"use strict"; (function main_default_js(g) { // - g is the global object. // - User callbacks called without 'this', global only if callee is non-strict. // - The names of function expressions are not required, but are used in stack // traces. We name them where useful to show up (fname:#line always shows). mp.msg = { log: mp.log }; mp.msg.verbose = mp.log.bind(null, "v"); var levels = ["fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace"]; levels.forEach(function(l) { mp.msg[l] = mp.log.bind(null, l) }); // same as {} but without inherited stuff, e.g. o["toString"] doesn't exist. // used where we try to fetch items by keys which we don't absolutely trust. function new_cache() { return Object.create(null, {}); } /********************************************************************** * event handlers, property observers, idle, client messages, hooks, async *********************************************************************/ var ehandlers = new_cache() // items of event-name: array of {maybe cb: fn} mp.register_event = function(name, fn) { if (!ehandlers[name]) ehandlers[name] = []; ehandlers[name] = ehandlers[name].concat([{cb: fn}]); // replaces the arr return mp._request_event(name, true); } mp.unregister_event = function(fn) { for (var name in ehandlers) { ehandlers[name] = ehandlers[name].filter(function(h) { if (h.cb != fn) return true; delete h.cb; // dispatch could have a ref to h }); // replacing, not mutating the array if (!ehandlers[name].length) { delete ehandlers[name]; mp._request_event(name, false); } } } // call only pre-registered handlers, but not ones which got unregistered function dispatch_event(e) { var handlers = ehandlers[e.event]; if (handlers) { for (var len = handlers.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) { var cb = handlers[i].cb; // 'handlers' won't mutate, but unregister if (cb) // could remove cb from some items cb(e); } } } // ----- idle observers ----- var iobservers = [], // array of callbacks ideleted = false; mp.register_idle = function(fn) { iobservers.push(fn); } mp.unregister_idle = function(fn) { iobservers.forEach(function(f, i) { if (f == fn) delete iobservers[i]; // -> same length but [more] sparse }); ideleted = true; } function notify_idle_observers() { // forEach and filter skip deleted items and newly added items iobservers.forEach(function(f) { f() }); if (ideleted) { iobservers = iobservers.filter(function() { return true }); ideleted = false; } } // ----- property observers ----- var next_oid = 1, observers = new_cache(); // items of id: fn mp.observe_property = function(name, format, fn) { var id = next_oid++; observers[id] = fn; return mp._observe_property(id, name, format || undefined); // allow null } mp.unobserve_property = function(fn) { for (var id in observers) { if (observers[id] == fn) { delete observers[id]; mp._unobserve_property(id); } } } function notify_observer(e) { var cb = observers[e.id]; if (cb) cb(e.name, e.data); } // ----- Client messages ----- var messages = new_cache(); // items of name: fn // overrides name. no libmpv API to reg/unreg specific messages. mp.register_script_message = function(name, fn) { messages[name] = fn; } mp.unregister_script_message = function(name) { delete messages[name]; } function dispatch_message(ev) { var cb = ev.args.length ? messages[ev.args[0]] : false; if (cb) cb.apply(null, ev.args.slice(1)); } // ----- hooks ----- var hooks = []; // array of callbacks, id is index+1 function run_hook(ev) { var state = 0; // 0:initial, 1:deferred, 2:continued function do_cont() { return state = 2, mp._hook_continue(ev.hook_id) } function err() { return mp.msg.error("hook already continued"), undefined } function usr_defer() { return state == 2 ? err() : (state = 1, true) } function usr_cont() { return state == 2 ? err() : do_cont() } var cb = ev.id > 0 && hooks[ev.id - 1]; if (cb) cb({ defer: usr_defer, cont: usr_cont }); return state == 0 ? do_cont() : true; } mp.add_hook = function add_hook(name, pri, fn) { hooks.push(fn); // 50 (scripting docs default priority) maps to 0 (default in C API docs) return mp._hook_add(name, pri - 50, hooks.length); } // ----- async commands ----- var async_callbacks = new_cache(); // items of id: fn var async_next_id = 1; mp.command_native_async = function command_native_async(node, cb) { var