#!/usr/bin/perl -w # (c) 2010 Thomas Schoebel-Theuer / 1&1 Internet AG use strict; use English; use warnings; my $Id = "267700a8a877ad79bc9b86f17891c9d7bf6fa766"; my $mars = "/mars"; my $host = `uname -n` or die "cannot determine my network node name\n"; chomp $host; my $force = 0; my $ip = _get_ip() or die "cannot determine my IP address\n"; umask 0077; ################################################################## # syntactic checks sub check_id { my $str = shift; die "identifier '$str' has disallowed characters" unless $str =~ m/^[A-Za-z_][-A-Za-z0-9_]*$/; die "identifier '$str' is too long (only 16 chars allowed)" if length($str) > 16; } ################################################################## # semantic checks sub check_res { my $res = shift; if(not -d "$mars/resource-$res") { # DO WHAT I MEAN: try to substitute a device name for a badly given resource name if it is unique my $count = 0; my $found; my @tests = glob("$mars/resource-*/device-$host"); foreach my $test (@tests) { my $target = readlink($test); if($target eq $res) { $found = $test; $count++; } } if(!$count) { @tests = glob("$mars/resource-*/_direct-*-$host"); foreach my $test (@tests) { my $target = readlink($test); $target =~ s/^.*,//; if($target eq $res) { $found = $test; $count++; } } } die "resource '$res' does not exist ($count replacements found)\n" unless $count == 1 and $found; $found =~ s:^.*/resource-(.*)/.*$:$1:; warn "substituting bad resource name '$res' by uniquely matching resource name '$found'\n"; $res = $found; } return $res; } sub check_res_member { my $res = shift; die "sorry, I have not yet joined to resource '$res'\n" unless -e "$mars/resource-$res/data-$host"; } sub check_sync_finished { my ($res, $host) = @_; my $lnk = "$mars/resource-$res/syncstatus-$host"; if(lstat($lnk)) { my $syncstatus = readlink($lnk); my $size = readlink("$mars/resource-$res/size") or die "cannot read size\n"; die "sync has not yet finished, only $syncstatus / $size bytes transferred\n" unless $syncstatus >= $size; } print "OK, it seems that sync has finished on $host.\n"; } sub check_primary { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $pri = "$mars/resource-$res/primary"; my $old = readlink($pri) or die "cannot determine current primary\n"; die "for operation '$cmd' I need to be primary\n" unless $old eq $host; } sub check_not_primary { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $pri = "$mars/resource-$res/primary"; my $old = readlink($pri) or die "cannot determine current primary\n"; die "operation '$cmd' cannot be executed on primary\n" if $old eq $host; } sub check_primary_gone { my ($res) = @_; for(;;) { my @links = glob("$mars/resource-$res/actual-*/is-primary"); my $found = 0; foreach my $link (@links) { my $val = readlink($link); $found++ if $val; } last if !$found; print "waiting for $found other primary host(s) to disappear....\n"; sleep(5); } } sub check_todo { my ($res, $key, $val, $wait) = @_; for(;;) { my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$host/$key"; my $link = readlink($path) or die "cannot read symlink '$path'\n"; last if $link == $val; die "$path must have value $val\n" if $wait; print "waiting until $key reaches the value $val....\n"; sleep(5); } } sub check_status { my ($res, $key, $val, $wait) = @_; for(;;) { my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/actual-$host/$key"; my $link = readlink($path) or die "cannot read symlink '$path'\n"; last if $link == $val; die "$path must have value $val\n" if $wait; print "waiting until $key reaches the value $val....\n"; sleep(5); } } sub _check_mtime { my ($path, $age) = @_; my $mt = (lstat($path))[9]; if(!