vo_opengl: refactor into vo_gpu
This is done in several steps:
1. refactor MPGLContext -> struct ra_ctx
2. move GL-specific stuff in vo_opengl into opengl/context.c
3. generalize context creation to support other APIs, and add --gpu-api
4. rename all of the --opengl- options that are no longer opengl-specific
5. move all of the stuff from opengl/* that isn't GL-specific into gpu/
(note: opengl/gl_utils.h became opengl/utils.h)
6. rename vo_opengl to vo_gpu
7. to handle window screenshots, the short-term approach was to just add
it to ra_swchain_fns. Long term (and for vulkan) this has to be moved to
ra itself (and vo_gpu altered to compensate), but this was a stop-gap
measure to prevent this commit from getting too big
8. move ra->fns->flush to ra_gl_ctx instead
9. some other minor changes that I've probably already forgotten
Note: This is one half of a major refactor, the other half of which is
provided by rossy's following commit. This commit enables support for
all linux platforms, while his version enables support for all non-linux
Note 2: vo_opengl_cb.c also re-uses ra_gl_ctx so it benefits from the
--opengl- options like --opengl-early-flush, --opengl-finish etc. Should
be a strict superset of the old functionality.
Disclaimer: Since I have no way of compiling mpv on all platforms, some
of these ports were done blindly. Specifically, the blind ports included
context_mali_fbdev.c and context_rpi.c. Since they're both based on
egl_helpers, the port should have gone smoothly without any major
changes required. But if somebody complains about a compile error on
those platforms (assuming anybody actually uses them), you know where to
2017-09-14 06:04:55 +00:00
#pragma once
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "ra.h"
2017-09-20 08:45:33 +00:00
#include "context.h"
vo_opengl: refactor into vo_gpu
This is done in several steps:
1. refactor MPGLContext -> struct ra_ctx
2. move GL-specific stuff in vo_opengl into opengl/context.c
3. generalize context creation to support other APIs, and add --gpu-api
4. rename all of the --opengl- options that are no longer opengl-specific
5. move all of the stuff from opengl/* that isn't GL-specific into gpu/
(note: opengl/gl_utils.h became opengl/utils.h)
6. rename vo_opengl to vo_gpu
7. to handle window screenshots, the short-term approach was to just add
it to ra_swchain_fns. Long term (and for vulkan) this has to be moved to
ra itself (and vo_gpu altered to compensate), but this was a stop-gap
measure to prevent this commit from getting too big
8. move ra->fns->flush to ra_gl_ctx instead
9. some other minor changes that I've probably already forgotten
Note: This is one half of a major refactor, the other half of which is
provided by rossy's following commit. This commit enables support for
all linux platforms, while his version enables support for all non-linux
Note 2: vo_opengl_cb.c also re-uses ra_gl_ctx so it benefits from the
--opengl- options like --opengl-early-flush, --opengl-finish etc. Should
be a strict superset of the old functionality.
Disclaimer: Since I have no way of compiling mpv on all platforms, some
of these ports were done blindly. Specifically, the blind ports included
context_mali_fbdev.c and context_rpi.c. Since they're both based on
egl_helpers, the port should have gone smoothly without any major
changes required. But if somebody complains about a compile error on
those platforms (assuming anybody actually uses them), you know where to
2017-09-14 06:04:55 +00:00
// A 3x2 matrix, with the translation part separate.
struct gl_transform {
// row-major, e.g. in mathematical notation:
// | m[0][0] m[0][1] |
// | m[1][0] m[1][1] |
float m[2][2];
float t[2];
static const struct gl_transform identity_trans = {
.m = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}},
.t = {0.0, 0.0},
void gl_transform_ortho(struct gl_transform *t, float x0, float x1,
float y0, float y1);
// This treats m as an affine transformation, in other words m[2][n] gets
// added to the output.
