#!/usr/bin/perl -w # (c) 2012 Joerg Mann / 1&1 Internet AG # # $Id: 3eb9888419079c49d2a5ac752eb49954a185e26e $ # last update at now ... # TODO: # check todo-global delete-logfiles # check nachtaegliches join (log-v-4 ...) # check resize # check delay # check monitoring -> redesign statuscodes ### use warnings; use strict; use English; use Getopt::Long; use Term::ANSIColor; use Date::Language; use POSIX qw(strftime); use File::Basename; ### defaults my $version = "0.069"; my $alife_timeout = "99"; # sec my $is_tty = 0; my $mars_dir = '/mars'; my $himself = `uname -n` or die "cannot determine my network node name\n"; my $clearscreen = `clear`; my $StatusCode = 'UpToDate'; my @StatusText = (); my $NodeStatusCode = 'UpToDate'; my @NodeStatusText = (); chomp $himself; ### ARGV # Optionen in Hash-Ref parsen my $params = {}; GetOptions( $params, 'help', 'h', 'version', 'v', 'monitor', 'role', 'cstate', 'dstate', 'resource=s', 'system', 'interval=i', 'history', 'debug' ); ### small help sub display_help { my $HelpText = shift; print "$HelpText\n\n" if ($HelpText); print "Usage: mars-status [--help]\n"; print "Usage: mars-status [--version]\n"; print "Usage: mars-status (without specification of parameters, an abstract of all the informations spent)\n"; print "Usage: mars-status [--resource ] [--interval ] [[--history] [--debug] [--system]]\n"; print "Usage: mars-status [--resource ] --monitor \n"; print "Usage: mars-status --resource [--role | --cstate | --dstate]\n"; print " --resource : limits the display to the specified resource\n"; print " --interval : refreshes the display every second xxx\n"; print " --history : shows information about the log files, version numbers and their status\n"; print " --system : display mars-system informations\n"; print " --monitor : indicator to use for monitoring on all state\n"; print " --role|--cstate|--dstate single state on lokal node\n"; print " --debug : additional display error messages and warnings to internal\n"; print "\nAdvanced information are also available here: http://http://wiki.intranet.1and1.com/bin/view/PO/woauchimmer\n"; exit; } if($params->{help} || $params->{h} ) { display_help; } # Farbe zuruecksetzen $SIG{INT} = sub { print color 'reset'; print $clearscreen; exit; }; ######################################################################################### ### figure out TTY my $tty = readlink '/dev/stdout'; while ( my $temp = readlink $tty ) { $tty = $temp; } if ( $tty =~ /^\/dev\/pts\// ) { $is_tty = 1; } elsif ( $tty =~ /^\/dev\/tty/ ) { $is_tty = 1; } ### subs sub check_link { my $dir = shift; my $result = readlink $dir; if ( !$result ) { return 0; } else { return $result; } } ### print color sub print_screen { my $Text = shift; my $Color = shift; my $Level = shift; ### default if ( !$params->{'monitor'} && !$Level ){ $Color = 'FAINT' if (!$Color); print color "$Color" if ( $is_tty ); print "$Text"; print color 'reset' if ( $is_tty ); ### monitor } elsif ( $params->{'monitor'} && $Level ) { if ( $params->{'role'} && $Level eq 'Rmonitor' ) { print "$Text\n"; exit; } elsif ( $params->{'dstate'} && $Level eq 'Dmonitor' ) { print "$Text\n"; exit; } elsif ( $params->{'cstate'} && $Level eq 'Cmonitor' ) { print "$Text\n"; exit; } elsif ( !$params->{'role'} && !$params->{'dstate'} && !$params->{'cstate'}) { print "$Text\n"; } } } ### read links sub convert_link { my $link = shift; $link = check_link "$link"; if (( !