The image w and h members must match params.w and params.h, so
should not be changed directly. The helper function mp_image_set_size
is designed for this purpose, so just use that instead.
This prevents an assertion error with the rewritten draw_bmp.
The generate_xxx() helpers, once defined, would appear as
user-visible functions; this would lead to unexpected and
confusing completion suggestions for gene<tab> after having
once run mpv in that shell.
This PR adds the prefix '_mpv_' to all completion functions
as a convention to make them less user-visible and less likely
to collide with other packages.
The OSC calls this "tooltip" (and although a general mechanism, there's
only one instance using it). One particular problem was that with the
default OSC layout, moving the mouse down and out of the window, the
tooltip stuck around, because the returned mouse position was the last
pixel row in the window, which still overlaps with the seek bar.
Instead of introducing mouse_in_window, you could check last_mouse_X for
nil, but I think this is clearer.
This returns (-1, -1) to the caller if the mouse is outside. Kind of
random, but works.
Added in libplacebo v60, unfortunately with some changes in design that
make it a bit of an awkward fit for the way timers are used in mpv.
Timer queries in libplacebo don't support "start" and "stop"-style
operations, and instead are attached directly to operations. The only
sane way of implementing this in the ra API is to have a single 'active
timer' that gets attached to every pass, taking care to sort distinct
operations into distinct pl_timer queries within that ra_timer.
This design unfortunately doesn't let us have multiple 'active timers'
concurrently, similar to the current such limitation in ra_gl. But it's
also not a big deal.
Before this, we pretty much guaranteed that --mpv-ipc-fd=3 would be
passed. The FD was hardcoded, so scripts started by this mechanism
didn't need to actually parse the argument. Change this to using a
mostly random FD number instead.
I decided to do this because posix_spawnp() and the current replacement
cannot "guarantee" a FD layout. posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2() just
runs dup2() calls, so it may be hard to set FD 3/4 if they are already
used by something else. For example imagine trying to map:
{.fd = 3, .src_fd = 4},
{.fd = 4, .src_fd = 3},
Then it'd do dup2(4, 3), dup2(3, 4) (reminder: dup2(src, dst)), and the
end result is that FD 4 really maps to the original FD 4.
While this was not a problem in the present code, it's too messy that I
don't want to pretend it can always done this way without an unholy
mess. So my assumption is that FDs 0-2 can be freely assigned because
they're never closed (probably...), while for all other FDs only
pass-through is reasonable.
This code runs posix_spawnp() within a fork() in some cases, in order to
"disown" processes which are meant as being started detached. But
posix_spawnp() is not marked as async-signal-safe, so what we do is not
allowed. It could for example cause deadlocks, depending on
implementation and luck at runtime. Turns out posix_spawnp() is useless
Replace it with "classic" fork() to ensure correctness.
We could probably use another mechanism to start a process "disowned"
than doing a double-fork(). The only problem with "disowning" a process
is calling setsid() (which posix_spawnp() didn't support, but maybe will
in newer revisions), and removing as as parent from the child process
(the double-fork() will make PID 1 the parent). But there is no good way
to either remove us as parent, or to "reap" the PID in a way that is
safe and less of a mess than the current code. This is because
POSIX/UNIX is a miserable heap of shit. (Less shit than "alternatives"
like win32, no doubt.)
Because POSIX/UNIX is a miserable heap of shit, execvp() is also not
specified as async-signal-safe. It's funny how you can run a full
fledged HTTP server in an async-signal-safe context, but not start a
shitty damn process. Unix is really, really, really extremely bad at
this process management stuff. So we reimplement execvp() in an
async-signal-safe way.
The new code assumes that CLOEXEC is a thing. Since POSIX/UNIX is such a
heap of shit, O_CLOEXEC and FD_CLOEXEC were (probably) added at
different times, but both must be present. io.h defines them to 0 if
they don't exist, and in this case the code will error out at runtime.
Surely we could do without CLOEXEC via fallback, but I'll do that only
if at least 1 bug is reported wrt. this issue.
The idea how to report exec() failure or success is from musl. The way
as_execvpe() is also inspired by musl (for example, the list of error
codes that should make it fail is the same as in musl's code).
See manpage additions. This was requested, sort of. Although what has
been requested might be something completely different. So this is
This also changes sub_get_text() to return an allocated copy, because
the buffer shit was too damn messy.
This does not normally happen. But since the --input-ipc-client option
can pass in raw FDs, it's probably a good thing in the interest of
making mistakes obvious. Without this, it just burned a core on invalid
FDs (poll() always returned immediately).