id = async_next_id++; cb = cb || function dummy() {}; if (!mp._command_native_async(id, node)) { var le = mp.last_error(); setTimeout(cb, 0, false, undefined, le); /* callback async */ mp._set_last_error(le); return undefined; } async_callbacks[id] = cb; return id; } function async_command_handler(ev) { var cb = async_callbacks[ev.id]; delete async_callbacks[ev.id]; if (ev.error) cb(false, undefined, ev.error); else cb(true, ev.result, ""); } mp.abort_async_command = function abort_async_command(id) { // cb will be invoked regardless, possibly with the abort result if (async_callbacks[id]) mp._abort_async_command(id); } // osd-ass var next_assid = 1; mp.create_osd_overlay = function create_osd_overlay(format) { return { format: format || "ass-events", id: next_assid++, data: "", res_x: 0, res_y: 720, z: 0, update: function ass_update() { var cmd = {}; // shallow clone of `this', excluding methods for (var k in this) { if (typeof this[k] != "function") cmd[k] = this[k]; } cmd.name = "osd-overlay"; cmd.res_x = Math.round(this.res_x); cmd.res_y = Math.round(this.res_y); return mp.command_native(cmd); }, remove: function ass_remove() { mp.command_native({ name: "osd-overlay", id: this.id, format: "none", data: "", }); return mp.last_error() ? undefined : true; }, }; } // osd-ass legacy API mp.set_osd_ass = function set_osd_ass(res_x, res_y, data) { if (!mp._legacy_overlay) mp._legacy_overlay = mp.create_osd_overlay("ass-events"); var lo = mp._legacy_overlay; if (lo.res_x == res_x && lo.res_y == res_y && lo.data == data) return true; mp._legacy_overlay.res_x = res_x; mp._legacy_overlay.res_y = res_y; mp._legacy_overlay.data = data; return mp._legacy_overlay.update(); } // the following return undefined on error, null passthrough, or legacy object mp.get_osd_size = function get_osd_size() { var d = mp.get_property_native("osd-dimensions"); return d && {width: d.w, height: d.h, aspect: d.aspect}; } mp.get_osd_margins = function get_osd_margins() { var d = mp.get_property_native("osd-dimensions"); return d && {left: d.ml, right: d.mr, top: d.mt, bottom: d.mb}; } /********************************************************************** * key bindings *********************************************************************/ // binds: items of (binding) name which are objects of: // {cb: fn, forced: bool, maybe input: str, repeatable: bool, complex: bool} var binds = new_cache(); function dispatch_key_binding(name, state, key_name, key_text) { var cb = binds[name] ? binds[name].cb : false; if (cb) // "script-binding [/]" command was invoked cb(state, key_name, key_text); } var binds_tid = 0; // flush timer id. actual id's are always true-thy mp.flush_key_bindings = function flush_key_bindings() { function prioritized_inputs(arr) { return arr.sort(function(a, b) { return a.id - b.id }) .map(function(bind) { return bind.input }); } var def = [], forced = []; for (var n in binds) if (binds[n].input) (binds[n].forced ? forced : def).push(binds[n]); // newer bindings for the same key override/hide older ones def = prioritized_inputs(def); forced = prioritized_inputs(forced); var sect = "input_" + mp.script_name; mp.commandv("define-section", sect, def.join("\n"), "default"); mp.commandv("enable-section", sect, "allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"); sect = "input_forced_" + mp.script_name; mp.commandv("define-section", sect, forced.join("\n"), "force"); mp.commandv("enable-section", sect, "allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"); clearTimeout(binds_tid); // cancel future flush if called directly binds_tid = 0; } function sched_bindings_flush() { if (!binds_tid) binds_tid = setTimeout(mp.flush_key_bindings, 0); // fires on idle } // name/opts maybe omitted. opts: object with optional bool members: repeatable, // complex, forced, or a string str which is evaluated as object {str: true}. var next_bid = 1; function add_binding(forced, key, name, fn, opts) { if (typeof name == "function") { // as if "name" is not part of the args opts = fn; fn = name; name = false; } var key_data = {forced: forced}; switch (typeof opts) { // merge opts into key_data case "string": key_data[opts] = true; break; case "object": for (var o in opts) key_data[o] = opts[o]; } key_data.id = next_bid++; if (!name) name = "__keybinding" + key_data.id; // new unique binding name if (key_data.complex) { mp.register_script_message(name, function msg_cb() { fn({event: "press", is_mouse: false}); }); var KEY_STATES = { u: "up", d: "down", r: "repeat", p: "press" }; key_data.cb = function key_cb(state, key_name, key_text) { fn({ event: KEY_STATES[state[0]] || "unknown", is_mouse: state[1] == "m", canceled: state[2] == "c", key_name: key_name || undefined, key_text: key_text || undefined }); } } else { mp.register_script_message(name, fn); key_data.cb = function key_cb(state) { // Emulate the semantics at input.c: mouse emits on up, kb on down. // Also, key repeat triggers the binding again. var e = state[0], emit = (state[1] == "m") ? (e == "u") : (e == "d"), canceled = state[2] == "c"; if (canceled) return; if (emit || e == "p" || e == "r" && key_data.repeatable) fn(); } } if (key) key_data.input = key + " script-binding " + mp.script_name + "/" + name; binds[name] = key_data; // used by user and/or our (key) script-binding sched_bindings_flush(); } mp.add_key_binding = add_binding.bind(null, false); mp.add_forced_key_binding = add_binding.bind(null, true); mp.remove_key_binding = function(name) { mp.unregister_script_message(name); delete binds[name]; sched_bindings_flush(); } /********************************************************************** Timers: compatible HTML5 WindowTimers - set/clear Timeout/Interval - Spec: https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/webappapis.html#timers - Guaranteed to callback a-sync to [re-]insertion (event-loop wise). - Guaranteed to callback by expiration order, or, if equal, by insertion order. - Not guaranteed schedule accuracy, though intervals should have good average. *********************************************************************/ // pending 'timers' ordered by expiration: latest at index 0 (top fires first). // Earlier timers are quicker to handle - just push/pop or fewer items to shift. var next_tid = 1, timers = [], // while in process_timers, just insertion-ordered (push) tset_is_push = false, // signal set_timer that we're in process_timers tcanceled = false, // or object of items timer-id: true now = mp.get_time_ms; // just an alias function insert_sorted(arr, t) { for (var i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0 && t.when >= arr[i].when; i--) arr[i + 1] = arr[i]; // move up timers which fire earlier than t arr[i + 1] = t; // i is -1 or fires later than t } // args (is "arguments"): fn_or_str [,duration [,user_arg1 [, user_arg2 ...]]] function set_timer(repeat, args) { var fos = args[0], duration = Math.max(0, (args[1] || 0)), // minimum and default are 0 t = { id: next_tid++, when: now() + duration, interval: repeat ? duration : -1, callback: (typeof fos == "function") ? fos : Function(fos), args: (args.length < 3) ? false : [].slice.call(args, 2), }; if (tset_is_push) { timers.push(t); } else { insert_sorted(timers, t); } return t.id; } g.setTimeout = function setTimeout() { return set_timer(false, arguments) }; g.setInterval = function setInterval() { return set_timer(true, arguments) }; g.clearTimeout = g.clearInterval = function(id) { if (id < next_tid) { // must ignore if not active timer id. if (!tcanceled) tcanceled = {}; tcanceled[id] = true; } } // arr: ordered timers array. ret: -1: no timers, 0: due, positive: ms to wait function peek_wait(arr) { return arr.length ? Math.max(0, arr[arr.length - 1].when - now()) : -1; } function peek_timers_wait() { return peek_wait(timers); // must not be called while in process_timers } // Callback all due non-canceled timers which were inserted before calling us. // Returns wait in ms till the next timer (possibly 0), or -1 if nothing pends. function process_timers() { var wait = peek_wait(timers); if (wait != 0) return wait; var actives = timers; // only process those already inserted by now timers = []; // we'll handle added new timers at the end of processing. tset_is_push = true; // signal set_timer to just push-insert do { var t = actives.pop(); if (tcanceled && tcanceled[t.id]) continue; if (t.args) { t.callback.apply(null, t.args); } else { (0, t.callback)(); // faster, nicer stack trace than t.cb.call() } if (t.interval >= 0) { // allow 20 ms delay/clock-resolution/gc before we skip and reset t.when = Math.max(now() - 