$link ) || ( $link eq 0 )) { print_screen "off", 'red'; } else { print_screen "on", 'green'; } return $link; } ### StatusCode sub monitoring { my $Code = shift; my $Text = shift; # UpToDate - eishokey # UpDateIng - worker # OutDate - replaying # InvaliDate - syncing # SwitchOff - SwitchOff # Failed - system, network, uae. # unknown - not joined $Code = "UpToDate" if ( $Code eq '' ); # global if ( $StatusCode ne 'UpToDate') { $StatusCode = $Code; } # local-node if ( $Code ne 'UpToDate' ) { $NodeStatusCode = $Code; } push @StatusText, $Text; push @NodeStatusText, $Text; } ######################################################################################### ### sub display resource-partner sub display_partner { my %p = @_; my $PRes = $p{ressource}; my $PName = $p{nodename}; my $PSize = $p{ressource_size}; my $ref_ResPartner = $p{res_partner}; my $ref_AULogfile = $p{res_AULogfile}; my $PStatus = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/primary"; my $PDevice = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/device-$PName"; my $Ljoined = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/device-$himself"; ### status if ( $PStatus eq $PName ) { print_screen "Primary",'blue'; print_screen "Primary [$PRes on $PName]",'', 'Rmonitor'; monitoring '', "joined"; } else { if ( $PDevice eq 0 ) { print_screen "not joined",'red'; print_screen "not joined\n",'', 'Rmonitor'; print_screen " -> Resource is not joined to this node\n", 'red'; monitoring "unknown", "not joined"; return; } else { print_screen "Secondary",'blue'; print_screen "Secondary [$PRes on $PName]",'', 'Rmonitor'; monitoring '', "joined"; } } ### alive my @PAlive = lstat("$mars_dir/alive-$PName"); if ( !$PAlive[9] ) { $PAlive[9]=0 }; my $PAlive = time()- $PAlive[9] - $alife_timeout; print_screen ", System", ''; if ( $PAlive > 1 ) { print_screen " unknown (last message before $PAlive sec) !!!\n", 'red'; monitoring 'Failed', "not alive" } else { print_screen " alive\n",'green'; monitoring '', "alive"; } ### device print_screen "\tDevices : Disk-Device ".check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/data-$PName"; print_screen ", used as Mars-Device /dev/mars/$PDevice"; my $ASize = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actsize-$PName"; if ( $PSize eq $ASize) { print_screen ", not resized"; } else { print_screen "\n\t\t---> HINT: resizing used ($PSize != $ASize)",'red'; } # check mountpint if ( $himself eq $PName ) { my $PUDevice = "/dev/mars/$PDevice"; if ( stat( $PUDevice) ) { open my $fh, '<', '/proc/mounts' or die $!; $PUDevice = ( grep { /^$PUDevice / } <$fh> )[0]; if ( $PUDevice ) { $PUDevice = ( split / /, $PUDevice )[1]; print_screen " and mountet as $PUDevice\n",'blue'; } else { print_screen "\n\t\t---> TODO: enable to mount\n",'green'; } } else { print_screen "\n\t\t---> HINT: unable to mount, Device is Secondary or mars is starting\n",'blue'; } } else { print_screen "\n"; } $$ref_ResPartner++; ### sync ### sync - status my $PSyncsize = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/syncstatus-$PName"; my $SStatus = sprintf("%.2f", ($PSyncsize / $PSize * 100)); print_screen (sprintf "\tSync : %s bytes (%.3fTB) synced = ", $PSyncsize, ( $PSyncsize/1024/1024/1024/1024)); ### sync - speed my $SSpeed = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/sync_rate"; $SSpeed = sprintf ("%.2f", $SSpeed / 1024 / 1024); if ( $SSpeed eq "0.00" ) { $SSpeed = "%"; } else { $SSpeed = "%, by $SSpeed mb/s"; } ### sync - results if ( $SStatus < 100) { print_screen "$SStatus$SSpeed\n"; print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Sync in progress = ($SStatus% < 100.00%)\n", 'red'; monitoring "InvaliDate", "not in sync ($SStatus%)"; } else { print_screen "$SStatus$SSpeed\n", 'green'; monitoring '', "synced"; } ### TODO: work by resize ... #print "\n$PSize\n$PSyncsize\n$PName"; ### logfile ### logfile - status my @PLogFile = split (',', check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/replay-$PName" ); my @PLogLink = split ("-", $PLogFile[0]); ### TODO: kein Logfile vorhanden ... my $PLogName = "$PLogLink[0]-$PLogLink[1]"; my $PLogSize = -s "$mars_dir/$PRes/$PLogFile[0]"; if ( !$PLogFile[1] ) { $PLogFile[1] = 0; $PLogFile[2] = 0; } $PLogSize = 0.0001 if (( !