As discussed in the referenced issue. This is quite a behavior change,
bit since this option is new, and not included in any releases yet, I
think it's OK.
Fixes: #7648
Render most of the OSD on the CPU, then draw it using a relatively
simple method. Do this for minimum code maintenance overhead. (While it
doesn't matter for vo_direct3d, and the effort spent here is probably
more than this would ever hope, I do hope to simplify the internal OSD
API for all these fringe VOs. Only vo_gpu should be allowed to do more
sophisticated things.)
If your GPU is shit (which it will be if you "want" to use vo_direct3d),
this might actually improve performance... is what I'd say, but out of
laziness a full screen sized texture gets uploaded on every OSD/subtitle
change, so maybe not.
This isn't useful anymore. We have a much better d3d11 renderer in
vo_gpu. D3D11 is available in all supported Windows versions. The
StretchRect path might still be useful for someone (???), and leaving it
at least evades conflict about users who want to keep using this VO for
inexplicable reasons. (Low power usage might be a justified reason, but
still, no.)
Also fuck the win32 platform, it's a heap of stinky shit. Microsoft is
some sort of psycho clown software company. Granted, maybe still better
than much of the rest of Silly Con Valley.
The original solution for #7017 was sort of a hack, but this hack is no
longer needed because c05e5d9d fixed the underlying issue causing this
error to be spammed in the first place. So just remove the "fix" that
apparently introduced about as many issueas it fixed.
Fixes#7719, hopefully.
Whatever it's worth. Instead of doing a pretty stupid conversion to
float, just blend it directly. This works for most RGB formats that are
8 bits per component or below (the latter because we expand packed
fringe RGB formats for simplicity). For higher bit depth RGB this would
need extra code.
This checked params-> for being RGB. If the colorspace is
unset, this did dumb things because even if the imgfmt was a RGB one,
the colorspace was not set to RGB. This actually also happened to the
(Short-cutting RGB like this is actually wrong, since RGB could still
have strange gamma or primaries, which would warrant a full conversion.
So you'd need to check for these other parameters as well. To be fixed
This will probably make it slower. But since I don't care about
vo_vaapi, that's perfectly OK. It serves mostly as a test for the
previous commit. In addition, this code was pretty bad (custom broken
scaling and not-blending that probably broke in some situation). If that
wasn't enough, some vaapi drivers also provide only a single overlay at
a time, while this code required a bunch.
There also seems to be a Mesa bug: the overlay gets stretched when
src_x/y was not 0. Or maybe I misunderstood how this is supposed to
work. A bug is probably more likely? Nobody cares about this API.
Maybe this is useful for some of the lesser VOs. It's preferable over
bad ad-hoc solutions based on the more complex sub_bitmap data
structures (as observed e.g. in vo_vaapi.c), and does not use that much
more code since draw_bmp already created such an overlay internally.
But I still wanted something that avoids having to upload/render a full
screen-sized overlay if for example there's only a tiny subtitle line on
the bottom of the screen. So the new API can return a list of modified
pixels (for upload) and non-transparent pixels (for display). The way
these pixel rectangles are computed is a bit dumb and returns dumb
results, but it should be usable, and the implementation can change.
They are sort of confusing, and they hide the fact that they have an
alpha component. Using the actual formats directly is no problem, sicne
these were useful only for big endian systems, something we can't test
This was not intended to be committed in 0e3f893606. It disables
the extra wakeup if working==true. I've convinced myself that the wakeup
was really needed at the time, so no idea how I didn't notice this until
someone pointed it out on the commit diff on github (lol).
Bill Gates did not only create COVID, he's also responsible for the
world's worst OS, where you have to literally jump through hoops of fire
to open files with Unicode file names. Lua did not care to implement any
jumping, so it's our turn to jump.
Untested (on win32).
Fixes: #7701
Change it to strictly accept local paths only. No more http://, no more
$HOME expansion with "~/" or mpv config path expansion with "~~/". This
should behave as if passing a path directly to open().
Reduce annoying log noise to further facilitate it using as open()
Sometimes it's helpful to override this for specific mp_log instances,
because in some specific circumstances you just want to suppress log
file noise you never want to see.
-1 is an allowed value (for suppressing MSGL_FATAL==0). It looks like
the libplacebo wrapper still does this wrong, so it will probably
trigger UB in some cases. I guess I don't care, though.
This resolves prefixes such as "~/" and "~~/" at the caller, instead of
relying on stream_read_file() to do it. One of the following commits
will remove this from stream_read_file() itself.
