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* This file is part of mpv.
Relicense some non-MPlayer source files to LGPL 2.1 or later This covers source files which were added in mplayer2 and mpv times only, and where all code is covered by LGPL relicensing agreements. There are probably more files to which this applies, but I'm being conservative here. A file named ao_sdl.c exists in MPlayer too, but the mpv one is a complete rewrite, and was added some time after the original ao_sdl.c was removed. The same applies to vo_sdl.c, for which the SDL2 API is radically different in addition (MPlayer supports SDL 1.2 only). common.c contains only code written by me. But common.h is a strange case: although it originally was named mp_common.h and exists in MPlayer too, by now it contains only definitions written by uau and me. The exceptions are the CONTROL_ defines - thus not changing the license of common.h yet. codec_tags.c contained once large tables generated from MPlayer's codecs.conf, but all of these tables were removed. From demux_playlist.c I'm removing a code fragment from someone who was not asked; this probably could be done later (see commit 15dccc37). misc.c is a bit complicated to reason about (it was split off mplayer.c and thus contains random functions out of this file), but actually all functions have been added post-MPlayer. Except get_relative_time(), which was written by uau, but looks similar to 3 different versions of something similar in each of the Unix/win32/OSX timer source files. I'm not sure what that means in regards to copyright, so I've just moved it into another still-GPL source file for now. screenshot.c once had some minor parts of MPlayer's vf_screenshot.c, but they're all gone.
2016-01-19 17:36:06 +00:00
* mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Relicense some non-MPlayer source files to LGPL 2.1 or later This covers source files which were added in mplayer2 and mpv times only, and where all code is covered by LGPL relicensing agreements. There are probably more files to which this applies, but I'm being conservative here. A file named ao_sdl.c exists in MPlayer too, but the mpv one is a complete rewrite, and was added some time after the original ao_sdl.c was removed. The same applies to vo_sdl.c, for which the SDL2 API is radically different in addition (MPlayer supports SDL 1.2 only). common.c contains only code written by me. But common.h is a strange case: although it originally was named mp_common.h and exists in MPlayer too, by now it contains only definitions written by uau and me. The exceptions are the CONTROL_ defines - thus not changing the license of common.h yet. codec_tags.c contained once large tables generated from MPlayer's codecs.conf, but all of these tables were removed. From demux_playlist.c I'm removing a code fragment from someone who was not asked; this probably could be done later (see commit 15dccc37). misc.c is a bit complicated to reason about (it was split off mplayer.c and thus contains random functions out of this file), but actually all functions have been added post-MPlayer. Except get_relative_time(), which was written by uau, but looks similar to 3 different versions of something similar in each of the Unix/win32/OSX timer source files. I'm not sure what that means in regards to copyright, so I've just moved it into another still-GPL source file for now. screenshot.c once had some minor parts of MPlayer's vf_screenshot.c, but they're all gone.
2016-01-19 17:36:06 +00:00
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
Relicense some non-MPlayer source files to LGPL 2.1 or later This covers source files which were added in mplayer2 and mpv times only, and where all code is covered by LGPL relicensing agreements. There are probably more files to which this applies, but I'm being conservative here. A file named ao_sdl.c exists in MPlayer too, but the mpv one is a complete rewrite, and was added some time after the original ao_sdl.c was removed. The same applies to vo_sdl.c, for which the SDL2 API is radically different in addition (MPlayer supports SDL 1.2 only). common.c contains only code written by me. But common.h is a strange case: although it originally was named mp_common.h and exists in MPlayer too, by now it contains only definitions written by uau and me. The exceptions are the CONTROL_ defines - thus not changing the license of common.h yet. codec_tags.c contained once large tables generated from MPlayer's codecs.conf, but all of these tables were removed. From demux_playlist.c I'm removing a code fragment from someone who was not asked; this probably could be done later (see commit 15dccc37). misc.c is a bit complicated to reason about (it was split off mplayer.c and thus contains random functions out of this file), but actually all functions have been added post-MPlayer. Except get_relative_time(), which was written by uau, but looks similar to 3 different versions of something similar in each of the Unix/win32/OSX timer source files. I'm not sure what that means in regards to copyright, so I've just moved it into another still-GPL source file for now. screenshot.c once had some minor parts of MPlayer's vf_screenshot.c, but they're all gone.