$PLogSize ) || ( $PLogSize eq 0 )); ### logfile - status my $LogSpeed = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/file_rate"; $LogSpeed = sprintf ("%.2f", $LogSpeed / 1024 / 1024); if ( $LogSpeed eq "0.00" ) { $LogSpeed = "" } else { $LogSpeed = ", Logfiles received with $LogSpeed mb/s"; } ### logfile - delaytime ### TODO: function buggy by mars links ... my $LogDelay = ""; my @LogDelayTime = split (',', check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/timestamp"); if (( $LogDelayTime[4] ) && ( $LogDelayTime[4] ne '0.000000000' )) { # if ( $LogDelayTime[4] ) { ### lstat my @LogDelayLink = lstat ("$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/timestamp"); $LogDelay = strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime( $LogDelayLink[9] - $LogDelayTime[4]) ); my $LogDelayMonitor = $LogDelay; $LogDelay = ", Delay $LogDelay - but not really sure ;)"; ### monitoring my ($h,$m,$s) = split /:/, $LogDelayMonitor; $LogDelayMonitor = (($h*3600) + ($m*60) + $s); if ( $LogDelayMonitor eq 0 ) { # 0 monitoring "UpToDate", "Delay $LogDelayMonitor sec"; } elsif ( $LogDelayMonitor < 60 ) { # unter 1 min monitoring "UpDateIng", "Delay $LogDelayMonitor sec"; } else { # rest monitoring "OutDate", "Delay $LogDelayMonitor sec"; } # my $A = strftime ("%H:%M:%S", gmtime($LogDelayTime[4]) ); # my $B = strftime ("%H:%M:%S", gmtime($LogDelayLink[9]) ); # print "*** $A / $B / $LogDelay / $LogDelayMonitor ***\n"; } ### logfile - results print_screen (sprintf "\tLogfile : %s bytes (%.3fGB) in %s active %s %s\n", $PLogSize, ( $PLogSize/1024/1024/1024 ), $PLogName, $LogSpeed, $LogDelay); if ( $Ljoined eq "0" || $PLogSize eq "0.0001" ) { print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfile empty = (Size: $PLogSize)\n", 'red'; } if ( ( $ref_AULogfile ) && !($PLogName eq $ref_AULogfile) ) { print_screen "\t\t---> HINT: Logfile Version not actual = ($PLogName ! $ref_AULogfile)\n", 'red'; } ### replay ... ### replay - status my $RStatus = sprintf("%.2f", ( $PLogFile[1] / $PLogSize * 100)); $RStatus = 0 if ( $Ljoined eq "0" || $PLogSize eq "1" ); $RStatus = 99.99 if (( $PLogFile[1] ne $PLogSize ) && ( $RStatus eq "100.00" )); print_screen sprintf ("\tReplayed: %s bytes (%.3fGB) now replayed, Todo %d (%.3fGB) = ", $PLogFile[1], ( $PLogFile[1]/1024/1024/1024 ), $PLogFile[2], ( $PLogFile[2]/1024/1024/1024 )); ### replay - speed my $RSpeed = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/replay_rate"; $RSpeed = sprintf ("%.2f", $RSpeed / 1024 / 1024); if ( $RSpeed eq "0.00" ) { $RSpeed = "%"; } else { $RSpeed = "%, by $RSpeed mb/s"; } ### replay - results if (( $RStatus < 1 ) && ( $PLogSize != 0.0001 )) { print_screen "$RStatus$RSpeed\n"; print_screen "\t\t---> HINT: Replay not started, Logfile inactive = (Size: $PLogSize)\n", 'red'; monitoring "OutDate", "replay stopped"; } elsif (( $RStatus < 100 ) && ( $PLogSize != 0.0001 )) { print_screen "$RStatus$RSpeed\n"; print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Replay in progress = ($RStatus% < 100.00%)\n", 'red'; monitoring "UpDateIng", "replay running1"; } elsif ( $PLogFile[2] > 0 ) { $RStatus = sprintf("%.2f", ($PLogFile[1]-$PLogFile[2])/$PLogFile[1] * 100); print_screen "$RStatus$RSpeed\n", 'red'; monitoring "UpDateIng", "replay running2"; } elsif ( $PLogSize = 0.0001 ) { $RStatus = "100.00"; print_screen "$RStatus$RSpeed\n", 'green'; monitoring '', "replay wait"; } else { print_screen "$RStatus% $RSpeed\n", 'green'; monitoring '', "replaying"; } ### actual my $ActStatus = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/is-primary"; if ( $ActStatus eq 1 ) { print_screen "\tActual : Status=Primary, used Device="; convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/device-$PDevice"; print_screen "\n"; } else { print_screen "\tActual : Status=Secondary, Syncstatus="; convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/copy-syncstatus-$PName"; print_screen ", Logfileupdate="; convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/logfile-update"; print_screen "\n"; } ### switches my $SWStatus; print_screen "\tSwitches: Attach="; if ( readlink "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/attach" eq 1 ) { print_screen "on", 'green'; monitoring '', "attached"; } else { print_screen "off", 'red'; monitoring "SwitchOff", "attach off"; } print_screen " [masked:" if ( $ActStatus eq 1 ); print_screen " Connect="; if ( readlink "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/connect" eq 1 ) { print_screen "on", 'green'; monitoring '', "connected"; } else { print_screen "off", 'red'; monitoring "SwitchOff", "connect off"; } print_screen " Sync="; if ( readlink "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/sync" eq 1 ) { print_screen "on", 'green'; monitoring '', "synced"; } else { print_screen "off", 'red'; monitoring "SwitchOff", "sync off"; } print_screen " AllowReplay=" ; if ( readlink "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/allow-replay" eq 1 ) { print_screen "on", 'green'; monitoring '', "replayed"; } else { print_screen "off", 'red'; monitoring "SwitchOff", "replay off"; } print_screen "]" if ( $ActStatus eq 1 ); print_screen "\n"; ### node status print_screen "\tStatus : $NodeStatusCode = ", ''; my $NodeStatusText = ''; foreach (@NodeStatusText) { $NodeStatusText = "$NodeStatusText($_)"; } print_screen "$NodeStatusText\n", ''; print_screen "$NodeStatusCode [$NodeStatusText]", '', 'Dmonitor'; if ( $NodeStatusCode eq 'SwitchOff' ) { print_screen "Disconnect [$PRes on $PName]", '', 'Cmonitor'; } else { print_screen "Connect [$PRes on $PName]", '', 'Cmonitor'; } $NodeStatusCode = 'UpToDate'; @NodeStatusText = (); return $PLogName; } ######################################################################################### ### check ressources sub check_ressource { opendir my $dirhandle, $mars_dir or die "Cannot open $mars_dir: $!"; my @resources = grep { /^res/ && -d "$mars_dir/$_" } readdir $dirhandle; if ( !@resources ) { print_screen "---> HINT: no resources found\n", 'red'; next; } foreach my $res (@resources) { my $ResPartner = 0; my $res_name = $res; $res_name =~ s/^resource-//; if ( $params->{'resource'} ) { if (!( $params->{'resource'} eq $res_name)) { next; } } my $res_size = check_link "$mars_dir/$res/size"; if ( $res_size eq 0 ) { $res_size = 1 }; my $res_tbsize = ( $res_size) / 1024 / 1024 /1024 / 1024; my $res_master = check_link "$mars_dir/$res/primary"; if ( $res_master eq 0 ) { $res_master = "unknown" }; #print_screen sprintf("-> check resource %s, with %d bytes (%.3fTB), Primary Node is %s\n", $res_name, $res_size, $res_tbsize, $res_master), 'bold'; print_screen sprintf("-> check resource %s, with %.3fTB, Primary Node is %s\n", $res_name, $res_tbsize, $res_master), 'bold'; ### him self print_screen " -> local Node ($himself) as ",'bold'; my $ActualUsedLogfile = display_partner( ressource => $res, nodename => $himself, ressource_size => $res_size, res_partner => \$ResPartner, res_AULogfile => "", ); # end him self ### joined (und nicht monitor)... if (( $ResPartner eq 1 ) && ( !$params->{'monitor'} )) { ### partners opendir my $server_dh, "$mars_dir/$res" or die "Cannot open $mars_dir/$res: $!"; my @servers = grep { /^data/ && readlink "$mars_dir/$res/$_" } readdir $server_dh; @servers = sort (@servers); foreach my $partner (@servers) { $partner =~ s/^data-//; if ( $partner eq $himself ) { next; } print_screen " -> remote Node ($partner) as ", 'bold'; display_partner( ressource => $res, nodename => $partner, ressource_size => $res_size, res_partner => \$ResPartner, res_AULogfile => $ActualUsedLogfile, ); } } # end joined ### modus if ( $ResPartner eq 0 ) { print_screen " -> modus for $res_name is remote ($ResPartner nodes)\n",'bold'; } elsif ( $ResPartner eq 1 ) { print_screen " -> modus for $res_name is standalone ($ResPartner node)\n",'bold'; } else { print_screen " -> modus for $res_name is clustered ($ResPartner nodes)\n ",'bold'; } ### resources history if ( $params->{'history'} ) { check_logfile( $res, $ResPartner ); } } # end foreach } ######################################################################################### ### sub check_logfile { my $LResource = shift; my $LPartner = shift; my $oldEqual = 0; my $LogCount = 0; my $LogCountSum = 0; my $LogCountNow = 1; my $LogFailed = 0; print_screen " -> History Replay/Status\n",'blue'; my @logfile = <$mars_dir/$LResource/log*>; ### mal fix zaehlen ... foreach (@logfile) { $LogCountSum++; } foreach my $logfile (@logfile) { my $LVersion = $logfile; $LVersion =~ s/^.*log-([0-9]+)-.*$/$1/; my $LogStatus = check_link "$logfile"; my $allEqual = 1; if ( $LogStatus eq 0 ) { ### found logfile my $OldCheck; my $OldSize; my $LogSize = -s "$logfile"; if ( !$LogSize ) { $LogSize=0; } print_screen "\tLogfile Version: $LVersion - Size: $LogSize\n"; ### check other ... my @LVersion = <$mars_dir/$LResource/version-$LVersion*>; foreach my $LVersion (@LVersion) { my @LogDetail = split (',', check_link "$LVersion" ); my $LogServer = $LVersion; $LogServer =~ s/.*[0-9]-//; $LogCount++; print_screen "\t\tSource: $LogServer, Check: $LogDetail[0], ReplayPosition: $LogDetail[2], Todo: $LogDetail[3] blocks\n"; # Initial Values if ( !defined $OldCheck ) { # new $OldCheck = $LogDetail[0]; $OldSize = $LogDetail[2]; $allEqual = 1; } elsif (!(( $LogDetail[0] eq $OldCheck ) and ( $LogDetail[2] eq $OldSize ))) { # not same $allEqual = 0; if ( !($LogDetail[0] eq $OldCheck) && ($LogDetail[2] eq $OldSize) ) { print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Logfiles has not equal Checksums and same size, check for SPLIT-BRAIN\n",'red'; $LogFailed = 1; } elsif ( $LogFailed eq 0 ) { $LogFailed = 1; } } else { # same $allEqual = 1; } # check bad values if ( $LogDetail[3] < 0 ) { print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Found bad values = ($LogDetail[3])it's ok ???\n", 'red'; $LogFailed = 1; } } # end foreach if ( $allEqual eq 1 ) { $oldEqual = 1; } else { $oldEqual = 0; } ### check Count Logfiles if ( !($LogCount eq $LPartner) ) { print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Count of Logfiles different = (have:$LPartner found:$LogCount)\n", 'red'; $LogFailed = 1; $oldEqual = 0; } elsif ( $LogFailed eq 1 ) { print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles has not equal Checksums and different size, Replay in progress ...\n", 'red'; } elsif (( $LogCountSum eq $LogCountNow ) && ( $LogFailed eq 0 )) { print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: logfiles are actual and unused.\n",'green'; } elsif (( $oldEqual eq 1 ) && ( $LogFailed eq 0 ) && ( $OldSize eq 0 )) { print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles are actual and unused.\n",'green'; } elsif (( $oldEqual eq 1 ) && ( $LogFailed eq 0 )) { print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles has all equal Sizes and Checksums, can be deleted ...\n",'green'; } elsif (( $oldEqual eq 1 ) && ( $LogFailed ne 0 )) { print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Logfiles has same other errors - Please check History of Logfiles\n",'red'; } ### check delete infos $logfile =~ m|/log-(.*)$|; my $DelLogfile = "log-$1"; my @DeleteFiles = <$mars_dir/todo-global/delete-*>; foreach my $DeleteFiles (@DeleteFiles) { if (( !$DeleteFiles ) || ( !(readlink $DeleteFiles) )) { $DeleteFiles = "n/a"; } else { $DeleteFiles = basename (readlink $DeleteFiles); } if ( $DeleteFiles eq $DelLogfile ) { print_screen "\t\t---> HINT: LogFile ist marked for delete ($DeleteFiles).