20, t.when + t.interval); timers.push(t); // insertion order only } } while (peek_wait(actives) == 0); // new 'timers' are insertion-ordered. remains of actives are fully ordered timers.forEach(function(t) { insert_sorted(actives, t) }); timers = actives; // now we're fully ordered again, and with all timers tset_is_push = false; if (tcanceled) { timers = timers.filter(function(t) { return !tcanceled[t.id] }); tcanceled = false; } return peek_wait(timers); } /********************************************************************** CommonJS module/require Spec: http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Modules/1.1.1 - All the mandatory requirements are implemented, all the unit tests pass. - The implementation makes the following exception: - Allows the chars [~@:\\] in module id for meta-dir/builtin/dos-drive/UNC. Implementation choices beyond the specification: - A module may assign to module.exports (rather than only to exports). - A module's 'this' is the global object, also if it sets strict mode. - No 'global'/'self'. Users can do "this.global = this;" before require(..) - A module has "privacy of its top scope", runs in its own function context. - No id identity with symlinks - a valid choice which others make too. - require("X") always maps to "X.js" -> require("foo.js") is file "foo.js.js". - Global modules search paths are 'scripts/modules.js/' in mpv config dirs. - A main script could e.g. require("./abc") to load a non-global module. - Module id supports mpv path enhancements, e.g. ~/foo, ~~/bar, ~~desktop/baz *********************************************************************/ mp.module_paths = []; // global modules search paths if (mp.script_path !== undefined) // loaded as a directory mp.module_paths.push(mp.utils.join_path(mp.script_path, "modules")); // Internal meta top-dirs. Users should not rely on these names. var MODULES_META = "~~modules", SCRIPTDIR_META = "~~scriptdir", // relative script path -> meta absolute id main_script = mp.utils.split_path(mp.script_file); // -> [ path, file ] function resolve_module_file(id) { var sep = id.indexOf("/"), base = id.substring(0, sep), rest = id.substring(sep + 1) + ".js"; if (base == SCRIPTDIR_META) return mp.utils.join_path(main_script[0], rest); if (base == MODULES_META) { for (var i = 0; i < mp.module_paths.length; i++) { try { var f = mp.utils.join_path(mp.module_paths[i], rest); mp.utils.read_file(f, 1); // throws on any error return f; } catch (e) {} } throw(Error("Cannot find module file '" + rest + "'")); } return id + ".js"; } // Delimiter '/', remove redundancies, prefix with modules meta-root if needed. // E.g. c:\x -> c:/x, or ./x//y/../z -> ./x/z, or utils/x -> ~~modules/utils/x . function canonicalize(id) { var path = id.replace(/\\/g,"/").split("/"), t = path[0], base = []; // if not strictly relative then must be top-level. figure out base/rest if (t != "." && t != "..") { // global module if it's not fs-root/home/dos-drive/builtin/meta-dir if (!(t == "" || t == "~" || t[1] == ":" || t == "@" || t.match(/^~~/))) path.unshift(MODULES_META); // add an explicit modules meta-root if (id.match(/^\\\\/)) // simple UNC handling, preserve leading \\srv path = ["\\\\" + path[2]].concat(path.slice(3)); // [ \\srv, shr..] if (t[1] == ":" && t.length > 2) { // path: [ "c:relative", "path" ] path[0] = t.substring(2); path.unshift(t[0] + ":."); // -> [ "c:.", "relative", "path" ] } base = [path.shift()]; } // path is now logically relative. base, if not empty, is its [meta] root. // normalize the relative part - always id-based (spec Module Id, 1.3.6). var cr = []; // canonicalized relative for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { if (path[i] == "." || path[i] == "") continue; if (path[i] == ".." && cr.length && cr[cr.length - 1] != "..") { cr.pop(); continue; } cr.push(path[i]); } if (!base.length && cr[0] != "..") base = ["."]; // relative and not ../ so must start with ./ return base.concat(cr).join("/"); } function resolve_module_id(base_id, new_id) { new_id = canonicalize(new_id); if (!new_id.match(/^\.\/|^\.\.