO { LUID adapterId; UINT32 id; UINT32 modeInfoIdx; MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY outputTechnology; DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION rotation; DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING scaling; DISPLAYCONFIG_RATIONAL refreshRate; DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING scanLineOrdering; WINBOOL targetAvailable; UINT32 statusFlags; } MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO; #define DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO typedef struct MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO { DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_SOURCE_INFO sourceInfo; MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO targetInfo; UINT32 flags; } MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO; #define DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO typedef struct MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME { DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_HEADER header; DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME_FLAGS flags; MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY outputTechnology; UINT16 edidManufactureId; UINT16 edidProductCodeId; UINT32 connectorInstance; WCHAR monitorFriendlyDeviceName[64]; WCHAR monitorDevicePath[128]; } MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME; #define DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME MP_DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME #include <poppack.h> static pthread_once_t displayconfig_load_ran = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; static bool displayconfig_loaded = false; static LONG (WINAPI *pDisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo)( DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_HEADER*); static LONG (WINAPI *pGetDisplayConfigBufferSizes)(UINT32, UINT32*, UINT32*); static LONG (WINAPI *pQueryDisplayConfig)(UINT32, UINT32*, DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO*, UINT32*, DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO*, DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_ID*); static bool is_valid_refresh_rate(DISPLAYCONFIG_RATIONAL rr) { // DisplayConfig sometimes reports a rate of 1 when the rate is not known return rr.Denominator != 0 && rr.Numerator / rr.Denominator > 1; } static void displayconfig_load(void) { HMODULE user32 = GetModuleHandleW(L"user32.dll"); if (!user32) return; pDisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo = (LONG (WINAPI*)(DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_HEADER*)) GetProcAddress(user32, "DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo"); if (!pDisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo) return; pGetDisplayConfigBufferSizes = (LONG (WINAPI*)(UINT32, UINT32*, UINT32*)) GetProcAddress(user32, "GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes"); if (!pGetDisplayConfigBufferSizes) return; pQueryDisplayConfig = (LONG (WINAPI*)(UINT32, UINT32*, DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO*, UINT32*, DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO*, DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_ID*)) GetProcAddress(user32, "QueryDisplayConfig"); if (!pQueryDisplayConfig) return; displayconfig_loaded = true; } static int get_config(void *ctx, UINT32 *num_paths, DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO** paths, UINT32 *num_modes, DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO** modes) { LONG res; *paths = NULL; *modes = NULL; // The display configuration could change between the call to // GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and the call to QueryDisplayConfig, so call // them in a loop until the correct buffer size is chosen do { res = pGetDisplayConfigBufferSizes(QDC_ONLY_ACTIVE_PATHS, num_paths, num_modes); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto fail; // Free old buffers if they exist and allocate new ones talloc_free(*paths); talloc_free(*modes); *paths = talloc_array(ctx, DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO, *num_paths); *modes = talloc_array(ctx, DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO, *num_modes); res = pQueryDisplayConfig(QDC_ONLY_ACTIVE_PATHS, num_paths, *paths, num_modes, *modes, NULL); } while (res == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto fail; return 0; fail: talloc_free(*paths); talloc_free(*modes); return -1; } static DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO *get_path(UINT32 num_paths, DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO* paths, const wchar_t *device) { // Search for a path with a matching device name for (UINT32 i = 0; i < num_paths; i++) { // Send a GET_SOURCE_NAME request DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_DEVICE_NAME source = { .header = { .size = sizeof source, .type = DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_SOURCE_NAME, .adapterId = paths[i].sourceInfo.adapterId, .id = paths[i].sourceInfo.id, } }; if (pDisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(&source.header) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return NULL; // Check if the device name matches if (!wcscmp(device, source.viewGdiDeviceName)) return &paths[i]; } return NULL; } static double get_refresh_rate_from_mode(DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO *mode) { if (mode->infoType != DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE_TARGET) return 0.0; DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_SIGNAL_INFO *info = &mode->targetMode.targetVideoSignalInfo; if (!is_valid_refresh_rate(info->vSyncFreq)) return 0.0; return ((double)info->vSyncFreq.Numerator) / ((double)info->vSyncFreq.Denominator); } double mp_w32_displayconfig_get_refresh_rate(const wchar_t *device) { // Load Windows 7 DisplayConfig API pthread_once(&displayconfig_load_ran, displayconfig_load); if (!displayconfig_loaded) return 0.0; void *ctx = talloc_new(NULL); double freq = 0.0; // Get the current display configuration UINT32 num_paths; DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO* paths; UINT32 num_modes; DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO* modes; if (get_config(ctx, &num_paths, &paths, &num_modes, &modes)) goto end; // Get the path for the specified monitor DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO* path; if (!(path = get_path(num_paths, paths, device))) goto end; // Try getting the refresh rate from the mode first. The value in the mode // overrides the value in the path. if (path->targetInfo.modeInfoIdx != DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_MODE_IDX_INVALID) freq = get_refresh_rate_from_mode(&modes[path->targetInfo.modeInfoIdx]); // If the mode didn't contain a valid refresh rate, try the path if (freq == 0.0 && is_valid_refresh_rate(path->targetInfo.refreshRate)) { freq = ((double)path->targetInfo.refreshRate.Numerator) / ((double)path->targetInfo.refreshRate.Denominator); } end: talloc_free(ctx); return freq; }