\n",'green'; } } $LogCount=0; } # end logstatus $LogCountNow++; } # end foreach } ######################################################################################### ### diskfull sub check_disk_is_full { my @diskfull = glob("$mars_dir/rest-space-*"); my $diskfull_mars = ""; print_screen "-> Diskspace on Cluster:", 'bold'; if ( @diskfull ) { foreach ( @diskfull ) { my $diskfull_space = check_link "$_"; my $diskfull_system = $_; $diskfull_system =~ s!/mars/rest-space-!!; if ( $diskfull_space < 1 ) { $diskfull_space = sprintf ("%.2f", $diskfull_space / 1024 ); if ( $diskfull_system eq $himself ) { print_screen "\n\t-> TODO: Local Partition $mars_dir full ($diskfull_space kb Limit) !!! mars is stopping !!!\n\n", "red"; $diskfull_mars = "$diskfull_mars,$diskfull_system"; monitoring 'Failed', 'System: Mars-Disk full, MARS stopping'; } else { print_screen "\n\t-> TODO: Remotesystem $diskfull_system have mars-disk full ($diskfull_space kb Limit) !!!\n\n", "red"; $diskfull_mars = "$diskfull_mars,$diskfull_system"; monitoring 'Failed', 'System: Remote-Mars-Disk full'; } } } } ### TODO: /0 if ( !$diskfull_mars ) { print_screen " ok\n", 'green'; } } ######################################################################################### ### check /proc/sys/mars/warnings sub check_mars_warn { if ( open (MARS_WARN, "< /mars/2.warn.status") ) { my $mars_warn = ""; while ( ) { if ( m/^(\d+\.\d+)/ ) { s/^(\d+\.\d+)/strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y:", localtime($1))/e; } else { $_ = localtime(0) . ': ' . $_; } s/MARS_WARN\s+//; $mars_warn = "$mars_warn\t$_"; } close MARS_WARN; if ( $mars_warn ne "" ) { print_screen "-> MARS WARNINGS:\n", 'red'; print_screen "$mars_warn" } } } ######################################################################################### ### check /proc/sys/mars/errors sub check_mars_error { if ( open (MARS_ERROR, "< /mars/3.error.status") ) { my $mars_error = ""; while ( ) { if ( m/^(\d+\.\d+)/ ) { s/^(\d+\.\d+)/strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y:", localtime($1))/e; } else { $_ = localtime(0) . ': ' . $_; } s/MARS_ERROR\s+//; $mars_error = "$mars_error\t$_"; } close MARS_ERROR; if ( $mars_error ne "" ) { print_screen "-> MARS ERRORS:\n", 'red'; print_screen "$mars_error" } } } ######################################################################################### ### info version sub info_version { ### module my %mars_info; open ( my $lsmod_handle,'-|','lsmod | grep mars' ) || die "blub ... $!"; if (!<$lsmod_handle>) { print_screen "Module Mars not running\n",'red'; sleep(10); next; } open ( my $modinfo_handle, '-|', 'modinfo mars' ) || die "cannot run modinfo mars: $!"; while ( my $line = <$modinfo_handle> ) { chomp $line; my ( $key, $value) = split /: +/, $line; if ( $value) { $mars_info{$key} = $value; } } if ( $mars_info{author} eq "") { print_screen "Module Mars not running\n",'red'; next; } ### status print_screen "MARS Status - $himself, $version",'blue'; if ( $params->{'resource'} ) { print_screen ", Ressource: $params->{'resource'}",'blue'; } print_screen "\n"; ### marsadm my $MAVersion = qx"marsadm version"; print_screen "MARS Admin - $MAVersion",'blue'; ### module print_screen "MARS Module - $mars_info{version}\n",'blue'; ### kernel my $KVersion = '/proc/version'; open my $Kfh, '<', "$KVersion" or die $!; $KVersion = ( grep { /^Linux/ } <$Kfh> )[0]; $KVersion = ( split / /, $KVersion )[2]; print_screen "MARS Kernel - $KVersion\n",'blue'; print_screen "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } ######################################################################################### ### avg_limit sub check_jammed { my $jammed = check_link "$mars_dir/jammed-$himself"; print_screen "-> Mars-Transaktion ", 'bold'; if (( !