$mt) { return 0; } my $res = ($mt < time() - $age); #print "XXX '$path' $res\n"; return $res; } sub _check_all_mtimes { my ($path, $age) = @_; my @list = glob($path); my $res = 1; foreach my $p (@list) { if(!_check_mtime($p, $age)) { $res = 0; } } return $res; } sub _get_minmax { my ($res, $glob, $take_symlink) = @_; my $min = -1; my $max = -1; my @paths = glob($glob) or die "cannot find '$glob'\n"; foreach my $path (@paths) { my $nr = $path; if($take_symlink) { $nr = readlink($path) or die "cannot read symlink '$path'\n"; } $nr =~ s:^.*[a-z]+-([0-9]+)(-[^/]*)?$:$1:; $min = $nr if ($nr < $min || $min < 0); $max = $nr if ($nr > $max || $max < 0); } return ($min, $max); } sub get_minmax_logfiles { my ($res) = @_; return _get_minmax($res, "$mars/resource-$res/log-*", 0); } sub get_minmax_versions { my ($res) = @_; return _get_minmax($res, "$mars/resource-$res/version-*", 0); } sub get_minmax_any { my ($res) = @_; return _get_minmax($res, "$mars/resource-$res/{log,version}-*", 0); } sub get_minmax_replays { my ($res) = @_; return _get_minmax($res, "$mars/resource-$res/replay-*", 1); } sub check_splitbrain { # check only the chain of $host (or all hosts if unset) # check up to $sequence (or for all if < 0) my ($res, $host, $sequence) = @_; if($sequence < 0) { my $pri = "$mars/resource-$res/primary"; my $old = readlink($pri) or die "cannot determine current primary\n"; _primary_res($res, "(none)", $pri, $old) unless $old eq "(none)"; _trigger(); sleep(5); while(!_check_all_mtimes("$mars/resource-$res/{log,version,replay}-*", 60)) { print "resource directory $res not stable, waiting....\n"; sleep(5); } while(1) { my ($min_log, $max_log) = get_minmax_logfiles($res); my ($min_ver, $max_ver) = get_minmax_versions($res); my ($min_rep, $max_rep) = get_minmax_replays($res); if($min_ver > $min_log || $max_ver < $max_log) { print "some version links are missing...\n"; sleep(10); next; } if($max_log >= $max_rep) { print "resource $res: logfile $max_log is present.\n"; last; } print "resource $res: logfile $max_log is not yet transferred (need $max_rep), waiting....\n"; sleep(10); } } # $sequence < 0 my $glob = "$mars/resource-$res/version-[0-9]*"; my @links = glob($glob); if(!@links) { @links = glob("$mars/resource-$res/version-[0-9]*-*"); die "no version information available\n" unless @links; print "assuming that I am primary for the first time\n"; return; } @links = sort(@links); foreach my $link (@links) { my $nr = $link; $nr =~ s:^.*[a-z]+-([0-9]+)(-[^/]*)?$:$1:; $nr = int($nr); next if ($sequence >= 0 && $nr > $sequence); my $fromhost = $link; $fromhost =~ s:^.*version-[0-9]*-(.*)$:$1:; my $version = readlink($link) or die "cannot read symlink '$link'\n"; my $otherhost = $version; $otherhost =~ s:^[^,]*,([^,]*),.*$:$1:; my $otherlink = sprintf("$mars/resource-$res/version-%09d-$otherhost", $nr); my $otherversion = readlink($otherlink) or die "cannot read symlink '$otherlink'\n"; # ignore foreign mismatches if($host) { next if $fromhost ne $host; } # by defintion, the originator of a logfile is always "right" next if $otherhost eq $fromhost; # final check die "splitbrain at sequence $nr detected\n" unless $version eq $otherversion; } } sub get_size { my $arg = shift; return -1 unless $arg =~ m/^[0-9.]+[kmgtp]?$/i; my $mod = $arg; $arg =~ s/[^0-9]+$//; $mod =~ s/^[0-9]+//; $_ = $mod; SWITCH: { /k/i and $arg *= 1024, last SWITCH; /m/i and $arg *= 1024 * 1024, last SWITCH; /g/i and $arg *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024, last SWITCH; /t/i and $arg *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, last SWITCH; /p/i and $arg *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, last SWITCH; } return $arg; } sub get_peers { my ($res) = @_; my @list = glob("$mars/resource-$res/connect-*"); return map { $_ =~ s:$mars/resource-$res/connect-::; $_ } @list; } ################################################################## # helpers sub _trigger { system("(echo 1 > /proc/sys/mars/trigger) >/dev/null 2>&1"); } sub _switch { my ($cmd, $res, $path, $on) = @_; my $src = $on ? "1" : "0"; my $old = readlink($path); if($old && $old eq $src) { print "${cmd} on resource $res is already activated\n" if $cmd; return; } my $tmp = $path; $tmp =~ s/\/([^\/]+)$/.tmp.