/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see . */ import MediaPlayer class RemoteCommandCenter: NSObject { enum KeyType { case normal case repeatable } var config: [MPRemoteCommand:[String:Any]] = [ MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().pauseCommand: [ "mpKey": MP_KEY_PAUSEONLY, "keyType": KeyType.normal ], MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().playCommand: [ "mpKey": MP_KEY_PLAYONLY, "keyType": KeyType.normal ], MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().stopCommand: [ "mpKey": MP_KEY_STOP, "keyType": KeyType.normal ], MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().nextTrackCommand: [ "mpKey": MP_KEY_NEXT, "keyType": KeyType.normal ], MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().previousTrackCommand: [ "mpKey": MP_KEY_PREV, "keyType": KeyType.normal ], MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().togglePlayPauseCommand: [ "mpKey": MP_KEY_PLAY, "keyType": KeyType.normal ], MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().seekForwardCommand: [ "mpKey": MP_KEY_FORWARD, "keyType": KeyType.repeatable, "state": MP_KEY_STATE_UP ], MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().seekBackwardCommand: [ "mpKey": MP_KEY_REWIND, "keyType": KeyType.repeatable, "state": MP_KEY_STATE_UP ], ] var nowPlayingInfo: [String: Any] = [ MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyMediaType: NSNumber(value: MPNowPlayingInfoMediaType.video.rawValue), MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyDefaultPlaybackRate: NSNumber(value: 1), MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackProgress: NSNumber(value: 0.0), MPMediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration: NSNumber(value: 0), MPMediaItemPropertyTitle: "mpv", MPMediaItemPropertyAlbumTitle: "mpv", MPMediaItemPropertyArtist: "mpv", ] let disabledCommands: [MPRemoteCommand] = [ MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().changePlaybackRateCommand, MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().changeRepeatModeCommand, MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().changeShuffleModeCommand, MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().skipForwardCommand, MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().skipBackwardCommand, MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().changePlaybackPositionCommand, MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().enableLanguageOptionCommand, MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().disableLanguageOptionCommand, MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().ratingCommand, MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().likeCommand, MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().dislikeCommand, MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().bookmarkCommand, ] var mpInfoCenter: MPNowPlayingInfoCenter { get { return MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.default() } } var isPaused: Bool = false { didSet { updatePlaybackState() } } @objc override init() { super.init() for cmd in disabledCommands { cmd.isEnabled = false } } @objc func start() { for (cmd, _) in config { cmd.isEnabled = true cmd.addTarget { [unowned self] event in return self.cmdHandler(event) } } if let app = NSApp as? Application, let icon = app.getMPVIcon() { let albumArt = MPMediaItemArtwork(boundsSize: icon.size) { _ in return icon } nowPlayingInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork] = albumArt } mpInfoCenter.nowPlayingInfo = nowPlayingInfo mpInfoCenter.playbackState = .playing NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( self, selector: #selector(self.makeCurrent), name: NSApplication.willBecomeActiveNotification, object: nil ) } @objc func stop() { for (cmd, _) in config { cmd.isEnabled = false cmd.removeTarget(nil) } mpInfoCenter.nowPlayingInfo = nil mpInfoCenter.playbackState = .unknown } @objc func makeCurrent(notification: NSNotification) { mpInfoCenter.playbackState = .paused mpInfoCenter.playbackState = .playing updatePlaybackState() } func updatePlaybackState() { mpInfoCenter.playbackState = isPaused ? .paused : .playing } func cmdHandler(_ event: MPRemoteCommandEvent) -> MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus { guard let cmdConfig = config[event.command], let mpKey = cmdConfig["mpKey"] as? Int32, let keyType = cmdConfig["keyType"] as? KeyType else { return .commandFailed } var state = cmdConfig["state"] as? UInt32 ?? 0 if let currentState = cmdConfig["state"] as? UInt32, keyType == .repeatable { state = MP_KEY_STATE_DOWN config[event.command]?["state"] = MP_KEY_STATE_DOWN if currentState == MP_KEY_STATE_DOWN { state = MP_KEY_STATE_UP config[event.command]?["state"] = MP_KEY_STATE_UP } } EventsResponder.sharedInstance().handleMPKey(mpKey, withMask: Int32(state)) return .success } @objc func processEvent(_ event: UnsafeMutablePointer) { switch event.pointee.event_id { case MPV_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGE: handlePropertyChange(event) default: break } } func handlePropertyChange(_ event: UnsafeMutablePointer) { let pData = OpaquePointer(event.pointee.data) guard let property = UnsafePointer(pData)?.pointee else { return } switch String(cString: property.name) { case "pause" where property.format == MPV_FORMAT_FLAG: isPaused = LibmpvHelper.mpvFlagToBool(property.data) ?? false default: break } } }