.TH marsadm 8 "April 10, 2012" "" "Mars Admin" .SH NAME marsadm \- program for management of mars resources .SH SYNOPSIS .B "marsadm \-? \-h \-help" .br .B "marsadm \-v \-\-version " .br .B "marsadm command ressource [option]" .br .br (See the COMMAND section for alternate option syntax with long option names.) .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page explains the .B marsadm program. This program is for management of mars cluster, resources, logfiles and informations. .SH COMMANDS .SS "Generic Program Information" .TP .B \-h ", " \-\^\-help Print a usage message briefly summarizing these command-line options and the bug-reporting address, then exit. .TP .BR \-V ", " \-\^\-version Print the version number of .B marsadm This version number should be included in all bug reports (see below). .SS "Cluster Selection" .TP .BR create-cluster ", " join-cluster Information for this command are not currently on disposal. .TP .BR create-resource ", " join-resource Information for this command are not currently on disposal. .SS "Logfile Selection" .TP .BR log-rotate This command can rotate the logfiles to the next version. Note that this command affects all systems, the resource in the cluster are connected. .TP .BR log-delete ", " log-delete-all With this command, the next unneeded logfile is deleted, respectively unneeded logfiles are deleted. Note that this command affects all systems, the resource in the cluster are connected. .SS "Device Selection" .TP .BR attach ", " detach Information for this command are not currently on disposal. .TP .BR connect ", " disconnect ", " connect-local ", " disconnect-local Information for this command are not currently on disposal. .TP .BR up ", " down Information for this command are not currently on disposal. .SS "Resources Selection" .TP .BR primary ", " secondary Information for this command are not currently on disposal. .TP .BR invalidate-remote Information for this command are not currently on disposal. .SS "Sync Selection" .TP .BR pause-sync ", " pause-sync-local Stop the Sync-Process respectively only of the local system. .TP .BR resume-sync ", " resume-sync-local Start the Sync-Process respectively only of the local system. .TP .BR fake-sync Information for this command are not currently on disposal. .SS "Replay Selection" .TP .BR pause-replay ", " pause-replay-local Stop the Replay-Process respectively only of the local system. .TP .BR resume-replay ", " resume-replay-local Start the Replay-Process respectively only of the local system. .SH RESSOURCE .TP .B resource = name of resource or [all] for all resources... .SH OPTION .B .IP option = special by command .SH NOTES Advanced information are also available here: http://http://wiki.intranet.1and1.com/bin/view/PO/ProjektTEC1603. .SH BUGS Problems and errors in the program are not known ;)