$1/; symlink($src, $tmp) or die "cannot create switch symlink\n"; rename($tmp, $path) or die "cannot rename switch symlink\n"; print "successfully started ${cmd} on resource $res\n" if $cmd; } sub _writable { my ($path, $on) = @_; my $oldmode = (lstat $path)[2] & 0700; my $newmode = $on ? $oldmode | 0200 : $oldmode & ~0200; print "chmod '$path' $oldmode $newmode"; chmod($newmode, $path) == 1 or die "cannot chmod '$path'\n"; } sub _get_ip { chomp (my @info = `/sbin/ip addr show dev eth0`); foreach (@info) { m#\sinet\s(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)# && return $1; } return undef; } sub _fake_versionlink { my ($basedir, $prev, $primary) = @_; $prev =~ s/^log-([0-9]+)-.*$/$1/; $prev--; if($prev > 0) { my $prevversion = sprintf("$basedir/version-%09d-$primary", $prev); my $prevlink = readlink($prevversion); if (!$prevlink) { # try any one else $prevversion = sprintf("$basedir/version-%09d-*", $prev); my @test = glob($prevversion); $prevlink = shift @test; } if ($prevlink) { print "creating faked version symlink...\n"; my $myversion = sprintf("$basedir/version-%09d-$host", $prev); system("rm -f $myversion.tmp"); symlink($prevlink, "$myversion.tmp") or die "cannot create faked version symlink '$myversion'\n"; system("mv $myversion.tmp $myversion"); } else { warn "cannot read symlink '$prevversion' -- cannot create fake\n"; } } } sub _set_replaylink { my ($basedir, $replay, $primary) = @_; my $replaylink = "$basedir/replay-$host"; my $oldreplay = readlink($replaylink); # fake old version symlink when necessary if ($oldreplay) { my $oldbase = $oldreplay; my $base = $replay; $oldbase =~ s/^([^,]+).*/$1/; $base =~ s/^([^,]+).*/$1/; if ($base ne $oldbase) { _fake_versionlink($basedir, $oldreplay, $primary); } } # copy pervious version symlink _fake_versionlink($basedir, $replay, $primary); # create replay symlink symlink($replay, "$replaylink.tmp") or die "cannot create replay status\n"; system("mv $replaylink.tmp $replaylink"); } ################################################################## # commands sub ignore_cmd { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; print "ignoring command '$cmd' on resource '$res'\n"; exit(0); } sub senseless_cmd { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; print "command '$cmd' makes no sense with MARS (ignoring)\n"; exit(0); } sub forbidden_cmd { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; die "command '$cmd' cannot be used with MARS (it is impossible to carry out uniquely and could therefore lead to a disaster)\n"; } sub nyi_cmd { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; die "command '$cmd' is not yet implemented\n"; } sub is_module_loaded { open TEST, "lsmod | grep mars |"; my $res = ; close TEST; return $res; } sub _create_cluster { my ($cmd) = @_; system("mkdir $mars") unless -d $mars; system("mkdir $mars/ips") unless -d "$mars/ips"; system("mkdir $mars/userspace") unless -d "$mars/userspace"; system("mkdir $mars/defaults") unless -d "$mars/defaults"; system("mkdir $mars/defaults-$host") unless -d "$mars/defaults-$host"; system("mkdir $mars/todo-global") unless -d "$mars/todo-global"; symlink($ip, "$mars/ips/ip-$host"); symlink("1", "$mars/todo-global/deleted-$host"); } sub create_cluster { my ($cmd, $peer) = @_; die "cluster is already created\n" if !