static inline void gl_transform_vec(struct gl_transform t, float *x, float *y)
float vx = *x, vy = *y;
*x = vx * t.m[0][0] + vy * t.m[0][1] + t.t[0];
*y = vx * t.m[1][0] + vy * t.m[1][1] + t.t[1];
struct mp_rect_f {
float x0, y0, x1, y1;
// Semantic equality (fuzzy comparison)
static inline bool mp_rect_f_seq(struct mp_rect_f a, struct mp_rect_f b)
return fabs(a.x0 - b.x0) < 1e-6 && fabs(a.x1 - b.x1) < 1e-6 &&
fabs(a.y0 - b.y0) < 1e-6 && fabs(a.y1 - b.y1) < 1e-6;
static inline void gl_transform_rect(struct gl_transform t, struct mp_rect_f *r)
gl_transform_vec(t, &r->x0, &r->y0);
gl_transform_vec(t, &r->x1, &r->y1);
static inline bool gl_transform_eq(struct gl_transform a, struct gl_transform b)
for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++) {
if (a.m[x][y] != b.m[x][y])
return false;
return a.t[0] == b.t[0] && a.t[1] == b.t[1];
void gl_transform_trans(struct gl_transform t, struct gl_transform *x);
2023-11-23 23:56:46 +00:00
void gl_transform_ortho_fbo(struct gl_transform *t, const struct ra_fbo *fbo);
vo_opengl: refactor into vo_gpu
This is done in several steps:
1. refactor MPGLContext -> struct ra_ctx
2. move GL-specific stuff in vo_opengl into opengl/context.c
3. generalize context creation to support other APIs, and add --gpu-api
4. rename all of the --opengl- options that are no longer opengl-specific
5. move all of the stuff from opengl/* that isn't GL-specific into gpu/
(note: opengl/gl_utils.h became opengl/utils.h)
6. rename vo_opengl to vo_gpu
7. to handle window screenshots, the short-term approach was to just add
it to ra_swchain_fns. Long term (and for vulkan) this has to be moved to
ra itself (and vo_gpu altered to compensate), but this was a stop-gap
measure to prevent this commit from getting too big
8. move ra->fns->flush to ra_gl_ctx instead
9. some other minor changes that I've probably already forgotten
Note: This is one half of a major refactor, the other half of which is
provided by rossy's following commit. This commit enables support for
all linux platforms, while his version enables support for all non-linux
Note 2: vo_opengl_cb.c also re-uses ra_gl_ctx so it benefits from the
--opengl- options like --opengl-early-flush, --opengl-finish etc. Should
be a strict superset of the old functionality.
Disclaimer: Since I have no way of compiling mpv on all platforms, some
of these ports were done blindly. Specifically, the blind ports included
context_mali_fbdev.c and context_rpi.c. Since they're both based on
egl_helpers, the port should have gone smoothly without any major
changes required. But if somebody complains about a compile error on
those platforms (assuming anybody actually uses them), you know where to
2017-09-14 06:04:55 +00:00
2023-02-26 03:50:08 +00:00
float gl_video_scale_ambient_lux(float lmin, float lmax,
float rmin, float rmax, float lux);
vo_opengl: refactor into vo_gpu
This is done in several steps:
1. refactor MPGLContext -> struct ra_ctx
2. move GL-specific stuff in vo_opengl into opengl/context.c
3. generalize context creation to support other APIs, and add --gpu-api
4. rename all of the --opengl- options that are no longer opengl-specific
5. move all of the stuff from opengl/* that isn't GL-specific into gpu/
(note: opengl/gl_utils.h became opengl/utils.h)
6. rename vo_opengl to vo_gpu
7. to handle window screenshots, the short-term approach was to just add
it to ra_swchain_fns. Long term (and for vulkan) this has to be moved to
ra itself (and vo_gpu altered to compensate), but this was a stop-gap
measure to prevent this commit from getting too big
8. move ra->fns->flush to ra_gl_ctx instead
9. some other minor changes that I've probably already forgotten
Note: This is one half of a major refactor, the other half of which is
provided by rossy's following commit. This commit enables support for
all linux platforms, while his version enables support for all non-linux
Note 2: vo_opengl_cb.c also re-uses ra_gl_ctx so it benefits from the
--opengl- options like --opengl-early-flush, --opengl-finish etc. Should
be a strict superset of the old functionality.
