
208 lines
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# General options
# sets the verbosity of the program; available values are "warn", "info", "debug".
logLevel: info
# destinations of log messages; available values are "stdout", "file" and "syslog".
logDestinations: [stdout]
# if "file" is in logDestinations, this is the file which will receive the logs.
logFile: rtsp-simple-server.log
# timeout of read operations.
readTimeout: 10s
# timeout of write operations.
writeTimeout: 10s
# number of read buffers.
# a higher number allows a higher throughput,
# a lower number allows to save RAM.
readBufferCount: 512
# enable Prometheus-compatible metrics.
metrics: no
# address of the metrics listener.
metricsAddress: :9998
# enable pprof-compatible endpoint to monitor performances.
pprof: no
# address of the pprof listener.
pprofAddress: :9999
# command to run when a client connects to the server.
# this is terminated with SIGINT when a client disconnects from the server.
# the server port is available in the RTSP_PORT variable.
# the restart parameter allows to restart the command if it exits suddenly.
runOnConnectRestart: no
# RTSP options
# disable support for the RTSP protocol.
rtspDisable: no
# supported RTSP stream protocols.
# UDP is the most performant, but can cause problems if there's a NAT between
# server and clients, and doesn't support encryption.
# TCP is the most versatile, and does support encryption.
# The handshake is always performed with TCP.
protocols: [udp, tcp]
# encrypt handshake and TCP streams with TLS (RTSPS).
# available values are "no", "strict", "optional".
encryption: no
# address of the TCP/RTSP listener. This is used only if encryption is "no" or "optional".
rtspAddress: :8554
# address of the TCP/TLS/RTSPS listener. This is used only if encryption is "strict" or "optional".
rtspsAddress: :8555
# address of the UDP/RTP listener. This is used only if "udp" is in protocols.
rtpAddress: :8000
# address of the UDP/RTCP listener. This is used only if "udp" is in protocols.
rtcpAddress: :8001
# path to the server key. This is used only if encryption is "strict" or "optional".
# this can be generated with:
# openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
# openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key server.key -out server.crt -days 3650
serverKey: server.key
# path to the server certificate. This is used only if encryption is "strict" or "optional".
serverCert: server.crt
# authentication methods.
authMethods: [basic, digest]
# read buffer size.
# this doesn't influence throughput and shouldn't be touched unless the server
# reports errors about the buffer size.
readBufferSize: 2048
# RTMP options
# disable support for the RTMP protocol.
rtmpDisable: no
# address of the RTMP listener.
rtmpAddress: :1935
# HLS options
# disable support for the HLS protocol.
hlsDisable: no
# address of the HLS listener.
hlsAddress: :8888
# number of HLS segments to generate.
# increasing segments allows more buffering,
# decreasing segments decrease latency.
hlsSegmentCount: 3
# minimum duration of each segment.
# the real segment duration is also influenced by the interval of IDR frames
# (since the server edit the segment duration to include at least one IDR frame).
hlsSegmentDuration: 1s
# Path options
# these settings are path-dependent.
# it's possible to use regular expressions by using a tilde as prefix.
# for example, "~^(test1|test2)$" will match both "test1" and "test2".
# for example, "~^prefix" will match all paths that start with "prefix".
# the settings under the path "all" are applied to all paths that do not match
# another entry.
# source of the stream - this can be:
# * record -> the stream is published by a RTSP or RTMP client
# * rtsp://existing-url -> the stream is pulled from another RTSP server
# * rtsps://existing-url -> the stream is pulled from another RTSP server, with RTSPS
# * rtmp://existing-url -> the stream is pulled from a RTMP server
# * redirect -> the stream is provided by another path or server
source: record
# if the source is an RTSP or RTSPS URL, this is the protocol that will be used to
# pull the stream. available options are "automatic", "udp", "tcp".
# the tcp protocol can help to overcome the error "no UDP packets received recently".
sourceProtocol: automatic
# if the source is an RTSPS URL, the fingerprint of the certificate of the source
# must be provided in order to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.
# it can be obtained from the source by running:
# openssl s_client -connect source_ip:source_port </dev/null 2>/dev/null | sed -n '/BEGIN/,/END/p' > server.crt
# openssl x509 -in server.crt -noout -fingerprint -sha256 | cut -d "=" -f2 | tr -d ':'
# if the source is an RTSP or RTMP URL, it will be pulled only when at least
# one reader is connected, saving bandwidth.
sourceOnDemand: no
# if sourceOnDemand is "yes", readers will be put on hold until the source is
# ready or until this amount of time has passed.
sourceOnDemandStartTimeout: 10s
# if sourceOnDemand is "yes", the source will be closed when there are no
# readers connected and this amount of time has passed.
sourceOnDemandCloseAfter: 10s
# if the source is "redirect", this is the RTSP URL which clients will be
# redirected to.
# if the source is "record" and a client is publishing, do not allow another
# client to disconnect the former and publish in its place.
disablePublisherOverride: no
# if the source is "record" and no one is publishing, redirect readers to this
# path. It can be can be a relative path (i.e. /otherstream) or an absolute RTSP URL.
# username required to publish.
# sha256-hashed values can be inserted with the "sha256:" prefix.
# password required to publish.
# sha256-hashed values can be inserted with the "sha256:" prefix.
# ips or networks (x.x.x.x/24) allowed to publish.
publishIps: []
# username required to read.
# sha256-hashed values can be inserted with the "sha256:" prefix.
# password required to read.
# sha256-hashed values can be inserted with the "sha256:" prefix.
# ips or networks (x.x.x.x/24) allowed to read.
readIps: []
# command to run when this path is initialized.
# this can be used to publish a stream and keep it always opened.
# this is terminated with SIGINT when the program closes.
# the path name is available in the RTSP_PATH variable.
# the server port is available in the RTSP_PORT variable.
# the restart parameter allows to restart the command if it exits suddenly.
runOnInitRestart: no
# command to run when this path is requested.
# this can be used to publish a stream on demand.
# this is terminated with SIGINT when the path is not requested anymore.
# the path name is available in the RTSP_PATH variable.
# the server port is available in the RTSP_PORT variable.
# the restart parameter allows to restart the command if it exits suddenly.
runOnDemandRestart: no
# readers will be put on hold until the runOnDemand command starts publishing
# or until this amount of time has passed.
runOnDemandStartTimeout: 10s
# the runOnDemand command will be closed when there are no
# readers connected and this amount of time has passed.
runOnDemandCloseAfter: 10s
# command to run when a client starts publishing.
# this is terminated with SIGINT when a client stops publishing.
# the path name is available in the RTSP_PATH variable.
# the server port is available in the RTSP_PORT variable.
# the restart parameter allows to restart the command if it exits suddenly.
runOnPublishRestart: no
# command to run when a clients starts reading.
# this is terminated with SIGINT when a client stops reading.
# the path name is available in the RTSP_PATH variable.
# the server port is available in the RTSP_PORT variable.
# the restart parameter allows to restart the command if it exits suddenly.
runOnReadRestart: no