$force && -d "$mars/ips"; die "mars module is loaded, please unload first\n" if is_module_loaded(); _create_cluster(@_); } sub join_cluster { my ($cmd, $peer) = @_; if(glob("$mars/resource-*") or glob("$mars/ips/*")) { die "Sorry, some resources already exist!\nThis is dangerous!\nIf you are sure that no resource clash is possible, re-invoke this command with '--force' option\n" unless $force; } die "mars module is loaded, please unload first\n" if is_module_loaded(); print "joining cluster via rsync (peer='$peer')\n"; # check connection system("ssh $peer uname -a") == 0 or die "oops, no connection to $peer ...\n"; _create_cluster(@_); system("rsync --recursive --links -v $peer:$mars/ips/ $mars/ips/") == 0 or die "oops\n"; symlink($ip, "$mars/ips/ip-$host"); system("rsync --recursive --links -v $mars/ips/ $peer:$mars/ips/") == 0 or die "oops\n"; } sub leave_cluster { my ($cmd) = @_; my $check = "/mars/resource-*/*-$host"; die "I am member of some resources\n" if glob($check) && !$force; _create_delete("$mars/ips/$host"); } sub create_res { my ($cmd, $res, $dev, $appear) = @_; my $create = ($cmd eq "create-resource"); die "undefined device or size argument\n" unless $dev; $appear = $res if !$appear; check_id($appear) if $appear; if($create) { die "resource '$res' already exists\n" if -d "$mars/resource-$res"; print "creating new resource '$res'\n"; } else { die "resource '$res' has been already joined -- this is dangerous!\n" if -e "$mars/resource-$res/connect-$host"; print "joining to existing resource '$res'\n"; } my $size = get_size($dev); if($size > 0) { $dev = ""; } else { die "block device '$dev' does not exist\n" unless -b $dev; die "block device '$dev' must be an absolute path starting with '/'\n" unless $dev =~ m/^\//; use Fcntl 'SEEK_END'; open(TEST, "<$dev") or die "cannot open device for reading\n"; $size = sysseek(TEST, 0, SEEK_END); close(TEST); print "device size = $size bytes\n"; die "implausible size $size" unless $size > 0; } my $tmp = "$mars/.tmp.$res"; my $primary; my $replay; if($create) { _create_cluster(@_); system("rm -rf $tmp"); system("mkdir $tmp") == 0 or die "could not create resource '$res'\n"; symlink($size, "$tmp/size") or die "cannot create size indicator symlink\n"; } else { $tmp = "$mars/resource-$res"; die "resource '$res' does not exist\n" unless -d $tmp; $primary = readlink("$tmp/primary") or die "cannot determine primary\n"; if($primary eq "(none)") { my @list = glob("$tmp/replay-*") or die "cannot find any candidate for primary\n"; my $first = pop @list or die "bad glob list\n"; $primary = readlink($first) or die "cannot determine peer\n"; $primary =~ s/^log-[0-9]+-(.*),.*,.*$/$1/; print "using '$primary' as primary\n"; } die "resource '$res' is already joined\n" if -e "$tmp/data-$host"; die "my ip '$ip' is not registered -- please run 'join-cluster' first\n" unless -l "$mars/ips/ip-$host"; my $oldsize = readlink("$tmp/size") or die "cannot determine old size\n"; if($size < $oldsize) { print "adjusting size to $oldsize\n"; $size = $oldsize; } die "sizes differ: real size = $oldsize, but requested size = $size\n" unless $oldsize == $size; $replay = readlink("$tmp/replay-$primary") or die "cannot read replay status of primary '$primary'\n"; $replay =~ s/,[0-9]+,[0-9]+$/,0,0/; } my $file = "$tmp/data-$host"; if(!