#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2013 Frank Liepold / 1&1 Internet AG # # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, # are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright # notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, # without any warranty. ##################################################################### ## defaults for module lv_config ## ## the existence of one volume group (see main_lvg_name) per host (see ## lv_config_host_list) with size > lv_config_min_lvg_size is assumed. ## ## The names and sizes of the logical volumes to be created within the volume ## group are derived from the array lv_config_name_list ## Only logical volumes which do not exist or which have a wrong size will ## be recreated. ## the names are built due to the pattern lv-- lv_config_name_list=(lv-1-2 lv-2-2 lv-3-2 lv-4-2 lv-5-10 lv-6-100) lv_config_min_lvg_size=100 # GB lv_config_host_list[0]="no_target_hosts_given" declare -g -A lv_config_partition_count_list lv_config_partition_count_list=(\ [istore-test-bs7]=3 \ [istore-test-bap7]=3 \ ) declare -g -A lv_config_partition_list lv_config_partition_list=(\ [istore-test-bs7]="$(eval echo /dev/cciss/c1d{0..${lv_config_partition_count_list["istore-test-bs7"]}})" \ [istore-test-bap7]="$(eval echo /dev/cciss/c1d{0..${lv_config_partition_count_list["istore-test-bap7"]}})" \ ) lv_config_stripesize=64K ## option for mkfs. call declare -g -A lv_config_mkfs_option_list lv_config_mkfs_option_list=([xfs]="-f" [ext3]="" [ext4]="") ## filesystem specific tune commands ## the string will be replaced by the actual device name declare -g -A lv_config_fs_type_tune_cmd_list lv_config_fs_type_tune_cmd_list=([xfs]="" [ext3]="tune2fs -c 0 " [ext4]="tune2fs -c 0 ")