Disclaimer: Since I have no way of compiling mpv on all platforms, some
of these ports were done blindly. Specifically, the blind ports included
context_mali_fbdev.c and context_rpi.c. Since they're both based on
egl_helpers, the port should have gone smoothly without any major
changes required. But if somebody complains about a compile error on
those platforms (assuming anybody actually uses them), you know where to
2017-09-14 06:04:55 +00:00
// A pool of buffers, which can grow as needed
struct ra_buf_pool {
struct ra_buf_params current_params;
struct ra_buf **buffers;
int num_buffers;
int index;
void ra_buf_pool_uninit(struct ra *ra, struct ra_buf_pool *pool);
// Note: params->initial_data is *not* supported
struct ra_buf *ra_buf_pool_get(struct ra *ra, struct ra_buf_pool *pool,
const struct ra_buf_params *params);
// Helper that wraps ra_tex_upload using texture upload buffers to ensure that
// params->buf is always set. This is intended for RA-internal usage.
bool ra_tex_upload_pbo(struct ra *ra, struct ra_buf_pool *pbo,
const struct ra_tex_upload_params *params);
// Layout rules for GLSL's packing modes
struct ra_layout std140_layout(struct ra_renderpass_input *inp);
struct ra_layout std430_layout(struct ra_renderpass_input *inp);
2017-09-20 08:45:33 +00:00
bool ra_tex_resize(struct ra *ra, struct mp_log *log, struct ra_tex **tex,
2017-09-22 14:33:25 +00:00
int w, int h, const struct ra_format *fmt);
vo_opengl: refactor into vo_gpu
This is done in several steps:
1. refactor MPGLContext -> struct ra_ctx
2. move GL-specific stuff in vo_opengl into opengl/context.c
3. generalize context creation to support other APIs, and add --gpu-api
4. rename all of the --opengl- options that are no longer opengl-specific
5. move all of the stuff from opengl/* that isn't GL-specific into gpu/
(note: opengl/gl_utils.h became opengl/utils.h)
6. rename vo_opengl to vo_gpu
7. to handle window screenshots, the short-term approach was to just add
it to ra_swchain_fns. Long term (and for vulkan) this has to be moved to
ra itself (and vo_gpu altered to compensate), but this was a stop-gap
measure to prevent this commit from getting too big
8. move ra->fns->flush to ra_gl_ctx instead
9. some other minor changes that I've probably already forgotten
Note: This is one half of a major refactor, the other half of which is
provided by rossy's following commit. This commit enables support for
all linux platforms, while his version enables support for all non-linux
Note 2: vo_opengl_cb.c also re-uses ra_gl_ctx so it benefits from the
--opengl- options like --opengl-early-flush, --opengl-finish etc. Should
be a strict superset of the old functionality.
Disclaimer: Since I have no way of compiling mpv on all platforms, some
of these ports were done blindly. Specifically, the blind ports included
context_mali_fbdev.c and context_rpi.c. Since they're both based on
egl_helpers, the port should have gone smoothly without any major
changes required. But if somebody complains about a compile error on
those platforms (assuming anybody actually uses them), you know where to
2017-09-14 06:04:55 +00:00
// A wrapper around ra_timer that does result pooling, averaging etc.
struct timer_pool;
struct timer_pool *timer_pool_create(struct ra *ra);
void timer_pool_destroy(struct timer_pool *pool);
void timer_pool_start(struct timer_pool *pool);
void timer_pool_stop(struct timer_pool *pool);
struct mp_pass_perf timer_pool_measure(struct timer_pool *pool);
// print a multi line string with line numbers (e.g. for shader sources)
// log, lev: module and log level, as in mp_msg()
void mp_log_source(struct mp_log *log, int lev, const char *src);