$dev) { print "creating sparse file '$file' with size $size\n"; open(OUT, ">$file") or die "could not open '$file'\n"; use Fcntl 'SEEK_SET'; sysseek(OUT, $size-1, SEEK_SET) == $size-1 or die "could not seek\n"; syswrite(OUT, '\0', 1) == 1 or die "cannot init sparse file\n"; close OUT; } else { print "using existing device '$dev'\n"; symlink($dev, $file) or die "cannot create device symlink\n"; } if($appear) { # TODO: check for uniqeness of $appear print "resource '$res' will appear as local device '/dev/mars/$appear'\n"; system("rm -f $tmp/device-$host"); symlink($appear, "$tmp/device-$host") or die "cannot create symlink for local device appearance\n"; } mkdir("$tmp/userspace") unless -d "$tmp/userspace"; mkdir("$tmp/defaults") unless -d "$tmp/defaults"; mkdir("$tmp/defaults-$host"); mkdir("$tmp/actual-$host"); my $todo = "$tmp/todo-$host"; mkdir($todo); symlink("1", "$todo/attach"); symlink("1", "$todo/connect"); symlink("1", "$todo/sync"); symlink("1", "$todo/allow-replay"); system("rm -f $tmp/syncstatus-$host"); if($create) { symlink($host, "$tmp/primary") or die "cannot create primary symlink\n"; symlink($size, "$tmp/syncstatus-$host") or die "cannot create primary syncstatus\n"; symlink("log-000000001-$host,0,0", "$tmp/replay-$host") or die "cannot create replay status\n"; system("touch $tmp/log-000000001-$host"); rename($tmp, "$mars/resource-$res") or die "cannot finalize resource '$res'\n"; print "successfully created resource '$res'\n"; } else { _set_replaylink($tmp, $replay, $primary); symlink("0", "$tmp/syncstatus-$host") or die "cannot start initial sync\n"; system("rm -f $tmp/connect-$host"); symlink($primary, "$tmp/connect-$host") or die "cannot create peer connect symlink\n"; symlink($host, "$tmp/connect-$primary") unless -l "$tmp/connect-$primary"; print "successfully joined resource '$res'\n"; } } sub leave_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; check_not_primary(@_); foreach my $tmp (glob("$mars/resource-$res/todo-$host/*")) { my $status = readlink($tmp); die "cannot read symlink '$tmp'\n" unless defined($status); die "switch '$tmp' is not off\n" if $status; } foreach my $tmp (glob("$mars/resource-$res/actual-$host/*")) { my $status = readlink($tmp); die "cannot read symlink '$tmp'\n" unless defined($status); die "running status '$tmp' is not off\n" if $status; } my $peerlink = "$mars/resource-$res/connect-$host"; my $peer = readlink($peerlink) or die "cannot read symlink '$peerlink'\n"; foreach my $tmp (glob("$mars/resource-$res/connect-*")) { next if $tmp eq $peerlink; my $target = readlink($tmp) or die "cannot read symlink '$tmp'\n"; next unless $target eq $host; print "changing '$tmp' from '$host' to '$peer'\n"; unlink("$tmp.new"); symlink($peer, "$tmp.new") or die "cannot create symlink '$tmp.new'\n"; rename("$tmp.new", $tmp) or die "cannot create symlink '$tmp'\n"; } unlink($peerlink); } sub logrotate_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; check_primary(@_); my @paths = glob("$mars/resource-$res/log-*-$host") or die "cannot find any logfiles\n"; @paths = sort(@paths); my $last = pop(@paths); if(-z $last) { print "an empty logfile '$last' already exists, nothing to do.\n"; return; } my $nr = $last; $nr =~ s/^.*log-([0-9]+)-.+$/$1/; my $next = sprintf("$mars/resource-$res/log-%09d-$host", $nr + 1); die "logfile '$next' already exists\n" if -e $next; system("touch $next"); } sub _allowed_logdelete { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $min = -1; my @paths = glob("$mars/resource-$res/replay-*") or die "cannot find any replay symlinks\n"; foreach my $path (@paths) { my $target = readlink($path) or die "cannot read symlink '$path'\n"; my $nr = $target; $nr =~ s/^log-([0-9]+)-.*$/$1/; $min = $nr if ($nr < $min || $min < 0); } print "max allowed deletable logfile number: $min\n"; return $min; } sub _create_delete { my ($target) = @_; my $nr = 0; my @paths = glob("$mars/todo-global/delete-*"); if(@paths) { my $last = pop(@paths); $nr = $last; $nr =~ s/^.