\//)) // doesn't start with ./ or ../ return new_id; // not relative, we don't care about base_id var combined = mp.utils.join_path(mp.utils.split_path(base_id)[0], new_id); return canonicalize(combined); } var req_cache = new_cache(); // global for all instances of require // ret: a require function instance which uses base_id to resolve relative id's function new_require(base_id) { return function require(id) { id = resolve_module_id(base_id, id); // id is now top-level if (req_cache[id]) return req_cache[id].exports; var new_module = {id: id, exports: {}}; req_cache[id] = new_module; try { var filename = resolve_module_file(id); // we need dedicated free vars + filename in traces + allow strict var str = "mp._req = function(require, exports, module) {" + mp.utils.read_file(filename) + "\n;}"; mp.utils.compile_js(filename, str)(); // only runs the assignment var tmp = mp._req; // we have mp._req, or else we'd have thrown delete mp._req; tmp.call(g, new_require(id), new_module.exports, new_module); } catch (e) { delete req_cache[id]; throw(e); } return new_module.exports; }; } g.require = new_require(SCRIPTDIR_META + "/" + main_script[1]); /********************************************************************** * mp.options *********************************************************************/ function read_options(opts, id, on_update, conf_override) { id = String(id ? id : mp.get_script_name()); mp.msg.debug("reading options for " + id); var conf, fname = "~~/script-opts/" + id + ".conf"; try { conf = arguments.length > 3 ? conf_override : mp.utils.read_file(fname); } catch (e) { mp.msg.verbose(fname + " not found."); } // data as config file lines array, or empty array var data = conf ? conf.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").split("\n") : [], conf_len = data.length; // before we append script-opts below // Append relevant script-opts as = to data var sopts = mp.get_property_native("options/script-opts"), prefix = id + "-"; for (var key in sopts) { if (key.indexOf(prefix) == 0) data.push(key.substring(prefix.length) + "=" + sopts[key]); } // Update opts from data data.forEach(function(line, i) { if (line[0] == "#" || line.trim() == "") return; var key = line.substring(0, line.indexOf("=")), val = line.substring(line.indexOf("=") + 1), type = typeof opts[key], info = i < conf_len ? fname + ":" + (i + 1) // 1-based line number : "script-opts:" + prefix + key; if (!opts.hasOwnProperty(key)) mp.msg.warn(info, "Ignoring unknown key '" + key + "'"); else if (type == "string") opts[key] = val; else if (type == "boolean" && (val == "yes" || val == "no")) opts[key] = (val == "yes"); else if (type == "number" && val.trim() != "" && !isNaN(val)) opts[key] = Number(val); else mp.msg.error(info, "Error: can't convert '" + val + "' to " + type); }); if (on_update) { mp.observe_property("options/script-opts", "native", function(_n, _v) { var saved = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(opts)); // clone var changelist = {}, changed = false; read_options(opts, id, 0, conf); // re-apply orig-file + script-opts for (var key in opts) { if (opts[key] != saved[key]) // type always stays the same changelist[key] = changed = true; } if (changed) on_update(changelist); }); } } mp.options = { read_options: read_options }; /********************************************************************** * input *********************************************************************/ function register_event_handler(t) { mp.register_script_message("input-event", function (type, args) { if (t[type]) { args = JSON.parse(args) var result = t[type](args[0], args[1]); if (type == "complete" && result) { mp.commandv("script-message-to", "console", "complete", JSON.stringify(result[0]), result[1]); } } if (type == "closed") mp.unregister_script_message("input-event"); }) } mp.input = { get: function(t) { mp.commandv("script-message-to", "console", "get-input", mp.script_name, JSON.stringify({ prompt: t.prompt, default_text: t.default_text, cursor_position: t.cursor_position, id: t.id, })); register_event_handler(t) }, select: function (t) { mp.commandv("script-message-to", "console", "get-input", mp.script_name, JSON.stringify({ prompt: t.prompt, items: t.items, default_item: t.default_item, })); register_event_handler(t); }, terminate: function () { mp.commandv("script-message-to", "console", "disable"); }, log: function (message, style, terminal_style) { mp.commandv("script-message-to", "console", "log", JSON.stringify({ text: message, style: style, terminal_style: terminal_style, })); }, log_error: function (message) { mp.commandv("script-message-to", "console", "log", JSON.stringify({ text: message, error: true })); }, set_log: function (log) { mp.commandv("script-message-to", "console", "set-log", JSON.stringify(log)); } } /********************************************************************** * various *********************************************************************/ g.print = mp.msg.info; // convenient alias mp.get_script_name = function() { return mp.script_name }; mp.get_script_file = function() { return mp.script_file }; mp.get_script_directory = function() { return mp.script_path }; mp.get_time = function() { return mp.get_time_ms() / 1000 }; mp.utils.getcwd = function() { return mp.get_property("working-directory") }; mp.utils.getpid = function() { return mp.get_property_number("pid") } mp.utils.get_user_path = function(p) { return mp.command_native(["expand-path", String(p)]) }; mp.get_mouse_pos = function() { return mp.get_property_native("mouse-pos") }; mp.utils.write_file = mp.utils._write_file.bind(null, false); mp.utils.append_file = mp.utils._write_file.bind(null, true); mp.dispatch_event = dispatch_event; mp.process_timers = process_timers; mp.notify_idle_observers = notify_idle_observers; mp.peek_timers_wait = peek_timers_wait; mp.get_opt = function(key, def) { var v = mp.get_property_native("options/script-opts")[key]; return (typeof v != "undefined") ? v : def; } mp.osd_message = function osd_message(text, duration) { mp.commandv("show_text", text, Math.round(1000 * (duration || -1))); } mp.utils.subprocess = function subprocess(t) { var cmd = { name: "subprocess", capture_stdout: true }; var new_names = { cancellable: "playback_only", max_size: "capture_size" }; for (var k in t) cmd[new_names[k] || k] = t[k]; var rv = mp.command_native(cmd); if (mp.last_error()) /* typically on missing/incorrect args */ rv = { error_string: mp.last_error(), status: -1 }; if (rv.error_string) rv.error = rv.error_string; return rv; } mp.utils.subprocess_detached = function subprocess_detached(t) { return mp.commandv.apply(null, ["run"].concat(t.args)); } // ----- dump: like print, but expands objects/arrays recursively ----- function replacer(k, v) { var t = typeof v; if (t == "function" || t == "undefined") return "<" + t + ">"; if (Array.isArray(this) && t == "object" && v !== null) { // "safe" mode if (this.indexOf(v) >= 0) return ""; this.push(v); } return v; } function obj2str(v) { try { // can process objects more than once, but throws on cycles return JSON.stringify(v, replacer.bind(null), 2); } catch (e) { // simple safe: exclude visited objects, even if not cyclic return JSON.stringify(v, replacer.bind([]), 2); } } g.dump = function dump() { var toprint = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var v = arguments[i]; toprint.push((typeof v == "object") ? obj2str(v) : replacer(0, v)); } print.apply(null, toprint); } /********************************************************************** * main listeners and event loop *********************************************************************/ mp.keep_running = true; g.exit = function() { mp.keep_running = false }; // user-facing too mp.register_event("shutdown", g.exit); mp.register_event("property-change", notify_observer); mp.register_event("hook", run_hook); mp.register_event("command-reply", async_command_handler); mp.register_event("client-message", dispatch_message); mp.register_script_message("key-binding", dispatch_key_binding); g.mp_event_loop = function mp_event_loop() { var wait = 0; // seconds do { // distapch events as long as they arrive, then do the timers/idle var e = mp.wait_event(wait); if (e.event != "none") { dispatch_event(e); wait = 0; // poll the next one } else { wait = process_timers() / 1000; if (wait != 0 && iobservers.length) { notify_idle_observers(); // can add timers -> recalculate wait wait = peek_timers_wait() / 1000; } } } while (mp.keep_running); }; // let the user extend us, e.g. by adding items to mp.module_paths var initjs = mp.find_config_file("init.js"); // ~~/init.js if (initjs) require(initjs.slice(0, -3)); // remove ".js" else if ((initjs = mp.find_config_file(".init.js"))) mp.msg.warn("Use init.js instead of .init.js (ignoring " + initjs + ")"); })(this)