vo_opengl: remove some dead code

These were replaced by ra equivalents, and with the recent changes, all
of them became fully unused.
This commit is contained in:
wm4 2017-08-11 21:06:09 +02:00
parent 1d0bf4073b
commit 8b1d4b978d
2 changed files with 0 additions and 187 deletions

View File

@ -119,74 +119,6 @@ int gl_format_feature_flags(GL *gl)
| (gl->mpgl_caps & MPGL_CAP_APPLE_RGB_422 ? F_APPL : 0);
// Return the entry for the given internal format. Return NULL if unsupported.
const struct gl_format *gl_find_internal_format(GL *gl, GLint internal_format)
int features = gl_format_feature_flags(gl);
for (int n = 0; gl_formats[n].type; n++) {
const struct gl_format *f = &gl_formats[n];
if (f->internal_format == internal_format && (f->flags & features))
return f;
return NULL;
// Find the first supported format with a specific gl_format.type
static const struct gl_format *gl_find_gl_type_format(GL *gl, GLenum type)
int features = gl_format_feature_flags(gl);
for (int i = 0; gl_formats[i].type; i++) {
const struct gl_format *f = &gl_formats[i];
if (f->type == type && (f->flags & features))
return f;
return NULL;
// type: one of MPGL_TYPE_*
// flags: bitset of F_*, all flags must be present
const struct gl_format *gl_find_format(GL *gl, int type, int flags,
int bytes_per_component, int n_components)
if (!bytes_per_component || !n_components || !type)
return NULL;
int features = gl_format_feature_flags(gl);
for (int n = 0; gl_formats[n].type; n++) {
const struct gl_format *f = &gl_formats[n];
if ((f->flags & features) &&
((f->flags & flags) == flags) &&
gl_format_type(f) == type &&
gl_component_size(f->type) == bytes_per_component &&
gl_format_components(f->format) == n_components)
return f;
return NULL;
// Return a texture-filterable unsigned normalized fixed point format.
const struct gl_format *gl_find_unorm_format(GL *gl, int bytes_per_component,
int n_components)
return gl_find_format(gl, MPGL_TYPE_UNORM, F_TF, bytes_per_component,
// Return an unsigned integer format.
const struct gl_format *gl_find_uint_format(GL *gl, int bytes_per_component,
int n_components)
return gl_find_format(gl, MPGL_TYPE_UINT, 0, bytes_per_component,
// Return a 16 bit float format. Note that this will return a GL_FLOAT format
// with 32 bit per component; just the internal representation is smaller.
// Some GL versions will allow upload with GL_HALF_FLOAT as well.
const struct gl_format *gl_find_float16_format(GL *gl, int n_components)
return gl_find_format(gl, MPGL_TYPE_FLOAT, F_F16, 4, n_components);
int gl_format_type(const struct gl_format *format)
if (!format)
@ -211,13 +143,6 @@ GLenum gl_integer_format_to_base(GLenum format)
return 0;
// Return whether it's a non-normalized integer format.
// "format" is like in struct gl_format.
bool gl_is_integer_format(GLenum format)
return !!gl_integer_format_to_base(format);
// Return the number of bytes per component this format implies.
// Returns 0 for formats with non-byte alignments and formats which
// merge multiple components (like GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5).
@ -269,83 +194,3 @@ int gl_bytes_per_pixel(GLenum format, GLenum type)
return gl_component_size(type) * gl_format_components(format);
// The format has cleanly separated components (on byte boundaries).
bool gl_format_is_regular(const struct gl_format *fmt)
int bpp = gl_component_size(fmt->type) * gl_format_components(fmt->format);
return bpp == gl_bytes_per_pixel(fmt->format, fmt->type);
// Like gl_find_unorm_format(), but takes bits (not bytes), and if no fixed
// point format is available, return an unsigned integer format.
static const struct gl_format *find_plane_format(GL *gl, int bytes, int n_channels)
const struct gl_format *f = gl_find_unorm_format(gl, bytes, n_channels);
if (f)
return f;
return gl_find_uint_format(gl, bytes, n_channels);
// Put a mapping of imgfmt to OpenGL textures into *out. Basically it selects
// the correct texture formats needed to represent an imgfmt in OpenGL, with
// textures using the same memory organization as on the CPU.
// Each plane is represented by a texture, and each texture has a RGBA
// component order. out->components describes the meaning of them.
// May return integer formats for >8 bit formats, if the driver has no
// normalized 16 bit formats.
// Returns false (and *out is not touched) if no format found.
bool gl_get_imgfmt_desc(GL *gl, int imgfmt, struct gl_imgfmt_desc *out)
struct gl_imgfmt_desc res = {0};
struct mp_regular_imgfmt regfmt;
if (mp_get_regular_imgfmt(&regfmt, imgfmt)) {
res.num_planes = regfmt.num_planes;
res.component_bits = regfmt.component_size * 8;
res.component_pad = regfmt.component_pad;
for (int n = 0; n < regfmt.num_planes; n++) {
struct mp_regular_imgfmt_plane *plane = &regfmt.planes[n];
res.planes[n] = find_plane_format(gl, regfmt.component_size,
if (!res.planes[n])
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < plane->num_components; i++)
res.components[n][i] = plane->components[i];
res.chroma_w = regfmt.chroma_w;
res.chroma_h = regfmt.chroma_h;
goto supported;
// Special formats for which OpenGL happens to have direct support.
if (imgfmt == IMGFMT_RGB565) {
res.num_planes = 1;
res.planes[0] = gl_find_gl_type_format(gl, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5);
if (!res.planes[0])
return false;
for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
res.components[0][n] = n + 1;
res.chroma_w = res.chroma_h = 1;
goto supported;
if (imgfmt == IMGFMT_UYVY) {
res.num_planes = 1;
res.planes[0] = gl_find_gl_type_format(gl, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_APPLE);
if (!res.planes[0])
return false;
res.components[0][0] = 3;
res.components[0][1] = 1;
res.components[0][2] = 2;
res.chroma_w = res.chroma_h = 1;
goto supported;
// Unsupported format
return false;
*out = res;
return true;