*delete-([0-9]+)$/$1/; } my $new = sprintf("$mars/todo-global/delete-%09d", $nr + 1); print "create symlink $new -> $target\n"; symlink($target, $new); } sub logdelete_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my @paths = glob("$mars/resource-$res/log-*") or die "cannot find any logfiles\n"; @paths = sort(@paths); my $max = _allowed_logdelete(@_); my $nr = 0; for (;;) { my $first = shift(@paths); last unless $first; $nr = $first; $nr =~ s/^.*log-([0-9]+)-.+$/$1/; last unless $nr < $max; print "chosen '$first' for deletion\n"; _create_delete($first); } print "removing left-over version symlinks...\n"; foreach my $versionlink (glob("$mars/resource-$res/version-*")) { my $nrv = $versionlink; $nrv =~ s/^.*\/version-([0-9]+)-.+$/$1/; next unless $nrv < $nr - 1; _create_delete($versionlink); } } sub attach_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $detach = ($cmd eq "detach"); my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$host/attach"; _switch($cmd, $res, $path, !$detach); } sub connect_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $disconnect = ($cmd eq "disconnect"); my @paths = glob("$mars/resource-$res/todo-*/"); for my $path (@paths) { _switch($cmd, $res, "$path/connect", !$disconnect); } } sub connect_local_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $disconnect = ($cmd eq "disconnect-local"); my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$host/connect"; _switch($cmd, $res, $path, !$disconnect); } sub pause_sync_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $pause = ($cmd eq "pause-sync"); my @paths = glob("$mars/resource-$res/todo-*/"); for my $path (@paths) { _switch($cmd, $res, "$path/sync", !$pause); } } sub pause_sync_local_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $pause = ($cmd eq "pause-sync-local"); my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$host/sync"; _switch($cmd, $res, $path, !$pause); } sub pause_replay_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $pause = ($cmd eq "pause-replay"); my @paths = glob("$mars/resource-$res/todo-*/"); for my $path (@paths) { _switch($cmd, $res, "$path/allow-replay", !$pause); } } sub pause_replay_local_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $pause = ($cmd eq "pause-replay-local"); my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$host/allow-replay"; _switch($cmd, $res, $path, !$pause); } sub up_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $down = ($cmd eq "down"); if($down) { pause_replay_res("pause-replay", $res); pause_sync_res("pause-sync", $res); connect_res("disconnect", $res); attach_res("detach", $res); } else { attach_res("attach", $res); connect_res("connect", $res); pause_sync_res("resume-sync", $res); pause_replay_res("resume-replay", $res); } } sub fake_local_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$host/sync"; _switch($cmd, $res, $path, 0); #check_status($res, "copy-syncstatus-$host", 0); my $size = readlink("$mars/resource-$res/size") or die "cannot read size\n"; my $target = "$mars/resource-$res/syncstatus-$host"; symlink($size, "$target.tmp") or die "cannot create faked syncstatus\n"; rename("$target.tmp", $target) or die "cannot reaname symlink\n"; } sub _primary_res { my ($res, $host, $pri, $old) = @_; my $tmp = "$mars/resource-$res/.tmp.primary"; system("rm -f $tmp"); symlink($host, $tmp) or die "cannot create new primary symlink\n"; rename($tmp, $pri) or die "cannot install new primary symlink\n"; print "primary changed from '$old' to '$host'\n"; } sub primary_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $sec = ($cmd eq "secondary"); my $pri = "$mars/resource-$res/primary"; my $old = readlink($pri) or die "cannot determine current primary\n"; if($sec) { die "for safety reasons, switching to secondary is only allowed when I ($host) am primary\n" if($old ne $host); $host = "(none)"; } elsif($old eq $host) { print "I am already primary.