$jammed ) || ( $jammed ne 0 )) { print_screen "running normaly\n", 'green'; } else { print_screen "and Replication not runnunig !!!\n", 'red'; monitoring 'Failed', 'System: Replikation not running'; } } ######################################################################################### ### limit's auslesen ... sub check_limit { ### soll my $LimitSollVar = shift; my $LimitSollTxt = shift; my $LimitSollEin = shift; my $mars_limit_soll; if ( open (MARS_LIMIT, "< /proc/sys/mars/$LimitSollVar") ) { while () { $mars_limit_soll = $_; $mars_limit_soll =~ s/[\n\t]//g; } close MARS_LIMIT; } ### ist my $LimitIstVar = shift; my $LimitIstEin = shift; my $mars_limit_ist = 0; if ( $LimitIstVar ) { if ( $LimitIstVar eq "unset" ) { $mars_limit_ist = $LimitIstEin; $LimitIstEin = "mb"; } else { if ( open (MARS_LIMIT, "< /proc/sys/mars/$LimitIstVar") ) { while () { $mars_limit_ist = $_; $mars_limit_ist =~ s/[\n\t]//g; } close MARS_LIMIT; } } } ### presently results print_screen "-> $LimitSollTxt: ", 'bold'; ### unset if (( !$mars_limit_soll ) || ( $mars_limit_soll < "1" )) { if ( ( $LimitIstEin ) && (( $mars_limit_ist ) || ( ! $mars_limit_ist eq 0 ))) { print_screen "is unset, used full speed, current $mars_limit_ist $LimitIstEin\n", ''; } else { print_screen "is unset, used full speed\n", ''; } } else { if ( ( $LimitIstEin ) && (( $mars_limit_ist ) || ( ! $mars_limit_ist eq 0 ))) { print_screen "is set to $mars_limit_soll $LimitSollEin, current $mars_limit_ist $LimitIstEin\n", 'red'; } else { print_screen "is set to $mars_limit_soll $LimitSollEin\n", 'red'; } } } ######################################################################################### ### main loop ... while(1) { my $dateFormat = Date::Language->new('English'); ### version only if ( $params->{version} || $params->{v}) { info_version; exit 0; } ######################################################################################### ### main run print $clearscreen; print "\nNOTE !!!\n********\nThe author does not guarantee this development-test-alpha-pre-beta-version, it is untested and certainly not fully functional. Use at your own risk ;)\n\n"; ### check and set monitoring default's if ( $params->{'monitor'} || $params->{'cstate'} || $params->{'dstate'} || $params->{'role'} ) { $params->{'system'} = 1; $params->{'history'} = 1; $params->{'debug'} = 0; $params->{'monitor'} = 1; } if (( $params->{'cstate'} || $params->{'dstate'} || $params->{'role'} ) && ( !$params->{'resource'})) { display_help "Syntax-Error: Option resource is missing by --cstate / --dstate / --role!"; } ### read mars infos # read mars info info_version; if ( $params->{'system'} ) { # check system limits check_limit "loadavg_limit", "AVG-Limit", ""; check_limit "network_traffic_limit_kb", "Network-Traffic-Limit", "kb/s", "network_traffic_rate_kb", "kb/s"; check_limit "percent_mem_limit_kb", "Memory-Limit", "%", "mem_used_kb", "kb" ; check_limit "server_io_limit_mb", "Server-IO-Limit", "mb/s", "server_io_rate_mb", "mb/s"; my $mars_disk_space = `df '$mars_dir' | grep '$mars_dir'| awk '{print \$2}'`; $mars_disk_space = sprintf("%01.2f", $mars_disk_space / 1024); check_limit "free_space_mb", "Free-Space-Limit on /mars", "mb", "unset", "$mars_disk_space"; check_limit "logdel_auto_gb", "Free-Space-Limit for Auto-Log-Delete", 'gb'; check_limit "logrot_auto_gb", "Free-Space-Limit for Auto-Log-Rotate", 'gb'; # check system params check_jammed; check_disk_is_full; } ### check resources check_ressource; ### debug output if ( $params->{'debug'} ){ check_mars_warn; check_mars_error; } ### end, exit for monitor if ( $params->{'monitor'} ) { if (( $StatusCode eq 'InvaliDate' || $StatusCode eq 'Failed' || $StatusCode eq 'OutDate' || $StatusCode eq 'SwitchOff' )) { exit 1; } else { exit 0; } } ### end, next loop print color 'reset'; exit if (not $params->{'interval'}); sleep($params->{'interval'}); } exit;