View File

@ -43,42 +43,10 @@ enum {
extern const struct gl_format gl_formats[];
int gl_format_feature_flags(GL *gl);
const struct gl_format *gl_find_internal_format(GL *gl, GLint internal_format);
const struct gl_format *gl_find_format(GL *gl, int type, int flags,
int bytes_per_component, int n_components);
const struct gl_format *gl_find_unorm_format(GL *gl, int bytes_per_component,
int n_components);
const struct gl_format *gl_find_uint_format(GL *gl, int bytes_per_component,
int n_components);
const struct gl_format *gl_find_float16_format(GL *gl, int n_components);
int gl_format_type(const struct gl_format *format);
bool gl_format_is_regular(const struct gl_format *format);
GLenum gl_integer_format_to_base(GLenum format);
bool gl_is_integer_format(GLenum format);
int gl_component_size(GLenum type);
int gl_format_components(GLenum format);
int gl_bytes_per_pixel(GLenum format, GLenum type);
struct gl_imgfmt_desc {
int num_planes;
const struct gl_format *planes[4];
// Chroma pixel size (1x1 is 4:4:4)
uint8_t chroma_w, chroma_h;
// Component storage size in bits (possibly padded). For formats with
// different sizes per component, this is arbitrary. For padded formats
// like P010 or YUV420P10, padding is included.
int component_bits;
// Like mp_regular_imgfmt.component_pad.
int component_pad;
// For each texture and each texture output (rgba order) describe what
// component it returns.
// The values are like the values in mp_regular_imgfmt_plane.components[].
// Access as components[plane_nr][component_index]. Set unused items to 0.
// This pretends GL_RG is used instead of GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA. The renderer
// fixes this later.
uint8_t components[4][4];
bool gl_get_imgfmt_desc(GL *gl, int imgfmt, struct gl_imgfmt_desc *out);