\n"; exit(0); } elsif($force) { print "FORCING myself ($host) to primary...\n"; } else { # try to switch myself to primary print "trying to switch $host to primary...\n"; check_sync_finished($res, $host); check_todo($res, "connect", 1, 1); _primary_res($res, "(none)", $pri, $old) unless $old eq "(none)"; check_primary_gone($res); check_splitbrain($res, $host, -1); } _primary_res($res, $host, $pri, $old); } sub invalidate_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; check_not_primary(@_); my $old_replay = readlink("$mars/resource-$res/replay-$host") or die "cannot read my own replay status symlink\n"; $old_replay =~ s/^([^,]+),.*/$1/; my $repl = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$host/allow-replay"; my $was_on = readlink($repl); if ($was_on) { _switch("pause-replay-local", $res, $repl, 0); _trigger(); print "waiting...\n"; sleep(15); } my $dst = "$mars/resource-$res/syncstatus-$host"; system("rm -f $dst"); symlink("0", $dst) or die "cannot create invalidation symlink '$dst'\n"; my $primary = readlink("$mars/resource-$res/primary") or die "cannot determine primary\n"; my $replay = readlink("$mars/resource-$res/replay-$primary") or die "cannot read replay status of primary '$primary'\n"; $replay =~ s/,[0-9]+,[0-9]+$/,0,0/; _set_replaylink("$mars/resource-$res", $replay, $primary); if ($was_on) { _trigger(); print "waiting...\n"; sleep(15); _switch("resume-replay-local", $res, $repl, 1); } } sub resize_res { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; check_primary(@_); my @actsizes = glob("$mars/resource-$res/actsize-*"); die "resource $res has no actsize-* symlinks\n" unless @actsizes; my $lnk = "$mars/resource-$res/size"; my $old_size = readlink($lnk) or die "cannot read symlink '$lnk'\n"; my $min_size = 0; foreach my $actsize (@actsizes) { my $this_size = readlink($actsize) or die "cannot read symlink '$actsize'\n"; if (!$min_size || $this_size < $min_size) { $min_size = $this_size; } } print "old_size=$old_size\n"; print "new_size=$min_size\n"; die "only increases of the size are possible\n" if $min_size <= $old_size && !$force; foreach my $switch (glob("$mars/resource-$res/todo-*/sync")) { my $this_switch = readlink($switch); die "cannot read symlink '$switch'\n" unless defined($this_switch); die "sync on '$switch' is switched on -- use marsadm pause-sync to stop\n" unless !$this_switch; } my @syncsizes = glob("$mars/resource-$res/syncstatus-$host"); foreach my $syncsize (@syncsizes) { my $this_size = readlink($syncsize) or die "cannot read symlink '$syncsize'\n"; die "sync on $syncsize has not yet finished: $this_size != $old_size (DANGEROUS FIX: if you know what you are doing, marsadm fake-sync can 'fix' it -- but this may need a full-sync afterwards)\n" unless $this_size == $old_size; } foreach my $syncsize (@syncsizes) { my $this_size = readlink($syncsize) or die "cannot read symlink '$syncsize'\n"; unlink("$syncsize.new"); symlink($min_size, "$syncsize.new") or die "cannot create size symlink '$syncsize.new'\n"; rename("$syncsize.new", $syncsize) or die "cannot create size symlink '$syncsize'\n";; } unlink("$lnk.new"); symlink($min_size, "$lnk.new") or die "cannot create size symlink '$lnk.new'\n"; rename("$lnk.new", $lnk) or die "cannot create size symlink '$lnk'\n";; } sub role_cmd { my ($cmd, $res) = @_; my $pri = "$mars/resource-$res/primary"; my $old = readlink($pri) or die "cannot determine current primary\n"; if($old eq $host) { print "primary\n"; } else { print "secondary\n"; } } sub helplist { my $temp; $temp = shift; print "ERROR: $temp" if ($temp); print " marsadm [] [