2016-01-19 17:36:06 +00:00
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with mpv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "osdep/subprocess.h"
#include "osdep/io.h"
#include "osdep/atomic.h"
#include "mpv_talloc.h"
#include "common/common.h"
#include "stream/stream.h"
#include "misc/bstr.h"
#include "misc/thread_tools.h"
static void write_arg(bstr *cmdline, char *arg)
// Empty args must be represented as an empty quoted string
if (!arg[0]) {
bstr_xappend(NULL, cmdline, bstr0("\"\""));
// If the string doesn't have characters that need to be escaped, it's best
// to leave it alone for the sake of Windows programs that don't process
// quoted args correctly.
if (!strpbrk(arg, " \t\"")) {
bstr_xappend(NULL, cmdline, bstr0(arg));
// If there are characters that need to be escaped, write a quoted string
bstr_xappend(NULL, cmdline, bstr0("\""));
// Escape the argument. To match the behavior of CommandLineToArgvW,
// backslashes are only escaped if they appear before a quote or the end of
// the string.
int num_slashes = 0;
for (int pos = 0; arg[pos]; pos++) {
switch (arg[pos]) {
case '\\':
// Count consecutive backslashes
case '"':
// Write the argument up to the point before the quote
bstr_xappend(NULL, cmdline, (struct bstr){arg, pos});
arg += pos;
pos = 0;
// Double backslashes preceding the quote
for (int i = 0; i < num_slashes; i++)
bstr_xappend(NULL, cmdline, bstr0("\\"));
num_slashes = 0;
// Escape the quote itself
bstr_xappend(NULL, cmdline, bstr0("\\"));
num_slashes = 0;
// Write the rest of the argument
bstr_xappend(NULL, cmdline, bstr0(arg));
// Double backslashes at the end of the argument
for (int i = 0; i < num_slashes; i++)
bstr_xappend(NULL, cmdline, bstr0("\\"));
bstr_xappend(NULL, cmdline, bstr0("\""));
// Convert an array of arguments to a properly escaped command-line string
static wchar_t *write_cmdline(void *ctx, char **argv)
// argv[0] should always be quoted. Otherwise, arguments may be interpreted
// as part of the program name. Also, it can't contain escape sequences.
bstr cmdline = {0};
bstr_xappend_asprintf(NULL, &cmdline, "\"%s\"", argv[0]);
for (int i = 1; argv[i]; i++) {
bstr_xappend(NULL, &cmdline, bstr0(" "));
write_arg(&cmdline, argv[i]);
wchar_t *wcmdline = mp_from_utf8(ctx, cmdline.start);
return wcmdline;
static int create_overlapped_pipe(HANDLE *read, HANDLE *write)
static atomic_ulong counter = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(0);
// Generate pipe name
unsigned long id = atomic_fetch_add(&counter, 1);
unsigned pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
wchar_t buf[36];
swprintf(buf, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(buf), L"\\\\.\\pipe\\mpv-anon-%08x-%08lx",
pid, id);
// The function for creating anonymous pipes (CreatePipe) can't create
// overlapped pipes, so instead, use a named pipe with a unique name
*read = CreateNamedPipeW(buf, PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND |
1, 0, 4096, 0, NULL);
goto error;
// Open the write end of the pipe as a synchronous handle
*write = CreateFileW(buf, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING,
if (*write == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
goto error;
return 0;
*read = *write = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
return -1;
static void delete_handle_list(void *p)
// Create a PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST that specifies exactly which handles are
// inherited by the subprocess
static LPPROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST create_handle_list(void *ctx,
HANDLE *handles, int num)
// Get required attribute list size
SIZE_T size = 0;
if (!InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(NULL, 1, 0, &size)) {
return NULL;
// Allocate attribute list
LPPROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST list = talloc_size(ctx, size);
if (!InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(list, 1, 0, &size))
goto error;
talloc_set_destructor(list, delete_handle_list);
if (!UpdateProcThreadAttribute(list, 0, PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST,
handles, num * sizeof(HANDLE), NULL, NULL))
goto error;
return list;
return NULL;
// Helper method similar to sparse_poll, skips NULL handles
static int sparse_wait(HANDLE *handles, unsigned num_handles)