By default --sub-auto uses "exact". This was far from an "exact" match,
because it added anything that started with the video filename (without
extension), and seemed to end in something that looked like a language
Make this stricter. "exact" still tolerate a language code, but the
video's filename must come before it without any unknown extra
characters. This may not load subtitles in some situations where it
previously did, and where the user might think that the naming
convention is such that it should be considered an exact match.
The subtitle priority sorting seems a bit worthless. I suppose it may
have some value in higher "fuzz" modes (like --sub-auto=fuzzy).
Also remove the mysterious "prio += prio;" line. I probably shouldn't
have checked, but it goes back to commit f16fa9d31 (2003), where someone
wanted to "refine" the priority without changing the rest of the code or
Mostly untested, so have fun.
Fixes: #7702
The caller of render_frame() re-iterates without waiting if this
function returns true. That's normally meant for DS, where we draw
frames as fast as possible to let the driver perform waiting.
draw_bmp.c is the software blender for subtitles and OSD. It's used by
encoding mode (burning subtitles), and some VOs, like vo_drm, vo_x11,
vo_xv, and possibly more.
This changes the algorithm from upsampling the video to 4:4:4 and then
blending to downsampling the OSD and then blending directly to video.
This has far-reaching consequences for its internals, and results in an
effective rewrite.
Since I wanted to avoid un-premultiplying, all blending is done with
premultiplied alpha. That's actually the sane thing to do. The old code
just didn't do it, because it's very weird in YUV fixed point.
Essentially, you'd have to compensate for the chroma centering constant
by subtracting src_alpha/255*128. This seemed so hairy (especially with
correct rounding and high bit depths involved) that I went for using
I think it turned out mostly OK, although it's more complex and less
maintainable than before. reinit() is certainly a bit too long. While it
should be possible to optimize the RGB path more (for example by
blending directly instead of doing the stupid float conversion), this is
probably slower. vo_xv users probably lose in this, because it takes the
slowest path (due to subsampling requirements and using YUV).
Why this rewrite? Nobody knows. I simply forgot the reason. But you'll
have it anyway. Whether or not this would have required a full rewrite,
at least it supports target alpha now (you can for example hard sub
transparent PNGs, if you ever wanted to use mpv for this).
Remove the check in vf_sub. The new draw_bmp.c is not as reliant on
libswscale anymore (mostly uses repack.c now), and osd.c shows an
error message on missing support instead now.
Formats with chroma subsampling of 4 are not supported, because FFmpeg
doesn't provide pixfmt definitions for alpha variants. We could provide
those ourselves (relatively trivial), but why bother.
This provides a way to convert YUV in fixed point (or pseudo-fixed
point; probably best to say "uint") to float, or rather coefficients
to perform such a conversion. Things like colorspace conversion is out
of scope, so this is simple and strictly per-component.
This is somewhat similar to mp_get_csp_mul(), but includes proper color
range expansion and correct chroma centering. The old function even
seems to have a bug, and assumes something about shifted range for full
range YCbCr, which is wrong.
vo_gpu should probably use the new function eventually.
Adding all these so I can use them for obscure processing purposes (see
later draw_bmp commit).
There isn't really a reason why they should exist. On the other hand,
they're just labels for formats that can be handled in a generic way,
and this commit adds support for them in the zimg wrapper and vo_gpu
just by making the formats exist. (Well, vo_gpu had to be fixed in the
previous commit.)
This was incorrect at least because the colorspace matrix attempted to
center chroma at (conceptually) 0.5, instead of 0. Also, it tried to
apply the fixed point shift logic for component sizes > 8 bit.
There is no float yuv format in mpv/ffmpeg yet, but see next commit,
which enables zimg to output it. I'm assuming zimg defines this format
such that luma is in range [0,1] and chroma in range [-0.5,0.5], with
the levels flag being ignored. This is consistent with H264/5 Annex E (I
think...), and it sort of seems to look right, so that's it.
Was broken with a zimg wrapper refucktor before the previous commit. In
addition, it seems this didn't match the vo_drm format, or the format
naming convention. So the order actually changes, and the format is
redefined. (The img_format.h comment was probably wrong.)
Change vo_gpu to the new format as well, so we can still test it.
For whatever purpose. If anything, this makes the zimg wrapper cleaner.
The added tests are not particular exhaustive, but nice to have. This
also makes the scale_zimg.c test pretty useless, because it only tests
repacking (going through the zimg wrapper). In theory, the repack_tests
things could also be used on scalers, but I guess it doesn't matter.
Some things are added over the previous zimg wrapper code. For example,
some fringe formats can now be expanded to 8 bit per component for