unsigned w_num_handles = 0;
HANDLE w_handles[10];
int map[10];
if (num_handles > MP_ARRAY_SIZE(w_handles))
return -1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_handles; i++) {
if (!handles[i])
w_handles[w_num_handles] = handles[i];
map[w_num_handles] = i;
if (w_num_handles == 0)
return -1;
DWORD i = WaitForMultipleObjects(w_num_handles, w_handles, FALSE, INFINITE);
if (i >= w_num_handles)
return -1;
return map[i];
// Wrapper for ReadFile that treats ERROR_IO_PENDING as success
static int async_read(HANDLE file, void *buf, unsigned size, OVERLAPPED* ol)
if (!ReadFile(file, buf, size, NULL, ol))
return (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) ? 0 : -1;
return 0;
static void write_none(void *ctx, char *data, size_t size)
int mp_subprocess(char **args, struct mp_cancel *cancel, void *ctx,
subprocess_read_cb on_stdout, subprocess_read_cb on_stderr,
char **error)
wchar_t *tmp = talloc_new(NULL);
int status = -1;
struct {
HANDLE read;
HANDLE write;
char buf[4096];
subprocess_read_cb read_cb;
} pipes[2] = {
{ .read_cb = on_stdout ? on_stdout : write_none },
{ .read_cb = on_stderr ? on_stderr : write_none },
// If the function exits before CreateProcess, there was an init error
*error = "init";
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
pipes[i].ol.hEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (!pipes[i].ol.hEvent)
goto done;
if (create_overlapped_pipe(&pipes[i].read, &pipes[i].write))
goto done;
if (!SetHandleInformation(pipes[i].write, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT,
goto done;
// Convert the args array to a UTF-16 Windows command-line string
wchar_t *cmdline = write_cmdline(tmp, args);
.StartupInfo = {
.cb = sizeof(si),
.hStdInput = NULL,
.hStdOutput = pipes[0].write,
.hStdError = pipes[1].write,
// Specify which handles are inherited by the subprocess. If this isn't
// specified, the subprocess inherits all inheritable handles, which
// could include handles created by other threads. See:
// http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2011/12/16/10248328.aspx
.lpAttributeList = create_handle_list(tmp,
(HANDLE[]){ pipes[0].write, pipes[1].write }, 2),
// If we have a console, the subprocess will automatically attach to it so
// it can receive Ctrl+C events. If we don't have a console, prevent the
// subprocess from creating its own console window by specifying
// CREATE_NO_WINDOW. GetConsoleCP() can be used to reliably determine if we
// have a console or not (Cygwin uses it too.)
if (!GetConsoleCP())
if (!CreateProcessW(NULL, cmdline, NULL, NULL, TRUE, flags, NULL, NULL,
&si.StartupInfo, &pi))
goto done;
// Init is finished
*error = NULL;
// List of handles to watch with sparse_wait
HANDLE handles[] = { pipes[0].ol.hEvent, pipes[1].ol.hEvent, pi.hProcess,
cancel ? mp_cancel_get_event(cancel) : NULL };
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// Close our copy of the write end of the pipes
pipes[i].write = NULL;
// Do the first read operation on each pipe
if (async_read(pipes[i].read, pipes[i].buf, 4096, &pipes[i].ol)) {
handles[i] = pipes[i].read = NULL;
DWORD exit_code;
while (pipes[0].read || pipes[1].read || pi.hProcess) {
int i = sparse_wait(handles, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(handles));
switch (i) {
case 0:
case 1:
// Complete the read operation on the pipe
if (!GetOverlappedResult(pipes[i].read, &pipes[i].ol, &r, TRUE)) {
handles[i] = pipes[i].read = NULL;
pipes[i].read_cb(ctx, pipes[i].buf, r);
// Begin the next read operation on the pipe
if (async_read(pipes[i].read, pipes[i].buf, 4096, &pipes[i].ol)) {
handles[i] = pipes[i].read = NULL;
case 2:
GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exit_code);
status = exit_code;
handles[i] = pi.hProcess = NULL;
case 3:
if (pi.hProcess) {
TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 1);
*error = "killed";
goto done;
goto done;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (pipes[i].read) {
// Cancel any pending I/O (if the process was killed)
GetOverlappedResult(pipes[i].read, &pipes[i].ol, &r, TRUE);
if (pipes[i].write) CloseHandle(pipes[i].write);
if (pipes[i].ol.hEvent) CloseHandle(pipes[i].ol.hEvent);
if (pi.hProcess) CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
return status;